Today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword Answers for April 11, 2024 is Updated Here

Exercise your brain and improve problem-solving skills by solving today's crossword puzzle. Use the clues provided below to solve them.

by Gayathri | Updated Apr 11, 2024

Today’s crossword puzzle clue is straightforward but it can also be a challenge at times. Check our website daily for updates on Irish Daily Mail Mailword Crossword Clues. Below is a list of Crossword Clues along with the answers and explanations. So, scroll down and get everything.

Analyse a sentence (5)


Analyse a sentence: This phrase suggests breaking down a sentence into its component parts to understand its structure and meaning. The answer is PARSE, which means to analyze or examine a sentence, typically to identify its grammatical elements such as subject, verb, and object.

Regimen (4)


Regimen: Here, we're referring to a system or plan of actions or rules to follow, often related to health or behavior. The answer is RULE, which represents a prescribed set of regulations or guidelines governing behavior or activity, such as a dietary regimen or exercise routine.

Military formation (7)


Military formation: This clue directs us to a specific arrangement or configuration of military personnel. The answer is ECHELON, which refers to a formation of troops or military units arranged in a staggered pattern, typically used for tactical maneuvers or strategic deployment.

Provide capital (6)


Provide capital: Here, we're asked for a term meaning to supply funds or resources for a business or venture. The answer is ENSOW, which is a variant of the word "endow," meaning to provide financial support or capital for a particular purpose, such as funding a project or organization.

Pickled herring (7)


Pickled herring: This phrase describes a type of preserved fish commonly served as a delicacy. The answer is ROLLMOP, which refers to a pickled herring fillet rolled around a savory filling, often served as an appetizer or snack.

Posture (6)


Posture: This term refers to the position or alignment of the body, particularly when standing or sitting. The answer is FAKE IT, which suggests pretending or imitating a certain posture or demeanor, often to convey confidence or composure, even if it is not genuine.

Poorly (3)


Poorly - LOW: This term suggests a state of diminished quality or performance, indicating a subpar condition or level of functioning that falls below expectations or standards, whether in health, morale, or efficiency.

Foreword (7)


Foreword - PRELUDE: Typically found at the beginning of a book or musical composition, this introductory section serves to set the stage or provide context for what is to follow, offering readers or listeners a preview of the themes, characters, or ideas that will be explored further.

Vast age (3)


Vast age - EON: Representing an immeasurable span of time, this term refers to an era or epoch of immense duration, encompassing significant periods in geological, cosmological, or historical contexts, shaping the evolution of the universe and the course of human civilization.

Pip (4)


Pip - SPOT: In certain contexts, this term may refer to a small, distinct mark or spot, serving as a distinguishing feature or point of interest within a larger context or surface, whether in literature, conversation, or physical appearance.

Shudder (6)


Shudder - GYRATE: Describing a rapid and involuntary movement or vibration, this term conveys a sense of trembling or quivering, often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or unease, as if one's body were gyrating involuntarily in response to a sudden chill or shock.

Break down (3)


Break down - SAG: This term suggests a loss of structural integrity or support, resulting in a gradual or sudden collapse or drooping of a physical object or system, indicating a failure or malfunction that renders it unable to perform its intended function.

Preclude (5)


Preclude - CEASE: To preclude something is to prevent it from happening or to make it impossible, effectively bringing it to an end or halting its progress, whether through proactive measures, intervention, or the absence of necessary conditions.

Lowest even number (3)


Lowest even number - TWO: In the realm of mathematics, this term denotes the smallest integer divisible by two, representing the most basic unit of even numbers, with every subsequent even number being a multiple of two, making it foundational to numerical systems and calculations.

--- Wharton, novelist (5)


--- Wharton, novelist - EDITH: This phrase identifies the esteemed American author Edith Wharton, known for her literary contributions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly acclaimed for her insightful novels exploring themes of society, class, and gender roles.

Frenzied (3)


"Frenzied" - This clue describes a state of intense excitement or agitation, often associated with chaotic or wild behavior. The answer is "MAD," indicating a condition of frenzy or madness, characterized by irrational or erratic actions.

