Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for Today March 30, 2024

Here we have updated all the answers for today’s Newsday Crossword clues. If you find any clues challenging, you can use this guide.

by Keerthika | Updated Mar 30, 2024

Are you ready to test your brain? Playing Crossword puzzles is an entertaining way to learn new words and engage your brain to improve your vocabulary skills. Let us look into the given clue and try to find the answer, or If you find it more difficult, No worries! You can check the answers we provided in the follow-ups.

Speak up for


"Speak up for" suggests advocating or expressing support for something or someone. "ADDRESSTO" fits this meaning, as it implies directing one's words or attention towards a particular issue, person, or group in order to speak on their behalf or in their defense.

Meal, for instance

Answer: GRIST

"GRIST" is a term that refers to grain that has been ground into flour or meal. In a broader sense, it can also refer to any material that is ground or crushed, such as corn, wheat, or barley. Therefore, "Meal, for instance" can be represented by "GRIST" as it is an example of a type of meal.

Volume-varying device


A "MODULATOR" is a device or component that is used to vary or control the volume of a signal, typically in the field of electronics or telecommunications. It modulates or alters the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a carrier signal to encode information, making it suitable for the context of a volume-varying device.

Born ready

Answer: EAGER

"Born ready" is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who is always prepared or eager to take on a challenge or opportunity. "EAGER" fits this meaning, as it denotes a state of readiness, enthusiasm, or eagerness to engage in or tackle a task or situation.

Rising cost


"PLANEFARE" refers to the cost or fare associated with traveling by plane. The term "rising" suggests that the cost of plane fares is increasing, making it more expensive to travel by air.

Monroe’s opposition in 1820

Answer: NOONE

In 1820, during the presidency of James Monroe, there was no single unified opposition party. Instead, political opposition to Monroe's administration came from various factions and individuals rather than a specific organized party. Therefore, "NOONE" signifies the absence of a unified opposition in 1820


Answer: SLY

In this context, "Arch" likely refers to someone who is cunning, crafty, or clever in a mischievous or deceitful way. "SLY" fits this description as it means cunning or deceitful, often used to describe someone who is cleverly deceptive or tricky.

What fini may follow

Answer: CEST

CEST" is a French term that translates to "this is" or "it is." In this context, "What fini may follow" suggests that "CEST" is a phrase that may follow the word "fini" to complete a sentence or statement, such as "fini c'est," meaning "finished it is" or "it is finished.


Answer: STURDY

"Cast-iron" implies something that is strong, durable, and resistant to damage. "STURDY" fits this description perfectly, as it means robust, solid, and able to withstand heavy use or pressure.

Not a moment too soon


"Not a moment too soon" suggests that something happens at precisely the right time, perhaps even just before it would have been too late. "ATTHEBELL" is a fitting answer, indicating that an action or event occurs exactly when it is needed, as if timed perfectly to coincide with the ringing of a bell.

Not much of a promise

Answer: ILLTRY

While "ILLTRY" may not sound like a strong or definite promise, it still signifies an intention or commitment to make an effort. It acknowledges the limitations or uncertainties involved but expresses a willingness to attempt something nonetheless

Be shy

Answer: OWE

In this context, "Be shy" implies owing something or being in debt. "OWE" is the appropriate answer, as it means to be under obligation to pay or repay something, typically money or a favor. Therefore, "OWE" fits the description of being shy in the sense of owing something

Cell user

Answer: BEE

In this context, "Cell user" refers to an organism that lives in a cell, which in this case is a honeycomb cell. "BEE" is a common insect that inhabits honeycombs and is known for its role in pollination and honey production.

Most Cook Islanders

Answer: MAORI

The majority of the population of Cook Islands consists of the indigenous Polynesian people known as the "MAORI." They are the predominant ethnic group in Cook Islands, with their culture and traditions deeply rooted in the islands' history and society.

Urban kids’ pastime


STOOPBALL" is a pastime commonly played by urban children, especially in neighborhoods with row houses or apartment buildings where stoops or steps provide a playing surface. It involves bouncing a ball against a step or stoop and catching it, often with variations in rules and techniques depending on local customs.

