USA Today Crossword Clues and Answers for March 29, 2024

Try this tricky USA Today crossword puzzle and find the clues behind it, and we have covered the answers for your reference.

by Sivasankari | Updated Mar 29, 2024

USA Today Crossword

The USA Today Crossword Puzzle offers various themes and creative clues that challenge you to think critically and expand your vocabulary as well. One of the main things about this crossword puzzle is that it is suitable for both beginners and experienced solvers. This variety of crosswords keeps getting more interesting and engaging for everyone. Also, continuous solving helps to learn pattern recognition and vocabulary expansion. If you didn’t find the answer, we have provided the answers for better clarity.

More, in Spanish

Answer: MAS

This is Spanish for "more." In the crossword context, it's a short and common word, often used in English when wanting "more" of something, such as "mas salsa" for "more sauce" in Mexican cuisine.

Workbench clamp

Answer: VISE

This refers to a tool used for securing objects firmly to a workbench or table while working on them. It typically consists of two jaws and a screw mechanism to adjust the opening width.

Vehicles that are often yellow

Answer: CABS

In many urban areas, particularly cities, taxis are often painted yellow for easy identification. They are a common sight on roads and streets, providing transportation services to passengers.

“Better Call Saul” channel

Answer: AMC

"Better Call Saul" is a popular television series, and channels are the platforms through which TV shows are broadcasted or streamed. This particular show airs on a specific network.

Nose part that might be pierced

Answer: SEPTUM

The septum is the wall of cartilage and bone that divides the nostrils of the nose. It's a part of the body that can be pierced for decorative or cultural reasons

“Right away!”

Answer: ASAP

This stands for "As Soon As Possible." It's an acronym commonly used in English to denote urgency, meaning something needs to be done with immediate attention.

“Shining Girls” actress Phillipa

Answer: SOO

This is likely referring to the actress Phillipa Soo. Phillipa Soo is an American actress known for her role in the TV series "The Shining Girls" among other works.

Provide coverage for

Answer: INSURE

To provide coverage for something, typically referring to insurance. When you insure something, you protect it against potential risks or losses by purchasing an insurance policy.

Polynesian carving

Answer: TIKI

In Polynesian culture, Tiki refers to carved wooden or stone figures representing human forms, often associated with deities or ancestors. These carvings are commonly found in Polynesian art and are sometimes used as symbols of protection or fertility.

2016 electropop song featuring Selena Gomez


"Trust Nobody" is a song released in 2016, belonging to the electropop genre and featuring Selena Gomez along with other artists. It's a popular track known for its catchy beats and lyrics.

Cub Scout group

Answer: DEN

In Cub Scouting, a "den" refers to a small group of Cub Scouts who meet regularly, usually under the supervision of adult leaders. Dens are organized based on age and grade level, and they engage in various activities and projects together as part of the Cub Scout program.

Mattress brand

Answer: SERTA

Serta is a well-known brand of mattresses and bedding products. They produce a variety of mattresses designed for different sleep preferences and needs, ranging from traditional innerspring mattresses to memory foam and hybrid models. Serta is a popular choice for those looking for quality and comfort in their bedding.

With 8-Down, feline such as Sagwa


This refers to a type of cat breed, specifically the Siamese cat. These cats are known for their distinctive pointed coloration, sleek bodies, and blue almond-shaped eyes. Sagwa is a fictional Siamese cat from a children's book and animated television series called "Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat.

Disney princess who makes a deal with Ursula

Answer: ARIEL

This is the name of a Disney princess, famously known from the animated movie "The Little Mermaid." Ariel is a mermaid princess who makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human in exchange for her voice, setting off the events of the film.


Answer: AHA

This is an exclamation used to express sudden realization, discovery, or understanding. It's often used when someone has a moment of insight or solves a problem.

A long way off

Answer: AFAR

This means a long distance away, usually used to describe something that is physically distant or metaphorically distant in time, space, or relationship.

