Puzzle Page Crossword Answer for April 15, 2024, is Revealed Here!

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by Pooja | Updated Apr 15, 2024


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Puzzle Page Crossword Answer For April 15, 2024

Loud harsh sound

Answer: BLARE

When something makes a loud, harsh sound, it can be described as blaring. It's often associated with alarms, sirens, or loud music.

Naughty kids

Answer: BRATS

Brats are often used to describe mischievous or naughty children who may be unruly or disobedient.


Answer: ORANGE

Orange is a color that is a mixture of red and yellow, creating a vibrant hue often associated with fruits like oranges or the changing colors of leaves in autumn.

Not long now

Answer: SOON

This phrase suggests that something is going to happen in the near future, indicating a short amount of time before an event occurs.

Cloud of smoke

Answer: PALL

A pall is a dense cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter that obscures visibility or casts a shadow.

Gain height rapidly

Answer: SOAR

Soar means to rise swiftly and smoothly to a great height, often describing the flight of birds or airplanes.


Answer: FOG

Fog is a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the earth's surface, reducing visibility and causing an obscured view.

Saying, phrase

Answer: MOTTO

A motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses a guiding principle, a rule of behavior, or an inspirational message.

Tenant, roomer

Answer: LODGER

A lodger is someone who rents a room in another person's house, typically for a temporary period.

Large wasp

Answer: HORNET

Hornets are large, stinging insects that belong to the same family as wasps and are known for their aggressive behavior when provoked.


Answer: BLAME

Culpability refers to the responsibility or guilt for something, and when assigning culpability, one is attributing blame to a person or entity for a particular action or outcome.


Answer: WEB

A network can refer to a system of interconnected things or people, and a web is a specific type of network characterized by its intricate, interconnected structure, like a spider's web.

Frilly, ornamental

Answer: LACY

Something that is described as lacy typically has delicate, intricate patterns resembling lace, often used in clothing or decorative items.

Mid-west US city

Answer: KANSAS

Kansas is a state located in the Midwestern United States, and the word can also refer to Kansas City, a major city in the state of Missouri which is part of the larger Kansas City metropolitan area spanning both Kansas and Missouri.

Remoteness, inaccessibility


Remoteness and inaccessibility both describe the state of being cut off or separated from others, and isolation refers to the condition of being alone or separated from society or contact with others.

Section of hair

Answer: LOCK

A lock of hair refers to a small section or strand of hair, often used for various purposes like styling or as a keepsake.

Regular newspaper article

Answer: COLUMN

In a newspaper, a column is a regular feature where a writer shares their opinions, analysis, or commentary on a specific topic, usually appearing in the same place in each edition.

Harm with steam

Answer: SCALD

To scald means to injure with hot liquid or steam, typically causing burns to the skin.

Hair on eyelid

Answer: LASH

Eyelashes are the short, fine hairs that grow along the edge of the eyelid, serving to protect the eye from debris and moisture.

Exchanged goods for money

Answer: TRADED

Trading involves the exchange of goods or services for money or other goods, typically conducted in a mutually beneficial transaction between parties.

Set of steps over fence

Answer: STILE

A stile is a structure consisting of steps or rungs for pedestrians to climb over a fence or wall while allowing livestock to be contained within the enclosed area.

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