Pokemon Brown Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay and Wiki

Discover the ultimate Pokemon Brown walkthrough guide for an immersive gameplay experience. Uncover hidden secrets, capture new Pokemon, and conquer challenging Gym Leaders.

by R Vigneshwaraa | Updated Jul 17, 2023


Pokemon Brown

Pokemon Brown is a popular ROM hack of the original Pokemon Red game. It was created by a developer named Koolboyman and was released in 2004. This hack introduces players to a completely new region called Rijon, which is located south of the Johto region.

One of the notable aspects of Pokemon Brown is that it features the original 151 Pokemon from the Kanto Pokedex. This means that players will encounter familiar Pokemon species from the first generation of Pokemon games. However, the game also includes additional features, such as new characters, locations, and challenges that make the gameplay experience unique and refreshing.

Pokemon Brown offers a fresh take on the classic Pokemon Red game by providing players with a new region to explore and an expanded roster of Pokemon to catch and train. It has garnered a dedicated following within the Pokemon ROM hacking community and continues to be enjoyed by fans around the world.

Pokemon Brown Walkthrough 

Seashore City: 

Begin your journey here by exiting your house and heading to the next area to the south.

Route 53: 

Interact with the salesman and receive a free Potion sample.

Gravel Town: 

Accompany Tim to his lab and choose your starter Pokémon. Defeat Mura, pick up Tim's Pizza from the Mart, and deliver it to him to receive a Pokédex. Proceed to the Merson Cave.

Merson Cave: 

Make your way through this extensive cave to reach Merson City. Look out for hidden recovery spots along the way. Collect various items, including Potions, an Escape Rope, Rare Candy, Repel, Moon Stone, and TM 34 (Bide). Encounter Pokémon such as Zubat, Geodude, Diglett, Slowpoke, Clefairy, Cubone, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.

Route 54: Continue your journey on Route 54, encountering Pokémon like Rattata, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Ekans, Doduo, Abra, and Pikachu.

Merson City: 

Explore Merson City and visit the Pokémon Fan Club to obtain a Bike Voucher. Be prepared to face higher-level wild Pokémon in the grass outside the Pokémon Center. Collect items like the Bike Voucher and TM 12 (Octazooka) from the MART shop. Be cautious of rare encounters with Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. Challenge the Water-type Gym, defeat Gym Leader Karpman, and earn the Marine Badge and TM 12 as rewards.

Route 55: 

Exit through the small house on Route 55 and encounter Pokémon such as Rattata, Pidgey, Ekans, Abra, Doduo, and Bellsprout.

KBM Games Building: 

Visit the KBM Games Building where you can find Koolboyman and receive a Porygon as a gift.

Route 52: 

Explore Route 52 and obtain items like the Great Ball and Super Rod. Encounter Pokémon like Oddish, Doduo, Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, and Rattata. Engage in a trade, exchanging an Abra for a Magmar.

Hayward City: 

In Hayward City, obtain the Town Map from a local girl and defeat the Rocket Grunt to acquire TM 28. Look for additional items such as TM 18 (Counter) and TM 28 (Dig). Engage in a trade, exchanging a Clefairy for a Lapras. Encounter Pokémon like Omanyte and trade a Helix Fossil for it in Seneca Cavern.

Route 64: 

Travel along Route 64, encountering Pokémon like Oddish, Doduo, Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, and Rattata. Collect TM 05 (Roar) and TM 23 (Dragon Breath) along the way.

Route 51: 

Battle Mura again on Route 51, and then defeat the five trainers of the Nugget Crew to receive a prize from an ex-Rocket Grunt. Obtain TM 45 (Thunder Wave). Encounter Pokémon such as Weedle, Kakuna, Abra, Oddish, and Pidgey.

Route 50:

Collect HM 01 (Cut) and encounter Pokémon like Weedle, Kakuna, Abra, Oddish, Pidgey, and Metapod.

Route 49-50: 

Obtain TM 39 (Swift) from a girl upstairs and encounter Pokémon like Oddish, Rattata, Spearow, Tangela, Doduo, and Bellsprout.

Route 49: 

Prepare to face Bird Keepers on Route 49 and encounter Pokémon like Oddish, Rattata, Spearow, Tangela, Doduo, and Bellsprout. Engage in a trade, exchanging a Shellder for a Rhyhorn.