Poems like “Thirty Lines About the ‘Fro”

Answer: ODES

Odes are a type of lyrical poem characterized by their formal structure and lofty tone. They often express praise, celebration, or admiration for a person, event, or thing. "Thirty Lines About the 'Fro" is an example of a title that might belong to a collection of odes, with the word " 'Fro" likely referring to a hairstyle known as an afro.

___ with (as good as)

Answer: ONPAR

This phrase means "equal to" or "as good as." It's often used in contexts where two things are compared, indicating that they are at the same level or standard.

“Be brutally honest!”


This is an expression used to encourage someone to be completely honest, even if the truth may be harsh or unpleasant. It implies that the speaker wants straightforward and candid feedback without any attempt to soften or sugarcoat the message.

“From the top!”

Answer: AGAIN

This word is used to indicate that something should be repeated from the beginning or starting point. It's commonly used in contexts where a task or activity needs to be restarted or redone.

“Como ___ usted?”

Answer: ESTA

This is Spanish for "How are you?" In the provided question, "Como ___ usted?" translates to "How are you?" in English, with "usted" being the formal form of "you" in Spanish. Therefore, the answer is "ESTA," which is the appropriate conjugation of the verb "estar" (to be) for the formal form of "you" in Spanish.

“Cautionary” story

Answer: TALE

A "cautionary tale" is a story that is told to warn people about the dangers of certain actions or behaviors. These stories often have a moral lesson or message intended to prevent others from making similar mistakes.

Badminton divider

Answer: NET

In the sport of badminton, a "net" is a physical divider that separates the two sides of the court. Players hit the shuttlecock over the net during gameplay, with the objective of landing it in the opposing side's court while following the rules and regulations of the game.

Actor Ethan

Answer: HAWKE

Ethan Hawke is an actor known for his roles in various films, including "Dead Poets Society," "Before Sunrise," and "Training Day." He has received critical acclaim for his performances and has been nominated for several awards throughout his career.

Pinkie, ring, middle, etc.


The question mentions different types of fingers: pinkie, ring, middle, etc. These are all types of fingers found on the human hand. The answer "FINGERS" refers to the collective term for these digits, which are used for tasks such as grasping, touching, and manipulating objects.

Flamingos have long ones

Answer: NECKS

Flamingos are known for their long, slender necks. These necks allow them to reach deep into water to feed on aquatic organisms. Their distinctive pink coloration comes from the food they eat, which contains pigments called carotenoids.

Actress Barbara ___ Harris

Answer: EVE

Barbara Eve Harris is an actress known for her work in film, television, and theater. She has appeared in various productions, earning recognition for her performances. The clue provides her middle name, "Eve," to complete her full name.

Is in charge


This phrase means to be in charge or to have control over a situation or activity. When someone "runs the show," they make the decisions and oversee the operation of a particular event, project, or organization.

Bright cosmic event

Answer: NOVA

A nova is a bright cosmic event that occurs when a star suddenly increases in brightness temporarily due to an explosion on its surface. Novae can be observed as a sudden brightening of a star in the night sky, often fading over time.

Giggling sound

Answer: TEEHEE

Teehee" is an onomatopoeic word used to represent a light, playful giggle or laugh. It's often associated with amusement or mischief, and it's commonly used in informal or humorous contexts.

“Wait a minute, who ___ you?”

Answer: ARE

The question "Wait a minute, who ___ you?" implies a sentence where the word "are" fits. The question is likely asking for someone's identity or clarification, with the word "are" being part of the question structure, as in "who are you?

Rowing team

Answer: CREW

A rowing team consists of a group of individuals who row together in a boat, typically propelled by oars. The term "crew" refers to both the team itself and the activity of rowing collectively. Rowing teams participate in various competitions and events, such as regattas.

Olympic figure skater Dorothy

Answer: HAMILL

Dorothy Hamill is an Olympic figure skater who gained fame for her performances in the 1970s. She won the gold medal in ladies' singles at the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria. Hamill is also known for popularizing a skating move called the "Hamill camel."