Notes on notes


"Notes on notes" suggests writing or commentary about musical notes or compositions. "MUSICJOURNALISM" fits this description as it refers to the field of journalism or writing that focuses on music, including reviews, analysis, interviews, and other forms of writing about musical topics. Therefore, "MUSICJOURNALISM" is the appropriate answer

Regional figures


"AREACODES" are numerical codes used in telecommunications to designate specific geographic regions for telephone numbering purposes. Each region is assigned a unique area code, allowing callers to identify the location of a phone number based on its area code.

Improve a connection

Answer: RETIE

"RETIE" suggests the act of tying or fastening something again, which can improve a connection that has become loose or undone. In this context, "improving a connection" refers to retying or securing a knot or tie to make it stronger or more secure

Case workers

Answer: DAS

DAS" likely refers to the abbreviation for "Department of Aging Services" or "Department of Social Services," depending on the context. Case workers in these departments are responsible for providing assistance and support to individuals and families in need, such as the elderly or those facing economic challenges.

A translation

Answer: UNA

"UNA" is a Spanish word meaning "a" or "one" in English. In the context of translation, "UNA" represents a single word or phrase translated from one language to another. Therefore, "UNA" fits the clue as it denotes a translation from Spanish to English or vice versa.

Small puzzle

Answer: TEASER

A "TEASER" is a type of small puzzle or riddle designed to challenge one's thinking or problem-solving skills. It typically involves presenting a situation or question that requires creative or critical thinking to solve, often with a playful or intriguing twist.

First subject of the Constitution’s Article II


The first subject addressed in Article II of the United States Constitution is the presidency. This article outlines the powers, responsibilities, and qualifications of the President of the United States, making "PRESIDENT" the fitting answer


Answer: OCCURS

"OCCURS" is a verb meaning to happen or take place. When something "eventuates," it comes to pass or occurs as a result of preceding events or circumstances.

Nearly up

Answer: NEXT

"Nearly up" suggests being close to the end of a sequence or queue. "NEXT" fits this description as it indicates the person or thing that follows immediately after another in order or sequence, implying that they are nearly up or next in line.

Recipient of 4,000+ patents in ’22

Answer: IBM

In 2022, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) was the recipient of over 4,000 patents. IBM is a multinational technology company known for its innovations and contributions to various fields, including computer hardware, software, and artificial intelligence.

Course taken

Answer: ROUTE

A "ROUTE" refers to a course or path taken to reach a destination. It can also signify a predetermined path or course of travel, such as a specific route on a map or a journey taken from one point to another.



An anagram of "ARTMOBILE" is "BALTIMORE." An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. In this case, rearranging the letters of "ARTMOBILE" yields the name of the city "BALTIMORE."

Part of some hand soaps

Answer: BORON

"BORON" is a chemical element that is sometimes used as an ingredient in hand soaps. It can act as a mild antiseptic or cleansing agent, helping to remove dirt and bacteria from the skin.

Prior to delivery


ANTENATAL" refers to the period before birth or delivery. It encompasses the prenatal stage of pregnancy, including medical care and monitoring provided to expectant mothers and their unborn babies.

All in

Answer: SPENT

All in" suggests being exhausted or depleted, often used to describe someone who has used up all their energy or resources. "SPENT" fits this description as it means exhausted or worn out, indicating that someone has exerted all their effort or resources.

Waterworks component


The "TEARGLAND" is a component of the waterworks system in the human body. It produces tears, which are essential for lubricating and protecting the eyes, as well as for emotional expression.

Power boosters

Answer: AMPS

AMPS" is a unit of measurement used to quantify electrical current. In this context, "power boosters" refers to devices or components that increase the flow of electrical current, such as amplifiers or power regulators.

Honey substitute

Answer: DOLL

In this context, "DOLL" is a playful or informal term used as a substitute for "honey," a common term of endearment used between romantic partners or loved ones

Moment of truth

Answer: DDAY

"DDAY" refers to June 6, 1944, the day on which the Allied forces launched the invasion of Normandy during World War II. It is often regarded as the "moment of truth" in the campaign to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation.

Dry __

Answer: RUN

"Dry RUN" is a term used to describe a rehearsal or practice session that is conducted without actually performing the intended action. It allows individuals or groups to simulate a situation in a controlled environment to identify potential issues or problems before proceeding with the actual task.

