Newsday Crossword Clue Answers for April 9, 2024

Improve your puzzle-solving skills with the Newsday Crossword. Are you stuck with puzzle clues and couldn't find the answer? No worries! Check the answer below.

by Abisha | Updated Apr 09, 2024

Newsday Crossword offers an attractive puzzle challenge that looks difficult, but cracking the crossword puzzle is easier than you think. Anyone interested can crack this puzzle, and enjoy it by intersecting the clue hints you guessed, placing them in the horizontal and vertical grid lines to unravel the probable answers.

Software trial versions

Answer: BETAS

In the realm of software development, companies often release early versions of their products for testing before the official launch. These versions, known as "betas," allow users to try out the software and provide feedback to the developers. Beta versions typically contain some features but may also have bugs or limitations that are being ironed out before the final release

Performers who overdo it

Answer: HAMS

When it comes to acting or performing, there's a spectrum of styles. Some performers are known for their subtlety and nuance, while others tend to exaggerate their expressions and gestures, often for comedic effect or to command attention. These exaggerated performers are often referred to as "hams." They may deliver lines with excessive emotion or physicality, sometimes bordering on melodrama.

Big party

Answer: BASH

A bash is a lively and often large social gathering or party. It's typically characterized by a celebratory atmosphere, with plenty of food, drink, music, and dancing. Bashes can range from informal get-togethers among friends to elaborate events like weddings or corporate galas. The term "bash" implies a sense of festivity and enjoyment, where people come together to have a good time

Camel’s South American cousin

Answer: LLAMA

  • Llamas are domesticated South American camelids that are closely related to camels. While camels are more commonly associated with desert regions of Africa and Asia, llamas are native to the Andes mountains of South America, particularly Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
  • Like camels, llamas are known for their distinctive appearance, including their long necks and legs, as well as their ability to carry heavy loads. However, llamas are typically smaller and have fur instead of the camel's characteristic hump.

“Would __to you?”

Answer: ILIE

This phrase is often used in a rhetorical or hypothetical question format. The missing word "lie" suggests the completion of the question as "Would I lie to you?" This expression is commonly used to assert one's honesty or trustworthiness when making a statement, often in response to skepticism or doubt.

Ticklish red Muppet

Answer: ELMO

This clue refers to a beloved character from the children's television show "Sesame Street." Elmo is a furry, red Muppet with a high-pitched voice who has become one of the most recognizable and popular characters on the show. He is known for his childlike innocence, enthusiasm, and his tendency to refer to himself in the third person. Elmo is often depicted as being ticklish, adding to his endearing personality

Go-for-broke bet

Answer: ALLIN

In various games, particularly in poker, to go "all in" means to bet all of one's remaining chips or money on a single hand or round. It's a bold and risky move, as it leaves the player with no further chips to bet in subsequent rounds. Going "all in" is typically a strategy employed when a player is confident in the strength of their hand or wants to bluff opponents into folding their own hands.

French young woman: Abbr.

Answer: MLLE

In French, "Mademoiselle" (abbreviated as "Mlle" or "Mlle.") is a term used to address a young, unmarried woman. It's the equivalent of "Miss" in English. In formal contexts, Mademoiselle is used to address unmarried women regardless of age, while "Madame" is used for married women. The abbreviation "Mlle" is commonly seen in French correspondence, forms, or titles.

Feeling blue

Answer: GLUM

The term "feeling blue" is an idiom used to describe a state of sadness, melancholy, or depression. When someone is feeling blue, they may appear downcast or gloomy. The word "glum" is a synonym for feeling blue, conveying a sense of low spirits or unhappiness.

Breads, cakes, etc.


This clue refers to a category of food items that are prepared by baking, including bread, cakes, pastries, cookies, and other similar items. "Baked goods" is a broad term that encompasses a variety of baked products made from dough or batter, often containing ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, and leavening agents. These items are typically enjoyed as snacks, desserts, or accompaniments to meals.

