Solve the Answer for the Thomas Joseph Crossword for Today April 1, 2024

Do you enjoy solving crossword puzzles? Thomas Joseph crossword is a best way to test your brain and see if you can find the answer. Let's solve the correct answer.

by Thamizhalagi B | Updated Apr 01, 2024

USA Today Crossword

The USA Today Crossword is a puzzle challenge based on the USA Today newspaper and consists of a grid of white and black squares that needs to be filled in. The clues in the USA Today Crossword can vary from easy to more challenging ones that require some thinking and wordplay. Based on the given clues, you have to fill in all the squares with the correct words. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crossword solver, try this crossword puzzle, and we have provided the answers for better clarity.

Accepted truth    

Answer: AXIOM

"Accepted truth" implies identifying a statement or principle widely recognized as true without requiring proof. The answer "AXIOM" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a self-evident or universally accepted truth that forms the basis of reasoning. 

Acropolis sight    

Answer: RUINS

"Acropolis sight," solvers are prompted to identify a feature or structure commonly found within the Acropolis, an ancient citadel in Athens, Greece. The answer, "RUINS," corresponds to the remains of ancient buildings or structures often seen at archaeological sites like the Acropolis. 

Andean animal    

Answer: LLAMA

"Andean animal" suggests identifying a type of animal native to the Andes mountain range in South America. The fitting answer, "LLAMA," aligns with this context as it refers to a domesticated South American camelid known for its ability to carry heavy loads and its woolly fur. 


Answer: SHORT

"Brief" implies identifying something concise or short in duration or length. The answer "SHORT" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a brief or limited duration or extent. 

Broke the limit    

Answer: SPED

"Broke the limit," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating exceeding or surpassing a specified boundary or restriction. The answer, "SPED," corresponds to the action of moving or traveling at a speed greater than permitted or safe. 

Bullfight cheer    

Answer: OLE

"Bullfight cheer" suggests identifying an exclamation often associated with the traditional Spanish spectacle. The answer "OLE" fits this description perfectly, as it is a common interjection used to express admiration or excitement, particularly during bullfights. 



"Checked," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating restraint or control. The answer, "STEMMED," corresponds to the action of stopping or controlling the flow or growth of something. 

Choose to participate    

Answer: OPTIN

"Choose to participate" implies identifying a term related to opting in or voluntarily joining a particular activity or program. The answer "OPTIN" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the action of actively choosing to engage or participate in something.

Cigar dropping    

Answer: ASH

"Cigar dropping" prompts solvers to think about the residue left behind by a burning cigar. The fitting answer, "ASH," aligns with this context as it refers to the powdery remains of burnt tobacco and paper. 

Cookie bits    

Answer: CRUMBS

"Cookie bits," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating small, broken pieces of a cookie. The answer, "CRUMBS," corresponds to the tiny fragments or particles left behind when a cookie is broken or eaten. 

Cut short    


"Cut short" implies reducing or limiting something in duration or extent. The answer "CURTAILED" fits this description perfectly, as it means to shorten or restrict the duration or extent of something. 


Answer: LAIR

"Den," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating a shelter or dwelling typically used by certain animals. The answer, "LAIR," corresponds to a secluded or hidden place where animals such as bears or wolves may reside. 


Answer: USEUP

"Deplete" suggests identifying a term indicating the reduction or exhaustion of a resource or supply. The answer "USEUP" fits this description perfectly, as it denotes the action of fully consuming or exhausting a resource. 

Did some modeling    

Answer: POSED

"Did some modeling" prompts solvers to think about the action of posing or assuming a particular posture for a photo or artwork. The fitting answer, "POSED," aligns with this context as it refers to the act of posing for a photograph or modeling session.


Answer: SENT

"Dispatched," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating the action of sending someone or something off to a particular destination or task. The answer, "SENT," corresponds to the act of directing or delivering someone or something to a specified location or purpose. 