I might stand for it


ELECTRIC CURRENT" is a flow of electric charge carried by moving electrons in a conductor. In this context, "I might stand for it" suggests that "I" (referring to the letter "I") could stand as a symbol or representation for "ELECTRIC CURRENT" in an abbreviation or symbol, as "I" is commonly used as the symbol for current in electrical equations or diagrams. Therefore, "ELECTRIC CURRENT" is the appropriate answer.

Personal concern

Answer: SAFETY

"SAFETY" refers to the condition of being protected from harm or danger. In the context of "personal concern," safety is often a primary consideration for individuals, as they strive to ensure their own well-being and that of others

Personal reservoir

Answer: STASH

A "STASH" is a secret or private supply of something, often kept for personal use or consumption. In this context, a personal reservoir could refer to a stash of items or resources that an individual keeps on hand for their own needs or desires.

Patisserie purchase

Answer: TORTE

A "TORTE" is a type of rich, dense cake typically made with ground nuts or breadcrumbs and filled with cream, fruit, or other sweet fillings. When visiting a patisserie, one might purchase a torte as a delicious treat or dessert.

Tin __

Answer: ORE

"ORE" is a mineral or rock from which a metal or valuable substance can be extracted, such as tin. In this context, "tin ore" refers to the raw material from which tin metal can be obtained through mining and processing.

Subject of The Whole-Brain Child


"GENTLE PARENTING" is a parenting approach characterized by empathy, respect, and understanding towards children. It focuses on building strong parent-child relationships and promoting positive discipline techniques. "The Whole-Brain Child" is a book that explores this approach to parenting, making "GENTLE PARENTING" the subject discussed in the book.

Relative of Rudolph

Answer: RAOUL

In this context, "Relative of Rudolph" refers to another reindeer character associated with the Christmas season. While "Rudolph" is a well-known reindeer, "RAOUL" is another name that could be associated with a reindeer character in the same context.

Relative of Inga

Answer: IGOR

IGOR" is a name that could be considered a relative of "Inga" in terms of its origin and style. Both names have Eastern European origins and are relatively common in certain regions.

Order out

Answer: SEND

"SEND" is a verb that means to dispatch or transmit something, often to a specific destination. In the context of "Order out," it suggests issuing a command or instruction to send something away or deliver it to another location.

Small diamond

Answer: TREY

In card games, particularly in the game of Bridge, "TREY" refers to the three of any suit, which is often represented by a small diamond symbol on playing cards. Therefore, "TREY" is a small diamond in this context.

Patch, say

Answer: SEWON

When you patch something, you typically sew it onto the item needing repair. Therefore, "SEWON" fits the clue, as it suggests that a patch is sewn onto an item

Blood recipients

Answer: ATRIA

In the context of the human heart, the "ATRIA" are the upper chambers that receive blood from the veins and pump it into the ventricles. Therefore, "ATRIA" are indeed blood recipients within the body.


Answer: BOORS

"BOORS" refers to people who are considered rude, uncultured, or lacking in manners. It is a term used to describe individuals who behave in a vulgar or uncouth manner, making "BOORS" a fitting answer for the clue.

End of a “wrathful” palindrome

Answer: IMMAD

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence of characters that reads the same forwards and backwards. "IMMAD" is a palindrome that ends with "MAD," which can be interpreted as the end of a "wrathful" palindrome, as "MAD" suggests anger or wrath. Therefore, "IMMAD" is the appropriate answer.

Name derived from an evergreen

Answer: LAURA

"LAURA" is a name that can be derived from the laurel tree, an evergreen plant. The name "Laura" has origins in Latin and can be associated with the laurel tree, which symbolizes victory and honor in ancient mythology.

Throws or drops

Answer: LOSES

"LOSES" is a verb that means to throw away or drop something, often implying a sense of misplacement or failure. In this context, it fits the clue as it describes the action of throwing or dropping something.


Answer: BAITS

"BAITS" is a term that can refer to small sharp objects, such as fishhooks, which can be used as needles in certain contexts, such as fishing. Therefore, "BAITS" fits the clue as a synonym for needles.

Horned mascot (associated with 30 Down)

Answer: ELSIE

"ELISE" is a horned mascot associated with the dairy brand Borden. Borden's mascot, Elsie the Cow, is often depicted wearing a crown with small horns.