Actress Salonga

Answer: LEA

Lea Salonga is an actress known for her work in theater, film, and television. She gained international recognition for her roles in musical theater productions, particularly for her portrayal of Kim in "Miss Saigon" and her singing voice for Disney princesses Jasmine in "Aladdin" and Mulan in "Mulan."

Fictional Jane

Answer: EYRE

The fictional character Jane Eyre is the protagonist of the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre is known for her resilience, independence, and strong moral character. The novel follows her journey from a disadvantaged and mistreated orphan to a woman who asserts her own identity and finds love and happiness.


Answer: KIND

Tenderhearted" is a synonym for "kind." Someone who is tenderhearted is compassionate, gentle, and empathetic towards others. They often show care and concern for the feelings and well-being of those around them.

Kit ___ bar

Answer: KAT

A "Kit Kat" bar is a popular chocolate-covered wafer candy bar. It consists of layers of crispy wafer fingers covered in milk chocolate. The name "Kit Kat" is derived from the famous Kit-Cat Club, an 18th-century literary and political club in London.

Poles on sailboats

Answer: MASTS

Poles on sailboats that support the sails are called "masts." Masts are vertical structures typically made of wood or metal that rise from the deck of a sailboat. They hold the sails in place and allow sailors to adjust the sails to catch the wind, propelling the boat forward.

Love, in Italian

Answer: AMORE

"Love" in Italian is "amore." It's a common term used to express romantic affection, devotion, and passion. In Italian culture, love holds significant importance and is celebrated in various forms, including romantic relationships, familial bonds, and friendships.

Scrub vigorously

Answer: SCOUR

To "scrub vigorously" means to clean or polish something with great effort and intensity. "Scour" is the appropriate term for this action, often involving the use of a brush, sponge, or abrasive cleaner to remove dirt, stains, or grime from a surface

___ diagram (graphic with overlapping circles)

Answer: VENN

A "Venn diagram" is a graphic representation that illustrates the relationships between different sets of data. It consists of overlapping circles, with each circle representing a set and the overlapping areas representing the intersection of those sets. Venn diagrams are commonly used in mathematics, logic, and statistics to visualize relationships and solve problems.

___ facto

Answer: IPSO

"Ipso facto" is a Latin phrase that translates to "by the fact itself" in English. It is used to indicate that something is true or valid by virtue of a particular fact or circumstance. For example, "He was the eldest child, ipso facto he inherited the estate."

Theater ticket scrap

Answer: STUB

A "theater ticket scrap" refers to the portion of a ticket that is retained by the ticket holder after it has been torn or scanned upon entry to a theater or other event venue. This portion, known as a "stub," typically contains important information such as the seat number, showtime, and venue name.

Money in Milan

Answer: EUROS

"Money in Milan" refers to the currency used in Milan, Italy, and throughout much of the European Union. The currency is the euro, represented by the symbol "€." Euros come in various denominations, including coins and banknotes, and are used for transactions in countries that are part of the eurozone.

See 24-Across

Answer: CAT

See 24-Across" is a clue that directs you to look at another clue in the puzzle, specifically the one associated with the number 24. In this case, the answer to 24-Across is "CAT." So, "See 24-Across" simply means to look at the clue and answer provided for 24-Across, which is "CAT."

“All kidding ___ . . .”

Answer: ASIDE

The phrase "All kidding ___ . . ." indicates that the missing word should complete the expression "All kidding aside," which is a common idiom used to signal that the speaker is about to speak seriously or sincerely, often after making a joke or humorous remark.

Makes mooncakes

Answer: BAKES

To "make mooncakes" refers to the action of preparing mooncakes, a traditional Chinese pastry typically eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The verb associated with this action is "bakes," as mooncakes are typically baked in an oven.

