Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for April 5, 2024

Enjoy the fast challenge activity with the Newsday Crossword. Crack the puzzle Clue Answer for April 5, 2024, and have a quick cognitive exercise!

by J Nandhini | Updated Apr 05, 2024

Puzzle-playing is an amazing way to challenge yourself and have fun. The Newsday Crossword is a quick task puzzle that expert solvers can solve in just 2 minutes, and this puzzle assists players to have knowledge and fun in a short time. This puzzle is designed with grid line boxes and simple clues that help you to find the correct answer. If Solvers couldn't crack the correct answer? Look for the answers in the following section!

Amuse highly

Answer: SLAY

"Amuse highly" suggests a word that means to entertain or delight to a great extent. The answer "SLAY" fits this description because it means to impress or greatly entertain someone, often used in the context of a performance or activity. In modern slang, "slay" is commonly used to denote someone performing exceptionally well or looking fabulous.

Tourney passes

Answer: BYES

"Tourney passes" implies a term related to tournaments or competitions where participants may receive certain privileges or exemptions. In this context, "BYES" fits as the answer, referring to passes granted to participants in a tournament who advance to the next round without playing a match, usually due to an uneven number of contestants or as a reward for previous performance.

First installment

Answer: PARTI

"First installment" suggests the initial part or segment of something, particularly a series or sequence. The answer "PARTI" corresponds to this clue, as it represents the first part or installment of a series or a story

Extreme __ (action sport with sticks)

Answer: POGO

The clue indicates an action sport involving sticks, where participants likely engage in extreme or adventurous activities. "POGO" completes the phrase as "Extreme Pogo," referring to the sport of extreme pogo sticking, where participants perform high-flying stunts and tricks using specially designed sticks or pogo sticks.


Answer: AIDE

A "deputy" is someone who acts as a substitute or assistant to a superior or official. In this context, "AIDE" is the appropriate answer as it refers to a person who assists another in their duties or responsibilities, often used interchangeably with "deputy" in various contexts.

“Is that my cue?”

Answer: AMION

The phrase "Is that my cue?" typically indicates someone asking if it's their turn to perform or act in a certain situation, often in a theatrical context. "AMION" can be interpreted as "Am I on?" which fits the question, suggesting someone asking if it's their moment to take action or speak.

Org. co-founded by Helen Keller

Answer: ACLU

Helen Keller, the renowned advocate for the deaf and blind, was a co-founder of the "ACLU," which stands for the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is a prominent organization dedicated to defending and preserving individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Dreamcast game console maker

Answer: SEGA

The Dreamcast was a gaming console released by the company "SEGA." Therefore, "SEGA" is the correct answer as it refers to the manufacturer of the Dreamcast console.

Animated characters

Answer: TOONS

"TOONS" is the suitable answer as it commonly refers to animated characters, particularly in the context of cartoons or animated films. The term "toons" is often used informally to describe characters in animated media.



The phrase "__ DID IT" suggests someone being accused or implicated in a certain action or event. "THEBUTLER" fits this clue, referencing the common plot device in mystery novels and films where the butler is often suspected of committing a crime. This phrase is famously associated with the closing line of the Agatha Christie novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd," where the butler is revealed to be the culprit.

How ballerinas dance

Answer: ONTOE

Ballerinas often dance "ONTOE," meaning they perform ballet movements while balancing on the tips of their toes. This is a defining characteristic of classical ballet technique, requiring strength, balance, and precision.



To be "articulated" means to express oneself clearly or effectively, usually through speech. "UTTERED" is the appropriate answer as it specifically refers to the act of speaking or expressing something verbally.

Small bar glass

Answer: JIGGER

In bar terminology, a "JIGGER" is a small measuring device used to pour precise amounts of alcohol into drinks. It typically consists of two cones of different sizes on either end, allowing for different measurements depending on which end is used


Answer: BESTS

"Tops" suggests the highest or best among a group. "BESTS" fits this description as it refers to surpassing or outperforming others, thus being at the top or the best.

