Super Metroid Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, and Wiki

Follow our Super Metroid Walkthrough guide and dominate every boss and challenge in the game, explore the vast world of Super Metroid with confidence using our expertly crafted guide.

by Abinaya | Updated May 12, 2023


Super Metroid Wiki

In 1994, Nintendo published Super Metroid, an action-adventure game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System that was developed by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems. This game is the third installment in the Metroid series and continues the story from the 1991 Game Boy game, Metroid II: Return of Samus.

In Super Metroid, players control Samus Aran, a bounty hunter who sets out on a mission to planet Zebes to retrieve a stolen infant Metroid creature that was taken by Ridley, the Space Pirate leader. Super Metroid follows the exploration-based gameplay style of its predecessors, where players search for power-ups to access new areas.

The game adds new features to the series, such as the inventory screen, automap, and the ability to shoot in all directions. The development team, including Yoshio Sakamoto, Makoto Kano, and Gunpei Yokoi, worked for two years on Super Metroid to create an action-packed game that would pave the way for Samus's return.

Super Metroid received critical acclaim for its atmosphere, gameplay, music, and graphics, and is often cited as one of the best video games ever made. The game was a commercial success, selling 1.42 million copies globally by late 2003. Along with Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Super Metroid is credited with creating the "Metroidvania" genre, inspiring numerous indie games and developers. The game also became popular for speedrunning. Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime, both released in 2002, followed Super Metroid. The game has been re-released on various Nintendo consoles and services.

Super Metroid Walkthrough

"When Samus dies, the words 'Find the Metroid larva!' appear. To locate it, you can either rely on your own resourcefulness or follow this useful guide that will take you through Super Metroid and help you discover various optional items such as missile and super missile expansions, energy tanks, reserve tanks, power bombs, and other fantastic upgrades."

Ceres Research Station:

When starting the game, Samus lands at the Ceres Research Station which has recently sent out a distress signal. As this area is linear, simply travel through the station. Unfortunately, the scientists have all been killed and the baby Metroid has been taken. In the last room, you will have to fight Ridley who has the baby Metroid in his claws.

Since you cannot defeat Ridley, just wait until he has whittled your health down to below 30, and he will fly away. You can try to save some time by jumping into Ridley to take more damage. Then, a countdown will begin, giving you only one minute to escape the research station. To escape, just go back the same way you came in.


Walk to the left of Samus' ship after landing until you find a pit. Go as far into the hole as you can, ignoring the side doors save for the save room. Continue down the lengthy shaft, hugging the right wall, and take the right door to reach Mother Brain's wrecked room from the original Metroid. Continue to the right until you reach the Brinstar lift.

Brinstar: Morph Ball and Missiles

Go left to get the Morph Ball upgrade, then use your beam to smash the lone block before rolling back out. Then, proceed to the right until you reach a shaft with a red door. Beam the blocks beneath you and go through the left door to get the missile upgrade. Return to the red door and demolish it with 5 missiles before taking a short right to grab another missile expansion. Finally, return to Crateria by returning to the lift.

Crateria: Morph Ball Bombs

To reach the map room, take the red door to the right as you make your way up. Afterward, head back up to the surface level and walk right for a short distance. Use your Morph Ball to roll into a tunnel and go down another pit, then take a right. At the statue, grab the Morph Ball Bombs, but be prepared to fight the Torizo.

There's no specific strategy for this battle, so use your missiles on the Torizo's belly and then switch to your beam. Once you're back at the surface level, bomb the suspicious wall directly above the save room to proceed. In the next hallway, you'll find your first energy tank. In the next room, eliminate the pirates with your missiles and take the left door. If you're interested, you can also take the right door to view the boss statues that lead to the game's end, although there's no reward for doing so. Finally, take the elevator down to Brinstar.

Early Missile Expansions

It is now possible to have 35 maximum missiles before facing Sporespawn, which is about one-seventh of all the missile expansions in the game.To get the first missile expansion, go right from the Morph Ball upgrade and then down, and take the left door.To get the second expansion, go back up the shaft and use 5 missiles to destroy the red door, then go to the right in the next room.

