Solving the Daily Express Crusader Crossword Clues April 24, 2024

Feeling lost with today's Daily Express Crusader Crossword? Check the latest answers and explanations here.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 24, 2024

The Daily Express Crusader is a popular puzzle that you can find in newspapers or on the internet. People who like solving puzzles really enjoy it. The puzzle is packed with word games and covers different topics to keep you interested. Many eagerly await it each day, ready to solve it in the newspaper or online.

Copper darts off - that covers dessert (7)


Copper darts off - that covers dessert suggests wordplay involving copper (a metal) and darts off, indicating an anagram. When we rearrange the letters of copper (a type of metal), we get CUSTARD, which is a dessert often served after meals.

Get back concerning insurance (7)


Get back concerning insurance implies a reversal or retreat, which aligns with the word recover. In the context of insurance, recover refers to the process of getting back what was lost or damaged, typically through compensation or reimbursement.

Facial tan treatment is extreme (9)


Facial tan treatment is extreme hints at an extreme form of facial tan treatment, which can be described as fanatical. The word tan suggests a treatment related to the skin, while fanatical conveys an extreme or obsessive devotion to something, in this case, achieving a deeply tanned complexion.

Defence group reduced as director would have wanted (5)

Answer: UNCUT

Defence group reduced as director would have wanted suggests a reduction in a defense group, which leads to the word uncut. In this context, director likely refers to a film director who might prefer to keep scenes uncut or unedited according to their vision.

Old irrational socialist ran out (7)


Old irrational socialist ran out indicates an older or expired individual who is also described as irrational and socialist. When someone is no longer in use or valid, they are considered expired, aligning with the theme of the clue.

Algeria's new royal emblems (7)


Algeria's new indicates something recent or updated, and royal emblems refers to symbols of monarchy. The answer, REGALIA, fits perfectly, denoting the ceremonial attire or insignia of royalty.

Constant greeting in top style (9,4)


Constant implies something unchanging or regular, and greeting in top style suggests a fashionable or sophisticated salutation. The answer, PERMANENT WAVE, refers to a hairstyle characterized by long-lasting waves, fitting the clue's description.

Sporting occasion needing a long weekend (5-3,5)


Needing a long weekend implies an event that spans several days. The answer, THREE-DAY EVENT, describes a competition, often in equestrian sports, that takes place over three days, matching the clue's criteria.

Cabal to order experimental gear (3,4)


Cabal suggests a clandestine organization, and order experimental gear indicates a request for specialized or unorthodox apparatus. The answer, LAB COAT, refers to the garment worn by scientists conducting experiments, fitting the context of the clue.

Leave tree on way to start (2,5)


Leave tree on implies departing from a tree or a directional movement involving vegetation. Way to start suggests the beginning of a journey or activity. The answer, GO FIRST, indicates taking the initial step or leading the way, aligning with the clue's context.

By the side of a pine (5)

Answer: ALONG

By the side of a pine suggests being alongside or next to a pine tree, which can be described as ALONG its side.

Ring has additional twist - a chemical (9)


Ring has additional twist - a chemical hints at a compound related to pheromones, which are chemicals often associated with attraction and signaling, hence PHEROMONE.

New test includes an upper-class disease (7)


New test includes an upper-class disease implies a condition typically associated with higher socioeconomic status included in a new examination, leading to TETANUS, a disease often requiring vaccination among the more affluent.

Lend toy out in a famous way (7)


Lend toy out in a famous way suggests lending a plaything in a manner that garners recognition or fame, which can be described as NOTEDLY.

About leaving notes and a drink (6)

Answer: COFFEE

About leaving notes and a drink refers to the action of jotting down messages while enjoying a beverage, commonly COFFEE.

Succeeded also daily - that's abrasive (9)


Succeeded also daily - that's abrasive hints at something that is abrasive and successful on a regular basis, which leads to SANDPARER, a tool used for sanding surfaces to make them smoother.

Moving art is unusual (5)

Answer: ASTIR

Art often refers to creativity or expression. When something is unusual, it means it's not typical. So, ASTIR, which means in motion or activity, fits the bill perfectly.

Programme showing medic maraud around (9)


The term programme hints at a televised or scripted presentation. Medic maraud suggests a story involving medical professionals. Around implies the setting or context. DOCUDRAMA, a genre combining documentary and drama elements.

Stationery item for a sovereign (5)

Answer: RULER

Stationery item refers to a tool often found on a desk. Sovereign can mean a ruler or monarch. The answer, RULER, is both a stationery item used for measuring and a word meaning a sovereign leader.

Inclination in bed to eat starters - a vegetable (9)


Inclination in bed suggests a preference or desire. Eat starters hints at consuming the beginning portion of a meal. A vegetable specifies the type of food. COURGETTE, which is a type of vegetable, matches all the criteria, as it is often eaten as a starter.

Forthright victory on coal production (5)

Answer: VOCAL

Forthright indicates being direct or outspoken. Victory on coal production implies success in that industry. The answer, VOCAL, can mean both outspoken and related to sound, fittingly describing someone forthright and involved in coal production.

Went back over grass, taking cart back (8)


Went back over suggests revisiting a path or route. Grass could represent nature or outdoor terrain. Taking cart back implies reversing or retracing steps. Therefore, RETRACED perfectly encapsulates the idea of going back over a path or route.

Instrument or grenade exploded (4,5)


Instrument or grenade exploded suggests a combination of words where instrument or grenade can be rearranged to form another word. The answer, REEDORGAN, is derived from rearranging the letters of grenade to form reed and organ.

Cut top off nonpolluting tree (9)


Cut top off suggests removing the first letter of a word, and nonpolluting tree hints at a type of tree known for its environmental friendliness. Removing the top letter of evergreen leaves us with a word that fits the description.

Last bit of writing, following conversation (9)


Last bit of writing indicates the final part of a book or document, and following conversation suggests that it comes after a discussion. Putting them together, afterword refers to a section at the end of a book, providing additional information or commentary.

Loyal beginning, having broken law (8)


STALWART signifies someone who is steadfastly loyal, with the initial letters of start (beginning) rearranged to form the word, suggesting a person who remains faithful despite having transgressed certain rules or laws.

Determined to like an alloy (6)

Answer: STEELY

Determined to like hints at having a strong preference or determination towards something. An alloy refers to a mixture of metals. When someone is steely about liking an alloy, it means they are resolute or firm in their preference for it.

Scratching head in dismissal in lift (5)

Answer: BOOST

Scratching head suggests confusion or bewilderment, and in dismissal indicates removal or rejection. In lift specifies the location. The answer, boost, means to lift or raise, often used in the context of elevators.

Pasta turned out to be Spanish food (5)

Answer: TAPAS

TAPAS refers to Spanish cuisine, where small savory dishes are served alongside drinks. The clue hints at a play on words, with pasta rearranged to tapas, highlighting a culinary twist that surprises and delights.

TV detective seen on winter mornings (5)

Answer: FROST

FROST alludes to the detective character Jack Frost from the television series of the same name, often portrayed solving crimes amidst wintry landscapes, embodying the chill and mystery associated with early mornings during winter.

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