The Irish Independent Cryptic Crossword: Get the Clue and Answer for March 29, 2024

Here we are with a new crossword clue, try solving this clue with the help of our guide and get the answers.

by Shoba | Updated Mar 29, 2024

The Irish Independent Cryptic crossword clues are getting trickier by the day. It appears simple one day, then tough the next. Today's clue is not easy to crack. But, if you try, of course, it’s an easy job. You can also take our help as we have provided some hints. So, let’s get started!

Appointment with Mr Jolson concerning letters (6)

Answer: POSTAL

"Mr Jolson" may hint at the world of entertainment, where "letters" might refer to something related to postal services. Combining these hints leads to "POSTAL," which relates to letters and appointments with postal services.

For one taking steps, Brendan certainly has it in him (6)

Answer: DANCER

"Taking steps" often refers to dancing, and "Brendan" likely alludes to Brendan Cole, a well-known dancer. The phrase "certainly has it in him" suggests inherent capability. "DANCER" fits perfectly, implying that Brendan possesses the talent for dancing.

Rhythm man's cue to appear as one that blooms (13)


"Rhythm man" implies someone associated with music or dance, suggesting a rhythmic element. "Cue to appear" hints at a signal for emergence. The phrase "as one that blooms" could signify a flower or something blossoming. The answer, "CHRYSANTHEMUM," aligns with these hints, indicating a flower that emerges rhythmically.

Severe problem to start trying to reach the summit (7)


Starting with "Severe problem," we can think of a mountain-related challenge. The word "to start trying" suggests initiating an attempt, often associated with scaling a peak. Combining these, we get "Everest," which is synonymous with both a daunting challenge and the world's highest summit.

Animal found in an Eastern country (5)

Answer: ELAND

The clue hints at an animal commonly found in the East. The word "country" might lead one to think of a nation, but here, it refers to the habitat of the animal. "Eastern" indicates a region. Putting it together, we arrive at "Eland," an antelope species often found in Eastern African countries.

Remained sound and composed (5)

Answer: STAID

Here, the phrase suggests staying steady and composed. "Remained" indicates staying in a particular state, while "sound and composed" describes a demeanor of stability. Consequently, we arrive at "Staid," which perfectly embodies the idea of maintaining a dignified and composed demeanor.

Possible safe time to have a meal (5)

Answer: FEAST

In considering the safety of mealtime, one often looks for a period when there are minimal risks. The answer "FEAST" suggests a time of abundance and security, where indulging in a meal can be enjoyed without worry, reflecting the concept of safety within the context of dining.

Sees the drafts (5)

Answer: NOTES

"Sees the drafts" hints at perceiving or observing written pieces, which are typically associated with the word "NOTES." These are snippets of text that capture ideas, observations, or information, indicating that the answer corresponds to a collection of written material one might encounter.

Cavity only a dope would fall into? (7)


The question humorously presents a scenario where only someone not paying attention, perhaps colloquially referred to as a "dope," would fall into a certain type of cavity. "POTHOLE" fits this description perfectly, as it's a depression or pit in a road surface, often overlooked until someone encounters it unexpectedly, emphasizing the element of carelessness or lack of awareness.

Cutting part of the body? (8,5)


"Cutting part of the body" suggests we're looking for a term related to anatomy. The answer, "SHOULDERBLADE," fits perfectly, as it refers to the flat bone situated on the back of the shoulder. The clue cleverly combines the idea of cutting with a specific body part to lead us to this answer.

Nudes I reputedly want covered (6)

Answer: DESIRE

 "Nudes " in a misleading context. However, it's actually hinting at something desired to be concealed. The word "DESIRE" fits the bill, as it implies a want or longing, aligning with the notion of something "reputedly want[ed] covered."

Rush into employment? (6)

Answer: CAREER

"Rush into employment" suggests the idea of quickly entering into a career or job. The word "CAREER" encapsulates this notion perfectly, as it signifies a person's long-term professional journey or vocation, subtly tying back to the idea of rushing into employment.

Large sum of money found in a boat (6)

Answer: PACKET

"Large sum of money" suggests wealth, and "found in a boat" implies something contained within a vessel. A "packet" refers to a bundle or parcel of items, often used in maritime contexts for transporting goods or money, fitting the clue's description perfectly.

Tutors rise up, I worked out, by improper means (13)


This clue hints at a method that's covert or sneaky, indicated by "by improper means." The phrase "Tutors rise up" suggests an anagram, where "rise up" indicates a reversal, and "Tutors" being rearranged gives "SurreptitioUs". It means done secretly or stealthily, aligning precisely with the given definition.

The way to get married in Paisley? (5)

Answer: AISLE

"Paisley" as a hint to think about a wedding. "The way to get married" typically involves walking down an "aisle" in a church or wedding venue. So, the answer "aisle" perfectly fits the context of the clue, linking the concept of marriage with the physical pathway typically used in weddings.

Let heat out on the track, perhaps (7)


"Let heat out on the track, perhaps " suggests an athlete, someone who expends energy and releases heat while participating in track events. The word "track" hints at athletics or sports, where athletes engage in physical activities that generate heat.

Compose it as an alternative understanding (13)


"Compose it as an alternative understanding points to the concept of compassion, but with an expanded perspective. Compassionate individuals embody empathy and kindness, suggesting a broader and deeper comprehension of understanding others' emotions and experiences.

Deem unsuitable as being in line for a cure (6)

Answer: REMEDY

"Deem unsuitable as being in line for a cure implies the notion of remedy, which typically involves finding a solution or treatment to address a problem. However, the phrase "deem unsuitable" suggests that the cure may not be appropriate or effective in certain situations, indicating a lack of suitability or efficacy.

University with tiny problem concerning marriage (5)

Answer: UNITY

This clue hints at a term signifying unity, often associated with academic institutions. The mention of a "tiny problem" alludes to a minor obstacle within this unity. Considering the context of a university, the reference to "marriage" might symbolize the amalgamation of different disciplines or fields. The answer, fittingly, is "UNITY," representing the concept of togetherness with a subtle hint of imperfection.

Detached sun rail needing repair (7)


"Detached " suggests isolation or separation, while "sun rail" implies a connection to sunlight or celestial elements. The phrase "needing repair" indicates something broken or dysfunctional. In this context, "INSULAR" fits perfectly, conveying the notion of isolation or detachment, implying that the sun rail requires fixing to restore its connection to the broader environment.

Sun due to come out when it's fresh? (6)

Answer: UNUSED

"Sun " as both a celestial body and an emergence or revelation. The term "fresh" suggests something new or recently emerged. The question mark signals a play on words, indicating an alternative interpretation. The answer, "UNUSED," implies that the sun (or any other entity) remains fresh or untapped until it's put to use or fully revealed.

Go faster when up against it (5)

Answer: SPEED

"Go faster when up against it suggests the need for increased velocity when facing challenges or obstacles, succinctly encapsulated by the word "SPEED". It implies the necessity to accelerate or move swiftly when confronted with difficulties or tight deadlines.

Never even starting to produce a fine finish (6)

Answer: VENEER

"Never even starting to produce a fine finish hints at a process that fails to initiate or progress adequately to achieve a polished outcome, fittingly described by the term "VENEER". This word implies a superficial covering or appearance without substance, reflecting a lack of depth or authenticity.

Returning first-class on second part of the leg (5)

Answer: TIBIA

"Returning first-class on second part of the leg cleverly refers to the anatomical structure of the human leg, specifically the "TIBIA". By indicating "returning first-class," it suggests reversing or turning back, leading to the initial letter of "tibia" and linking it with the leg's anatomy, elucidating the answer.

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