Solve the Answer For Daily Commuter Crossword Puzzle Clue April 9, 2024

Do you love solving crossword puzzles? Daily Commuter crossword is a good way to improve your brain and see if you can solve it. Let's give it a try.  

by Rubaditsha | Updated Apr 09, 2024

Daily Commuter 

Daily Commuter, Solving crossword puzzles is an enjoyable way to relax and engage with your brain. To complete the puzzles and find the right answers, use the hints to fill in the missing letters. Playing games with friends is a good way to keep your mind sharp, Give it a try.

How to Play?

  • Look at the clues.
  • Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words.
  • Use the letters already there to help you.
  • Double-check your answers to make sure they fit.
  • Keep going until you finish the crossword.

Old Swedish car brand

Answer: SAAB

"Old Swedish car brand" refers to a company that made cars in Sweden in the past. The answer is "SAAB" because it is the name of a well-known Swedish car manufacturer. Saab produced cars for many years before ceasing production. It is like Volvo or Ikea, famous Swedish brands. It is a simple and clear explanation for the term, indicating the name of the company that produced cars in Sweden.

Gave food to

Answer: FED

"Gave food to" means providing something to eat. The answer is "FED" which is a past tense verb that means giving food. When you feed someone or something, you are giving them food to eat. "Fed" matches the action of providing nourishment. It is like when you give food to a pet or a hungry person. So, in the crossword puzzle, "FED" is the right answer because it matches the meaning of the clue.

Loudly closes

Answer: SLAMS

"Loudly closes" means shutting something with a loud noise. The answer is "SLAMS" it is a word that describes closing something forcefully and loudly. When you slam a door or a window, it makes a loud noise. So, "SLAMS" matches the action of closing loudly. It is like when you close something with a strong force, making a big sound. In the crossword, "SLAMS" is the correct answer because it corresponds with the meaning of the clue. 

As well

Answer: TOO

"As well" means also or in addition. The answer is "TOO" because it has the same meaning. When you say "too," you are adding something to what has already been said. For example, "I want ice cream too" means you want ice cream in addition to what someone else wants. "TOO" indicates something similar or additional. 


Answer: ROTE

"Memorization" is learning something by repeating it over and over again. The answer "ROTE" it describes this type of learning. When you learn by rote, you are memorizing through repetition without necessarily understanding the meaning deeply. It is like reciting something from memory without fully grasping it. "ROTE" is often associated with memorizing facts, formulas, or information without critical thinking.

The A in A/V

Answer: AUDIO

"The A in A/V" refers to the "A" in "audio/visual." The answer "AUDIO" fits because it represents the sound part of audio/visual. In A/V, "audio" refers to anything related to sound, like music or voices. So, "AUDIO" matches the letter "A" in the abbreviation "A/V." It is like when you listen to music or hear someone speaking, that's the "audio" part.

Until: 2 wds.

Answer: UPTO

"Until: 2 wds." means describing a period of time leading to a certain point. The answer "UPTO" because it indicates reaching or stopping at a specific point in time or space. When you say "up to," you are talking about reaching a particular limit or duration. For Example, "I will wait up to 5 o'clock" means waiting until that time. "UPTO" signifies a boundary or endpoint.

Circle sectors

Answer: ARCS

"Circle sectors" refers to portions of a circle, like slices of a pie. The answer "ARCS" it represents curved segments of a circle. An arc is a part of the circle's circumference, forming a curved line. When you divide a circle into sectors, you create arcs. They can be large or small, depending on the angle they cover. In the crossword puzzle, "ARCS" is the correct answer because it matches the description of circle sectors.


Answer: UNDID

"Ruined" means something has been destroyed or made useless. The answer "UNDID" matches because it indicates reversing or undoing something. When you undo an action, you are going back to how things were before. For example, if you build a sandcastle and then someone knocks it down, they have "undone" your work. "UNDID" implies the opposite of creating or fixing. In the crossword puzzle, "UNDID" is the correct answer because it aligns with the meaning of "ruined." 

Title for John Philip Sousa: 3 wds.


"Title for John Philip Sousa: 3 wds." refers to a nickname given to John Philip Sousa. The answer is "THEMARCHKING" and it describes his role as a composer of many popular marches. "The March King" was a title attributed to Sousa due to his prolific and influential contributions to the genre of marching music. It signifies his status and recognition within the field. 