Thorny flower

Answer: ROSE

  • The rose is a flowering plant known for its beauty, fragrance, and thorns. It is one of the most popular and recognizable flowers in the world, cultivated for its ornamental value as well as its symbolic significance.
  • The thorns of the rose plant serve as a natural defense mechanism against herbivores and also add to the plant's visual appeal. Despite its thorns, the rose is admired for its delicate petals and pleasing aroma, making it a popular choice for bouquets, gardens, and floral arrangements.

General’s fighting force

Answer: ARMY

  • A general is a high-ranking military officer who commands a large military unit known as an army. An army is a land-based branch of the military tasked with conducting ground warfare and defending a nation's interests both domestically and abroad.
  • It is composed of soldiers, officers, and various support personnel organized into units such as divisions, brigades, and regiments. The army plays a vital role in national defense and security, carrying out missions ranging from combat operations to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts

“I don’t care” attitude

Answer: APATHY

This clue refers to a state of indifference or lack of interest in matters that would typically evoke emotion or concern. Apathy is characterized by a passive attitude and a lack of motivation or enthusiasm towards events, issues, or responsibilities. Individuals experiencing apathy may exhibit a disinterest in participating or engaging with their surroundings, often displaying minimal emotional reactions or investment in outcomes.

Horse shed

Answer: STABLE

A stable is a structure designed to house and shelter horses. It typically consists of individual stalls or compartments where horses can rest, eat, and sleep. Stables are commonly found on farms, equestrian centers, and horse racing facilities. They provide a safe and comfortable environment for horses while protecting them from the elements.

Smack, as a mosquito

Answer: SWAT

To "swat" is to strike or hit something, typically with a quick and forceful motion. In this context, the clue suggests the action of using one's hand or a tool to forcefully strike a mosquito in an attempt to kill or repel it. Mosquitoes are small insects known for their irritating bites, and swatting them is a common method of defense to prevent bites and the potential spread of diseases they may carry.

“Very funny”

Answer: HAHA

This phrase is often used sarcastically to express amusement or mock amusement at something perceived as humorous or entertaining. The repetition of the word "ha" emphasizes the laughter or amusement being conveyed. In written communication, "haha" is commonly used in text messages, social media posts, and online chats to indicate laughter or amusement in a casual and informal manner.

Outer border

Answer: EDGE

The term "edge" refers to the outer boundary or perimeter of an object or area. In various contexts, such as geometry, design, or geography, the edge is the line where two surfaces meet or where something ends and another begins. For example, the edge of a table, the edge of a cliff, or the edge of a piece of paper. In the context of a crossword puzzle clue, "outer border" suggests the definition of "edge."

Abounds (with)

Answer: TEEMS

The word "teems" means to be full or swarming with something, typically in large quantities. When something teems with something else, it is abundant or overflowing with it. For instance, a forest might teem with wildlife, a marketplace might teem with people, or a garden might teem with flowers. The clue "abounds (with)" hints at the concept of being filled with something, leading to the answer "teems."

Adds frosting to

Answer: ICES

  • In the context of baking or dessert preparation, to "ice" something means to cover it with a layer of frosting or icing. Frosting is a sweet, often creamy topping applied to cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and other baked goods to enhance their flavor and appearance.
  • It can be made from ingredients like powdered sugar, butter, milk, and flavorings, and may be spread, drizzled, or piped onto the baked item. The clue "adds frosting to" suggests the action of covering something with icing, leading to the answer "ices."

Yellow gemstone

Answer: TOPAZ

Topaz is a precious gemstone that comes in various colors, including yellow. It is a mineral composed of aluminum and fluorine with traces of silicon and is prized for its clarity, brilliance, and vibrant colors. Yellow topaz can range from pale yellow to golden or amber hues and is often used in jewelry, particularly in rings, necklaces, and earrings. The clue "yellow gemstone" points to the specific type of gemstone that is yellow in color, leading to the answer "topaz.

