15th April 2024: The Irish Times Simplex Crossword Puzzle Clue Findings

We are back again, to help you play the game of The Irish Times Simplex Crossword Puzzle and also find the solution for it.

by Sivasankari

Updated Apr 15, 2024

15th April 2024: The Irish Times Simplex Crossword Puzzle Clue Findings

Crosswords are one of the puzzle games which, are both useful and also you spend your time usefully. In crosswords, we are given clues for which we will find the answer. You will find numbered grid boxes, in which you have to fill in the answer from the clues given. Try playing crossword and see how it becomes your favorite pastime.

Can brain make up this red mineral?


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"Can brain make up this red mineral?" whether the mind can create or invent a specific red mineral. The answer is "CINNABAR," which is a naturally occurring red mineral composed of mercury sulfide (HgS). While the mind cannot create minerals, it can certainly recognize and identify them, such as cinnabar, which has been used historically as a pigment and for its mercury content.

Uneasy, nervous


"Uneasy, nervous" a state of discomfort or agitation. One term for this condition is "restive," which describes someone who is restless, uneasy, or impatient.

Window projecting from a sloping roof


 "Window projecting from a sloping roof" suggests a specific architectural feature. One term for such a window is "dormer," which is a window that projects vertically from a sloping roof, typically with its own roof.

Propose as a candidate


"Propose as a candidate" suggests putting forward someone for consideration. One term for this action is "nominate," which means to officially suggest or recommend someone for a position, office, or honor.

Cower, flinch


"Cower, flinch" the action of pulling back in fear or apprehension. One term for this action is "cringe," which describes recoiling or shrinking back, often in response to fear, embarrassment, or discomfort.

Increase in extent or intensity


"Increase in extent or intensity" a process of growth or escalation. One term for this action is "escalate," which means to increase rapidly in extent, volume, or scope, especially in a series of steps.

Ancient language of the Celts


 "Ancient language of the Celts" a language historically associated with Celtic-speaking peoples. One term for such a language is "Erse," which refers to an ancient language spoken by the Celts in Ireland and Scotland, also known as Old Irish.

Inventor of wireless telegraphy


"Inventor of wireless telegraphy" someone credited with pioneering the technology of wireless communication. One such inventor is "Marconi," referring to Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and electrical engineer known for his pioneering work in the development of radio and wireless telegraphy.

Abnormal masses of tissue


"Abnormal masses of tissue" growths or formations that are not typical or healthy. One term for such growths is "tumours," which refers to abnormal masses of tissue that can be benign or malignant.

International cricket match


 "International cricket match" a specific format of cricket played between national teams. One term for this format is "test," which refers to Test cricket, the longest and oldest format of the game, played over multiple days.

Enrol, to vote perhaps


 "Enrol, to vote perhaps" the action of registering for a specific activity or purpose, such as voting. One term for this action is "register," which means to officially sign up or enroll for a particular activity or service.

Whole and complete


"Whole and complete" something that is not divided or lacking any parts. One term for this state is "entire," which means complete in every part; whole; undivided.

An order to attend court


"An order to attend court" a legal directive compelling someone to appear in court. One term for this document is "subpoena," which is a writ ordering a person to attend a court.

Non-verbal communication


"Non-verbal communication" the transmission of messages or information through gestures, facial expressions, or body language. One term for this type of communication is "gesture," which refers to a movement or action of the body, especially the hands or head, to express an idea or meaning.

Deprive of food


 "Deprive of food" withholding sustenance or nourishment from someone. One term for this action is "starve," which means to suffer or die from lack of food.

Inhabitant of a land surrounded by water


"Inhabitant of a land surrounded by water" someone living in a geographical formation entirely encircled by water. One term for such a person is "islander," which refers to someone who resides on an island.

Strict precision, of thought say


 "Strict precision, of thought say" unwavering adherence to accuracy or exactitude, especially in intellectual pursuits. One term for this quality is "rigour," which denotes strictness or precision, especially in intellectual or academic matters.

A device to aid memory


"A device to aid memory" something designed to assist in remembering information or data. One term for such a tool or technique is "mnemonic," which refers to a memory aid or device used to improve recall.

Dear, been to this strange Scottish city?


"Dear, been to this strange Scottish city?" a question about a Scottish city that may be unfamiliar or peculiar. One such city mentioned is "Aberdeen," which is a city in Scotland known for its historic architecture, vibrant cultural scene, and renowned universities.

Sons of a sovereign


"Sons of a sovereign" the offspring of a ruling monarch or sovereign. One term for such male offspring is "princes," which refers to the sons of a king or queen.

Of the universe


"Of the universe" something pertaining to the vastness of space and everything it contains. One term for this concept is "cosmic," which refers to anything related to the universe as a whole, including its celestial bodies, energy, and phenomena.

Of spring


"Of spring" something related to the season of spring, characterized by new growth and warmer temperatures. One term for this association is "vernal," which specifically refers to the spring season or the onset of spring.

Political troublemaker


"Political troublemaker" someone who stirs up trouble or unrest within the political sphere. One term for such a person is "agitator," which refers to someone who promotes or encourages dissent, often for political change or reform.

Scenery and props at film locations


"Scenery and props at film locations" the physical elements used to create the backdrop and environment of a film scene. One term for these elements is "sets," which encompass th

Established religious ceremony


"Established religious ceremony" a formal and structured religious practice or ritual. One term for such a ceremony is "rite," which refers to a prescribed form or procedure for religious worship or observance.

Good enough


"Good enough" that something meets the required standard or expectation. One way to express agreement or affirmation is by saying "yes," indicating approval or acceptance.

Household implements


"Household implements" items used for various tasks within a household. One term for such items is "utensils," which refers to tools or implements used for cooking, eating, and other domestic purposes.

Eight-sided figures


"Eight-sided figures" geometric shapes characterized by having eight sides. One term for such shapes is "octagons," which are polygons with eight straight sides and eight angles.

Irregular or unpredictable


"Irregular or unpredictable"  something that lacks consistency or follows no discernible pattern. One term for such behavior is "erratic," which describes actions or movements that are inconsistent or unpredictable.

Bring in from abroad


 "Bring in from abroad" the act of importing goods from another country. One term for this action is "import," which refers to the process of bringing goods or services into a country from abroad for sale or use.

Subjects of speeches or writings


"Subjects of speeches or writings" the central themes or topics explored in verbal or written communication. One term for these central subjects is "themes," which refers to the main ideas or recurring motifs in a piece of writing or discourse.

Provided and cared for during childhood


"Provided and cared for during childhood" the action of nurturing and raising a child. One term for this action is "reared," which refers to the act of providing for the needs and upbringing of a child.

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