Owsauri City: 

In Owsauri City, visit the Pokémon Fan Club and obtain a Bike Voucher. Collect TM 13 (Ice Beam) and challenge the Ice-type Gym. Defeat Gym Leader Lily to earn the Hail Badge and TM 13.

Owsauri Gym:

Owsauri Gym is an Ice-type gym. The trainers in this gym have Swinub, Seel, and Shellder as their Pokémon.

After defeating the trainers, you will battle Gym Leader Lily. Her Pokémon are Jynx at level 18 and Lapras at level 21.

Once you defeat Lily, she will give you the Hail Badge and TM13.

The Hail Badge allows you to use the move Cut outside of battle.

Hayward City:

From Owsauri Gym, go east to reach Hayward City.

Make sure your Pokémon are around level 20 before proceeding.

Route 63:

In Hayward City, head east to Route 63.

You can now use Cut to clear the path through the bushes and proceed to Silk Tunnel.

Along Route 63, you can encounter Pokémon such as Ekans, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Abra, and Doduo.

Silk Tunnel:

Inside Silk Tunnel, you can find various items such as TM03 (Swords Dance).

The Pokémon that can be found in Silk Tunnel include Onix, Koffing, Staryu, Psyduck, Grimer, Cubone, Abra (rare), Geodude, Drowzee, Ponyta, and Magmar (very rare).

Moraga Town:

In Moraga Town, you can find the Orion Academy, Nations Burgers, and a Gym.

  • You can obtain the Coin Case from Nations Burgers, HM02 (Fly) (requires Cut), TM31 (Mimic) (from a lonely elder), TM21 (Giga Drain), and a Leaf Stone from the Mart shop.
  • There is also a trade available: Nidoqueen for Nidoking.

Moraga Gym:

  • Moraga Gym is a Grass-type gym. The trainers in this gym have Tangela, Oddish, and Bellsprout as their Pokémon.
  • After defeating the trainers, you will battle Gym Leader Lois. Her Pokémon are Weepinbell at level 24, Gloom at level 23, and Ivysaur at level 26.
  • Upon defeating Lois, she will give you the Sprout Badge and TM21.
  • The Sprout Badge allows you to use the move Strength outside of battle.

Route 60:

  • From Moraga Town, you can proceed to Route 60.
  • Along this route, you can find items such as the Exp. All (requires catching 50 different Pokémon) and encounter Pokémon like Paras, Venonat, Pidgey, Meowth, and Abra.

Jaeru City:

  • Jaeru City is the next destination. It is home to a Bike Shop and a Gym.
  • To the north of Jaeru City, you can find the path that leads to the Pokémon League.
  • Don't forget to buy a Beer Keg from the Mart in Jaeru City.
  • Additionally, you can obtain TM24 (Thunderbolt), a Beer Keg, and a Thunder Stone from the Mart shop.

Jaeru Gym:

  • Jaeru Gym is an Electric-type gym. The trainers in this gym have Magnemite, Voltorb, Pikachu, Electabuzz, and Raichu as their Pokémon.
  • After defeating the trainers, you will battle Gym Leader Sparky. His Pokémon are Raichu at level 27, Electabuzz at level 27, and Jolteon at level 29.
  • Once you defeat Sparky, he will give you the Sparky Badge and TM24.
  • The Sparky Badge allows you to use the move Fly outside of battle and increases your Pokémon's speed.

Route 59:

  • After obtaining the Sparky Badge, you can proceed to Route 59.
  • You can pass through the guard on this route if you have a Beer Keg.
  • Pokémon found on this route include Pidgey, Spearow, and Meowth.

Silph Warehouse:

  • Inside the Silph Warehouse, there are wild Pokémon on the lower floors and Rockets on the upper floors.
  • Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, can be found in the warehouse. His Pokémon are Golbat at level 29, Rhyhorn at level 30, Marowak at level 28, and Persian at level 31.
  • Various items can be found in the warehouse, such as the Up-Grade, PP Up, TM19 (Seismic Toss), Shiny Stone, TM42 (Dream Eater) (requires Card Key), a Trade Stone, and a Red Amulet.