After obtaining the Morph Ball Bombs, take the left door below the save room and use bombs to destroy the blocks in your way as you roll through the corridor. When you enter Brinstar from the left elevator, head down until you reach two red missile doors. Open the right door, jump onto the platform, go right, and drop down to collect the missile expansion.

Use bombs to destroy the left wall to get out.In the tall purple room with ashes (near Sporespawn's lair), look for a section with several grapple blocks on the ceiling. You can skip having to get the Grapple Beam easily by dropping down and wall-jumping up the wall instead.The last missile expansion is at the bottom-left of the purple room with ashes and doesn't require any special action to obtain.

Brinstar: Sporespawn

After taking the elevator, there are five red doors: one leads to a map room, one to a missile expansion and other goodies, one is a save room, one is a missile recharge station, and the last door leads to continue the campaign. Follow the path until you reach a large vertical room with falling ashes in the background. In the purple room with ashes, there are two missile expansions. One is in the middle section with grey squares on the ceiling, and the second one is in plain view in the lower-left part of the room.

Norfair: Hi-Jump Boots

Due to heat damage in most of the rooms, there isn't much of Norfair that you can explore. To proceed, you should descend to the bottom of the elevator room and enter the red door. Here, you can obtain a free energy tank . Afterward, you need to bomb the floor beneath you, roll into the passage, and fall into the lower part of the room.

Then, take the left door to find a metal wall blocking the way to the Chozo statue. To overcome this obstacle, simply jump up and beam the wall to collect the Hi-Jump Boots. Exit the room in the same way that you entered, using the platforms above you to jump out and collect a missile expansion! To escape, roll right and head to the elevator to leave Norfair.

Kraid's Lair

In the Brinstar elevator room, you can use Super Missiles to destroy the metal blocks to your right. This will allow you to progress to the next room, which is Kraid's lair, marked by a gaping mouth. Although it may seem like a high jump, you can make it to the next area without the Hi-Jump Boots. Simply hold down the B button to sprint from the elevator and then tap the A button to make a short hop while moving right.

Once in the next room, you need to bomb the scaffolding below you and then bomb the lower-right corner to uncover the path ahead. After that, you'll find yourself in a hallway with vines growing all over. Head straight right and bomb the floor cubby to reveal the entrance to the save room. Return to the vine-filled hallway and bomb the cracked floor to discover the path forward. You'll encounter a Kraid look-alike in another hallway, so be prepared to fight.

In the subsequent room, you can ascend to find a missile and energy recharge station. You'll need to use three regular missiles to defeat the eyeball door and progress to the Kraid boss battle. To defeat Kraid, the key strategy is to hit him with a regular missile to open his mouth, then follow up with a Super Missile which deals triple the damage of a regular missile. For a quick guide on how to beat Kraid, you can check out the linked video. Once you've defeated Kraid, your reward will be the Varia Suit, which can be found in the next room.

Norfair: Speed Booster

proceed a few hallways to the nearby save room to save your game. Bomb the area underneath the two sinister pillars, descend to the lower half of the room, and then enter the lower door. Take the circuitous route until you reach the large green room after passing through numerous hazardous caves. Shoot the ceiling after entering the upper-right door to discover a new route. Go through the right door, run with B down the hallway, and grab the Speed Booster. Finally, however you choose to get back to the Brinstar lift, stay in 

Norfair: Ice Beam

Take the lift chamber's upper-left door to access the Ice Beam, then rapidly turn left to get to the other side of the room before the gates close. From there, climb the stairs to the next level to avoid the fire-breathing mouths. To retrieve the Ice Beam, cram yourself into a small opening inside the right wall. Roll through the upper half of the chamber to another passageway after freezing the yellow blobs in the room with the fire-breathing mouths with the Ice Beam.

Brinstar: Spazer Beam

From the western energy recharge station in Brinstar, go east for four map tiles. Reach a door by shooting the ceiling above the left door and then taking the secret passageway. Samus can fire three beams at once if she can collect the Spazer Beam.