Perilous (6)


"Perilous" - This clue suggests a situation or environment fraught with danger or risk. The answer is "JUNGLE," describing a dense and tangled forest ecosystem known for its hazardous conditions and potential threats, such as wild animals, difficult terrain, and adverse weather.

Remain awake (4,2)


"Remain awake" - This clue directs attention to the act of staying conscious or alert during a period when sleep is typically expected. The answer is "STAY UP," indicating the action of remaining awake beyond one's usual bedtime or staying awake throughout the night, often to complete a task or participate in an activity.

Sooner (6)


"Sooner" - This clue prompts thinking about a term synonymous with "quickly" or "without delay." The answer is "PRONTO," indicating a sense of urgency or immediacy, suggesting a prompt or speedy response to a situation or request.

Lawless acts (6)


"Lawless acts" - This clue refers to actions that violate established laws or regulations, often resulting in legal consequences. The answer is "CRIMES," describing unlawful activities or behaviors that are prohibited by law and punishable by authorities.

Hair product (3)


"Hair product" - This clue suggests an item used for styling or grooming hair. The answer is "GEL," indicating a type of hair product typically used to sculpt or hold hair in place, providing structure and control for various hairstyles.

Ring (5)


"Ring" - This clue could refer to a circular object or a group with a common interest or purpose. The answer is "MAFIA," indicating a secretive criminal organization often associated with organized crime and illicit activities, such as extortion, racketeering, and smuggling.

Mobile phone software (3)


"Mobile phone software" - This clue directs attention to a type of program designed to run on mobile devices. The answer is "APP," short for "application," referring to software designed to perform specific tasks or provide entertainment on smartphones or tablets. 

Backless sofa (5)


Backless sofa: This clue describes a type of seating furniture without a backrest. The answer is DIVAN, which refers to a long, low sofa or couch, often with a mattress-like cushion and no back, typically placed against a wall for lounging or reclining.

--- Angeles, California city (3)


--- Angeles, California city: Here, we're asked for the name of a major city in California. The answer is LOS, which is a common abbreviation for Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the United States, known for its entertainment industry, diverse culture, and iconic landmarks.

Ill-humour (6)


Ill-humour: This term refers to a state of irritability or bad mood. The answer is CHOLER, which is an archaic term for anger or irritability, often associated with a bilious temperament or disposition.

Verdi opera (4)


Verdi opera: This clue directs us to the name of a famous opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. The answer is AIDA, which is an opera by Verdi set in ancient Egypt, telling the story of a love triangle involving an Ethiopian princess, an Egyptian military commander, and the Pharaoh.

Peak (3)


Peak: Here, we're looking for a term that represents the highest point or summit of something. The answer is MAX, which is a shortened form of "maximum," used to describe the highest level, quantity, or degree of something.

Lured (7)


Lured: This clue suggests enticing or attracting someone to do something. The answer is CATCHED, which is a verb form of "catch" meaning to lure or entice someone, typically by offering something desirable or appealing.

Arithmetic problem (3)


Arithmetic problem: This phrase refers to a mathematical question or exercise involving basic calculations. The answer is SUM, which represents the result obtained by adding two or more numbers together, a fundamental operation in arithmetic.

Gemstones (6)


Gemstones: This clue points to precious or semi-precious minerals prized for their beauty and rarity. The answer is STONES, which refers to naturally occurring mineral crystals or rocks, such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, that are cut and polished for use in jewelry or decorative purposes.

Christian messenger (7)


Christian messenger - APOSTLE: This term refers to a significant figure in Christianity, specifically one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus to spread his teachings and establish the early Christian Church, embodying the role of a messenger and ambassador for the faith.

Tourist area (6)


Tourist area - RESORT: Often associated with leisure and relaxation, this term describes a destination or locale frequented by travelers seeking amenities and recreational activities, such as beaches, spas, or ski resorts, providing a getaway from the routines of daily life.

Lassos (7)


Lassos - CATCHES: These looping ropes are commonly used for capturing or restraining animals, particularly in activities such as ranching or rodeos, exemplifying the action of catching or ensnaring something within the coils of the lasso.

