WAEC Agricultural Science 2023 Question and Answer

Here is a collection of WAEC Agricultural Science 2023 question and answer, and this guide will assist you in your examinations to clear WAEC Agricultural Science 2023 with high grades.

by Ushapriyanga | Updated May 19, 2023



The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board that was established in 1952 to conduct examinations in the English-speaking West African countries. WAEC's mission is to "determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally."

WAEC is headquartered in Accra, Ghana, and has offices in all five member countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Gambia. WAEC's examinations are taken by over three million candidates each year.

WAEC's examinations are designed to assess students' knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and languages. WAEC's certificates are recognized by universities and other institutions of higher learning around the world.

WAEC Agricultural Science 2023 Question and Answer

The WAEC Agricultural Science practical examination is a test of the candidates’ practical skills and knowledge in agriculture. The exam is conducted in a controlled environment, where candidates are required to perform specific tasks or experiments using the provided specimens and materials. The questions are straightforward and clearly itemized to ensure easy comprehension by the candidates.


Credit is a situation whereby sellers allow buyers to take possession of goods and services and pay later while subsidy is a situation whereby part of the money a buyer is meant to pay for  good is paid for by the government 


(i) Fertilizer

(ii) Seeds

(iii) Manure 

(iv) Machines 

(v) Labour


(i) Paint the body of the tractor 

(ii) The old fan belt must be replaced with a new one

(iii) All the movable parts must be lubricated to reduce friction

(iv) Adjust the break when necessary

(v) Replace oil filter with the new one


(i) Do not  over use 

(ii) Ensure it is operated by a skilled personnel

(iii) Ensure it is properly serviced 

(iv) Always check the water level eg tractor

(v) Ensure proper routine check


(i) Agricultural ecology involves studying the interactions between agriculture and the environment, focusing on ecological processes and impacts.

(ii) An ecosystem, refers to a community of organisms and their interactions within a specific area, encompassing both living and non-living components.



- Crop

- Live stock 


- Soil

- Climate

- Water


- Ensure ventilation.

- Guard against pests.

- Keep bags elevated.

- Maintain cleanliness.

- Follow FIFO system.


- Petunias

- Marigolds

- Begonias

- Geraniums

*(NUMBER 2)*


(Pick one)

Agricultural ecology can simply be defined as the study of crop plants and farm animals in relation to their environment


Agricultural ecology can be defined as a field of study which deals with the relationship of living organisms with one another and with the environment in which they live



Ecosystem refers to a community of crop plants and farm animals functioning together with their non-living environment.


Ecosystem consists of living factors(plants and animals) interacting with the non-living factors in the farm environment 


(Pick Any Two)





(Pick Any Two)

(i) Temperature 

(ii) water

(iii) oxygen




(Pick Any Five)

(i)Adequate ventilation

(ii) Ensure regular cleaning and proper sealing

(iii)Ensure Temperature and humidity control

(iv)Ensure Proper stacking and Use sturdy and clean bags

(v)clean and prepare the storage area

(vi) Ensure regular inspection and protects from pests


(Pick Any Four)









No (4)


(i) Clearing

(ii) Tillage

(iii) Ridging

(iv) Planting



(i) It serves as food

(ii) It can be utilized as a source of animal feed

(iii) Cassava tubers can be processed into various food products

(iv) Cassava plants are utilized in certain regions for their ability to improve soil fertility, control erosion, and prevent nutrient depletion.

(v) In some traditional medicinal practices, cassava tubers and leaves are used for their potential therapeutic properties

(vi) Cassava starch can be used to produce biodegradable packaging materials

(vii) Cassava tubers have industrial applications in various sectors like in the textile industry for sizing fabrics and improving their quality.


Expected number of yam plants = Number of planting spots per hectare * Total area of the farmland

Expected number of yam plants = 10,000 * 1.5 = 15,000

Therefore, the expected number of yam plants on the 1.5 hectares of farmland would be 15,000 plants.


Total weight = Expected number of yam plants * Average weight of each yam tuber

Total weight = 15,000 * 3.5 kg = 52,500 kg

Therefore, the total weight of the yam tubers harvested on the 1.5 hectares of farmland would be 52,500 kilograms (or 52.5 metric tons).


