VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9, How to Fix VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9?

When working with VBA, it's important to be familiar with the VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9 and if you are clueless about a fix for VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9, proceed with swiping down.

by Fredrick | Updated Mar 14, 2023


VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9

If you forget to use the DIM and ReDim statement to redefine the length of a dynamic array before adding an item, you may encounter the "Subscript Out of Range Error" in your code. In the code example above, an array named "myArray" is declared as dynamic, with the length left blank. However, before adding an item to the array, the length must be redefined using the ReDim statement. Unfortunately, the code does not include the ReDim statement, leading to the "Subscript Out of Range" error in VBA.

The "Subscript Out of Range Error" is a common error in VBA that occurs when trying to access an array element that is outside the bounds of the array. This can happen if you forget to properly initialize the array or if you attempt to access an index that does not exist in the array. To avoid this error, it is important to always use the DIM or ReDim statement to define the length of the array before accessing its elements. Additionally, you should make sure to check that any index values used to access the array are within the bounds of the array.

Run-Time Error 9 Subscript Out of Range

Another common cause of the "Subscript Out of Range Error" is attempting to access a worksheet or workbook that does not exist. This can happen if you misspell the name of the worksheet or workbook, or if you are attempting to access a sheet that has been deleted or renamed. To avoid this error, make sure to double-check the names of your worksheets and workbooks and ensure that they exist in your current workbook. This can happen if you attempt to access an element of an array that doesn't exist or if you reference a negative index. To avoid this error, you should always ensure that you have properly initialized your arrays and that you are accessing valid indexes. You can also use the VBA editor's autocomplete feature to help ensure that you are using the correct names for your worksheets and workbooks. Overall, the "Subscript Out of Range Error" can be frustrating to encounter in your VBA code, but with careful attention to detail and proper initialization of your arrays and worksheet/workbook names, you can minimize the risk of encountering this error.

Cause for Runtime Error 9 Subscript Out of Range

The error mentioned refers to a situation that occurs when generating a report using a report catalog. The report catalog is a hierarchical structure that organizes reports based on various categories such as department, location, or function. The report catalog helps to simplify the process of generating reports and ensures that users have access to the reports they need. However, if a user encounters the error message "The company specified in the report catalog meets one of the following conditions," it means that the company selected for the report does not meet the criteria defined within the report catalog.

One of the reasons for this error is that the selected company is not included in any of the child units within the report catalog. In other words, the company has not been assigned to any department, location, or function within the report catalog. As a result, the report catalog cannot find any reports associated with the company, and the error message is displayed.

Another reason for this error is that the selected company is included in a child unit within the report catalog, but that unit is not selected when the report is generated. For example, suppose a company is assigned to both the Sales and Marketing departments within the report catalog. In that case, the user must select either Sales or Marketing when generating the report to ensure that the report catalog can find the appropriate reports.

To resolve this error, the user must ensure that the selected company is included in at least one child unit within the report catalog, and the appropriate unit is selected when generating the report. Additionally, the user can check with the report catalog administrator to ensure that the report catalog is set up correctly and that the company is assigned to the appropriate units within the report catalog.

How to FixVBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9?

Dealing with a Subscript Out of Range error can be challenging, but there are some best practices that can help. One of the most important things is to write efficient code that is free of errors. This can involve using proper syntax, avoiding hard-coding values, and testing the code under different scenarios. When you encounter an error, it's essential to debug the code step by step to find out the exact line where the error occurred. This way, you can isolate the problem and fix it quickly.

VBA provides a helpful feature that makes debugging easier. If an error occurs, VBA will display an error message with a code number that corresponds to a specific type of error. For example, Error 9 indicates a Subscript Out of Range error. VBA will also highlight the line where the error occurred in yellow, making it easy to locate the problematic code.

To handle errors effectively, you can use an Error Handler. This is a block of code that runs when an error occurs. You can use the On Error statement to define an Error Handler that will execute when an error occurs. One way to implement an Error Handler is by using a goto statement to move to a specific line of code. For example, you can define a label in your code called "ErrorHandler" that you can jump to when an error occurs. In the ErrorHandler block, you can display a message box containing the Err. Description to inform the user that an error has occurred.

In the case of trying to activate a sheet that is not present in the workbook, the code will throw a Subscript Out of Range error. In this scenario, the Error Handler can be used to display a message box indicating that the sheet is not present in the workbook. Conversely, if the sheet is present, no message box will appear.

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VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9 - FAQs

1. What is a subscript in VBA?

A subscript is a value used to identify an element in an array. In VBA, subscripts are used to reference specific elements in an array variable.

2. What is a "Subscript Out of Range Error" in VBA?

A "Subscript Out of Range Error" in VBA occurs when you try to access an element in an array that doesn't exist. This can happen if the subscript value is outside the range of valid index values for the array.

3. How do I fix a "Subscript Out of Range Error" in VBA?

To fix a "Subscript Out of Range Error" in VBA, you should first check that the subscript value you are using is within the valid range for the array. You should also check that the array has been properly initialized and that the correct array name is being used in the code.

4. How do I declare an array in VBA?

To declare an array in VBA, you can use the following syntax: Dim myArray(1 To 10) As Integer This declares an integer array named "myArray" with 10 elements, numbered 1 through 10.