UK Board Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25 Download the Official PDF Here
by Kowsalya
Updated Jun 10, 2024

UK Board Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25
The Uttarakhand Board Class 9 Home Science Syllabus for 2024-25 comprises eight units that students need to cover before the final exam. The syllabus, following the 2023-24 pattern and mark distribution, ensures continuity for students without major changes. Students must download the syllabus from the official UBSE website to track their progress effectively.
The syllabus covers various topics within Home Science, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. With detailed topics and respective weightage outlined in the syllabus, students can plan their studies accordingly, enhancing their preparation for the academic session and eventual examination.
Here are the full units about UK Board Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25:
Unit I: Concept and Scope of Home Science. 06
Unit II: Family-a unit of society : Type & size of family; reasons for change in family types, effect of size
on welfare of its members, role of family members in its smooth functioning. 10
Unit III : Food and its relation to health: Definition of food, health, nutrition, nutrients and balanced
diet, functions of food 10
(i) energy giving
(ii) growth and repair
(iii) protection against diseases
(iv) regulation of body functions
(v) psychological satisfaction
(vi) sociological function
(vii) Inter relationship between food and health.
Unit IV: Methods of cooking : boiling, steaming, pressure cooking, frying, roasting & baking. Brief
description of each & suitability for foods. 10
Unit V: Functions of a home : protective and social characteristics of functional house-security, light,
ventilation, sanitation (brief description of disposal of waste water, garbage and human excreta)
& surroundings. 10
Unit VI: Safety in the house :prevention of accidents in the kitchen and bathroom-cuts, falls, burns,
electric shock, poisoning, safe use of fuels; first-aid given to cuts, bruises, burns, scalds,
poisoning, shocks & bites. 08
UnitVII: Fabrics available in the market : Definition of fibre and yarn; classfication of fibre on the basis
of origin and length; yarn making, blends, construction of fabric-weaving (Different types of
weaves-plain, twill and stain), felting and knitting; characterstics of fibres-length, durability,
absorbancy, heat conductivity resilence and elasticity; effect of heat, moth and mildew, acids
and alkalis. 10
Unit VIII: Selection of clothes : factors affecting selection 06
(i) fabric related factors (characteristics of fibre, fabric construction)
(ii) person related factors-age, occupation occasion, fashion, figure, comfort
(iii) Other factors-climate & cost
Here is the official PDF to get the UK Board Class 9 Syllabus 2024-25.
How to Download UK Board Class 9 Syllabus 2024-25?
To download the Uttarakhand Board Class 9 Syllabus for 2024-25, follow these simple steps:
Uttarakhand Board of School Education
The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE), established in 2001, is a government agency responsible for regulating secondary education in Uttarakhand, India. Based in Ramnagar, it oversees the formulation of course curricula, publication of textbooks, and administration of examinations for secondary school students across the state.
UBSE conducts board examinations annually, declaring results for hundreds of thousands of students. With a network of over 10,000 affiliated schools and setting up more than 1,300 examination centers each year, UBSE plays a pivotal role in the educational landscape of Uttarakhand. Its primary objectives include ensuring quality education, standardizing examination procedures, and fostering academic excellence among students