Early auto    

Answer: REO

"Early auto" implies identifying an early model or brand of automobile. The answer "REO" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the REO Motor Car Company, a manufacturer of automobiles in the early 20th century. 

Earth orbiter    

Answer: MOON

"Earth orbiter" suggests identifying a celestial body that orbits the Earth. The answer, "MOON," aligns with this context as it refers to the natural satellite that orbits the Earth. By selecting "MOON" as the answer, solvers accurately interpret the clue and contribute to completing the puzzle with a term associated with the Earth's natural satellite.

Even, as a score    

Answer: TIED

"Even, as a score" implies identifying a situation where two competitors have the same number of points or achievements. The answer "TIED" fits this description perfectly, as it signifies a state of equality or balance between opposing parties. 

Exited the jet    


"Exited the jet," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating the action of disembarking from an aircraft. The answer, "DEPLANED," corresponds to the act of passengers leaving an airplane after it has landed.

Explorer Polo    

Answer: MARCO

"Explorer Polo" suggests identifying a historical figure known for his travels and explorations. The answer "MARCO" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the renowned explorer Marco Polo, who traveled extensively throughout Asia in the 13th century. 

Find ever so cute    

Answer: ADORE

"Find ever so cute" prompts solvers to think about expressing admiration or affection towards something adorable. The fitting answer, "ADORE," aligns with this context as it denotes a strong feeling of fondness or love towards someone or something. 

Fly catcher    

Answer: WEB

"Fly catcher," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating a device or structure designed to trap flying insects. The answer, "WEB," corresponds to the intricate structure spun by spiders to catch prey, including flies. 


Answer: ROMP

"Frolic" implies engaging in playful and lively activity. The answer "ROMP" fits this description perfectly, as it denotes energetic and carefree play. By selecting "ROMP" as the answer, solvers accurately interpret the clue and contribute to completing the puzzle with a term synonymous with playful frolicking.

Greek consonants    

Answer: MUS

 "Greek consonants," solvers are prompted to identify specific letters from the Greek alphabet. The answer, "MUS," corresponds to the Greek letters "Mu" (Μ) and "Sigma" (Σ), both of which are consonants. 

Grove growth    

Answer: TREE

"Grove growth" suggests identifying what typically grows in a grove, which is a group of trees. The answer "TREE" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the primary vegetation found in a grove. 

Harbor cities    

Answer: PORTS

"Harbor cities" prompts solvers to think about identifying cities situated along bodies of water where ships dock. The fitting answer, "PORTS," aligns with this context as it refers to cities with harbors or ports used for maritime trade and transportation. 

Hornet's kin    


"Hornet's kin" prompts solvers to think about identifying a similar insect to a hornet. The fitting answer, "WASP," aligns with this context as it refers to a stinging insect belonging to the same family as hornets.

Iron or gold    


"Iron or gold," solvers are prompted to identify substances known for their metallic properties. The answer, "METAL," corresponds to the broad category of elements characterized by their ability to conduct heat and electricity. 

Like some windows    


"Like some windows" implies describing a feature or characteristic of certain types of windows. The answer "CURTAINED" fits this description perfectly, as it denotes windows covered with curtains or drapes.

Lode material    


"Lode material" suggests identifying the substance typically found within a mineral deposit or vein. The fitting answer, "ORE," aligns with this context as it refers to the naturally occurring material containing valuable minerals or metals.

Long-plumed birds    


"Long-plumed birds," solvers are prompted to identify avian species known for their elongated feathers. The answer, "EGRETS," corresponds to birds belonging to the heron family characterized by their long, elegant plumage.

Lot unit    


"Lot unit" prompts solvers to think about a unit of measurement often used to describe land area. The fitting answer, "ACRE," aligns with this context as it refers to a common measurement unit for land parcels. 

Muscle quality    


"Muscle quality," solvers are prompted to identify a term describing the condition or state of muscles. The answer, "TONE," corresponds to the firmness and strength of muscles. 

