Puzzle Page Crossword Answer Updated (March 29, 2024)

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by Dheshni | Updated Mar 29, 2024

Puzzle Page Crossword

In this digital age, playing games online has become more convenient. Puzzle Page offers a fun challenge for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. You need to have good knowledge about a wide range of topics and a strong vocabulary to solve the crossword. It’s ok to get help if you are stuck. Check the answers for today’s crossword below.

Humorous parody (inf)

Answer: SPOOF

A "humorous parody" is often referred to as a spoof. A spoof is a comedic imitation or satire that exaggerates elements of the original work or genre to create humor. It's intended to entertain by poking fun at the conventions or tropes of a particular subject, such as movies, TV shows, or literary works

Gave services freely


To "give services freely" means to volunteer. When someone volunteers, they offer their time, skills, or resources without expecting payment or compensation in return. Volunteering is often done to support a cause, organization, or community initiative.

Groups of people

Answer: GANGS

"Groups of people" are commonly referred to as gangs. A gang is a social group or organization, typically characterized by a shared identity, purpose, or affiliation. Gangs can have positive or negative connotations depending on their activities and intentions.

Dribble, slaver

Answer: DROOL

Dribble" and "slaver" are both synonyms for drool. Drool refers to saliva that flows uncontrollably from the mouth, often due to excitement, anticipation, or excessive salivation. It's a natural bodily response but can be considered unsightly or undesirable in social situations.

Impudence, cheek


"Impudence" and "cheek" are both synonyms for irreverence. Irreverence refers to a lack of respect or seriousness, often expressed through disrespectful behavior, remarks, or attitudes towards authority, tradition, or established norms. It's characterized by a willingness to challenge or mock conventional beliefs or practices.


Answer: PAGED

To be "summoned" can mean to be contacted or called by someone, often through a pager or similar device. When someone is paged, they receive a notification or message indicating that they are needed or requested to respond to a particular situation or task.

Token of membership

Answer: BADGE

A "token of membership" often refers to a badge. A badge is a small object or insignia that signifies affiliation with a particular group, organization, or institution. It's commonly worn on clothing or displayed as proof of membership or authority.


Answer: CHILD

A "pre-adolescent" refers to a child who is in the stage of development before adolescence. Children typically range in age from infancy to pre-adolescence, which covers roughly the period from about 7 to 12 years old.


Answer: BADLY

"Incompetently" means to perform a task or activity poorly or inadequately. "Badly" is an adverb that describes the manner in which something is done or the degree to which it is done poorly. It's often used to indicate a lack of skill or proficiency in carrying out a task

Tier of building

Answer: FLOOR

A "tier of building" often refers to a floor, which is a level of a building that is horizontally divided from other levels by structural elements such as walls or floors. Buildings typically have multiple floors or stories, each serving different purposes or accommodating different functions.

Attacked by animal


Being "attacked by an animal" can result in being savaged. To be savaged means to be violently attacked or mauled by an animal, causing severe injuries or harm.

Theme park US city


The "theme park US city" refers to Orlando, Florida. Orlando is known for being a major tourist destination, particularly because it is home to several famous theme parks, including Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and SeaWorld Orlando


Answer: FINDS

Discoveries" refers to things that are found or uncovered through exploration, investigation, or observation. "Finds" is the plural form of the noun, indicating multiple discoveries or objects that have been found.

Important anatomical organ

Answer: LIVER

The "important anatomical organ" referred to is the liver. The liver is a vital organ located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. It plays a crucial role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification, and other essential bodily functions

Looked very happy!


"Looked very happy!" suggests smiling broadly, which is described as grinning. To grin is to smile widely, often showing one's teeth, as an expression of happiness, amusement, or satisfaction

Short high-pitched sound

Answer: BLEEP

A "short high-pitched sound" is often represented by a bleep. A bleep is a brief, high-pitched tone or sound often used in television or radio to censor or obscure offensive language or sensitive content.

Elderly, faltering


"Elderly, faltering" describes someone who is unsteady or shaky due to old age. "Doddering" or "doddering" can be used to describe this state, indicating a person who moves or walks with difficulty and lacks stability.

Chocolate-like pod

Answer: CAROB

A "chocolate-like pod" refers to the fruit of the carob tree. The carob pod is a dark brown, elongated fruit that contains sweet pulp and seeds. It is often used as a substitute for chocolate in culinary applications, particularly in regions where chocolate is not readily available or as a health-conscious alternative.

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