Unremarkable (2,2)

SO SO    

Unremarkable - SO SO: This phrase indicates a mediocre or average quality, neither exceptional nor particularly noteworthy, suggesting a lack of distinction or significance in comparison to other things or experiences.

Hits (5)


Hits-TYPES: In this context, "hits" could refer to various types or categories of successful endeavors or achievements, encompassing a range of accomplishments or accomplishments that garner attention, recognition, or popularity.

Mattress (6)


Mattress - PALLET: Though not typically associated with mattresses used for sleeping, a pallet can serve as a makeshift bed or support surface in certain situations, such as camping or temporary lodging, offering a basic level of comfort and elevation from the ground.

Everyone (3)


Everyone - ALL: This word encompasses the entirety of a group or population, leaving no individual excluded or omitted, indicating inclusivity and universality in its scope.

Incline (4)


Incline - MOVE: In this context, "incline" suggests a movement or tendency towards a higher or elevated position, as if one were physically shifting or leaning upward in response to a sloped surface or gravitational force.

Express contempt (5)


Express contempt: This phrase suggests conveying disdain or scorn through facial expression or tone of voice. The answer is SNEER, which refers to a facial expression or vocal tone characterized by contempt or derision, often indicating disapproval or mockery.

Highly skilled (6)


Highly skilled: Here, we're looking for a term that describes someone who is exceptionally proficient or adept at something. The answer is ADROIT, which means skillful or clever in using one's hands or mind, demonstrating great dexterity or expertise in a particular activity or field.

Studio 54, e.g. (5)


Studio 54, e.g.: This clue hints at a type of venue known for its music, dancing, and socializing. The answer is DISCO, which refers to a nightclub or dance hall where disco music is played and people gather to dance and socialize, such as the famous Studio 54 in New York City during the 1970s.

Showing curiosity (10)


Showing curiosity: This phrase describes displaying interest or inquisitiveness about something. The answer is INTERESTED, which means having a desire to know or learn more about a topic or subject, demonstrating curiosity or fascination.

Woman's name (3)

S I A    

Woman's name: Here, we're asked for a common female given name. The answer is SIA, which is a popular name for girls, often found in various cultures and languages around the world.

Largest Canary Island (8)


Largest Canary Island: This clue directs us to the name of the biggest island in the Canary Islands archipelago. The answer is TENERIFE, which is the largest and most populous island in the Canary Islands, known for its stunning landscapes, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife.

Lever (5)


Lever - BRACE: A tool used to apply force or support objects, a brace typically consists of a rigid bar or beam that pivots around a fixed point, enabling the user to amplify their strength and manipulate objects with greater ease.

Cavities (5)


Cavities - NOOKS: Referring to hollow or recessed areas within a larger space, nooks are often found in corners or alcoves, providing cozy or secluded spots for relaxation, storage, or contemplation within a room or structure.

Child's vehicle (7)


Child's vehicle - SCOOTER: A popular mode of transportation for children, scooters are lightweight, two-wheeled vehicles propelled by pushing off the ground with one foot while balancing on the other, offering a fun and accessible way for kids to navigate their surroundings.

Fraction (5)


Fraction - SHARE: In the context of division or allocation, a share represents a portion or segment of a whole, whether in terms of resources, ownership, or distribution, indicating a fraction or percentage of the total amount or quantity available.

Not many (3)


Not many - ANY: This term conveys the absence of a specific number or quantity, suggesting a lack of restriction or limitation in terms of selection or availability, as in "you can choose from any option" or "there aren't any rules."

Secret relationship (5)


Secret relationship - AMOUR: Often associated with clandestine or illicit affairs, an amour refers to a romantic or passionate relationship that is kept hidden or discreet, typically due to social, moral, or personal reasons, adding an element of intrigue or forbidden allure to the connection.

Realm (6)


Realm - NATION: A realm denotes a domain or territory over which a particular authority or sovereignty holds sway, whether in a political, geographical, or metaphorical sense, encompassing a defined space or jurisdiction governed by specific laws, norms, or rulers.