Brinstar: Power Bomb

It's time to ascend the Red Tower, which is a red shaft located near the western energy recharge station in Brinstar, after being stuck in Norfair and eastern Brinstar. To climb the tower, use your Ice Beam to freeze the brown turtles (rippers) so that you can jump on top of them. Keep climbing until you encounter a second set of turtles to climb over. Stand on top of the fourth turtle, shoot the ceiling, and jump up to continue climbing.

There's a challenging corridor to the right of your current location with killer plants. In the next shaft, shooting the blocks below leads down. To the left, there's a short corridor that leads to the Power Bombs. You can use a Power Bomb to destroy a wall and collect a missile expansion.


Even though you could proceed with the game, you have the option to use the elevator to Crateria and acquire different upgrades in both Crateria and Brinstar. At this stage, there are numerous things you can obtain, and I won't go into specifics. However, two newly accessible areas you can explore are: taking the northeast door in Brinstar's jungly western elevator room, and blowing up the bottom of the same room with a Power Bomb to go further down.

Norfair: Crocomire

Take the upper-left door from the Norfair lift room, turn left and use a Power Bomb to blow up few blocks to go to Crocomire. To evade pirates, descend the red shaft, turn right, and go rapidly down the following hallway. Crocomire can be vanquished by Super Missile the green door and by shooting directly into its mouth to propel it into the lava. Apply powerful weaponry.

Norfair: Grapple Beam

To progress after defeating Crocomire, go left from his room, take the lower-right door, save the game, enter the door in the floor, fall down a long brown shaft, and go through another door in the floor to reach the bottom. 

To clear the rubble in the next room, you should use a Power Bomb. Then, head to the right side of the room, dash to the left, and once you reach a ramp, hold down the jump button to jump across the room with lava and enter the door. Once inside, collect the Grapple Beam. If you want, there is an optional missile expansion located at the top-right corner of the speed jump room. You can either use the grapple to cross the rippers floating at the top of the room or attempt to get up there with a vertical shine spark.

After obtaining the Grapple Beam, climb the room and enter the next door. In the following room, use the Grapple Beam to cross over the water. In the room after that, climb a short shaft with fire-breathing mouths (note that there is a grapple block in the ceiling that you can use). Then, grapple over more water in the next room and open the green gate with a Super Missile.
Norfair: Wave Beam

To obtain the optional Wave Beam upgrade, go to Norfair's upper-right save room and backtrack to one of the rooms to the right of the big green room, following the same path as in the speed booster section. The Wave Beam allows Samus' beam to penetrate walls.

To get the Wave Beam, travel to Norfair's upper-right save room and backtrack to a room on the right. Enter the room through the upper-left door, jump over obstacles, and open the gate to get a missile expansion. Then use the Grapple Beam to cross the second part of the room, enter the next door, and collect the Wave Beam. To exit, fall into the spike pit and walk around until you reach the bottom.

Brinstar: X-Ray Scope

You can obtain the optional X-Ray Scope by entering the door above the energy recharge station at the bottom of Red Tower. The room after that has some challenging platforming and requires the Grapple Beam. Be careful not to kill the fireflies, as this will make the room darker. In the following room, jump on the metal pole and wait for it to rise. You can use the X-Ray Scope to reveal the exit.

Getting to Wrecked Ship

To find a missile expansion, start from Samus' ship and bomb some tiles while going right until you reach a water-filled cavern. Grapple over this room to enter a huge open space. Optional: Use the X-Ray Scope or a Power Bomb in a corner at the bottom of the lake to find a secret tunnel with another missile expansion. Proceed to the right using the Grapple Beam to cross gaps and enter the Wrecked Ship.

Wrecked Ship: Phantoon

Begin by heading to the right and crossing the conveyor belt before entering the door. This will lead you to a large, wrecked shaft which serves as the primary connection point for most of the Wrecked Ship. Most doors are inaccessible, and the save room cannot be used until after defeating Phantoon. Descend to the bottom of the shaft and use a Power Bomb to reveal a secret passage. In the corridor at the bottom of the ship, head right and roll into another hidden passage. The next door will lead to an enemy that requires 3 missiles to defeat. Prepare yourself for the fight against Phantoon, and once you've emerged victorious, the rest of the ship will power up.