Botan City:

  • Botan City is the next destination. Here, you can find the Haunted Forest and Mr. Rumiko's house.
  • Currently, there is nothing to do in Botan City, so head south to the next location.
  • You can purchase a Fire Stone from the Mart shop in Botan City.

Route 58:

  • Travel through Route 58 to proceed. Pokémon found on this route include Rattata, Raticate, Bellsprout, Oddish, Vulpix, Nidoran-F, and Paras.

Castro Valley:

  • In Castro Valley, you can find a harbor, a Mansion, and a Gym.
  • A local fisherman in Castro Valley will give you an Old Rod.
  • Additionally, you can find items such as the Old Rod and TM01 (Dynamicpunch).
  • There is also a trade available: Pidgey for Chansey.

Castro Gym:

  • Castro Gym is a Fighting-type gym. The trainers in this gym have Mankey, Primeape, Hitmontop, Machoke, Tauros, Poliwrath, and Gligar as their Pokémon.
  • After defeating the trainers, you will battle Gym Leader Koji. His Pokémon are Machoke at level 35, Poliwrath at level 37, Heracross at level 35, and Machamp at level 41.
  • Once you defeat Koji, he will give you the Fist Badge and TM01.
  • The Fist Badge allows you to use the move Surf outside of battle.

Coolboyman Mansion:

  • Inside Coolboyman Mansion, it is recommended to catch a Yanma, which can be a great HM user.
  • Use one of the double warps, not the single one, to get under the mansion and obtain the Virus Scanner.
  • After acquiring the Virus Scanner, you can explore the Haunted Forest.
  • Pokémon found in Coolboyman Mansion include Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Arcanine, Pikachu, Rattata, Raticate, Yanma, Spinarak, Ariados, Meowth, Persian, Onix, Graveler, Ditto, Rhyhorn, Golbat, Haunter, Dugtrio, Houndour, and Houndoom.
  • Various items can be found in the mansion, such as Elixir, Iron, HP Up, Carbos, Rare Bone, Rare Candy, TM40 (Skull Bash), TM46 (Noise Pulse), and Max Repel.

Haunted Forest:

Mura is present along with several Channelers.

Catch one Kangaskhan before defeating Mura. Kangaskhan cannot be found in the wild.

Mura's team (if Charmander was chosen): Koffing (lvl 30), Doduo (lvl 29), Gastly (lvl 28), Larvitar (lvl 29), Wartortle (lvl 33).

Available Pokémon: Cubone, Gastly, Haunter.

Items: Card Key, Full Heal, HP Up, Super Repel, Ether, Iron, Rare Candy.

Botan City:

Mr. Rumiko gives you a Pokéflute.

Return to Castro Valley and head to Castro Forest.

Item: Pokéflute.

Castro Forest:

Encounter many Bug Catchers.

Go underground to Route 62.

Available Pokémon: Butterfree, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Pidgeotto, Scyther.

Items: Mushroom, Ether, Trade Stone.

Route 62:

Available Pokémon: Tauros, Ekans, Arbok, Psyduck, Golduck, Farfetch'd, Drowzee, Hypno, Gloom, Tangela.

Route 61:

Available Pokémon: Snorlax (only one), Krabby, Oddish, Venonat, Pidgeotto, Kingler.

Items: TM16 (Pay Day), Good Rod, HM03 (Surf), Dragon Scale (requires Surf).

Power Plant:

Fly to Seashore City.

Available Pokémon: Raikou or Zapdos (only one), Magnemite, Magneton, Pikachu, Raichu, Mareep, Flaaffy, Chinchou, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz (rare).

Items: Electrizer, Thunderstone, Rare Candy, TM25 (Thunder), Max Ether.

Seashore City:

Cut the bush and proceed to the Gym.

Seashore Gym:

Psychic-type gym.

Trainers have Gastly, Haunter, Misdreavous, Slowbro, Slowpoke, Kadabra, Mr. Mime, Starmie, Xatu, and Lickitung.

Defeating Sheral earns you the Psi Badge and TM29.

Psi Badge allows Pokémon up to level 70 to obey you.

Fly to Castro Valley after that.

Gym Leader Sheral's team: Starmie (lvl 45), Slowbro (lvl 45), Exeggutor (lvl 46), Alakazam (lvl 48).

