Solution for Mirror Classic Crossword Puzzle Dated April 1st 2024

This article speaks on the topic of the Mirror Classic Crossword Puzzle and all the things associated with the crossword.

by Shalini K | Updated Apr 01, 2024

Mirror Classic crosswords are typically found in British newspapers. They follow a "classic" theme. In these crosswords, there are empty spaces with numbers for you to fill in with words. To play this game, you have to buy a newspaper.

Halts (5)

Answer: JAMES

The clue suggests a verb meaning to bring something to a stop or to cease movement. "JAMES" doesn't seem to fit the clue's description. It appears there might be an error in either the clue or the answer.

Light quick meal (5)

Answer: SNACK

Here, the clue suggests a term for a small, light meal eaten between regular meals. "SNACK" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a quick and light food item consumed between main meals

Scandinavian (5)

Answer: KRONE

This clue implies a term associated with Scandinavia, which could be a language, currency, or cultural element. "KRONE" is the currency used in Norway and Denmark, fitting the clue's requirement.

Lawlessness (7)

Answer: MOB RULE

The clue suggests a term related to a situation where a group disregards established laws or governance. "MOB RULE" refers to a state where the actions or decisions of a mob or large group of people hold sway, often resulting in disorder or lawlessness.

On a higher floor (8)


Here, the clue indicates a location above ground level within a building. "UPSTAIRS" fits this description, referring to the upper floor or levels of a building.

Fencing sword (4)

Answer: FOIL

In fencing, there are three main types of swords used: foil, épée, and sabre. The question specifies a "sword," and the answer is a four-letter word that refers specifically to one of these fencing swords.

Group of seven (6)

Answer: HEPTAD

This question refers to a specific term used to describe a collection or set of seven items. It's commonly used in various contexts, including science, music, and even mythology.

Casualty (6)

Answer: INJURY

In this context, "casualty" refers to an individual who has suffered harm or injury, typically in an accident, disaster, or conflict. The answer is a six-letter word that directly relates to this concept.

Garden basket (4)

Answer: TRUG

A "garden basket" is a container commonly used for carrying or collecting items in a garden, such as harvested fruits, vegetables, or flowers. The answer is a specific term for this type of basket, consisting of four letters.

Unmarried man (8)


This question refers to a specific term used to describe a man who has not yet entered into marriage. It typically connotes a single, independent status. The answer is an eight-letter word that directly relates to this concept.

Tramp (7)

Answer: EASY LAY

In this context, "tramp" refers to a person who wanders from place to place, often without a permanent home or employment. The answer is a colloquial term consisting of seven letters that captures this idea.

Imperial unit (5)

Answer: OUNCE

This question hints at a unit of measurement commonly used in the British Imperial system, which includes units like inches, feet, and pounds. The answer is a five-letter word representing one of these units.

Deadly sin (5)

Answer: ANGER

A "deadly sin" refers to one of the seven sins considered especially serious in Christian ethics: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The answer is a five-letter word representing one of these sins.

Capture by trickery (5)

Answer: SNARE

This question refers to a method of capturing something or someone through deceit or cunning. The answer is a five-letter word that specifically denotes this act of trapping or ensnaring.

Rotates (5)

Answer: ROLLS

When something "rotates," it means it turns around an axis or pivots. The answer is a five-letter word that describes this action of circular motion

Ready (8)


This question likely refers to being prepared or equipped for a particular task or situation. The answer is an eight-letter word that signifies this state of readiness, often implying having the necessary knowledge or resources.

Tidy or carefully arranged (4)

Answer: NEAT

This question hints at a state of cleanliness or orderliness, where things are arranged neatly or meticulously. The answer is a four-letter word that directly relates to this concept of neatness

Pilot's compartment (7)


This question refers to the specific area in an aircraft where the pilot sits and operates the controls. The answer is a seven-letter word that precisely denotes this part of the aircraft.

Prying (11)


"Prying" in this context suggests being excessively curious or nosy, often trying to obtain information that is not freely offered. The answer is an eleven-letter word that captures this behavior.

Wed (5)

Answer: HITCH

This question refers to the act of getting married. The answer is a five-letter word that directly relates to this union between two people.

Huge self-service store (11)


This question hints at a large retail establishment where customers can purchase a wide variety of goods and products, often in bulk and with self-service options. The answer is an eleven-letter term commonly used to describe such stores.

Of noble birth (8)


This question refers to someone born into a noble or aristocratic family, possessing a hereditary title or privilege. The answer is an eight-letter phrase that specifically denotes this social status.

Rubber suction cup on a rod (7)


This question describes a specific tool commonly used for unclogging drains or toilets. The answer is a seven-letter term that accurately identifies this item.

Inner planet (5)

Answer: VENUS

In our solar system, the inner planets are those that orbit closest to the Sun. Venus is one of these inner planets

Large passenger ship or aircraft (5)

Answer: LINER

A "liner" is a term commonly used to refer to large passenger ships or aircraft, particularly those designed for regular and scheduled transportation of passengers between distant ports or destinations

Magician's stick (4)

Answer: WAND

In the realm of magic and illusion, a magician often wields a "wand" as a tool or prop to perform various tricks or spells. It's a symbolic object associated with magical abilities and performances.

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