Wrecked Ship: Gravity Suit

To obtain the Gravity Suit, climb to the top of the wrecked shaft and clear all the enemies to unlock the top room. Proceed to the top half of the big open room and find a hidden tunnel somewhere in the floor. Bomb two tunnels to find a missile expansion or the Gravity Suit. Enter three doors until you reach a spike-filled hallway. Grapple the blocks, morph into the statue's hands and it will carry you down to the Gravity Suit. To get a missile expansion and reserve tank, bomb under the statue, collect the missile expansion and Power Bomb to destroy the statue, then perform an upward shine spark to reach the reserve tank, being careful not to fall into the pit.

Getting to Maridia

To reach Maridia, you can either go down the Red Tower in Brinstar and access the watery tunnel near the Norfair elevator or go right from the Wrecked Ship. If you choose the latter, traverse the tunnel below the Wrecked Ship save room. You can use a Power Bomb at the top of the next shaft to reveal a hidden path higher up that leads to a water-filled room where you can obtain an energy tank. Once outside, head right through a big watery hallway and descend the next shaft. To progress, you must navigate through a maze-like room and find a hidden tunnel.

Maridia: Draygon

Please follow the path that I have marked on the map, regardless of which path you took earlier. If you came from Crateria, go to the bottom of the elevator room and turn left. Proceed through a left hallway and enter the next door on the left. Even if a worm drags you into the sand pit, don't worry. In the following room, navigate through the underwater tunnels until you reach the west door that leads to a tube connecting upper and lower Maridia.

Once you reach the bottom of the tube, move down a bit and use a Power Bomb to open the floor. To continue, head left in a long hallway until you reach a green room filled with crabs and two purple blocks. Roll under the purple blocks to move down and access the left door, which leads to the way forward. Follow the green tunnel with yellow blobs and drop into a pit. Take the left door to enter a watery tunnel.

Maridia: Spring Ball

The Spring Ball is an optional upgrade that can be easily missed. To find it, backtrack to the long hallway in lower Maridia, and head right until you reach a small room with a destructible grapple block. Use the Space Jump to get up there and enter the right door. You'll come across an odd-looking robot that can clear the sand blocking your path. Lay a Power Bomb to allow the robot to clear the way forward. In the next room, navigate through a short maze to collect the Spring Ball. This upgrade allows you to jump freely while in Morph Ball mode.

Maridia: Plasma Beam

If you're seeking for the Spring Ball upgrade, go back to the lengthy corridor in lower Maridia, which is one tile above the map room. Continue forward until you reach a small area with a single destructible grapple block. To reach the upper level, use your grapple beam to destroy the block and your newly obtained Space Jump skill.

Cross the hump in the following n-shaped room after arriving and enter via the right door.You'll come upon an unusual-looking robot in the next area that can clear the sand from your path.  Wait for the robot to clear the way before dropping a Power Bomb that won't harm it. After that, find the Spring Ball by navigating a tiny maze in the following room.

Maridia: Plasma Beam

For the remainder of Super Metroid's campaign, it is advised to use the Plasma Beam upgrade, which is optional.  To get it, enter the conduit that connects upper and lower Maridia and look for a difficult-to-reach door in the upper-right corner of the same area where you exited the pipe. Navigate through a short shaft, then search for the Plasma Beam at the lower-right corner of a chamber packed of invincible pirates. You will be able to deal more damage and hurt the pirates inside that chamber with this improvement.

Ridley's Lair: Screw Attack

Deep Norfair is the most difficult area of Super Metroid. To get to Ridley's lair, you must go via a tunnel and Space Jump high enough to glimpse the dragon's maw. Because there are difficult foes like sidehoppers and hunters, optional items like the Plasma Beam and energy tanks are advised. To begin, exit the lift, proceed down a tunnel, and battle the Torizo boss to obtain the Screw Attack. Collect the Screw Attack and a Super Missile expansion by destroying certain blocks in the top-right corner of the room.


