Smartest Animals in the World 2023 - Top 10 Ranked

Here we provided the most Smartest Animals in the world that are truly intelligent, read further on the Smartest Animals in the World 2023 to get surprised with more exciting information. 

by Maivizhi A | Updated Mar 22, 2023

Smartest Animals in the World 2023

The tendency of human beings to feel overly secure in their position as the top of the food chain is a common phenomenon. We often take for granted our status as the most intelligent species on the planet, without fully considering what sets us apart from other animals. While we possess certain traits such as object permanence, planning abilities, tool usage, and complex social relationships, many other species also exhibit some or all of these traits.

For many animal species, specialized intelligence is crucial for survival. Animals remember routes and landmarks to navigate safely and locate food, while others develop strategies to evade and outsmart predators. Additionally, many animals display emotional intelligence that may surprise us. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 smartest animals in the world.

Smartest Animals Ranked Top 10

Here, we have updated the Top 10 Smartest Animals in the World 2023. You can check the table below.






Bottlenose Dolphin






African Grey Parrot











We have given below a brief description of the animals that are tabulated above.

Top 10 Smartest Animals in the World 2023

1. Orangutans

Orangutans are remarkable creatures, similar to chimpanzees in their ability to use tools, learn sign language, and have complex social structures. However, what truly sets them apart is their cognitive ability to understand the 'why' behind actions. In captivity, researchers observed an orangutan learning to use tools and build a simple structure. When released into the wild, the same orangutan was observed improvising tools from found materials and constructing a similar structure for shelter from the rain.

Given that orangutans share over 97% of their DNA with humans, it's not surprising that they exhibit such high levels of intelligence and tool use. They are capable of using hammers and nails, and have even been known to use hoses to siphon liquids. Sadly, these amazing creatures are critically endangered due to habitat loss in their native Indonesia.

2. Bottlenose Dolphin

The bottlenose dolphin is often thought to be the most intelligent animal, but it actually ranks second on this list. Its level of intelligence varies across the eight different species of dolphin, but this discussion only focuses on the bottlenose dolphin. This particular species has the largest brain size relative to body size among all dolphins and lacks fused cervical vertebrae, allowing for human-like head movements.

Moreover, bottlenose dolphins are highly trainable and have the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors, perceive unfamiliar marks on their bodies in a reflection, recognize images on TV, and exhibit excellent memory. These dolphins are even able to remember the calls of a mate after a separation of over 20 years. However, two remarkable abilities are what really set bottlenose dolphins apart: they possess a language unique to their species and can switch to a "common language" to communicate with other dolphin species, as well as other animals such as humans and false killer whales, in order to hunt effectively together.

3. Chimpanzee

Ranked third on this list of intelligent animals are chimpanzees, our closest genetic relatives who share 98 percent of their DNA with humans. These great apes are native to sub-Saharan Africa and are known for their impressive tool-making skills, using available items to create what they need. Additionally, chimps are capable of using psychological manipulation within their own family groups to achieve certain tasks.

A fascinating fact about chimpanzees is that researchers observed adult members of a family unit teaching their young sign language without any human interaction or prompting. The chimps took it upon themselves to teach the children, and were using sign language to communicate within the group.

4. Elephants

While elephants are often praised for their impressive memory, their intelligence is not limited to that. These magnificent creatures have a complex social structure, and they exhibit emotions such as mourning and grief, even participating in funeral rituals for deceased members of their family. Additionally, elephants are capable of tool use and even self-medication, consuming certain plants to treat illnesses and induce labor.

One remarkable aspect of their intelligence is their ability to perform altruistic acts, a characteristic that is rare in the animal kingdom due to the abstract thinking required for such actions. In times of danger, elephants have been known to put themselves in harm's way to ensure the safety of their herd or young.

5. African Grey Parrot

On the list of the most intelligent animals, the African grey parrot is the smartest bird. Their intelligence is comparable to that of a five-year-old child, and they are capable of learning human speech, as well as mastering a large vocabulary of hundreds of words. Besides this, African grey parrots exhibit understanding of spatial reasoning, and can recognize and differentiate between shapes and colors. They can also be taught concepts such as size comparisons, opposites, and spatial relationships, such as over and under.

African grey parrots are a popular choice as pets and are found in domesticated environments worldwide. However, they are originally from the rainforests of central Africa.

6. Octopus

The octopus has made it to the list of the world's most intelligent animals, making it the only invertebrate on the list. Being the only member of its class to be included in the list, you might wonder about the level of intelligence possessed by an octopus. In captivity, octopuses have displayed high-level planning skills, using multiple steps to escape from confinement. Additionally, some of them have demonstrated the ability to damage objects outside their tanks by intentionally splashing water on them multiple times or throwing rocks at glass. Octopuses can also open jars with screw-on lids, exhibiting their cognitive abilities.

