Solution to the Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle dated April 18th,2024

We are here with another new article about  Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle, which will guide you on how to find the solution.

by Dheshni | Updated Apr 18, 2024

Crosswords are games that are made to test your skills in solving puzzles and getting solution from it. We will be given a grid box inside which you will be filling in the answers for the clues, and getting one final answer from it. If you are stuck in between don't worry, we are here to guide you on this and keep you going. So, shall we start the game?

Hammer-like tool (6)

Answer: MALLET

A mallet is a type of hammer-like tool with a large, typically wooden head, used for striking or hitting objects, such as chisels, in woodworking or metalworking. It is similar to a hammer but has a larger and often softer head

In the open air (8)


"Outdoors" refers to the environment or setting outside of enclosed or indoor spaces. It describes being in the open air or exposed to the elements, such as nature, weather, and natural surroundings.

Coils, spins (6)

Answer: TWISTS

To "twist" is to coil or spin something by turning it repeatedly, creating a spiral or helical shape. The clue suggests an action involving coiling or spinning, which fits the definition of "twists."

Impressive collection (5)

Answer: ARRAY

An array is a systematic arrangement or display of objects, often in an impressive or orderly manner. It can refer to a collection of items arranged in rows, columns, or a pattern, showcasing variety or abundance

Bring up (4)

Answer: MOVE

To "move" something is to cause it to change position or location, often by lifting or shifting it to a different place. The clue suggests an action involving relocating or lifting something, which fits the definition of "move."

Extending far down (4)

Answer: DEEP

"Deep" describes something that extends a considerable distance downward or below the surface. It implies a significant depth or distance in the vertical direction.

Inform (4)

Answer: SING

This clue may be a play on words. While "sing" typically means to produce musical sounds with the voice, in informal language, to "sing" can also mean to inform on someone or reveal information that was previously secret or confidential.

Jewel (3)

Answer: JOY

This clue appears to be a metaphorical interpretation. While "joy" typically refers to a feeling of great pleasure or happiness, in a metaphorical sense, it can be considered a "jewel" in one's life, something precious and valuable that brings happiness and fulfillment.

Top of a house (4)

Answer: ROOF

The "roof" is the uppermost covering of a building or structure that provides protection from weather elements such as rain, snow, and sunlight. It forms the highest point of a house or any other building

Rich soil (4)

Answer: PEAT

"Peat" is a type of soil composed of partially decomposed organic matter, typically found in wetlands or bogs. It is known for its high moisture content and acidic nature, making it suitable for growing certain types of plants

Infamous (9)


"Blameable" is a term that means deserving of blame or censure. While it may not be as common as "blameworthy" or "culpable," it still conveys the idea of being infamous or notorious for something negative or wrongful.

Pious platitudes (4)

Answer: CANT

"Cant" refers to insincere or hypocritical expressions of piety or moralizing language. It often implies the use of clichéd or empty phrases that lack genuine belief or sincerity.

Mountain range (4)

Answer: ALAI

The "Alai" is a mountain range located in Central Asia, spanning parts of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is a relatively lesser-known range compared to others like the Himalayas or the Alps.

Taxi (3)

Answer: CAR

A "car" is a vehicle typically used for transporting passengers, goods, or both. In some contexts, "car" can refer specifically to a taxi, which is a vehicle for hire that transports passengers for a fare.

Heinous (4)

Answer: FOUL

"Foul" can describe something extremely wicked, atrocious, or morally reprehensible. It can refer to acts or behaviors that are considered heinous or abhorrent

Snare (4)

Answer: HUNT

To "hunt" is to pursue and capture or kill wild animals for food or sport. While "hunt" can refer to the act of searching or pursuing in general, in the context of the clue, it suggests the use of snares or traps to capture animals.

Broad toothy smile (4)

Answer: GRIN

A "grin" is a broad smile that typically reveals the teeth. It is often associated with amusement, satisfaction, or mischief, and it conveys a sense of happiness or pleasure.

Stage whisper (5)

Answer: ASIDE

An "aside" is a theatrical device where a character speaks directly to the audience or to another character on stage, but their speech is meant to be heard by the audience and not by other characters. It is typically delivered in a hushed tone or whisper

To badger (6)

Answer: HARASS

To "harass" someone is to persistently bother, annoy, or pester them, often in an aggressive or intrusive manner. It involves subjecting someone to repeated pressure, intimidation, or unwanted attention.

Lock up (8)


To "dominate" is to exert control or influence over something or someone in a way that restricts their freedom or autonomy. While "lock up" can also mean to physically secure or imprison, in this context, it suggests the idea of controlling or monopolizing

Begrudge (6)

Answer: DESIRE

To "begrudge" someone something is to envy or resent them for having or enjoying it, often unwillingly or reluctantly. While "desire" typically means to want or wish for something eagerly, in this context, it implies a feeling of longing or coveting.