Corn serving

Answer: EAR

"Corn serving" refers to a single piece of corn still attached to the cob. The answer "EAR" describes this part of the corn plant. When you eat corn, you typically consume the kernels attached to the ear. It is like taking a bite of corn on the cob. In the crossword puzzle, "EAR" is the correct answer because it matches the description of a portion of corn. 

Poor grade

Answer: DEE

"Poor grade" refers to a low mark or score received in school. The answer is "DEE" it represents one of the lowest grades typically given, often signifying inadequate performance. When a student receives a "D," it indicates below-average or unsatisfactory achievement. It is like getting a "D" on a test or assignment, meaning you did not do very well. In the crossword puzzle, "DEE" is the correct answer because it matches the description of a poor grade. 

JFK alternative

Answer: LGA

"JFK alternative" refers to another airport that can be used instead of JFK. The answer "LGA" represents LaGuardia Airport, which is an alternative option for travelers in the New York City area. LaGuardia Airport serves as an alternative to JFK for domestic flights. It is like choosing a different route or option when traveling. In the crossword puzzle, "LGA" is the correct answer because it matches the description of an alternative airport to JFK. 


Answer: DIS

"Insult" means saying or doing something offensive to hurt someone's feelings. The answer "DIS" matches because it is a slang term that means to disrespect or insult someone. When you "dis" someone, you are treating them poorly or disrespectfully. It is like saying something mean or rude to someone. In the crossword puzzle, "DIS" is the correct answer because it matches the meaning of insulting or disrespecting someone.

Parade honoree


"Parade honoree" refers to a person who is given a special role in a parade. The answer "MARSHAL" and it represents someone who leads or oversees the parade proceedings. A marshal is often chosen for their significance or contributions to the event being celebrated. It is like being chosen as the leader or representative for the parade. In this clue, "MARSHAL" is the correct answer because it matches the description of someone honored in a parade.

"__ Las Vegas!"

Answer:  VIVA

"__ Las Vegas!" indicates a phrase commonly associated with the excitement and energy of the city. The answer "VIVA"  it is part of the popular expression "Viva Las Vegas!" used to celebrate the vibrant atmosphere and lifestyle of the city. "Viva" is a Spanish word meaning "long live," often used to express enthusiasm or support for something.

In the crossword puzzle, "VIVA" is the correct answer because it completes the phrase associated with celebrating the spirit of Las Vegas. It is a simple and clear explanation for the term, indicating a joyful expression related to the city.

Song rights org.

Answer: ASCAP

"Song rights org." refers to an organization that protects the rights of songwriters and composers. The answer "ASCAP" it stands for the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, which is responsible for managing and licensing the rights to musical compositions.

ASCAP ensures that artists receive fair compensation for their work when their music is played or performed publicly. In the crossword puzzle, "ASCAP" is the correct answer because it represents the organization associated with song rights.

People who cover games: 2 wds.


"People who cover games: 2 wds." refers to individuals who report on sports events. The answer "SPORTS REPORTERS" it defines those who attend games and provide coverage through writing or broadcasting. These reporters give updates, analysis, and commentary on various sports activities. It is like journalists who specialize in sports news. In the crossword puzzle, "SPORTS REPORTERS" is the correct answer because it identifies the group of people who cover sports events.

Make airtight, in a way: 2 wds.


"Make airtight, in a way: 2 wds." refers to a method of sealing something tightly to prevent air from getting in or out. The answer "HEAT SEAL" it defines using heat to seal materials together, creating a tight closure. When you heat seal something, you apply heat to melt a material like plastic or foil, bonding it together to form an airtight seal.

It is like using a heat sealer to close food packaging or plastic bags securely. In the crossword puzzle, "HEAT SEAL" is the correct answer because it indicates the process of making something airtight using heat.

Course that's not hard

Answer: EASYA

"Course that's not hard" refers to a class or subject in school that is considered simple or easy to pass. The answer "EASY A" it suggests that getting an "A" grade in this course is not difficult. It is like saying the class is so easy that getting an "A" requires little effort. In the crossword puzzle, "EASY A" is the correct answer because it indicates a course where achieving a high grade is not challenging. It is a straightforward explanation, highlighting a class that is perceived as being uncomplicated.


