The Independent's Cryptic Answers Revealed (April 9, 2024)

Today's crossword clues are provided below and you have to find the answers using those clues, check our guide for answers.

by Dheshni | Updated Apr 09, 2024

Crosswords are games that make your brain think about different clues. You can learn how to find the answers. It also teaches you how to think in a different perspective. If you play a crossword every day, you will get better at it over time. Let's start solving today’s crossword clues.

Enemy's cover protected by spy on the other side

Answer: BEYOND

In this clue, we're looking for a term that suggests an enemy's cover being safeguarded by a spy who is situated on the opposite side, indicating something that goes beyond or surpasses the typical understanding of espionage.

Wife to go down after hot date ? that's a bonus


Here, the clue hints at a situation where the wife goes down (perhaps in terms of mood or energy) after having a hot date, which results in something advantageous or unexpected.

Giant, athletic climber


This clue describes a plant that is both large and possesses qualities associated with athleticism, suggesting a certain type of climbing plant

Imagine not having an Independent cryptic puzzle!

Answer: ENIGMA

This clue suggests the idea of trying to visualize or conceive of a scenario where there's no cryptic puzzle provided by a particular source known for its independence

Pull it together to dump fiancee at last during drink


In this question, "to dump fiancee at last" suggests breaking up with a partner, and "during drink" implies the involvement of alcohol. "Pull it together" could imply gathering courage or resolve. So, "SCRAPE UP" fits because it means to gather or collect something, in this case, the resolve to end the relationship over a drink

Most boring cricket match involving Durham's tail-enders

Answer: TAMEST

The term "TAMEST" implies the least exciting or least eventful. In cricket, "tail-enders" usually refer to the last batsmen in the batting order who are not known for scoring many runs. Therefore, a match involving Durham's tail-enders, who might not be the most skilled or entertaining players, would likely be quite dull or "TAMEST

Wilde's second poem written in friend's house


A "MAISONNETTE" is a small house, typically one that is connected to another similar house. In this context, the clue refers to Oscar Wilde, a famous poet and playwright. The mention of "friend's house" implies a domestic setting, fitting for the word "MAISONNETTE," which describes a type of dwelling.

Mum shot dead in the shadows

Answer: SHADED

"SHADOWS" are areas where light is blocked, creating darkness. The word "SHADED" refers to being in shadow or partial darkness. In this context, "Mum shot dead in the shadows" suggests a tragic event happening in a dimly lit or concealed area, fitting the meaning of "SHADED."

Frank or Luke's place?


"Frank or Luke's place" suggests a location or a place associated with someone named Frank or Luke. In this context, "POSTMARK" fits because it refers to a mark stamped on mail to indicate the place and date of mailing, thus connecting to the concept of a "place" associated with sending or receiving mail, such as Frank or Luke's place.

Two vessels travelling west in city

Answer: KRAKOW

The clue suggests a city name, and the phrase "Two vessels travelling west" could hint at the letters 'K' and 'W' moving or traveling together within the word. "KRAKOW" is a city name that fits these criteria, and it is known for its historical significance in Poland

Exercise securing high salary freeze


The word "PARALYSE" means to cause someone or something to become unable to move or act normally. In this context, "Exercise securing high salary freeze" suggests a situation where an exercise (perhaps referring to a financial or business action) leads to a high salary freeze, effectively immobilizing it or causing it to be paralyzed

First to review online follower's business


The clue suggests a word related to a business that reviews online followers' activities. "RETAILER" fits because it refers to a business entity that sells goods to the public, and the term "review" could imply analyzing or assessing the market or customer base, hence linking to "online follower's business." The word "First" might suggest that this business is the primary point of sale for products.

She doesn't appear to eat contents of bowl

Answer: NO-SHOW

"She doesn't appear" implies someone not showing up or being absent. "To eat contents of bowl" suggests not consuming food. "NO-SHOW" fits perfectly as it describes someone who is expected to be present but fails to attend, which aligns with the clue indicating that she does not eat the contents of the bowl because she is not there.

