Ugliest Animals on Earth - Top 10 Bizarre Beauties

Discover the ugliest animals on Earth! From hyenas to blobfish, delve into the unconventional beauty found in nature's most peculiar creatures and prepare to be amazed by these ugliest animals.

by B Kishwar | Updated Jul 12, 2023

Top 10 Ugliest Animals on Earth


Ugliest Animals


Bedlington Terriers




Fruit Flies


Matamata Turtle












Naked Mole-Rat

Ugliest Animals on Earth

The term "ugliest animals on Earth" is a subjective one, as what one person finds ugly another might find beautiful. However, there are a number of animals that are commonly considered to be among the ugliest on the planet. These animals often have unusual physical features that make them stand out from the crowd. Some of the most commonly cited examples of ugly animals include:

1. Bedlington Terriers

Bedlington Terriers are a breed of small to medium-sized dogs known for their distinctive appearance. While some may consider them adorable, others might describe them as having an unusual and somewhat "ugly" appearance. One of their most striking features is their unique head shape, which is often likened to that of a lamb. Their long, tapering muzzle, combined with their arched eyebrows and deep-set, almond-shaped eyes, give them an expressive and almost human-like facial expression. Adding to their distinctive look is their curly, woolly coat, which is soft to the touch and resembles the texture of a lamb's fleece.

Despite their unconventional appearance, Bedlington Terriers are cherished for their friendly and affectionate nature. They are known for their playful and energetic temperament, making them great companions for active individuals or families. With proper grooming and care, their coat can be maintained in a tidy and stylish manner, enhancing their unique appearance. While beauty is subjective, there is no denying that Bedlington Terriers stand out from the crowd with their charming and distinctive looks.

2. Vultures

Vultures, often considered one of the ugliest birds, have physical features that set them apart from other avian species. Their bare heads, devoid of feathers, and wrinkled necks might contribute to their less appealing appearance. The absence of feathers on their heads serves a practical purpose, allowing them to feed on carrion without the risk of their feathers getting dirty or infested with bacteria. Their beaks are large, strong, and hooked, ideal for tearing through tough animal carcasses. Vultures also have sharp, keen eyesight, which helps them locate food from great distances.

Despite their appearance, vultures play a crucial ecological role as nature's "cleanup crew." They feed primarily on carrion, aiding in the swift decomposition of dead animals, thus preventing the spread of disease. Their ability to locate carcasses efficiently helps maintain the overall health of ecosystems. While vultures may not possess the dazzling plumage of other birds, their distinctive appearance and ecological importance remind us that beauty can be found in unexpected places.

3. Fruit Flies

Fruit flies, scientifically known as Drosophila melanogaster, are small insects that are often regarded as unattractive due to their minuscule size and frequent presence around decaying fruits. These tiny flies measure only about 3 to 4 millimeters in length and have a tan or light brown body coloration, which may appear dull to some observers. Their compound eyes, prominent in relation to their size, can give them a somewhat bug-eyed and unappealing look.

Despite their less-than-desirable reputation, fruit flies have been instrumental in scientific research and have contributed significantly to our understanding of genetics and development. Due to their short lifespan and rapid reproductive cycle, fruit flies are commonly used in laboratories to study various biological processes and genetic traits. Their small size also makes them convenient for experimentation and observation under controlled conditions. So, while fruit flies may not be the most visually pleasing insects, their scientific value and contributions to our understanding of genetics cannot be overlooked.

4. Matamata Turtle

The Matamata Turtle (Chelus fimbriata) is a species of freshwater turtle native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America. This intriguing turtle stands out due to its incredibly bizarre appearance. Its name "Matamata" originates from the Spanish word meaning "I kill, I kill," which refers to its ability to quickly snatch prey. The Matamata turtle has a large, flat, and rough carapace (shell) with jagged edges, resembling a fallen leaf. Its neck is long and covered in tubercles and flaps of skin, giving it a uniquely fringed and warty appearance.

One of the most remarkable features of the Matamata turtle is its head. It possesses an exceptionally wide and triangular-shaped head, with a large, broad mouth. Its snout is adorned with fleshy protuberances, and its nostrils are positioned on the tip of its snout, allowing it to breathe while mostly submerged. This extraordinary head shape and camouflage help the Matamata turtle blend seamlessly into its surroundings, making it an effective ambush predator. With its mouth open, the turtle can create a suction force to rapidly draw in unsuspecting fish and other small aquatic prey. Despite its unattractive appearance, the Matamata turtle's unique adaptations make it a fascinating creature in the world of reptiles.