At no cost

Answer: FREE

The phrase "at no cost" indicates that something is available without requiring payment or expense. It denotes that the item or service in question can be obtained or acquired freely, without any monetary exchange. The word "free" directly corresponds to this concept, representing something that is not subject to payment or charge

Chinese food request

Answer: NOMSG

This clue refers to a dietary preference or instruction often seen in the context of ordering Chinese food. "No MSG" indicates a request to exclude monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer commonly used in Chinese cuisine, from the preparation of the food. Some individuals prefer to avoid MSG due to concerns about potential adverse reactions or sensitivities. The abbreviation "MSG" stands for monosodium glutamate.

“Tall” story

Answer: TALE

  • The term "tall tale" is used to describe a fanciful or exaggerated story, often characterized by improbable events, larger-than-life characters, and humorous or unbelievable elements. Such stories are typically told for entertainment purposes and may stretch the boundaries of reality for dramatic effect.
  • In this context, "tall" serves as a metaphorical descriptor rather than a literal one, suggesting the grandiose or exaggerated nature of the narrative. The word "tale" directly corresponds to the concept of a story or narrative.

Strong craving

Answer: URGE

A craving is a powerful desire or longing for something, often specific and intense in nature. It typically refers to a strong urge or impulse to satisfy a particular need or appetite, whether it be for food, drink, comfort, or stimulation. The word "urge" encapsulates this sense of strong desire or compulsion, indicating a forceful drive or inclination towards fulfilling the craving.

Stare open-mouthed

Answer: GAPE

When someone stares at something with their mouth open, it typically indicates a state of astonishment, wonder, or disbelief. The act of "gaping" involves keeping one's mouth open in such a manner, often accompanied by wide-eyed observation or scrutiny. It signifies a moment of being taken aback or captivated by something unexpected or remarkable. The word "gape" directly corresponds to this action of staring open-mouthed.

Trees yielding lightweight wood

Answer: BALSAS

  • Balsas are trees that belong to the genus Ochroma, native to tropical regions in Central and South America. These trees are known for producing lightweight wood, which is valued for its buoyancy and versatility.
  • The wood of the balsa tree is particularly prized for its use in various applications, including model building, crafting, and as a core material in lightweight structures such as rafts and surfboards. Due to its low density and high strength-to-weight ratio, balsa wood is also used in aerospace and marine industries.

Point the finger at

Answer: ACCUSE

To "accuse" someone is to assert or charge them with wrongdoing or fault. It involves attributing responsibility or blame to a specific individual for an action or offense. When someone points the finger at another person, they are indicating that they believe that person to be responsible for a particular deed or transgression. Accusations can range from minor infractions to serious crimes, and the act of accusing someone often carries significant implications for both the accuser and the accused.

Arrange in some order

Answer: SORT

  • The verb "sort" means to organize or arrange items according to specific criteria or categories. When something is sorted, it is placed into groups or sequences based on similarities, characteristics, or predetermined criteria.
  • Sorting is a common activity in various contexts, including sorting files or documents, sorting objects by size or color, or sorting data in computer programs. The process of sorting helps to bring order and structure to a collection of items, making it easier to manage, locate, or analyze them.

Spiced tea of India

Answer: CHAI

  • Chai is a type of spiced tea that originated in India and is popular in many parts of South Asia and around the world. It is typically made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and black peppercorns.
  • Milk and sweeteners like sugar or honey are often added to enhance the flavor and richness of chai. This flavorful and aromatic beverage is enjoyed for its warming qualities and distinctive blend of spices, making it a beloved drink in many cultures.

Wedding ceremony dress


  • A bridal gown is a formal dress worn by a bride during her wedding ceremony. It is typically a special and carefully chosen garment that reflects the bride's personal style, cultural traditions, and the formality of the occasion.
  • Bridal gowns come in a wide variety of styles, designs, and fabrics, ranging from simple and understated to elaborate and ornate. The choice of a bridal gown is often a significant aspect of wedding planning, symbolizing the bride's individuality and serving as a focal point of attention during the ceremony.