To reach Ridley, navigate through challenging rooms starting from the Screw Attack room. Progress upwards, Screw Attack through obstacles, destroy blocks, and climb through a shaft filled with enemies. Optional: Enter the dragon's mouth to acquire an energy tank. Power Bomb the floor in the room on the left to fight hunters, then repeat in the next room to eliminate side hoppers. Eventually, you'll reach Ridley, defeat him, and uncover a free energy tank by destroying a tile in the corner of the following room.

Getting out of Ridley's lair

There are two options to leave Ridley's lair quickly. The first one involves going back to the stone dragon above the save room to the east, then climbing to the top of the tunnel while avoiding obstacles such as fireballs and rolling rocks. Once at the top, you can go left through a hidden tunnel. In the next room, go right to find a missile expansion and a Power Bomb expansion, then proceed left through a difficult room with lava that rises and falls. After reaching the left side of the room and defeating the kihunters, Power Bomb the wall and continue left to reach your destination.


To reach Tourian, head left from Samus' ship until you get to the Brinstar elevator, then go right to the room with 4 boss statues, which will sink into the floor once you've defeated all 4 bosses. Tourian is linear and full with Metroids, so use rockets to freeze and destroy them. There are two save rooms, however if you don't have at least three energy tanks, save in the first one, as you won't be able to complete the game if you save near Mother Brain. Escape in time after beating Mother Brain and deciding whether to save or destroy the animals.

Super Metroid Guide 

A Super Metroid guide is a resource that can help players navigate the game and improve their skills. This guide can take many forms, such as a printed book, an online website, or a video series. The guide might include tips and tricks for completing difficult sections of the game, strategies for defeating bosses, or walkthroughs of the game's various areas.

Some Super Metroid guides are geared towards beginners, providing a basic introduction to the game's mechanics and guiding players through the early stages of the game. Other guides are designed for more advanced players, offering detailed strategies for speedrunning the game or tackling its toughest challenges.

There are many different Super Metroid guides available, created by a variety of authors and experts. Some guides are free to access online, while others may require a purchase. It's important to choose a guide that aligns with your goals and experience level, as well as to be aware that some guides may contain spoilers for the game's story.

Super Metroid Gameplay

Super Metroid is a video game that you play on a screen. The game happens on a made-up planet called Zebes and is about a character named Samus Aran who needs to get back a stolen thing called a Metroid from a bad guy named Ridley.

While playing the game, you can make Samus run, jump, crouch, and shoot in eight directions. You can also make her jump from one wall to another to reach higher places. As you keep playing, you can find things that make Samus's armour and weapons stronger and give her special abilities to go to new places.

For example, she can roll into a ball and drop bombs to go through tiny spaces or run super fast and crash into things. There are also things that let her jump higher, swing across open areas, and see through hidden walls.

When you play, you can see how much health Samus has, what weapons she has, and where she is on a map. You can also change what weapons and abilities she uses and save the game at different spots. When you finish the game, you can get a powerful weapon, and there are three different endings depending on how long you took to finish. You can also try to save some nice creatures if you want to.

Super Metroid Trailer

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Super Metroid Walkthrough - FAQs

1. Who developed Super Metroid?      

Super Metroid was developed by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems.

2. What is Super Metroid about?  

Super Metroid follows bounty hunter Samus Aran on her journey to planet Zebes to recover a stolen infant Metroid from Space Pirate leader Ridley.

3. What genre is Super Metroid?  

Super Metroid is an action-adventure game.

4. What platforms is Super Metroid available on?

Super Metroid has been released on various Nintendo consoles and services, including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Wii Virtual Console, New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, and Nintendo Switch Online.

5. What is a Super Metroid guide?    

A Super Metroid guide is a resource that can help players navigate the game and improve their skills. It can take many forms, such as a printed book, an online website, or a video series.