Niger neighbor    


"Niger neighbor" implies identifying a country bordering the Republic of Niger in West Africa. The answer "MALI" fits this description perfectly, as it shares a border with Niger. 

Ocean off Cape Cod    


"Ocean off Cape Cod" prompts solvers to think about a large body of water adjacent to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The fitting answer, "ATLANTIC," aligns with this context as it refers to the Atlantic Ocean, which lies to the east of Cape Cod. 

Parrot or puppy    


"Parrot or puppy," solvers are prompted to identify a term referring to animals commonly kept as pets. The answer, "PET," corresponds to animals such as parrots or puppies that are often kept for companionship. 

Periodical, for short    


"Periodical, for short" implies identifying a term used to describe a publication, typically issued at regular intervals. The answer "MAG" fits this description perfectly, as it is a shortened form of "magazine," a type of periodical publication. 

Poem of praise    


"Poem of praise" prompts solvers to think about a type of lyrical composition often used to celebrate or honor someone or something. The fitting answer, "ODE," aligns with this context as it refers to a poem characterized by its elevated and formal language expressing admiration or devotion. 



"Prejudice," solvers are prompted to identify a term describing unfair or biased treatment of individuals or groups. The answer, "BIAS," corresponds to the inclination or prejudice towards a particular perspective or group. 

Profitable discovery    


"Profitable discovery" implies identifying a significant finding or revelation that leads to financial gain. The answer "PAYDIRT" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a discovery of valuable resources or information that results in substantial profit. 

Relaxing resort    


"Relaxing resort" prompts solvers to think about a place where people go to unwind and rejuvenate. The fitting answer, "SPA," aligns with this context as it refers to a facility offering various therapeutic treatments and relaxation services. 



"Ruffian," solvers are prompted to identify a term describing a violent or thuggish person. The answer, "THUG," corresponds to an individual who engages in criminal or aggressive behavior. 

San Antonio mission    


"San Antonio mission" implies identifying a historic site located in San Antonio, Texas. The answer "ALAMO" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the famous mission and fortress compound in downtown San Antonio. 

Saudi Arabia neighbor    


"Saudi Arabia neighbor" prompts solvers to think about a country bordering Saudi Arabia. The fitting answer, "YEMEN," aligns with this context as it shares a border with Saudi Arabia. 

Scout group    


"Scout group," solvers are prompted to identify an organization consisting of young people engaged in outdoor activities and community service. The answer, "TROOP," corresponds to a unit within a scouting organization such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. 

Series-ending abbr    


"Series-ending abbr" implies identifying a term used to denote the conclusion of a series or list. The answer "ETC" fits this description perfectly, as it is an abbreviation for "et cetera," meaning "and so forth" or "and other similar things.

Spiced tea    


"Spiced tea" prompts solvers to think about a type of tea flavored with various spices. The fitting answer, "CHAI," aligns with this context as it refers to a traditional Indian tea made with a mixture of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger. 

Tibia or fibula    


"Tibia or fibula" prompts solvers to think about identifying parts of the human skeletal system. The fitting answer, "BONE," aligns with this context as it refers to the structural components of the human body, such as the tibia and fibula, which are both types of bones. 

Tire in the trunk    


"Tire in the trunk," solvers are prompted to identify a term describing a spare tire typically stored in a vehicle's trunk for emergency use. The answer, "SPARE," corresponds to the extra tire carried in vehicles as a backup in case of a flat or puncture. 

Trade fair    


Trade fair" implies identifying an event where businesses showcase their products and services to potential buyers and clients. The answer "EXPO" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to an exhibition or trade fair where companies from various industries display their offerings. 

Wise saying    


"Wise saying" prompts solvers to think about identifying a short, memorable phrase expressing a general truth or advice. The fitting answer, "ADAGE," aligns with this context as it refers to a proverb or aphorism conveying wisdom gained from experience. 

— glance    


— glance," solvers are prompted to identify a term indicating a quick or brief look. The answer, "ATA," corresponds to the term "at a" in the context of taking a glance or a brief look at something. 

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