5. Aye-Aye

The Aye-Aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is a truly extraordinary and peculiar primate found only on the island of Madagascar. It belongs to the lemur family and is known for its highly unusual physical characteristics. At first glance, the Aye-Aye might appear nightmarish or alien-like. It has large round eyes that bulge out of its head, giving it an intense and unsettling gaze. Its body is covered in coarse black or brown fur, and it has long, bony fingers with elongated, thin, and claw-like digits.

The most distinctive feature of the Aye-Aye is its elongated middle finger, which is significantly longer than its other fingers. This specialized finger is used for a unique feeding behavior called "percussive foraging." The Aye-Aye taps on trees using its elongated finger and listens for the echo of hollow chambers inside. Once it detects the sound of grubs or insects, it gnaws a hole into the wood and extracts its prey with its specialized finger. While the Aye-Aye's appearance may be unconventional and unsettling to some, its ecological role as a specialized forager and its rarity in the animal kingdom make it a truly fascinating and unique creature.

6. Warthog

The Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild pig species native to the grasslands, savannas, and woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa. It is well-known for its distinct and somewhat unattractive appearance. Warthogs have large, elongated heads with four prominent warts on their faces. These warts, made of fatty tissue, serve as protective padding during aggressive encounters with other warthogs. Their most notable features are their long, curved, and formidable tusks, which are elongated canine teeth that protrude from the sides of their mouths.

The warthog's body is stout and muscular, with a short neck, broad shoulders, and a relatively thin coat of bristly hair. Their skin is grayish-black and thick, providing them with protection against the harsh African environment and predators. Warthogs also possess a distinctive crest of hair that runs along their spines and can be raised when they feel threatened or excited. Despite their seemingly unappealing appearance, warthogs are well-adapted for survival in their habitats, and their strong tusks and speed can be formidable defenses against predators.

7. Hyena

Hyenas are known for their distinct appearance, often described as a combination of various features from different animals. These carnivorous mammals have a robust build, with a sloping back and powerful jaws capable of crushing bones. Their heads are large, adorned with round ears and distinctive, piercing eyes. One of the most notable features of hyenas is their unusual front legs, which are longer than their hind legs, giving them a slightly hunched appearance. Their coat consists of coarse, shaggy fur, often in shades of brown, gray, or spotted patterns.

Despite their somewhat unconventional appearance, hyenas play a vital role in their ecosystems as efficient scavengers and hunters. They have exceptionally strong jaws and teeth, allowing them to consume nearly all parts of their prey, including bones. Additionally, hyenas are incredibly social animals, living in hierarchical matriarchal societies known as clans. They communicate through various vocalizations, including eerie laughs that can be heard from considerable distances. While their appearance may be unconventional, hyenas possess remarkable adaptability and unique ecological significance.

8. Monkfish

Monkfish, also known as anglerfish, are deep-sea dwellers that possess a rather peculiar appearance. These bottom-dwelling fish have large, broad heads with a gaping mouth that can expand to enormous proportions. Their mouth is filled with rows of sharp, inward-curving teeth, perfectly designed to capture unsuspecting prey. The body of a monkfish is robust and muscular, covered in rough, scaleless skin, often in shades of brown or gray. They have small eyes positioned on top of their heads, allowing them to observe their surroundings from the seafloor.

Despite their unattractive appearance, monkfish are highly skilled predators. They employ a fascinating hunting technique, utilizing a long, filamentous appendage called an illicium, which extends from their forehead. At the tip of the illicium is a fleshy lure that resembles a small fish or shrimp, attracting curious prey towards their enormous mouths. Once a target is within reach, the monkfish swiftly engulfs it, using its powerful jaws and rows of teeth to secure a meal. Despite their unusual appearance, monkfish are highly valued in the culinary world for their delicious and tender meat.

9. Blobfish

The blobfish, scientifically known as Psychrolutes marcidus, is a deep-sea creature that has gained considerable attention for its peculiar appearance. Found at depths of around 2,000 to 3,900 feet (600 to 1,200 meters) off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania, the blobfish possesses a gelatinous and flabby body that gives it a distinctive "blob" shape. Its flesh is primarily composed of a gelatinous substance, which allows it to withstand the extreme pressure of its deep-sea habitat.

When brought to the surface due to fishing activities, the blobfish's appearance changes dramatically. The high-pressure environment in which it thrives deep underwater causes its gelatinous body to deflate, leading to its famously saggy and droopy appearance when exposed to the low-pressure conditions at the surface. With a downturned mouth and small, beady eyes, the blobfish lacks traditional features typically associated with cute or attractive animals. However, its unique appearance serves a purpose in its deep-sea environment, allowing it to conserve energy while foraging for small invertebrates on the ocean floor.

