The Independent's Cryptic Clues Decoded (March 30, 2024)

Get the solutions for today’s complex crossword puzzles in our guide and have a happy and satisfying day!

by J Divya | Updated Mar 30, 2024

Today's The Independent's Cryptic clues are a bit different from the usual ones. Not every clue will be like that. Sometimes the answer is straightforward and easy to find.

It's important to think carefully and deeply because what you initially think might not always be the correct answer. Take your time, look at the hints, and consider all possible answers for today's puzzle.

Pawnbroker succeeded given a million in America- (5,3)


"Uncle Sam" is a popular personification of the United States government. Pawnbrokers lend money at high interest rates, often against pawned goods. The clue suggests that the US government ("Uncle Sam") has been successful in acquiring a large sum of money (a million).

Grass, about one kilo needed for Hairy Biker- (2,4)


"Hairy Bikers" is a British celebrity chef duo known for their down-to-earth cooking style. "Siking" is a British slang term meaning "joking" or "teasing." The clue injects some humor, implying that needing a kilo of grass (potentially for cooking) is a joke, considering Hairy Bikers' usual style.

Spent greenbacks when touring Spain?(4)


"Greenbacks" is a slang term for US dollars, which are green. The clue asks if someone "used" (spent) their money while traveling in Spain. "Used" is a straightforward answer.

Animal with flower returning another flower for La Scala? (5,5)


"La Scala" is a famous opera house in Milan, Italy. The clue is a bit metaphorical. An "opera house" is a place where flowers (figuratively, beautiful voices) might be offered through singing. The answer doesn't directly reference a specific animal, but the exchange of "flowers" connects to the idea of a performance.

Duke having private meal(6)


"Dinner" is the main evening meal. A "duke" is a high-ranking noble title. The clue suggests that a duke might enjoy a "dinner" as a private meal.

Bear's sure hold that needs breaking (8)


Bears are known for their strength and can deliver powerful hugs or holds. A "shoulder" is a joint connecting the upper arm to the body. The clue suggests that a bear's strong hold (perhaps needing to be broken) would involve its "shoulder."

One using C and D three times with guitar playing (4,6)


  • "Drug addict" refers to someone who is dependent on drugs. The clue is a bit cryptic. "C" and "D" repeated three times could be a reference to musical chords, and "guitar playing" reinforces the musical connection.
  • However, the answer is "drug addict," suggesting the use of certain substances that might be associated with music but with a negative connotation.

Bean curd content of uneaten sandwiches? (4)


"Tofu" is a bean curd made from soybeans, a common ingredient in vegetarian and vegan dishes. Uneaten sandwiches might not be desirable, and tofu can be a filling used in some sandwiches. The clue connects tofu to the leftover content of an uneaten sandwich.

Honey in sugary centre(10)


"Honey" can be a term of endearment for a loved one. The "sugary centre" refers to the sweetness or affection associated with someone you love. The answer emphasizes the core quality of someone who is a "sweetheart."

Centre introducing cut that's wrongly perceived- (8)


"Misheard" means to misunderstand something that has been said. The "centre" (middle) might introduce or be the focus of something that is "misheard" (interpreted incorrectly).

Grovelling sailor caught boarding fast plane (6)


"Abject" means miserable, degraded, or servile. The clue paints a picture of a sailor who is "grovelling" (behaving in a humiliating way) and is caught boarding a "fast plane" (perhaps desperately trying to escape). The situation suggests a sense of misery and desperation, aligning with the meaning of "abject."

Sunak bridling at disorder is showing loyalty to state (10)


"Patriotism" is devotion to one's country. Rishi Sunak is a British politician. The clue suggests that Sunak's disapproval ("bridling") of disorder might be a sign of his "patriotism" (loyalty to the state).

Hairy Biker gone has me very sad, distraught (4,5)


"Hairy Bikers" is a British celebrity chef duo consisting of David Myers and Si King. The clue expresses sadness over the absence of one of the Hairy Bikers, likely Dave Myers.

Police show vandalised NY outfield- (4,2,4)


Line of Duty" is a British police procedural television drama series. "NY outfield" is a bit of a misdirection. The answer refers to the name of the TV show, not a vandalized location in New York.