Cold dish (5)

Answer: ASPIC

Aspic is a dish made by setting savory ingredients such as meat, fish, or vegetables in a gelatin or jelly-like substance, which is then chilled until firm. It is served cold and often used as a decorative element in culinary presentations.

Burning, ablaze (5)

Answer: AFIRE

"Afire" describes something that is on fire or burning. It implies a state of flames or intense heat.

Extremely (4)

Answer: EVER

"Ever" can mean at any time, under any circumstances, or to any extent. It emphasizes the extreme or absolute nature of something.

Driver's hotel (5)

Answer: MOTEL

A "motel" is a type of hotel designed primarily for motorists, providing parking facilities and convenient access to guest rooms from the parking lot. The clue refers to the fact that motorists, or drivers, often stay at motels during their travels.

Den (4)

Answer: ROOM

A "room" is a space within a building that is enclosed by walls and used for a specific purpose, such as living, sleeping, or working. In the context of the clue, "den" can refer to a room in a house that serves as a cozy retreat or gathering space

High regard (6)

Answer: PRAISE

Praise" refers to expressing approval or admiration for someone or something, indicating high regard or esteem. It involves acknowledging and commending the qualities, achievements, or actions of a person or thing.

Beat soundly (6)

Answer: ROUTED

To "rout" someone is to defeat them decisively and overwhelmingly, often in a competition, battle, or contest. It implies a thorough and complete victory over the opponent.

Agent (3)

Answer: END

In some contexts, an "end" can refer to a person who acts as a representative or intermediary, carrying out tasks or transactions on behalf of others. While it may not be the most common usage, "end" can sometimes be used to mean an agent or representative.

Pinafore (5)

Answer: APRON

An "apron" is a protective garment worn over clothing to shield it from dirt, spills, or damage during activities such as cooking, cleaning, or crafting. It typically ties around the waist and covers the front of the body

Chorus (7)


A "chorale" is a musical composition typically written for a choir or chorus to sing. It often features harmonized voices singing together in unison or in parts.

Also (3)

Answer: AND

"And" is a conjunction used to connect words, phrases, or clauses. It indicates addition or inclusion, often used to introduce another item or idea in a list or sequence.

Household fuel (3)

Answer: GAS

"Gas" refers to a flammable substance, typically a mixture of hydrocarbons, that is used as a fuel for heating, cooking, or powering household appliances such as stoves, ovens, and water heaters.

Freshwater mammals (6)

Answer: OTTERS

"Otters" are aquatic mammals belonging to the family Mustelidae. They are known for their playful behavior and streamlined bodies adapted for swimming. Otters are found in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and marshes.

Expels (5)

Answer: BUMPS

To "bump" something is to expel or remove it forcibly from a place or position by striking it with force. While "bumps" might not be the most common synonym for "expels," in certain contexts, it can imply forcefully removing something

Arrest (3)

Answer: END

While "end" typically means the conclusion or termination of something, it can also be used in certain contexts to mean stopping or halting the progress or movement of someone or something, such as in the sense of an arrest or cessation.

Unwell (3)

Answer: BAD

"Bad" is a colloquial term used to describe someone's health when they are not feeling well or are in poor physical condition. It implies a state of illness or discomfort.

Type of glass container (6)

Answer: CARAFE

A "carafe" is a type of glass container typically used for serving beverages such as water, wine, or juice. It usually has a narrow neck and a wide base, often with a handle for easy pouring.

Stripling (3)

Answer: MAN

While "man" typically refers to an adult male human, it can also be used informally to describe a young man or youth, especially one who is strong, vigorous, or robust. In this context, "stripling" refers to a young man or youth.

Call on (5)

Answer: GO SEE

"Go see" suggests the action of visiting or calling on someone or something, typically to seek information, assistance, or guidance. It implies physically going to see someone or something in person.

Wash out (5)

Answer: BLEED

While "bleed" typically means to lose blood from a wound or to emit blood, it can also be used metaphorically to describe the process of color running or washing out from fabric or other materials during laundering or washing.

Low-value coin (5)

Answer: PENNY

A "penny" is a coin with low monetary value, often the smallest denomination of currency in various countries. In the United States, for example, the penny is the smallest unit of currency, worth one cent.

Stare (4)

Answer: PEEK

While "peek" typically means to glance quickly or briefly, it can also be used to describe staring or looking intently, especially if done sneakily or surreptitiously.

Bushy hairstyle (4)

Answer: AFRO

An "afro" is a hairstyle characterized by tightly curled or kinky hair that is styled into a rounded shape, resembling a halo or cloud around the head. It is known for its fullness and volume.

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