Route 57:

Exit Castro Forest. There is a Gym located here.

Available Pokémon: Gloom, Sandslash, Parasect, Farfetch'd, Tangela, Marowak, Raticate, Dodrio.

Item: TM15 (Hyper Beam).

Equality River Gym:

Normal-type gym.

Trainers have Tauros, Raticate, Fearow, Farfetch'd, Pidgeot, Dodrio, Persian, Wigglytuff, and Snorlax.

Defeating Joe earns you the White Badge and TM15.

Fly to Moraga Town after that.

Gym Leader Joe's team: Raticate (lvl 50), Persian (lvl 48), Pidgeot (lvl 48), Snorlax (lvl 53).

Eagulou Park:

Pokémon: Exeggcute, Nidoran-M, Nidorino, Nidorina, Growlithe, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Rhyhorn, Dratini (fishing), Psyduck (fishing), Slowpoke (fishing), Krabby (fishing), Magikarp (fishing with the old rod).

Items: Stardust, TM48 (Rock Slide), Full Restore, TM10 (Double-Edge), Metal Coat.

Secret Cave:

Trainers have Pokémon around level 45-46.

Pokémon: Mewtwo or Mew (only one), Machop, Machoke, Onix, Butterfree, Vileplume, Venomoth, Slowbro, Rhydon, Primeape, Onix, Geodude, Graveler, Zubat, Golbat.

Items: TM47 (Explosion), TM02 (Razor Wind), Blue Orb.

Seneca Caverns:

Enter the building on Route 67 and proceed to the cave.

Pokémon: Weezing, Golbat, Graveler, Azumarill, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Rhyhorn, Jynx, Houndoom, Heracross, Machoke, Vulpix, Rapidash, Dodrio, Donphan, Flaaffy, Nidorino, Dragonair, Sandslash, Aerodactyl, Chansey, Wooper, Piloswine.

Items: Max Revive, Rare Bone, Trade Stone, Helix Fossil.

Route 67 (behind Seneca Caverns):

Talk to the scientist in the small house to obtain the Magic Wand, which evolves Eevee into Sylveon.

Purchase Jigglypuff for 60,000 at the Pokémon Center.

Final Dungeon:

Go to Hayward City. On the top left, there is a small house where a person blocks the door until you defeat the Pokemon League.

Pokémon: Ho-Oh or Lugia (only one), Misdreavous, Onix, Pinsir, Golbat, Sandslash, Dugtrio, Xatu, Scyther, Nidorino, Ariados, Marowak, Sneasel, Ditto, Nidorino, Poliwhirl, Haunter.

Items: TM32 (Double Team), TM17 (Submission), TM35 (Metronome), TM41 (Wood Hammer), TM36 (Sludge Bomb), Max Elixir, Max Revive, Max Ether, Dubious Disk, TM04 (Aeroblast), Dome Fossil, TM38 (Flamethrower), Dusk Stone, TM22 (Solarbeam), TM25 (Thunder), Master Ball, Gold Egg, Metal Coat, Skull Fossil, TM24 (Thunderbolt), S.S. Ticket (requires Card Key).

Pokemon Brown Gameplay

In Pokemon Brown, players embark on a thrilling adventure through the Rijon region, encountering various Pokemon species and engaging in battles with trainers along the way. The gameplay mechanics closely resemble those of the original Pokemon Red game, but with several notable additions and changes.

As players explore the new region of Rijon, they will encounter different towns, cities, and routes, each with its own unique challenges and gym leaders to defeat. The gym leaders specialize in different types of Pokemon, requiring players to strategically build a diverse team to overcome their defenses.

One of the key features of Pokemon Brown is its expanded Pokedex. In addition to the original 151 Pokemon from the Kanto region, players will have the opportunity to catch and train a range of additional Pokemon species that were not available in the original game. These new Pokemon offer fresh strategies and options for team-building.

The game also introduces new characters and storylines, providing an immersive and engaging narrative experience. Players will encounter rival trainers, helpful allies, and intriguing NPCs as they progress through the game's storyline.

Pokemon Brown incorporates various features and improvements found in later generations of Pokemon games. This includes the addition of new moves, abilities, and item mechanics. Players will also find that the game includes updated graphics and sprites, enhancing the visual experience compared to the original Pokemon Red.