Recommend highly

Answer: TOUT

  • The word "tout" means to promote or recommend something enthusiastically or persistently. When someone touts a product, service, or idea, they are endorsing it and encouraging others to consider it favorably.
  • This recommendation is often done with great enthusiasm or conviction, aiming to persuade others to adopt the recommended option. Thus, the answer "tout" fits the clue "recommend highly" as it signifies the action of promoting or endorsing something enthusiastically.


Answer: BOLD

  • The term "bold" describes someone who is brave, daring, or fearless in the face of danger or adversity. A person who is bold displays confidence and determination in challenging situations, often willing to take risks or assert themselves assertively.
  • Courageous individuals are not deterred by obstacles or setbacks but instead face them head-on with resilience and determination. Therefore, the word "bold" fits the clue "courageous" as it embodies the quality of fearlessness and bravery.

Honolulu hello

Answer: ALOHA

  • "Aloha" is a Hawaiian word commonly used as a greeting, farewell, or expression of love and affection. In the context of "Honolulu hello," the clue refers to the Hawaiian capital city, where "aloha" is frequently used as a friendly salutation.
  • The word "aloha" encapsulates the spirit of hospitality, warmth, and welcome that is characteristic of Hawaiian culture. It is often associated with the laid-back and friendly atmosphere of the Hawaiian Islands, making it a fitting greeting for both locals and visitors alike.

__ Major (Big Dipper constellation)

Answer: URSA

  • The Big Dipper is a prominent asterism within the constellation Ursa Major, which is Latin for "Greater Bear." Ursa Major is one of the largest and most recognizable constellations in the northern hemisphere sky, consisting of several bright stars arranged in the shape of a bear, with the Big Dipper forming its prominent asterism.
  • The word "Ursa" specifically refers to the bear, highlighting the connection between the constellation and its celestial representation. Therefore, the answer "Ursa" fits the clue "__ Major (Big Dipper constellation)" as it identifies the constellation associated with the Big Dipper.

Period of calm

Answer: LULL

A "lull" refers to a temporary pause or period of calm or tranquility in activity or intensity. It is a brief interval characterized by a decrease in noise, activity, or intensity, often following a period of heightened activity or excitement. During a lull, there may be a sense of relaxation or respite, allowing individuals to rest or regroup before activity resumes. The word "lull" accurately describes this temporary state of calm or quietude.

“That’s great!”

Answer: SUPER

The word "super" is an informal expression used to convey enthusiasm, approval, or satisfaction about something. It is often employed as a positive response to good news, accomplishments, or favorable outcomes. When someone says "super," they are expressing excitement or satisfaction, indicating that they find the situation to be excellent or impressive. The term "super" serves as a casual and upbeat way to convey enthusiasm or approval.

Look closely (at)

Answer: PEER

To "peer" means to look intently or closely at something, often with curiosity or scrutiny. When someone peers at something, they focus their gaze in order to observe or examine it more closely. Peering involves studying or scrutinizing something in detail, often to gain a better understanding or to detect specific details or nuances. The word "peer" accurately describes this action of closely examining or scrutinizing something.

Online crafts shop

Answer: ETSY

  • Etsy is an e-commerce platform that specializes in handmade, vintage, and unique goods. It serves as an online marketplace where independent artisans, crafters, and vintage sellers can showcase and sell their products to a global audience.
  • Etsy offers a wide range of items, including handmade jewelry, clothing, accessories, art, home decor, and craft supplies. As an online crafts shop, Etsy provides a platform for artisans and crafters to connect with customers and sell their handmade or vintage items in a digital marketplace.

In a bad mood

Answer: TESTY

When someone is described as being "testy," it means they are easily irritated, irritable, or prone to becoming annoyed or impatient, especially in response to minor annoyances or frustrations. A person in a testy mood may exhibit short-tempered behavior or react negatively to situations that they find bothersome or aggravating. The word "testy" accurately describes this state of being in a bad mood or having a short fuse.