Part of a book or a skeleton

Answer: SPINE

Both a book and a skeleton have a "spine." In a book, the spine refers to the bound edge that runs along the length of the book's cover and holds the pages together. In a skeleton, the spine refers to the series of vertebrae that make up the backbone, providing structural support and flexibility.

Mita Nag’s instrument

Answer: SITAR

Mita Nag's instrument is the "SITAR." The sitar is a stringed musical instrument originating from the Indian subcontinent. It is known for its distinctive sound and is commonly used in classical Indian music. Mita Nag is likely a sitar player known for her proficiency or expertise with the instrument

TV, newspapers, etc.

Answer: MEDIA

"TV, newspapers, etc." refers to different forms of mass communication or news dissemination, collectively known as "media." This term encompasses various platforms, including television, newspapers, radio, magazines, and the internet, through which information is conveyed to the public.



"Commencing" is a synonym for "starting." It refers to the beginning or initiation of something, such as an event, activity, or process. When something is "starting," it is just beginning or getting underway.

Google rival

Answer: YAHOO

Yahoo was once a major internet company and search engine, often considered a rival to Google. While Yahoo offered various services, including search, email, news, and online communities, it faced competition from Google in the search engine market.

Animals that were once mistaken for mermaids


Animals that were once mistaken for mermaids" are manatees. Manatees are large, aquatic mammals that inhabit coastal waters and rivers in tropical regions. Due to their unique appearance and tendency to swim near the surface, manatees were historically mistaken for mermaids by sailors and explorers.

Promise of payment

Answer: IOU

A "promise of payment" is often represented by an IOU, which stands for "I Owe You." An IOU is a written acknowledgment of a debt or obligation, typically informal and used between individuals to record a promise to repay borrowed money or return a favor at a later time.


Answer: EDGE

The term "border" often refers to the outer boundary or periphery of something. In the context of the crossword question, "border" is synonymous with "edge," which means the outer limit or extremity of an object or area

Dog’s restraint

Answer: LEASH

A "dog's restraint" is typically a leash. A leash is a physical restraint used to control and guide a dog during walks or other activities. It is usually made of a strong material, such as leather or nylon, and attached to the dog's collar or harness

“Sanctuary” poet Limon

Answer: ADA

The poet referred to in the clue is Ada Limón, known for her work, including the collection titled "Sanctuary." Therefore, the answer "ADA" completes the clue.

Common San Francisco forecast

Answer: FOG

The phrase "Common San Francisco forecast" indicates a weather condition that is frequently experienced in San Francisco, which is fog. Due to its unique geographical location and climate patterns, San Francisco often experiences fog rolling in from the Pacific Ocean, especially during the summer months.

Singer Tijoux

Answer: ANA

Singer Tijoux's full name is Ana Tijoux. Therefore, the answer "ANA" completes the clue. Ana Tijoux is a Chilean-French musician known for her blend of Latin American hip-hop and rap music.

Spanish for “Miss” (Abbr.)

Answer: SRTA

In Spanish, "Miss" is often abbreviated as "Srta." This abbreviation stands for "Señorita," which is used to address an unmarried woman or a young lady. In the crossword, it's abbreviated as "SRTA."

School support grp.

Answer: PTA

"PTA" stands for Parent-Teacher Association. It is a school support group composed of parents, teachers, and sometimes students, who work together to support the school community through various activities such as fundraising, volunteering, and organizing events.

Be under the weather

Answer: AIL

"Be under the weather" is a phrase used to describe feeling unwell or sick. The term "ail" is a verb meaning to suffer from a physical or mental condition. So, in the context of the crossword, "AIL" is the appropriate answer.

Path on a GPS (Abbr.)

Answer: RTE

"RTE" is an abbreviation for "route." In the context of a GPS (Global Positioning System), a "route" refers to the path or course that a person or vehicle follows to reach a destination. The GPS device provides directions and navigation instructions based on the selected or calculated route.

