Solution for the Mirror Classic Crossword Puzzle March 29, 2024

We will provide you with the solution for Mirror Classic Crossword Clue, from which you can get an idea of how to solve it.

by Sivasankari | Updated Mar 29, 2024

The crossword article we are going to write about is The Mirror Classic, which is based on solving type of different crossword puzzles, that help you to improve your memory capacity and ability to solve the clues faster.

Sloppily (10)


"Sloppily" indicates the manner in which something is done with little care or attention to detail. "Carelessly" fits this description perfectly, as it means to do something without taking sufficient care or thought, often resulting in mistakes or errors due to negligence

Give up altogether (7)


Give up altogether" suggests ceasing all efforts or completely relinquishing something. "Abandon" aligns perfectly with this idea, as it means to desert or forsake something entirely, whether it be a task, project, or goal.

Insect grub (5)

Answer: LARVA

An "insect grub" refers to the immature stage of an insect's life cycle, typically characterized by a worm-like appearance and lack of wings. "Larva" specifically denotes this developmental stage of insects, such as beetles, butterflies, and flies, before they undergo metamorphosis into their adult forms

Unemployment benefit (4)

Answer: DOLE

"Unemployment benefit" is a form of financial aid provided to individuals who are temporarily out of work and actively seeking employment. "Dole" is a colloquial term often used to refer to such assistance or relief payments given to unemployed individuals to help them meet their basic needs during their period of joblessness.

Soon (4)

Answer: FAST

"Soon" indicates a short duration of time before an event or action occurs. "Fast" fits this description perfectly, as it denotes something happening quickly or without delay, implying a short period between the present moment and the anticipated event or action.

Take a pew! (3)

Answer: SIT

Take a pew!" is an informal expression inviting someone to sit down, typically in a friendly or relaxed manner. "Sit" is the appropriate response to this invitation, as it signifies the action of lowering oneself onto a seat or bench in compliance with the suggestion to take a pew

Edible shellfish (6)

Answer: WINKLE

"Edible shellfish" refers to a type of seafood that can be consumed as part of a meal. "Winkle" specifically denotes a small marine mollusk, commonly known as a periwinkle, that inhabits rocky shores and has a spiral-shaped shell. Winkles are often boiled or steamed and served as a delicacy in various cuisines.

Watch out (6)

Answer: BE WARY

"Watch out" is a warning to be cautious or vigilant, typically in anticipation of a potential danger or hazard. "Be wary" aligns perfectly with this cautionary message, as it advises being cautious, alert, and mindful of one's surroundings to avoid potential risks or harm

Choose (3)

Answer: ERR

"Choose" implies making a decision or selecting from multiple options. "Err" fits this context as it means to make a mistake or to choose incorrectly. Therefore, the answer "ERR" suggests an action contrary to making a correct choice.

Overwhelming defeat (4)

Answer: ROUT

An "overwhelming defeat" describes a decisive and complete victory by one side over another. "Rout" fits this description as it refers to a disorderly retreat or a crushing defeat suffered by a group or army in battle. In this context, "ROUT" indicates a resounding and overwhelming loss.

Couple (4)

Answer: MATE

Couple" typically refers to a pair or two individuals who are associated or connected in some way. "Mate" aligns with this definition as it can mean a partner or companion, often used to refer to a spouse or romantic partner. Therefore, "MATE" is a suitable answer for "couple."

Cardinal number (5)

Answer: EIGHT

A "cardinal number" is a number used to count or denote quantity. "Eight" is a specific cardinal number representing the quantity of eight. In numerical terms, "EIGHT" denotes the cardinal number 8

Base frame of a vehicle (7)


The "base frame of a vehicle" refers to the structural framework that provides support and stability to the vehicle's components. "Chassis" fits this description perfectly as it is the framework upon which the vehicle's body and mechanical components are mounted, including the engine, suspension, and wheels.

Unruly (10)


"Unruly" describes something that is disorderly, chaotic, or lacking in discipline. "Disarrayed" aligns with this description as it means to be in a state of disorganization or confusion, suggesting a lack of order or control. Therefore, "DISARRAYED" is a fitting synonym for "unruly."

French wine (7)


French wine" refers to wine produced in the country of France, known for its diverse and renowned wine regions. "Chablis" specifically denotes a white wine made from Chardonnay grapes grown in the Chablis region of Burgundy, France. Therefore, "CHABLIS" is a specific type of French wine.

Unmannered (4)

Answer: WILD

Unmannered" describes someone who lacks proper manners or behaves in a rude or uncivilized manner. "Wild" aligns with this description as it can denote behavior that is untamed, uncivilized, or lacking in social norms or manners. Therefore, "WILD" is an appropriate synonym for "unmannered."

Inner covering of anything (6)

Answer: LINING

The "inner covering of anything" refers to a layer of material used to cover the inside surface of an object, such as clothing, bags, or furniture. "Lining" is the term commonly used to describe this inner layer, which provides protection, insulation, or reinforcement to the item.

Sliver (8)


A "sliver" is a small, thin piece or portion of something, often implying a fragment or a tiny part broken off from a larger whole. "Fragment" is a synonym for sliver, denoting a small, incomplete piece or part resulting from the breaking or splitting of something larger.

Noblemen (5)

Answer: RULES

Noblemen" refers to men of noble or aristocratic rank, typically holding titles of nobility and often belonging to the upper class of society. "Rules" in this context may refer to those who govern or exercise authority, which aligns with the social status and influence commonly associated with noblemen.

With barely enough to live on (4-2-5)


Hand-to-mouth" is an idiomatic expression describing a situation where individuals or households have just enough income or resources to cover their immediate needs, such as food and shelter, without any surplus for savings or emergencies. It implies living from one paycheck or day to the next, with no extra funds to spare.

Ordinary uniform of a soldier (11)


The "ordinary uniform of a soldier" refers to the standard attire worn by military personnel during combat or training. "Battle dress" is the specific term used to describe this uniform, typically consisting of camouflage or khaki-colored clothing designed for field operations.

Intrepid (8)


"Intrepid" describes someone who is fearless, brave, or adventurous, showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty. "Spirited" aligns with this description as it denotes someone who possesses vigor, energy, or enthusiasm, often demonstrating boldness and determination.

Accumulates (7)


"Accumulates" indicates the act of gradually gathering or collecting something over time. "Scrumps" fits this description as it means to save or economize by being frugal or thrifty, often by cutting back on expenses or consuming less than one might otherwise.

Type of savoury flan (6)

Answer: QUICHE

A "savoury flan" refers to a pastry dish with a savory filling, typically consisting of eggs, cheese, vegetables, and/or meat. "Quiche" is a specific type of savory flan originating from French cuisine, consisting of a pastry crust filled with a custard made of eggs, cream, cheese, and various other ingredients.

Human trunk (5)

Answer: TORSO

The "human trunk" refers to the main part of the human body, excluding the head, arms, and legs. "Torso" specifically denotes this anatomical region, comprising the chest, abdomen, and back, and serving as the central support structure for the body's vital organs.

Saintly ring of light (4)

Answer: HALO

A "saintly ring of light" is a symbolic representation of holiness or divinity often depicted in religious art. "Halo" is the specific term used to describe this ring of light or radiance, typically depicted as encircling the head of a saint or divine figure in religious iconography.

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