Spill a secret

Answer: BLAB

  • To "blab" means to disclose or reveal confidential information, especially when it should be kept secret. When someone blabs, they inadvertently or intentionally divulge private or sensitive information that they were entrusted to keep confidential.
  • This can lead to breaches of trust or confidentiality, as well as potential consequences for sharing privileged information without permission. The term "blab" accurately describes the action of inadvertently or intentionally revealing a secret.

Fitzgerald of jazz

Answer: ELLA

  • Ella Fitzgerald was an iconic American jazz singer known for her exceptional vocal talent and improvisational skills. Often referred to as the "First Lady of Song" or the "Queen of Jazz," Fitzgerald had a prolific career spanning several decades and recorded numerous acclaimed albums.
  • Her repertoire included jazz standards, swing, bebop, and ballads, and she collaborated with many prominent jazz musicians of her time. The clue "Fitzgerald of jazz" refers to Ella Fitzgerald as a renowned figure in the world of jazz music.


Answer: TALK

  • The word "talk" means to communicate verbally by uttering words or engaging in conversation. When someone talks, they express thoughts, ideas, or information through speech, using language to convey meaning and communicate with others.
  • Talking is a fundamental form of human interaction and serves various purposes, including sharing information, expressing emotions, and building relationships. The word "talk" accurately describes the act of verbal communication

Female friend, in France

Answer: AMIE

In French, "amie" is the feminine form of the word for friend. It refers to a female friend or companion, someone with whom one shares a close and supportive relationship. The word "amie" is used to denote friendship and camaraderie between women, emphasizing the bond and affection they share. In the context of the clue "Female friend, in France," "amie" serves as the French equivalent of the English word "friend."

Beach shoe

Answer: SANDAL

A sandal is a type of open-toed shoe that is commonly worn in warm weather or at the beach. Sandals typically consist of a sole attached to the foot by straps or thongs, leaving much of the foot exposed. They are lightweight and breathable, making them suitable for casual wear in relaxed settings like the beach. The clue "Beach shoe" accurately describes sandals, as they are often worn by beachgoers to protect their feet from hot sand while allowing for ventilation and comfort.

Student’s stadium sign

Answer: HIMOM

  • In the context of a stadium sign held up by a student at a sporting event, "HIMOM" is a playful and commonly seen message. It is a condensed form of the phrase "Hi, Mom," which students often display on signs or placards to greet their mothers while being televised during sporting events.
  • The message is a way for students to express affection and appreciation to their mothers, knowing that they may be watching the event from home or in the stands. Therefore, "HIMOM" fits the clue "Student’s stadium sign" as it represents a typical message conveyed by students during televised sporting events

Brass or pewter

Answer: ALLOY

  • An alloy is a metallic substance composed of two or more elements, typically metals, combined to enhance certain properties such as strength, durability, or resistance to corrosion. Brass and pewter are examples of alloys, each consisting of a combination of different metals.
  • Brass, for example, is primarily composed of copper and zinc, while pewter is typically made from tin, antimony, and copper. The clue "Brass or pewter" points to the broader category of alloys, encompassing various metal mixtures used for different purposes and exhibiting distinct characteristics.

Not spicy-tasting

Answer: MILD

  • The term "mild" describes a flavor or taste that is not strong, pungent, or spicy. When something is mild-tasting, it lacks intense or overpowering flavors, particularly those associated with spiciness or heat. Mild flavors are often subtle, gentle, or subdued, allowing for easy consumption without overwhelming the palate.
  • In the context of food, "mild" may refer to dishes or ingredients that have been seasoned or prepared in a way that minimizes or eliminates spiciness, catering to individuals who prefer a more subdued flavor profile. Therefore, "mild" accurately describes the absence of spiciness or strong flavors.

Playground plank for two

Answer: SEESAW

  • A seesaw is a type of playground equipment consisting of a long plank balanced on a central fulcrum, allowing two children to sit on opposite ends and take turns pushing off the ground to move up and down.
  • The seesaw provides a simple yet enjoyable activity for children to engage in cooperative play, as they work together to create the rocking motion. The word "seesaw" accurately describes this playground plank designed for two children to use together.