Horned mascot (associated with 29 Down)

Answer: ELMER

"ELMER" is a horned mascot associated with the adhesive brand Elmer's Glue. Elmer the Bull, with his small horns, is the iconic mascot of Elmer's Glue, known for his appearance on the product's packaging and advertising

Picnic supplies

Answer: SODAS

"SODAS" are commonly brought along as refreshments for a picnic. They are a popular choice among picnic-goers for quenching thirst and enjoying a fizzy drink outdoors

Fr.: mar:: Eng: __

Answer: TUE

The question is a comparison between French (Fr.) and English (Eng.) words using the analogy format. "Mar" is a French word for "Tuesday" (Mardi), so the equivalent English word for Tuesday is "TUE."

Kind of complaint

Answer: BLEAT

A "BLEAT" is typically associated with the sound made by sheep or goats. In this context, it figuratively refers to a type of complaint that is repetitive, whiny, or insistent, akin to the sound of a bleating animal.

Yen, of late

Answer: JONES

In this context, "JONES" refers to the colloquial term "Jonesing," which means to have a strong craving or desire for something, often used in relation to addiction or a strong yearning for something in general. Therefore, "Yen" (a strong desire) is synonymous with "JONES" in this context, especially when preceded by "of late," indicating a recent or current craving.

Type of typist

Answer: TEXTER

A "TEXTER" is a type of typist who primarily uses text messaging or texting as their mode of communication. They are proficient in composing and sending text messages, often using mobile phones or other electronic devices.


Answer: PUTON

"PUTON" can refer to an act of deception or pretense, where someone puts on a false appearance or behavior to mislead others. It implies a deliberate attempt to deceive or trick others into believing something that is not true.

Not worth considering

Answer: INANE

"INANE" describes something that lacks significance, importance, or value, making it not worth considering or taking seriously. It suggests that the subject matter is trivial, foolish, or empty of meaning.

Diogenes’ ultimate origin

Answer: DELTA

Diogenes was a Greek philosopher known for his eccentric behavior and minimalist lifestyle. His ultimate origin or final destination was often associated with the symbol of the "DELTA," representing the letter Δ in the Greek alphabet, which signifies change or transition.

“Not to their idle __ doth sight appear”: Milton

Answer: ORBS

In this quote from John Milton's poetry, "ORBS" refers to celestial bodies or heavenly spheres, such as planets or stars. Milton suggests that these heavenly bodies do not appear to idle or careless observers, implying that their beauty and significance are not readily apparent to those who do not take the time to appreciate them

Joint venture

Answer: COOP

A "COOP" can refer to a cooperative venture or joint endeavor, especially in business. It is a business or organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit

Pickle, perhaps

Answer: CURE

In certain contexts, such as food preservation, a "CURE" can refer to the process of preserving or pickling food items, such as meat or vegetables. Therefore, "CURE" fits the clue as it can be associated with pickling

I might stand for it


ELECTRIC CURRENT" is often represented symbolically by the letter "I" in equations or diagrams related to electrical circuits. Therefore, "I" (as in "ELECTRICCURRENT") might stand for electric current in certain contexts, such as scientific notation or electrical engineering.

Husky parts

Answer: BRAN

"BRAN" refers to the outer layer of grain, particularly wheat, rice, or oats, that is removed during the milling process. It is a coarse material rich in fiber, often used in food products or as animal feed. "Husky parts" likely refers to the coarse or rough texture of bran.


Answer: MELD

MELD" means to blend or combine different elements or components into a unified whole. It is often used in contexts where disparate elements are brought together seamlessly or harmoniously. Therefore, "MELD" fits the clue as it means to amalgamate or merge.

Nectar detector

Answer: BAT

Bats are known for their ability to detect nectar, among other things, using echolocation. Echolocation allows bats to navigate and locate food sources, including nectar-rich flowers, by emitting high-frequency sound waves and interpreting the echoes that bounce back.

It’s like dys

Answer: MAL

MAL" is a prefix that is similar to "dys" in meaning. Both "MAL" and "dys" are prefixes that indicate something negative, abnormal, or faulty. For example, "malfunction" and "dysfunction" both refer to something not functioning properly or correctly. Therefore, "MAL" is like "dys" in this context as they both convey a similar meaning.

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