Diet refers to the overall composition and combination of feeds and ingredients that an animal consumes over a certain period WHILE a ration, on the other hand, is a specific amount or quantity of feed that is provided to an animal during a single feeding event or within a specific time period, typically a day.


Fill in the Gap. 


ii. Clean and disinfect pens

iii. prevent overcrowding

Iv. Swine influenza

V. proper ventilation

Vi.bio security measures 

vii. Fever, lethargy, and anorexia


Ix. culling of infected animals

x. disinfection of premises




(iv) Red lesions on the heads chest,forelegs and ridges 


(i) Tuberculosis

(viii) Rinder pest


(ii) Isolation if infected animal

(iii) Good sanitation

(v) Vaccination

(vii) Good sanitation

(viii) Vaccination

(ix) Restrict infected animals movement


(i)To lays lots of eggs 

(ii) It produce chemical scents that help regulate the unity of the colony 


(i)They feed the queen 

(ii)They help in making the wax


(i) They aid the decompositions

(ii) To prevent pollution

(iii) It makes the action of the bacteria rapid 

(iv) To Prevent interference by rain or sun

(v) To retain moisture and reduce odour

WAEC  2023 Agric Science Questions And Answer


  1. The device which helps to regulate heat in an incubator is the
    A. thermometer.
    B. hygrometer.
    C. insulator.
    D. thermostat.
  2. Which of the following statements about crop production is
    Not correct?
    A. Onions are commonly grown in the rainforest zones.
    B. Yam, cocoyam, and cassava are grown in both the rainforest and the savanna regions.
    C. Some foreign vegetable crops are grown in and around urban centers.
    D. Carrots are commonly grown in the savanna and moist vegetation belts.
  3. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surface irrigation?
    A. The quantity of water lost is high.
    B. Water is evenly distributed over the farmland
    C. It is very cheap to operate.
    D. The system is suitable for paddy rice cultivation.
  4. Fine soil tilth is produced by the use of
    A. Harrow.
    B. Plough.
    C. Ridger.
    D. Mower.
  5. The problems of farm mechanization in West Africa include the following
    A. reduction of farm drudgery.
    B. small farm holdings.
    C. poverty of farmers.
    D. poor topography.

WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2023/2024 Paper 2 (Essay)

Question (1)

(a) Explain each of the following terms as used in animal production:
(i) Dipping;
(ii) Dry cow;
(iii) Culling;
(iv) Quarantine
(b) Describe the life cycle of roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides)
(c) Explain the term farm mechanization.
(d) Name four tractor-coupled implements

Question (2)

(a) State six limitations of farm mechanization in West Africa.
(b) Suggest six ways of encouraging farm mechanization in West Africa.
(c) List four methods of identification in cattle management.
(d) What is debeaking in poultry management?

Question (3)

(a) Mention two processes that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
(b) Name four storage pests of crops
(c) State two functions of Potassium in crops.
(d) List three ways by which each of the following biotic factors affects agricultural production:
(i) parasites;
(ii) Soil organisms.
(e) State four advantages of zero tillage.

Structure of The WAEC Council

  • International Committees deal with matters that affect all member countries. They also harmonize national views on policies that affect the council as a whole.
  • National Committees handle matters that affect specific member countries. They also assist in articulating national views on issues that affect the council's policies as a whole.
  • Subcommittees work on various aspects of the council's activities. For example, the Finance Committee is responsible for WAEC's financial status. There are many subcommittees, and they assist both the International and National Committees
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WAEC Agricultural Science 2023 Question and Answer-FAQs

1. What is WAEC?

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board that was established in 1952 to conduct examinations in the English-speaking West African countries. WAEC's mission is to "determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally."

2. What are the benefits of taking WAEC exams?

There are many benefits to taking WAEC exams. WAEC exams are recognized by universities and other institutions of higher learning around the world. This means that students who pass WAEC exams can use their certificates to gain admission to universities and other institutions of higher learning.

3. How can I register for WAEC exams?

To register for WAEC exams, you can visit the WAEC website or contact your local WAEC office. You will need to provide your name, date of birth, and contact information. You will also need to pay a registration fee.

4. What are the subjects that are offered in WAEC exams?

WAEC exams are offered in a variety of subjects, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and languages. The specific subjects that are offered vary from year to year.