Answer: EATS

"Consumes" means to eat or ingest something. The answer "EATS" fits because it describes the action of eating. When you eat food, you are consuming it. "EATS" is a simple and straightforward verb that indicates the act of taking food into your mouth and swallowing it. In the crossword puzzle, "EATS" is the correct answer because it matches the meaning of the clue, which is about ingesting food. It is a concise explanation, indicating the action of eating without repeating information.

Casino screw-up


"Casino screw-up" refers to a mistake made during a game in a casino. The answer "MISDEAL" describes an error made by the dealer when distributing cards during a card game. It is like when the dealer gives the wrong number of cards to players or reveals cards prematurely. In the crossword puzzle, "MISDEAL" is the correct answer because it matches the description of a mishap during a casino game. 

Hit the slopes

Answer: SKI 

"Hit the slopes" means to go skiing or snowboarding. The answer "SKI" represents the activity of skiing. When someone goes skiing, they slide down snowy slopes using skis attached to their feet. It is like gliding over snow-covered mountains for fun or sport. In the crossword puzzle, "SKI" is the correct answer because it matches the description of the activity mentioned in the clue. 

That guy's

Answer: HIS 

"That guy's" refers to something belonging to a specific male person. The answer is "HIS" which indicates possession by a male individual. When we say "his," we are referring to something that belongs to a man or boy. It is like saying "belonging to him" in a shorter form. In the crossword puzzle, "HIS" is the correct answer because it matches the description of something belonging to a male person.

Mafia snitch

Answer: RAT

"Mafia snitch" refers to someone who betrays their criminal organization by providing information to authorities. The answer is"RAT" it is a slang term used to describe such a person. When someone is called a "rat," it implies that they have betrayed their group or associates. It is like comparing them to a rodent that scavenges and betrays trust. 

TV network

Answer: CBS

"TV network" refers to a company that broadcasts television programs. The answer "CBS" matches because it is the name of a major television network. CBS produces and airs a variety of TV shows, news programs, and other content. It is like ABC, NBC, or FOX, which are also TV networks. In this puzzle, "CBS" is the correct answer because it represents a specific television network. 

Bit of work travel: 2 wds.


"Bit of work travel: 2 wds." refers to a short journey taken for business purposes. The answer is "BUSINESS TRIP" because it defines traveling for work reasons. A business trip involves going to another location to conduct business-related activities, such as meetings, conferences, or negotiations.

It is like when someone travels for a short period to meet with clients or attend a work event. In this crossword , "BUSINESS TRIP" is the correct answer because it matches the description of a work-related journey.

"Get outta here!"

Answer: SHOO

"Get outta here!" is a phrase used to tell someone to leave or go away. The answer "SHOO" because it is an expression commonly used to shoo away animals or people. When you say "shoo," you are urging something to depart or move away from you. It is like when you use your hand to gesture a fly to go away. 

Church section

Answer: NAVE

"Church section" refers to a specific area within a church building. The answer "NAVE" it is the main central part where the congregation sits during services. The nave is typically the longest section of the church, extending from the entrance to the altar. It is like the main seating area for worshippers. In the crossword puzzle, "NAVE" is the correct answer because it represents the designated part of the church where people gather for religious ceremonies. 

Car or truck

Answer: AUTO

"Car or truck" refers to a type of vehicle used for transportation on roads. The answer "AUTO" because it is a short form of "automobile," which is a general term for a motor vehicle. An auto can include cars, trucks, or any other vehicle powered by an engine. It's like saying "vehicle" in a simpler way. 



Mafia snitch


TV network


Bit of work travel: 2 wds.


"Get outta here!"


Church section


Car or truck


Fortune-teller's board


"__ and the Detectives"


Sneak a look


Got started


Business card abbr.


"Anything __?"


Cook in a pan


First Greek letter


Fall flower


Supersonic jet sound




Mark with acid


Light fixture by a computer: 2 wds.


Steam room


Breathing organ




Nintendo avatar


Roll of grass


Harder to find


Evolves, perhaps


Home made of snow


Cuts into cubes


Off-white shade


Sophie Turner's "Game of Thrones" role


Shopping spots


Bread ends




Campfire remains


Give a talk


Raccoon-like animal


Bribes for pets




Chocolate-coated movie morsel


Austin Powers nemesis


Painting stand


"To err is __"


Beyond unkind




Bike wheel part


__ California




Gift wrap securer


Cry loudly


Pool stick


Fix, as a competition


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