Officials responsible for wages (10)


Officials responsible for wages - PAYMASTERS: These individuals hold the responsibility for overseeing and disbursing wages or salaries to employees within an organization or company, ensuring that workers are compensated fairly and on time for their labor and contributions to the enterprise.

Perennial plant (6)


Perennial plant - YARROW: Yarrow is a perennial flowering plant known for its feathery leaves and clusters of small, brightly colored flowers. It is prized for its medicinal properties and often used in herbal remedies for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Expected (3)


Expected - SAW: This term suggests a belief or anticipation of something occurring or being true, implying a level of predictability or foresight in recognizing a likely outcome or situation.

Remind persistently (3)


Remind persistently - NAG: To nag is to repeatedly remind or criticize someone in an annoying or persistent manner, often with the intention of influencing their behavior or actions.

Miser (7)


Miser - SHYLOCK: Shylock is a character from William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice," known for his extreme frugality and obsession with money. He is often portrayed as a miserly figure, unwilling to part with his wealth or forgive debts owed to him. 

Intrude (8)


Intrude - ENTRENCH: This term suggests the act of establishing oneself firmly or deeply within a particular place or situation, often with the implication of encroaching or imposing oneself without invitation or welcome.   

Religious passage (5)


Religious passage - PSALM: In religious contexts, a psalm refers to a sacred hymn or poem, particularly those found in the biblical Book of Psalms, which is attributed to King David and contains expressions of praise, lament, and supplication.

Table used for Mass (5)


Table used for Mass - ALTAR: An altar is a raised platform or table used in religious ceremonies, particularly in Christian worship services such as Mass. It serves as a focal point for rituals and offerings, symbolizing the presence of the divine and facilitating communion between worshipers and their deity.

Vigour (3)


"Vigour" - This clue refers to a quality of energy, enthusiasm, or vitality. The answer is "PEP," indicating a lively and energetic demeanor or attitude, often associated with enthusiasm and vigor.

Corolla parts (6)


"Corolla parts" - This clue directs attention to components of a flower's structure. The answer is "PETALS," referring to the colorful and often fragrant segments of a flower's corolla, typically arranged in a circular fashion around the reproductive organs.

Views (6)


"Views" - This clue suggests opinions or perspectives held by individuals. The answer is "JUDGES," indicating individuals who assess or evaluate different viewpoints or arguments, often in a formal or official capacity, such as in a courtroom or competition.

Mature (5)


"Mature" - This clue describes a quality of adulthood or fully developed characteristics. The answer is "MANLY," suggesting maturity in terms of masculinity or grown-up behavior, emphasizing qualities such as strength, responsibility, and wisdom.

Titles (5)


"Titles" - This clue refers to names or designations given to things or people. The answer is "TERMS," indicating specific words or phrases used to describe or identify something, often conveying meaning or significance within a particular context.

Italian sauce (5)


"Italian sauce" - This clue directs attention to a type of condiment or seasoning commonly used in Italian cuisine. The answer is "PESTO," referring to a flavorful sauce made from crushed basil, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil, often served with pasta or used as a spread or dip.

Mount Everest's country (5)


Mount Everest's country - NEPAL: This Himalayan nation is home to Mount Everest, the tallest peak in the world, drawing adventurers and mountaineers from around the globe to its awe-inspiring landscapes and challenging climbs.

--- The Explorer, animated children's series (4)


--- The Explorer, animated children's series - DORA: Dora the Explorer is a popular animated children's television series that follows the adventures of a young Latina girl named Dora and her monkey companion Boots as they embark on educational journeys and solve puzzles.

As well (3)


As well - YET: This term indicates an additional action or circumstance, suggesting an inclusion or continuation of something already mentioned or implied, adding to the existing situation or condition.

Drink slowly (3)


Drink slowly - SIP: To sip is to consume a liquid slowly and delicately, taking small mouthfuls at a time, often to savor the taste or to pace oneself while enjoying a beverage such as tea, coffee, or wine.

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