Medical care options

Answer: HMOS

"Medical care options" refers to different types of healthcare plans or systems. "HMOS" is the answer as it stands for Health Maintenance Organizations, which are a type of managed care health insurance plan that provides medical services through a network of healthcare providers for a fixed periodic fee.

Medical specialty

Answer: ENT

A "medical specialty" is a specific field or area of expertise within the practice of medicine. "ENT" stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat, which is a medical specialty focusing on disorders and conditions related to the ears, nose, and throat, also known as otolaryngology.

Great care


Great care" implies being cautious or taking careful measures to ensure safety or success. "CAUTION" is the appropriate answer as it denotes carefulness or prudence in actions or decisions.

X-ray measures

Answer: RADS

"X-ray measures" refers to units used to quantify exposure to radiation, typically in the context of medical imaging. "RADS" is the answer, short for "rads," which stands for Radiation Absorbed Dose, a unit of measurement for the amount of radiation energy absorbed by a material.



This phrase typically indicates someone being accused or identified as the perpetrator of a certain action or event. "THEBUTLER" fits this clue, as it references the common plot device in mystery stories where the butler is often suspected or implicated in a crime.

Shade similar to cyan

Answer: AQUA

The clue suggests a color that resembles cyan, which is a greenish-blue hue. "AQUA" fits this description as it is a shade of blue-green that closely resembles cyan.

Flies from Africa


"TSETSES" is the appropriate answer, referring to the Tsetse fly. Tsetse flies are large biting flies found in Africa, known for transmitting diseases such as sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in livestock.

Meet the Press reporter

Answer: TUR

TUR" likely refers to Chuck Todd, who is a prominent journalist and the current moderator of "Meet the Press," a long-running American television news/interview program. The clue suggests the abbreviation of his last name.

Raise (up)

Answer: HIKE

"HIKE" is the correct answer, as it means to raise or increase something, particularly in terms of prices, rates, or levels. In this context, "up" is an additional clue indicating the direction of the raise.

Spin-off groups

Answer: SECTS

"Spin-off groups" refers to factions or splinter groups that have separated from a larger organization or movement. "SECTS" fits this description as it denotes smaller religious or ideological groups that have broken away from a larger religious denomination or organization.

Silvery strands

Answer: TINSEL

"TINSEL" is the correct answer, as it refers to shiny, metallic strands often used as decorative elements, especially during festive seasons like Christmas. Tinsel is commonly silver or gold in color.

Hardly any


NOTALOT" is the answer, indicating a small or negligible amount. The phrase "not a lot" is colloquially expressed as "notalot" to emphasize the minimal quantity or degree.

Ward off

Answer: REPEL

REPEL" is the suitable answer, as it means to drive away or keep something away by creating a barrier or exerting force against it. In this context, "ward off" implies taking action to prevent or deter something undesirable.



This phrase typically indicates someone being accused or identified as the perpetrator of a certain action or event. "THEBUTLER" fits this clue, as it references the common plot device in mystery stories where the butler is often suspected or implicated in a crime.


Answer: ATALL

ATALL" is the appropriate answer, as it means "at all" and is used to emphasize the absence of something or the lack of any degree of a particular quality.

Of no consequence

Answer: MERE

Of no consequence" suggests something insignificant or unimportant. "MERE" fits this description as it means "only" or "nothing more than," indicating a lack of significance or importance.



To be "articulated" means to express oneself clearly or effectively, usually through speech. "UTTERED" is the appropriate answer as it specifically refers to the act of speaking or expressing something verbally.

Ma’s expertise

Answer: CELLO

Ma's expertise" indicates the area in which Ma excels or specializes. "CELLO" is the answer, referring to the musical instrument, the cello. Maestro Yo-Yo Ma is a renowned cellist, known for his exceptional skill and expertise in playing the cello.


Answer: UNDO

Disentangle" means to free or extricate something from entanglement or complexity. "UNDO" fits this description as it means to reverse or undo a previous action, often used metaphorically to disentangle a situation or problem.

Register a choice

Answer: VOTE

"Register a choice" suggests the action of formally expressing one's preference, typically in a voting context. "VOTE" is the correct answer as it means to officially cast a ballot or express a decision in favor of a particular option

Hair sample

Answer: TRESS

A "TRESS" is a lock or strand of hair, often used as a sample for various purposes such as testing, styling, or analysis. In this context, "hair sample" refers to a tress of hair.