“Count your blessings”


  • The phrase "count your blessings" is an idiom that encourages gratitude and appreciation for the positive aspects of one's life. It suggests taking stock of the good things one has rather than focusing on shortcomings or difficulties.
  • To "be grateful" means to feel thankful or appreciative for the blessings or benefits one has received. It encompasses a sense of acknowledging and valuing the positive aspects of life, fostering a mindset of gratitude and contentment

Dole out

Answer: ALLOT

To "allot" means to distribute or allocate something, typically resources or responsibilities, among various recipients or purposes. When someone allots something, they divide it into portions or assign it to specific individuals or uses according to a predetermined plan or criteria. The word "dole out" suggests the action of dispensing or distributing something in measured amounts, which aligns with the concept of allotting resources or responsibilities.

Compress, informally

Answer: SMUSH

  • The term "smush" is an informal and colloquial word meaning to press or squeeze something together, often with force or pressure. It is commonly used to describe the action of compacting or squashing something into a smaller or more condensed form.
  • For example, one might "smush" a piece of paper into a ball or "smush" ingredients together when cooking. The word "smush" accurately conveys the action of compressing something informally or casually.

Comfy, like your abode

Answer: HOMEY

The word "homey" describes a feeling of comfort, warmth, and familiarity that is often associated with one's home or living environment. A homey atmosphere is cozy and inviting, evoking a sense of relaxation and contentment. It implies a space that feels comfortable and welcoming, where one can feel at ease and at peace. The word "homey" aptly describes a comfortable and inviting abode, evoking feelings of coziness and relaxation.

Say hello to

Answer: GREET

To "greet" someone is to acknowledge their presence with a friendly salutation or welcome. When one greets another person, they typically offer a verbal or physical expression of welcome or acknowledgment, such as saying "hello," shaking hands, or smiling. Greeting someone is a common social convention used to establish rapport, show respect, and initiate interaction. Therefore, the word "greet" accurately describes the action of saying hello to someone.

Butter portion

Answer: PAT

A "pat" of butter refers to a small, usually rectangular-shaped portion of butter that has been formed or molded into a standardized size for ease of use. Pats of butter are commonly served alongside bread, pancakes, or other dishes, providing a convenient way to add butter to food items. The word "pat" accurately describes this standardized portion of butter, which is often used for individual servings.

Lower leg

Answer: SHIN

The "shin" is the front part of the leg between the knee and the ankle. It is the long, slender bone located on the front surface of the lower leg, known as the tibia. The term "shin" is commonly used to refer to this specific area of the leg, which is vulnerable to injury, particularly during physical activities or sports. Therefore, "shin" accurately describes the anatomical part of the lower leg.

Filled, folded tortilla

Answer: TACO

  • A "taco" is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a filled, folded, or rolled tortilla. The tortilla is typically made from corn or wheat flour and is filled with various ingredients, such as seasoned meat, beans, cheese, vegetables, and salsa.
  • Once filled, the tortilla is folded or rolled to enclose the ingredients, creating a handheld meal that is convenient to eat. Tacos are a versatile and popular dish enjoyed in many parts of the world, known for their delicious flavor combinations and customizable fillings.

Throat-clearing sound

Answer: AHEM

The word "ahem" represents a throat-clearing sound often made to gain someone's attention or to indicate mild disapproval or irritation. It is a polite way to signal that one wishes to speak or to redirect someone's attention without being overly disruptive. The sound "ahem" is produced by gently clearing the throat, creating a soft, brief cough-like noise. It is commonly used in social situations or public settings to draw attention or to convey a subtle message.