Disdainful look

Answer: SNEER

A "disdainful look" is often described as a sneer. A sneer is a facial expression that conveys contempt or scorn, typically characterized by a raised lip and a contemptuous or mocking expression in the eyes. It's a non-verbal way of showing disrespect or disapproval.

Crow’s sound

Answer: CAW

The sound made by a crow is typically described as "CAW." Crows are known for their loud and harsh calls, which often sound like a series of "CAW" sounds. These calls are used for communication between crows, to establish territory, or to warn of potential threats.

“___ be told . . .”

Answer: TRUTH

The phrase "___ be told . . ." is commonly used as a preamble to a statement or revelation that the speaker believes to be true or important. It implies that what follows is an honest or candid disclosure of information.

Prepare to be knighted

Answer: KNEEL

When someone is being knighted, they typically "KNEEL" as part of the ceremony. Kneeling is a sign of respect and submission, and it's traditionally performed by individuals who are being honored or receiving recognition, such as knighthood, from a higher authority.

Compete with an epee

Answer: FENCE

Competing with an epee refers to the sport of fencing, specifically using the epee weapon. Fencing is a sport where participants engage in a one-on-one duel, attempting to score points by making touches with their weapon on their opponent. The epee is one of the three primary weapons used in fencing, characterized by its larger guard and thrusting attacks

Off-white material that was once carved to make netsuke

Answer: IVORY

Netsuke are small, intricately carved sculptures that originated in Japan. Historically, they were often carved from ivory, a type of off-white material obtained from the tusks of elephants and other animals. However, due to concerns about animal welfare and conservation, the use of ivory for carving netsuke has become highly regulated and less common in modern times.

“___ have I ever . . .”

Answer: NEVER

The phrase "___ have I ever . . ." is typically used to introduce a statement in which the speaker asserts that they have never experienced or done something. It's often used as a declaration of innocence or lack of experience in a particular matter.

Move stealthily

Answer: SNEAK

To "move stealthily" means to move quietly and cautiously in order to avoid being detected. The term "sneak" refers to this act of moving stealthily, often with the intention of avoiding notice or observation by others.

Sidewalk art medium

Answer: CHALK

Sidewalk art is often created using chalk, which is a soft, white, porous material made from limestone. Chalk is commonly used for drawing on sidewalks, pavement, or chalkboards due to its ease of application, ability to create vibrant colors, and erasability with water or a cloth

Region that celebrates Chuseok

Answer: KOREA

Chuseok is a major harvest festival celebrated in Korea. It is one of the most important and traditional holidays in Korean culture, often referred to as Korean Thanksgiving. During Chuseok, families gather together to pay respects to their ancestors, share traditional food, and participate in various cultural activities.

Beads from exercise

Answer: SWEAT

Beads of sweat can form on the skin during exercise due to the body's response to physical exertion. Sweat is produced by sweat glands as a means of regulating body temperature and cooling down the body during periods of increased activity or heat.

Big truck

Answer: SEMI

A "big truck" commonly refers to a semi-truck or tractor-trailer. These large vehicles are used for transporting goods over long distances, typically on highways and interstates. They consist of a tractor unit (the cab) attached to a trailer, providing ample space for carrying cargo.

___ Mints (cookies)

Answer: THIN

"___ Mints" refers to a type of cookie called Thin Mints. Thin Mints are a popular variety of cookies sold by the Girl Scouts of the USA as part of their annual cookie sales fundraiser. They are thin, mint-flavored chocolate cookies coated in a layer of chocolate.


Answer: HELD

"Grasped" means to hold onto something firmly or securely. When something is "held," it is firmly gripped or grasped by the hand or hands, indicating control or possession over the object


Answer: AWE

"Astonishment" is a feeling of awe, wonder, or surprise. It's the feeling you get when you encounter something impressive, extraordinary, or unexpected. For example, witnessing a breathtaking natural phenomenon like a majestic waterfall or a stunning sunset might evoke a sense of awe. In the context of the USA Today crossword, the answer "AWE" fits perfectly as it directly corresponds to the clue "Astonishment."

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