These cephalopods are surprisingly astute in their natural habitat too. They use clever tactics to camouflage themselves as rocks to move around stealthily. They inch along very slowly, matching their speed with the water's to give the illusion of standing still. This enables them to move around unnoticed by predators.

7. Pigs

On our list of the top 10 intelligent animals, pigs managed to secure a spot just above dogs. While dogs possess intelligence similar to that of a toddler, pigs exhibit a significantly higher level of IQ. These animals can grasp the concept of reflection at only six weeks old, which typically takes human infants several months to understand.

Furthermore, pigs communicate with each other using a range of about 20 distinct sounds. When nursing their young, mother pigs sing to them, exhibiting another fascinating aspect of their behavior. Pigs respond to emotions and even display empathy when appropriate, an incredibly rare trait in the animal kingdom. 

8. Crows

Crows are another intelligent animal species that can use complicated group tactics and have impressive memory skills. They have been observed altering migration patterns to avoid danger and memorizing garbage routes to easily find food. Crows also possess the largest brain among avian species and can recognize human faces. They are able to use tools, such as the New Caledonian crow, which makes a knife to separate leaves and grass and uses a hook and line to access hard-to-reach food sources.

9. Pigeons

Pigeons, despite being nicknamed "flying rats," are also highly intelligent. They are able to recognize their own reflection, demonstrate self-awareness, and have excellent memory skills. For centuries, they were used as messengers due to their ability to recognize specific people and places over long periods of time. Additionally, they can identify all the letters of the English alphabet and differentiate between two people in pictures.

10. Rats

For years, scientists have chosen rats as research animals because their minds function very similarly to humans despite having small and underdeveloped brains. Rats are adept at figuring out mazes, memorizing routes, and executing complex multi-step tasks. They are also social animals, exhibiting signs of depression and loneliness when left alone. This is why they are considered one of the most intelligent animals.

What is the Most Intelligent Animal?

The orangutan population has experienced a significant decline over the past two decades, largely due to poaching, illegal pet trade, and habitat destruction caused by activities such as timber harvesting, mining, and the creation of palm oil plantations. Sadly, the demand for palm oil is a leading contributor to deforestation, which is driving the loss of orangutan habitat. In addition to facing the threat of poaching for meat, young orangutans are also captured for illegal wildlife trade.

Humans can play a crucial role in helping to protect orangutans by reducing our consumption of products that contribute to deforestation, such as those containing palm oil, paper, and wood. The conversion of forested land for animal agriculture and livestock feed also poses a significant threat to endangered species, including orangutans. By reducing or eliminating meat consumption, we can contribute to conservation efforts and help save these intelligent creatures from extinction.

Most Intelligent Animals

Orangutans and chimpanzees rank among the most intelligent animals on the planet. Orangutans share 97% of their DNA with humans and both primates exhibit tool usage, construct shelters, have complex social structures, and possess some basic language skills.

Bottlenose dolphins are impressively intelligent and can switch between specialized and generalized languages. These marine mammals have also been observed communicating and collaborating with other species. The smartest animals in the world continue to surprise and amaze us with their remarkable cognitive abilities. From orangutans to bottlenose dolphins, chimpanzees to elephants, African grey parrots to octopuses, these animals exhibit advanced levels of intelligence that are crucial for their survival. They possess specialized skills such as tool use, planning, memory, and emotional intelligence, and even display altruistic behavior. As we continue to study and learn more about these intelligent animals, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life on our planet and the importance of protecting it.

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Smartest Animals in the World 2023 - FAQs

1. What are the smartest animals in the world in 2023?

The top 10 smartest animals in the world in 2023 are Orangutan, Bottlenose Dolphin, Chimpanzee, Elephant, African Grey Parrot, Octopus, Pig, Crow, Pigeon, and Rat.

2. What makes orangutans intelligent?  

Orangutans are intelligent because they can use tools, learn sign language, have complex social structures, and can understand the 'why' behind actions. They are also capable of using hammers and nails and have been known to improvise tools from found materials.

3. How do bottlenose dolphins communicate?  

Bottlenose dolphins possess a unique language, which they can switch to a "common language" to communicate with other dolphin species and other animals such as humans and false killer whales. They are highly trainable, can recognize themselves in mirrors, and exhibit excellent memory.

4. What emotional capabilities do elephants possess?

Elephants have a complex social structure and exhibit emotions such as mourning and grief, even participating in funeral rituals for deceased members of their family. They can also perform altruistic acts, putting themselves in harm's way to ensure the safety of their herd or young.

5. What is unique about the intelligence of chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees are our closest genetic relatives, sharing 98 percent of their DNA with humans. They exhibit impressive tool-making skills, can use psychological manipulation, and have been observed teaching sign language to their young without human intervention.