Low-pitched rock instrument


  • The bass guitar is a stringed instrument that produces low-pitched sounds and serves as a fundamental component of many rock music bands. It features a longer neck and thicker strings compared to a standard guitar, allowing it to produce deep, resonant tones that provide the rhythmic foundation for a song.
  • The bass guitar typically plays the bassline, which establishes the harmonic and rhythmic structure of a piece of music. Its distinctive sound adds depth and groove to rock music, anchoring the rhythm section alongside the drums

Emblem “of approval”

Answer: SEAL

  • A "seal" can refer to an emblem, symbol, or mark used to indicate authenticity, authority, or approval. In the context of the clue, "seal" represents a mark of approval or endorsement, often affixed to documents, certificates, or products to certify their validity or quality.
  • Seals may take various forms, such as stamps, logos, or insignias, and are used to signify official authorization or recognition. Therefore, "seal" accurately describes an emblem of approval.

Heap affection (on)

Answer: DOTE

The term "dote" means to shower someone with excessive love, attention, or affection, often in an indulgent or overprotective manner. When someone "dotes" on another person, they express affection and adoration towards them in a nurturing or caring way. This can involve lavishing attention, praise, and gifts upon the object of one's affection. Therefore, the word "dote" accurately describes the action of heaping affection on someone.

College transcript no.

Answer: GPA

  • In the context of college transcripts, "GPA" stands for Grade Point Average. It is a numerical representation of a student's academic performance, calculated by averaging the grades they have received in their coursework.
  • The GPA is used to assess a student's overall academic achievement and is often an important factor in college admissions, scholarship decisions, and job applications. Therefore, "GPA" accurately represents the college transcript number that reflects a student's academic performance.

Makes a mistake

Answer: ERRS

The word "errs" is a verb that means to make a mistake or to be incorrect in one's actions or judgments. When someone "errs," they deviate from what is correct, accurate, or expected, resulting in an error or misstep. Making mistakes is a common aspect of human behavior, and the term "errs" succinctly describes the action of committing an error.

“Huge” prefix for bytes or bucks

Answer: MEGA

The prefix "mega-" is used to denote a factor of one million, indicating something very large or significant in size, quantity, or scope. In the context of bytes, "megabyte" (MB) refers to a unit of digital information storage equal to approximately one million bytes. In the context of bucks, "megabucks" refers to a colloquial term for a large sum of money, typically millions of dollars. Therefore, "mega" serves as the prefix denoting something huge, whether in terms of bytes or bucks.

Gets a glimpse of

Answer: SEES

The verb "sees" means to perceive with the eyes or to become aware of something visually. When someone "sees" something, they observe it or catch sight of it, gaining a brief or fleeting glimpse of the object or scene. The word "sees" accurately describes the action of getting a glimpse of something through visual perception.

Striped equine

Answer: ZEBRA

A zebra is a type of striped equine mammal native to Africa. It is characterized by its distinctive black and white stripes, which serve as a form of camouflage and may also help regulate body temperature. Zebras are known for their social behavior and can be found in herds grazing on grasslands and savannas. The word "zebra" accurately describes this striped equine mammal.

Car’s tankful

Answer: GAS

In the context of a car, "gas" refers to gasoline, which is a fuel used to power the vehicle's engine. Gasoline is typically stored in the car's fuel tank and is combusted within the engine to generate power for propulsion. A "tankful" of gas refers to the quantity of gasoline needed to fill the car's fuel tank to capacity. Therefore, "gas" accurately represents the fuel needed for a car's tankful.

Tiny stone

Answer: PEBBLE

A pebble is a small, rounded stone, often found on beaches, riverbeds, or in soil. Pebbles are typically smooth and polished by the action of water and weathering over time. They come in various colors and are smaller than rocks but larger than grains of sand. Pebbles are commonly used for decorative purposes in landscaping, pathways, and gardens. The word "pebble" accurately describes a tiny stone of this nature.


Answer: ATLAST

The phrase "at last" is an expression used to convey a sense of relief or satisfaction that something has finally occurred or been achieved after a prolonged period of waiting or anticipation. It indicates a sense of culmination or resolution, often signaling the end of a process or the attainment of a desired outcome. "At last" expresses a sentiment of triumph or fulfillment upon the realization of a long-awaited event or goal.