10. Naked Mole-Rat

The naked mole-rat, or Heterocephalus glaber, is a highly unusual mammal that resides in the underground tunnels of the arid regions of East Africa. These small, nearly hairless creatures have a distinctive appearance, characterized by wrinkled, pinkish skin and large, protruding front teeth. They possess tiny eyes that are mostly non-functional, as they navigate their dark subterranean habitat primarily through touch and smell. Naked mole-rats have elongated bodies with short legs, enabling them to move efficiently through narrow tunnels.

Despite their rather unattractive appearance, naked mole-rats exhibit fascinating adaptations that contribute to their survival in harsh underground environments. They are eusocial animals, living in large colonies with a strict social hierarchy. Within these colonies, only one female (the queen) reproduces, while the others function as workers or soldiers. Naked mole-rats are highly specialized for their underground lifestyle, capable of withstanding low oxygen levels and tolerating high carbon dioxide concentrations. They are also remarkably resistant to cancer, which has sparked scientific interest in studying their unique biology and potential applications in medical research.

Why Do These Animals Have Such Unconventional Appearances?

The unconventional appearances of these animals can be attributed to various factors, including evolutionary adaptations, specialized habitats, and distinct ecological roles. Nature's diversity is a testament to the remarkable ways in which animals have evolved to thrive in their environments, even if it means acquiring unconventional features.

In some cases, these animals have evolved peculiar appearances as a result of natural selection. Certain physical traits may provide advantages in their specific habitats or aid in survival. For example, the hyena's robust build, sloping back, and powerful jaws have evolved to help them scavenge and consume a wide range of prey, including tough bones. The unique shape of their front legs provides stability and facilitates efficient movement during their hunting activities.

The unconventional appearances of animals like the monkfish and blobfish can be attributed to their specialized habitats. The monkfish, dwelling in deep-sea environments, has developed a large, broad head with a gaping mouth and rows of sharp teeth to capture prey in the dimly lit depths. Its appearance allows it to attract unsuspecting prey towards its enormous mouth using a fleshy lure. Similarly, the blobfish's gelatinous and saggy appearance is an adaptation to the high-pressure conditions of its deep-sea habitat. Its gelatinous body enables it to withstand extreme pressure while foraging on the ocean floor.

It's important to note that what may be considered "unconventional" or "ugly" to human eyes may serve important functions in the animals' lives. These appearances often play a crucial role in their survival, such as camouflage, communication, or specialized feeding mechanisms. Nature's creativity knows no bounds, and these unconventional appearances are a testament to the incredible diversity and adaptability of life on Earth.

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Ugliest Animals On Earth - FAQs

1. Why do hyenas look so peculiar?  

Hyenas have a distinct appearance due to a combination of factors. Their sloping back, robust build, and large heads with round ears contribute to their unique look. Additionally, their front legs are longer than their hind legs, giving them a hunched appearance. These features, along with their coarse fur and spotted patterns, help them adapt to their scavenging and hunting lifestyle.

2. What is the hunting technique of a monkfish?  

Monkfish employ a fascinating hunting technique to capture prey. They have a long, filamentous appendage called an illicium that extends from their forehead. At the tip of this appendage is a fleshy lure resembling a small fish or shrimp. The monkfish dangles the lure in front of its enormous mouth, attracting curious prey. Once the target is within reach, the monkfish swiftly engulfs it using its powerful jaws and rows of inward-curving teeth

3. Why does the blobfish look different when brought to the surface?  

The blobfish's appearance changes drastically when brought to the surface due to the low-pressure conditions. In its natural deep-sea habitat, the blobfish's gelatinous body adapts to withstand the extreme pressure. However, when exposed to low-pressure conditions at the surface, its body deflates, leading to its saggy and droopy appearance. This unique adaptation allows the blobfish to navigate and forage in the high-pressure environment of the deep sea.

4.  How do naked mole-rats survive underground?  

Naked mole-rats have several adaptations that enable their survival in underground environments. They navigate their dark tunnels primarily through touch and smell since their eyes are small and mostly non-functional. Their elongated bodies and short legs facilitate efficient movement through narrow tunnels. Naked mole-rats are eusocial animals, living in colonies with a social hierarchy, which enhances cooperation and survival in their underground habitat.

5. What makes naked mole-rats resistant to cancer?  

Naked mole-rats have a remarkable resistance to cancer, which has intrigued scientists. While the exact mechanisms are still being studied, it is believed that their cells exhibit unique characteristics that suppress tumor growth. For example, naked mole-rats possess high-molecular-weight hyaluronan, a substance that may play a role in inhibiting cancerous growth. Understanding the mechanisms behind their cancer resistance could potentially lead to insights and advancements in medical research and treatments for human diseases.