Pokemon Brown Guide

Start your adventure in Pokemon Brown by selecting a starter Pokemon from Professor Elm in the town of New Bark. You have the choice between Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile. Once you've chosen your starter, it's time to explore the Rijon region, located south of Johto. Journey through towns, cities, and routes, encountering various Pokemon, trainers, and intriguing characters along the way.

To expand your team, capture wild Pokemon that you come across in grassy areas, caves, and other locations. Use Poke Balls to increase your chances of successfully capturing them. Battle trainers throughout the region to test your skills and earn experience points for your Pokemon, helping them level up and grow stronger.

As you progress, challenge Gym Leaders in different towns and cities. Each Gym Leader specializes in a specific type of Pokemon, so building a balanced team and strategizing is essential to overcome their challenges and earn badges. Catch a variety of Pokemon to create a well-rounded team, considering their types, moves, and abilities to handle various situations.

Engage with the game's storyline and interact with non-playable characters (NPCs) to uncover the secrets, history, and mysteries of the Rijon region. Utilize items like Potions, Antidotes, and status-healing items to support your Pokemon during battles. Teach them new moves and utilize their unique abilities to gain an advantage over opponents.

Explore hidden areas by thoroughly investigating each location, interact with the environment, and speak to NPCs to discover secret areas, hidden items, and rare Pokemon. Train your Pokemon by battling wild Pokemon and trainers to help them level up and evolve. Evolving your Pokemon will make them stronger and enable them to learn new moves, enhancing their battle potential.

Engage in side quests and optional tasks to earn rewards, unveil additional story elements, and unlock special items or Pokemon. Once you've collected all the badges, challenge the Elite Four and the Champion. These powerful trainers will test your skills and strategy to the limit. Defeating them will earn you the title of Champion in the Rijon region.

Enjoy your adventure in Pokemon Brown as you embark on a journey filled with exploration, battles, team building, and uncovering the secrets of this unique ROM hack.

Pokemon Brown Map

Pokémon Brown features a unique map that takes players on a journey through the Rijon region, located south of Johto. The map showcases various towns, cities, routes, and special locations that players can explore during their adventure.

The Rijon region in Pokémon Brown is home to a diverse range of environments, including lush forests, rugged mountains, tranquil lakes, and mysterious caves. Each area on the map offers its own set of challenges, encounters, and hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.

Players will navigate through the map, encountering wild Pokémon, battling trainers, and uncovering the rich lore and stories of the region. Along the way, they'll need to strategically plan their routes, considering the strengths and weaknesses of their Pokémon team and the obstacles that lie ahead.

Exploration is a key aspect of Pokémon Brown, and the map provides a sense of exploration and discovery as players venture into unexplored territories. From the quaint village of New Bark to the depths of secret caves and hidden areas, the map guides players on a captivating journey filled with surprises and new encounters.

The Pokémon Brown map also highlights the locations of important landmarks, such as Gyms, where players can challenge powerful Gym Leaders to earn badges. These badges are essential for progressing through the game and facing tougher opponents.

As players delve deeper into the map, they will unlock new areas and gain access to additional features, expanding the scope of their adventure. Whether it's fishing in serene lakes, navigating treacherous mountain paths, or unraveling the mysteries of hidden caves, the Pokémon Brown map offers a rich and immersive experience for players to explore and enjoy.

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Pokemon Brown Walkthrough- FAQs

1. What is Pokemon Brown?

Pokemon Brown is a popular ROM hack of Pokemon Red, featuring a new region called Rijon and an expanded storyline with new Pokemon and characters.

2. Where can I play Pokemon Brown?

Pokemon Brown is a ROM hack and can be played on Game Boy Advance emulators or compatible devices.

3. How many Pokemon are available in Pokemon Brown?

Pokemon Brown includes a total of 252 Pokemon, including both new Pokemon and ones from previous generations.

4. Are there any unique features or additions in Pokemon Brown?

Yes, Pokemon Brown introduces new areas, Gym Leaders, and an extended post-game storyline, providing an enhanced gameplay experience.

5. Is Pokemon Brown a challenging game?

Yes, Pokemon Brown offers a higher difficulty level compared to the original Pokemon games, providing a rewarding experience for seasoned players looking for a challenge.