Get smart with

Answer: SASS

SASS" is the appropriate answer, as it means to talk impudently or disrespectfully to someone, often in a cheeky or insolent manner. "Get smart with" implies responding in a sassy or impertinent way


Answer: EXED

"EXED" is the answer, derived from the word "ex," which means out or away. In the context of a crossword puzzle, "deleted" indicates that a word or portion of a word has been removed, and "exed" signifies its deletion


Answer: SPATUB

SPATUB" is the answer, combining "spa" with "tub." A Jacuzzi is a brand of hot tub or whirlpool bath, often used for relaxation and hydrotherapy. "Spa tub" is another term commonly used to describe such a device.

Twelve-time Olympic medalist Ryan

Answer: LOCHTE

"LOCHTE" is the surname of Ryan Lochte, an American competitive swimmer who has won twelve Olympic medals throughout his career. The clue provides contextual information about Lochte's achievement as a highly decorated Olympic athlete.

Lace tips

Answer: AGLETS

AGLETS" are small plastic or metal tubes used to secure the ends of shoelaces, preventing them from fraying and making it easier to thread through eyelets. The clue directly refers to these specific components of shoelaces

“Without a doubt!”


"YOUBETCHA" is an informal expression used to emphatically agree with or confirm something, similar to saying "absolutely" or "definitely." The clue provides the phrase itself as the answer, indicating a confident affirmation.

Denounce vigorously

Answer: BASTE

"BASTE" is the appropriate answer, as it means to criticize or rebuke someone strongly and forcefully. The clue suggests a strong and vigorous denunciation of someone's actions or behavior.

Recipe results

Answer: YIELD

"Recipe results" refers to the outcome or product of following a recipe, often measured in terms of quantity or servings. "YIELD" fits this description as it denotes the amount of food or dishes produced from a particular recipe.

Crunchy area of a brownie

Answer: EDGE

The "EDGE" of a brownie refers to the outer perimeter or boundary where the texture is typically more crispy or crunchy compared to the softer interior. This clue directly describes a specific part of a brownie.


Answer: SEAR

"SEAR" is the appropriate answer, as it means to burn or char the surface of something, usually by applying intense heat. In cooking, searing is a technique used to quickly brown the surface of meat or vegetables, sealing in juices and enhancing flavor.

Regional dialect

Answer: PATOIS

"PATOIS" refers to a regional or local dialect, particularly one that is nonstandard or distinct from the standard language. The clue describes a specific type of speech associated with a particular region or community.

Included in

Answer: AMONG

"AMONG" is the appropriate answer, indicating being included within a group or set of things. The clue suggests being part of a larger collection or category.

Gas masks, shields, etc.


"RIOTGEAR" refers to protective equipment worn by law enforcement or military personnel during riot control situations. This gear includes items such as gas masks, shields, helmets, and body armor, designed to provide protection against riotous crowds or violent protests

Without success


"TONOEND" is the answer, indicating a lack of success or completion. The phrase "to no end" means without limit or result, suggesting an outcome where efforts have not achieved the desired goal.

Coupon holders


"INSERTS" refers to the promotional materials, often printed on paper, that are inserted into newspapers or magazines. These inserts commonly include coupons offering discounts or special offers to consumers

Alpha __ Minoris (Polaris)

Answer: URSAE

URSAE" is the appropriate completion, referring to the genitive form of "Ursae Minoris," which designates Polaris, also known as the North Star. The clue provides a hint regarding the star's constellation, Ursa Minor, and its brightest star, Polaris.

Singing trio’s surname

Answer: JONAS

The surname "JONAS" belongs to the Jonas Brothers, a popular singing trio composed of siblings Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas. The clue directly references the last name shared by the members of the trio.

Successful candidate

Answer: HIREE

"HIREE" is the correct answer, representing someone who has been hired for a position or job. The clue describes a person who has succeeded in securing employment.

