UPSC Syllabus 2024 has been announced. Download the exam pattern for IAS officers, IPS officers, and other posts from
by Vinothini S
Updated Sep 06, 2024

UPSC Mains Syllabus
The UPSC mains exam is composed of nine papers, including an essay, a general studies paper, and an optional subject. It evaluates a candidate’s in-depth knowledge of specific subjects and their ability to articulate this knowledge within a limited timeframe.
The IAS mains examination includes nine papers, two of which are qualifying papers worth 300 marks each in any Indian language and English. Candidates must achieve at least 25% in both qualifying papers to have their essays, general studies, and optional subject papers evaluated.
UPSC Mains Syllabus 2024 Pattern
The UPSC conducts the mains examination over several days: Day 1 is for the essay exam, Days 2 and 3 are reserved for general studies papers, Day 4 includes the Indian language and English papers, and Day 5 features the optional paper.
This year’s UPSC mains exam is set to begin on September 20. Refer to the table below for the UPSC Mains Exam dates and schedule.
Date |
Forenoon Session (9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon) |
Afternoon Session (2:00 PM to 5:00 PM) |
20.09.2023 (Friday) |
Paper-I: Essay |
No Paper |
21.09.2023 (Saturday) |
Paper-II: General Studies-I |
Paper-III: General Studies-II |
22.09.2023 (Sunday) |
Paper-IV: General Studies-III |
Paper-V: General Studies-IV |
28.09.2023 (Saturday) |
Paper-A: Indian Language |
Paper-B: English |
29.09.2023 (Sunday) |
Paper-VI: Optional Subject-Paper-1 |
Paper-VII: Optional Subject-Paper-2 |
20.09.2023 (Friday) |
Paper-I: Essay |
No Paper |
21.09.2023 (Saturday) |
Paper-II: General Studies-I |
Paper-III: General Studies-II |
22.09.2023 (Sunday) |
Paper-IV: General Studies-III |
Paper-V: General Studies-IV |
28.09.2023 (Saturday) |
Paper-A: Indian Language |
Paper-B: English |
29.09.2023 (Sunday) |
Paper-VI: Optional Subject-Paper-1 |
Paper-VII: Optional Subject-Paper-2 |
UPSC Prelims Syllabus
No. of Papers |
2 compulsory papers |
Type of Questions |
Objective (MCQ) type |
Total Maximum Marks |
400 (200 each paper) |
Duration of Exam |
2 hrs. each (20 minutes per hour extra time for blind candidates & candidate with Locomotor Disability & Cerebral Palsy [minimum 40% impairment]) |
Negative Marking |
1/3rd of the marks assigned to a question |
Medium of Exam |
Bilingual (Hindi & English) |
UPSC Mains General Studies 2024
GS Paper I covers Indian Heritage and Culture, History, and Geography of the World and Society.
GS Paper II includes Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations.
GS Paper III addresses Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security, and Disaster Management.
GS Paper IV focuses on Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.