Otago Daily Times Quick Solution for April 23, 2024

Check out today's Otago Daily Times Quick answers, and put your puzzle solving skills to the test.

by J Divya | Updated Apr 23, 2024

The Otago Daily Times Quick crossword puzzle is a fun game. You read clues and try to guess the words they describe. Then, you write those words into a grid. The words can go across or down, and you have to make sure they fit correctly. Now, take a look at this clue and try to guess the answer.

Emissaries (6)

Answer: SCOUTS

Emissaries are individuals sent out as representatives or scouts to gather information or assess a situation. The word "SCOUTS" fits the clue as it refers to individuals who explore or investigate on behalf of a group or organization.

Group together (6)

Answer: BUNDLE

To "bundle" means to gather or group things together, usually by wrapping or tying them. It fits the clue as it describes the action of bringing items together into a single unit or package.

Previously (7)

Answer: ONE SHOT

In this context, "ONE SHOT" could imply doing something in a single attempt or opportunity, without any previous attempts or iterations. It suggests a sense of immediacy or doing something right away without delay.

Dock (5)

Answer: PUT IN

"Put in" can mean to bring a boat or ship into a dock or harbor for mooring or unloading. It fits the clue as it describes the action of maneuvering a vessel into a docking position.

Small cut (4)

Answer: Y I C K

A "nick" is a small, shallow cut or notch, typically made accidentally. It fits the clue as it describes a minor injury that breaks the skin, but is not deep or serious.

Pot fragment (5)

Answer: SHARD

A "shard" refers to a broken fragment or piece, typically from a larger object such as pottery or glass. In this context, it specifically refers to a fragment of a pot or pottery.

Depart (5)

Answer: SALVO

"Salvo" typically refers to a simultaneous discharge of guns or cannons, often as a salute or as part of a military action. However, it can also be used metaphorically to mean to depart or leave, especially in a dramatic or forceful manner.

Sharpen (4)

Answer: SAND

To "sand" something is to rub it with sandpaper or another abrasive material in order to sharpen or smooth its surface. It's a common technique used in woodworking and other crafts to refine the edges or surfaces of objects.

Fragment of burning wood (5)

Answer: EMBER

An "ember" is a small, hot, glowing piece of coal or wood that remains after a fire has burned down. It is capable of igniting new fires if it comes into contact with flammable material. In this context, it refers to a fragment of burning wood.

Devilish (7)


"Dickens" is a term used to express annoyance or frustration, often in a mild or humorous way. It is derived from the name of the famous English author Charles Dickens, whose novels often featured characters facing difficult or challenging situations.

Followed (6)

Answer: TAGGED

To "tag" someone is to follow or pursue them, often in a playful or informal context. It can also refer to marking or labeling something for identification purposes.

Purloined (6)

Answer: LIFTED

"Lifted" is a slang term meaning stolen or taken without permission. It suggests a secretive or surreptitious action of acquiring something unlawfully.

In various places (4,3,5)


The phrase "here and there" means in different or scattered locations without any specific pattern or order. It indicates movement or distribution across various places or areas.

Greed (7)


"Avidity" refers to an intense or insatiable desire, particularly for wealth, possessions, or power. It is synonymous with greed, representing a strong craving or eagerness to acquire more than what is necessary.

Eagle's nest (5)

Answer: EERIE

The word "eerie" describes something that is strange, mysterious, or unsettling in a way that evokes a sense of unease or fear. In this context, it suggests a comparison between an eagle's nest and a mysterious or eerie atmosphere.

Exterior (7)


An "expanse" refers to a wide or open area that extends over a considerable distance. It can also imply a broad surface or outer layer, suggesting the exterior or outward aspect of something.

Perfect (5)

Answer: GREAT

In this context, "great" can mean excellent, outstanding, or perfect. It is often used informally to express admiration or approval for something that is considered exceptional or flawless.

Sparkling (12)


Life and death" refers to the fundamental concepts of existence and mortality. While not typically associated with sparkling, the phrase can metaphorically evoke a sense of vitality and intensity, akin to the sparkle or brilliance of life itself, contrasted with the solemnity and gravity of death.

Historian (9)


An "archivist" is a person who works with archives, which are collections of historical documents or records. They organize, preserve, and manage these materials, making them accessible for research and study by historians and other interested parties.

Transports (7)


"Convoys" are groups of vehicles, ships, or aircraft traveling together for mutual protection or support. They are commonly used in transportation to enhance safety and efficiency, especially in situations where there may be risks such as during wartime or in hazardous conditions.

Collectively (7)


"Totally" means completely or entirely. While it doesn't directly mean collectively, it can imply a sense of completeness or entirety when referring to a group or collection of things.

Treat badly (5)

Answer: SCORN

"Scorn" means to treat someone or something with contempt or disdain, indicating a lack of respect or regard. It implies treating someone badly by openly expressing contempt or disapproval towards them.

Nation (5)

Answer: REALM

A "realm" can refer to a kingdom or domain, often used metaphorically to describe a specific area or sphere of influence. While not always synonymous with nation, it can represent a distinct territory or jurisdiction governed by a particular authority.

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