Walker of Beetle Bailey

Answer: MORT

"MORT" is the surname of Beetle Bailey's creator, Mort Walker. The clue provides context about the individual responsible for the creation of the Beetle Bailey comic strip.

Up to

Answer: UNTIL

"UNTIL" is the appropriate response, indicating a point in time or an event's occurrence. The clue suggests a temporal boundary or limit, indicating when something will happen or be valid.

Small job

Answer: TASK

A "TASK" is a specific job or assignment, often implying a relatively minor or manageable undertaking. The clue describes a small-scale assignment or duty.



ROSEABOVE" is the appropriate answer, indicating surpassing or exceeding a particular obstacle, limitation, or challenge. The phrase "rose above" implies achieving a higher level or overcoming adversity with grace and resilience.

Lose color


TURNPALE" fits the clue, indicating the process of losing color or becoming lighter in hue. The term suggests a fading or reduction in intensity, particularly in reference to the complexion or color of an object.

Apt to snap

Answer: TESTY

"TESTY" is the correct response, describing someone who is easily irritated or prone to becoming impatient or short-tempered. The term suggests a disposition characterized by a quick or sharp reaction.



ATTRACT" is the appropriate answer, indicating the action of pulling or drawing something towards oneself. In this context, "draw" refers to the ability to attract or entice attention, interest, or admiration.

Less talkative


"QUIETER" fits the clue, suggesting a reduction in the volume or frequency of speech. The term describes someone who is more reserved or less inclined to engage in conversation.

Conversation starters

Answer: HELLOS

"HELLOS" refers to greetings or salutations used to initiate a conversation. The clue describes the opening remarks or phrases commonly used to begin a discussion or interaction with others.

Pine-Sol’s owner

Answer: CLOROX

Pine-Sol is a well-known brand of cleaning products, particularly known for its pine-scented cleaner. The owner of Pine-Sol is the company that produces it. Clorox is a multinational manufacturer and marketer of consumer and professional products, including Pine-Sol. Therefore, Clorox is the owner of Pine-Sol.

Thus far

Answer: TODATE

"Thus far" refers to the period of time up to the present moment. "To date" means up to the present time or until now. Both phrases essentially convey the same idea of referring to everything that has happened or been accomplished up to a specific point in time

Smartly fashioned

Answer: STYLED

When something is "smartly fashioned," it means it has been designed or created with style, elegance, or intelligence. "Styled" is the past tense of the verb "to style," which means to arrange or design in a particular way, especially in a fashionable or attractive manner. Therefore, "styled" fits the description of something that has been smartly fashioned.

Deals in

Answer: SELLS

"Deals in" refers to the activities or transactions related to a particular product or service. If a business "deals in" something, it means it is involved in buying and selling that product or service. "Sells" is a synonym for "deals in" in this context. It directly indicates the action of exchanging goods or services for money. Therefore, "sells" is an appropriate answer for "deals in."

Brainy bunch

Answer: NERDS

A "brainy bunch" refers to a group of individuals who are highly intelligent or intellectual, often colloquially referred to as "nerds." "Nerds" is a term commonly used to describe people who are particularly interested in academic pursuits or niche hobbies, often associated with high intelligence or expertise in specific subjects.

Dirt cake ingredients

Answer: OREOS

A "dirt cake" is a dessert typically made to resemble a garden or dirt patch, often served at themed parties or gatherings. The main ingredient used to create the dirt-like texture in the cake is crushed chocolate cookies. Oreo cookies are a popular choice for this purpose, as they have a dark color and a crumbly texture that resembles dirt when crushed

Green egg layers

Answer: EMUS

"Green egg layers" refers to animals that lay eggs with green-colored shells. While chickens are commonly associated with laying eggs, their eggs typically have white or brown shells. Emus, on the other hand, are large flightless birds native to Australia that lay eggs with dark green shells. Therefore, "emus" are the animals known for laying green eggs

__ cava

Answer: VENA

"__ cava" likely refers to a medical term, particularly a structure in the body. In anatomy, "vena" is the Latin term for vein. Therefore, the missing word in "__ cava" would be "vena," completing the term as "vena cava." The vena cava is a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.

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