Answer: ACTUP

  • The phrase "act up" is an informal expression used to describe behavior that is disruptive, unruly, or contrary to expected norms or rules. When someone "acts up," they engage in behavior that is disobedient, troublesome, or attention-seeking.
  • This may involve behaving in a disruptive manner or causing a disturbance, often resulting in negative consequences or reactions from others. "Act up" accurately describes the action of misbehaving or behaving in a disruptive manner.

Routine household task

Answer: CHORE

  • A chore is a task or duty that is performed regularly as part of one's household or daily routine. Chores typically include activities such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, and other household maintenance tasks.
  • They are necessary for the upkeep and functioning of a household and are often assigned to family members or household members as part of their responsibilities. The word "chore" accurately describes a routine household task of this nature.

Make happen

Answer: CAUSE

To "cause" something is to bring about or make something happen as a result of one's actions or influence. When someone causes an event or outcome, they are responsible for its occurrence or creation. This may involve initiating a chain of events or exerting influence or control over a situation to produce a desired result. The word "cause" accurately describes the action of making something happen or bringing about a particular outcome.

Window ledges

Answer: SILLS

Sills are horizontal ledges or shelves typically found at the bottom of windows, extending inward from the window frame. They serve various purposes, including providing structural support for the window, acting as a barrier to prevent water infiltration, and offering a surface for placing items or decorations. Sills are commonly made from materials such as wood, stone, or metal and may be designed to complement the architectural style of the building. The word "sills" accurately describes these window ledges.

In a weird way

Answer: ODDLY

The word "oddly" is an adverb used to describe something that is unusual, peculiar, or strange in nature or behavior. When something happens or is done in an "oddly" manner, it deviates from the expected or conventional way, exhibiting eccentricity or idiosyncrasy. "Oddly" conveys a sense of peculiarity or quirkiness in how something is perceived or experienced.

Lopsided victory

Answer: ROUT

  • A "rout" refers to a decisive and overwhelming victory achieved by one side in a contest or competition. In such a victory, one party dominates the opposition, often by a large margin, leaving little doubt about the outcome.
  • The term "rout" implies that the defeated side was thoroughly outmatched or overwhelmed, resulting in a one-sided and lopsided outcome. Therefore, "rout" accurately describes a victory characterized by its decisive and uneven nature.

Strong adhesive

Answer: GLUE

Glue is a substance used to bond materials together by creating a strong adhesive connection between them. It is commonly used in crafts, woodworking, construction, and various other applications where materials need to be securely joined. Glue works by forming a chemical or mechanical bond between surfaces, creating a durable and lasting connection. Therefore, "glue" accurately represents a strong adhesive substance

“How clumsy of me!”

Answer: OOPS

The interjection "oops" is used to express mild embarrassment or regret after making a mistake or committing a clumsy act. It is commonly uttered when someone accidentally drops something, makes a verbal slip, or commits a minor blunder. "Oops" acknowledges the mistake or mishap and may be accompanied by a self-deprecating or apologetic tone. Therefore, "oops" accurately represents an expression of clumsiness or regret.

Sharpen, as an appetite

Answer: WHET

  • To "whet" means to stimulate or sharpen something, typically an appetite or desire. When one whets their appetite, they intensify their craving or interest in something, making them more eager or enthusiastic to indulge in it.
  • This can be achieved through various means, such as by describing delicious food, presenting enticing imagery, or engaging in activities that stimulate the senses. Therefore, "whet" accurately describes the action of sharpening or stimulating an appetite.

__ a soul (no one)

Answer: NARY

In the expression "__ a soul," the word "nary" is used to indicate the absence of anyone or anything. It is typically followed by a noun to emphasize the complete lack or scarcity of that entity. For example, "nary a soul" means "not a single person" or "no one at all." "Nary" conveys a sense of emptiness or void by emphasizing the absence of whatever is being referred to. Therefore, "nary" accurately represents the idea of no one or none at all.

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