Desert, boundless one, devouring goddess devours (8)


The Kalahari Desert is a large desert in Africa. The clue uses metaphor. A "boundless" desert can be seen as "devouring" everything in its path, similar to how a "goddess" might be a powerful figure who "devours" or consumes something.

More horrible wine Roman fiddler endlessly consumes? (7)


  • "Nastie" is a slang term for something unpleasant or nasty, often referring to bad-tasting food or drink. A "Roman fiddler" is a creative addition with no direct connection to the answer.
  •  The clue suggests that the answer is something unpleasant that someone might "endlessly consume," and "nastie" fits the bill as a negative term for bad wine.

Charged a lot in Californian city retreat (5)


 "Laden" means burdened or weighed down with something. A "Californian city retreat" could be a place of relaxation, but the clue suggests it's "laden" (filled or burdened) with a lot of something, perhaps people or activities.

Scrubbed and combed (7)


"Scoured" means cleaned vigorously. "Scrubbed" and "combed" are both actions related to cleaning, so "scoured" encompasses both activities.

Split for one opening finally concealed in chair? (7)


"Split" can mean to divide or separate. "One opening" could be a reference to a harbor entrance. "Concealed in chair" is a misdirection. Putting these ideas together, "seaport" is a city with a harbor, which can be seen as a "split" (opening) on the coastline.

Ken's policy expert climbing rock shelf (9)


 "Knowledge" refers to information, understanding, and acquired skills. "Ken" is a name, and "policy expert" suggests someone knowledgeable about policies. Climbing a "rock shelf" might require knowledge and skill, but it's a metaphor for the answer. The clue emphasizes that "knowledge" is essential for someone like a policy expert.

New progressive movement dawning (7)


"Nascent" means beginning to develop or emerge. A "progressive movement" suggests a new wave of ideas or changes. The answer emphasizes that the movement is "nascent" (just beginning to take shape).

Lovelorn cowboy on lake shows tactless behaviour (9)


 "Gaucherie" is a lack of social grace or tact. A "lovelorn cowboy" suggests someone who is romantically disappointed. The clue describes the cowboy's behavior on a lake as "tactless," which aligns with the meaning of "gaucherie."

Murder in kitchen regularly ignored (3)


"Ice" can refer to frozen water, but it can also be a slang term for diamonds (often used in jewelry). The clue mentions "murder in the kitchen" (potentially a hidden crime scene) that is "ignored." This could be a metaphorical reference to diamonds being overlooked or hidden in plain sight within a kitchen.

Folding elegantly, banking system backed mate in Paris (7)


"Origami" is the Japanese art of paper folding. "Folding elegantly" describes the process. "Banking system" and "mate in Paris" are misdirections. The clue focuses on the artistic and elegant folding technique of origami.

She leaves hotel — a rising tide brings fish (3,4)


"Seawolf" is a large, fierce fish. "She leaves hotel" is a bit of a misdirection. The answer connects to the rising tide, which is a natural phenomenon that can bring fish closer to the shore, including seawolves.

One must yield to Madame in drag bar (7)


  • "Trammel" means to restrict, impede, or hinder. "Madame" is a French term for madam or lady. A "drag bar" is a bar frequented by people in drag (exaggerated gender presentation).
  • The clue suggests that someone (perhaps a performer) might be restricted or hindered ("trammelled") in a drag bar, possibly due to social expectations or limitations.

Rally where Rolls Royce rounds eastern bight (7)


  • "Recover" means to regain or restore something. "Rolls Royce" is a luxury car brand. An "eastern bight" is a bend or curve in the coastline towards the east.
  • The clue is a bit metaphorical. A rally could be a gathering to regain or restore something, and "Rolls Royce rounding a bight" might be a creative image to represent overcoming a challenge (like recovering).

500 at frozen arena effect hydration (5)


"Drink" is a liquid consumed for refreshment. "500" and "frozen arena" are misdirections. The clue implies that something (perhaps exercise) at a cold place (like a frozen arena) might make someone want to drink to stay hydrated.

Tribe's self-defence system incomplete — what a shame! (5)


"Judah" is one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Self-defense systems are used for protection. An "incomplete" self-defense system suggests a weakness. The clue implies that the tribe of Judah might have lacked a complete defense system, which could be seen as a disadvantage.

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