Extremely rare broadcast of Irish writer's triumph


"Extremely rare" suggests something very uncommon. "Broadcast of Irish writer's triumph" hints at an event related to an achievement by an Irish writer being aired or celebrated publicly. "REJOICE" fits because it means to feel or show great joy or delight, aligning with the notion of a triumph being celebrated widely.

Boat dispatched to save swimmer somewhere in Africa


The clue suggests a country name in Africa. "Boat dispatched to save swimmer" implies a rescue operation involving a boat. "BOTSWANA" fits because it's a landlocked country in Southern Africa. While it might not have direct access to the sea, it could still be involved in rescue operations in water bodies within its territory.

Mutilated head on stick

Answer: ADHERE

"Mutilated head on stick" suggests something being stuck or attached to a stick. "ADHERE" fits because it means to stick firmly to something, aligning with the idea of something being attached or sticking to a stick, as described in the clue

Rattle steel nut loose


The phrase "rattle steel nut loose" suggests the idea of something becoming loose or disturbed. "UNSETTLE" fits perfectly as it means to cause someone to feel anxious, disturbed, or uneasy, aligning with the notion of something becoming loose or disturbed.

Swear about loud football hooligans

Answer: AFFIRM

"Swear about loud football hooligans" implies affirming or confirming something related to rowdy individuals at a football game. "AFFIRM" fits because it means to assert the truth or existence of something, aligning with the idea of swearing or confirming amidst loud football hooligans.

Spot book on language with preface missing


The phrase "spot book on language with preface missing" suggests the idea of identifying a flaw or imperfection in a book related to language where the preface is absent. "BLEMISH" fits perfectly as it refers to a flaw or imperfection, aligning with the concept of spotting a deficiency in the book.

Present coverage featured in 7A, 8A, 12A, 13A, 1D, 14D, 15D, 16D and 21D


The phrase "present coverage" suggests something related to wrapping or covering presents. The numbers and letters (7A, 8A, etc.) indicate specific clues in the crossword puzzle grid. "WRAPPING PAPER" fits perfectly as it directly relates to the act of covering presents, which aligns with the clue about "present coverage" and the grid references provided.

Way for American to act crabby?


The question plays on words, hinting at both a physical path ("way") and a behavioral trait ("crabby"). "SIDEWALK" fits because it's a term used in American English for a pedestrian path at the side of a road, and it can also suggest a way for an American to act "crabby" or irritable, given the connotation of sidewalk disputes or encounters.

Perhaps Dennis bores by going on and on


The phrase "perhaps Dennis bores by going on and on" suggests the idea of someone being timeless or not affected by the passage of time. "TIMELESS" fits perfectly as it means not affected by the passage of time or not growing old-fashioned, aligning with the concept of Dennis's repetitive behavior being enduring and unchanging

Get hard cuddling Rosemary? "Sweetie!"


"SHERBET" fits perfectly as it is a sweet frozen dessert often enjoyed as a treat, and it contains the letters "her" (from "Rosemary") and "sweetie" which is another word for a term of endearment

Don't stop parking sensor going off

Answer: PRESS ON

The phrase "Don't stop parking sensor going off" suggests the idea of continuing or persevering despite distractions or obstacles. "PRESS ON" fits perfectly as it means to continue with determination, aligning with the notion of not stopping despite the parking sensor alerting.

Youngster put up with crap Fiat

Answer: DIKTAT

The term "Youngster put up with crap Fiat" suggests enduring or tolerating something unpleasant related to a Fiat, possibly a car model. "DIKTAT" fits perfectly as it means an authoritative decree or order that one must obey, aligning with the idea of a youngster tolerating the shortcomings of a Fiat due to some authoritative command or imposition.

Some nudist ran down beach

Answer: STRAND

The phrase "Some nudist ran down beach" suggests the idea of someone or something being left behind or abandoned on a beach. "STRAND" fits perfectly as it can mean a stretch of shore or coastline, and it can also mean to leave someone in a difficult situation, aligning with the concept of someone being left behind on the beach.

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