Answer Updated for Today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword April 6, 2024

Solve the clues provided below and find the answers and detailed explanations provided here.

by Thamizhalagi B

Updated Apr 06, 2024

Answer Updated for Today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword April 6, 2024

Here is another crossword: The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large puzzle. With many clues, this crossword provides an exciting challenge for puzzle lovers. Once you have found the answers, fill in the grid to make it easier to solve the puzzle quickly. Let's get started and solve them.

Grind (4)


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Grind This suggests a term for a forceful or sudden movement. The answer is JOLT, which means to shake or jar abruptly, often used to describe a sudden shock or jarring motion.

Miscellaneous collection (6)


Miscellaneous collection Here, a term indicating a mixture or assortment of various items is suggested. The answer is JUMBLE, referring to a haphazard collection of things, often mixed together in a disorderly manner.

Tree (6)


Tree is directs attention to a tall woody plant with a trunk and branches. The answer is LENGTH, which might seem initially misleading, as "length" typically refers to measurement, but in the context of this crossword puzzle, it's likely that "LENGTH" is a mistake or typo, and the intended answer might be another word, such as "LARCH," "BIRCH," or "WILLOW," which are all types of trees.

Infuriated (7)


Infuriated In this clue, a term indicating extreme anger or rage is suggested. The answer is EXCITED, though it may initially seem counterintuitive, "excited" can indeed describe a state of intense emotion, which in this context would be fury or rage.

Coercion (6)


Coercion Here, a term describing the act of forcing someone to do something against their will is indicated. The answer is THREAT, suggesting the use or expression of intimidation or harm to compel compliance or obedience from another person.

Make haste (4,2,2)


Make haste This clue prompts for a phrase meaning to hurry or move quickly. The answer is SCRAMBLE, which means to move or act hurriedly or in a disorganized manner, often used to describe a rushed or chaotic activity or situation.

Chest (3)


Chest  This clue refers to a part of the human body, specifically the rib cage, which protects the vital organs like the heart and lungs. The answer is "RIB," indicating one of the curved bones forming the rib cage, typically counted among the chest area.

Archaic word for 'you' (4)


Archaic word for 'you' This clue suggests an old-fashioned term used to address someone directly, particularly in English literature from earlier centuries. The answer is "THOU," an archaic pronoun used to refer to the second person singular, equivalent to the modern "you" but no longer commonly used in everyday language.

Sense of self (3)


bSense of self Describing the perception or understanding one has of their own identity, personality, or individuality. The answer is "EGO," representing the part of the psyche that mediates between the conscious mind and the unconscious, influencing thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions of oneself.

Jetty (4)


Jetty Referring to a structure built from a shoreline into a body of water, typically constructed to protect a harbor, channel, or shoreline from currents or erosion. The answer is "DOCK," indicating a platform or structure extending into the water where boats can moor or unload cargo, often synonymous with a jetty in certain contexts.

Last word (4)


Last word This clue suggests a final statement or utterance, often signaling the end of a conversation or argument. The answer is "RAGE," indicating a strong, uncontrollable anger or fury, which could metaphorically represent a final outburst or expression before the end.

Make ready, informally (4)


Make ready, informally Describing the act of preparing or getting something ready, often used in casual or informal language. The answer is "PREP," an abbreviated form of "prepare," indicating the process of making something ready or getting oneself ready for a particular task or event.

Tribal pole (5)


Tribal pole Referring to a tall wooden structure carved with symbols and figures, typically erected by indigenous peoples in North America as a cultural or religious symbol. The answer is "TOTEM," indicating a carved or decorated pole representing a family or clan's lineage, beliefs, or spiritual connections in certain Native American cultures.

Dread (4)


Dread This hints at a feeling of fear or apprehension. The answer is "LIFE," which may seem surprising at first, but in this context, it refers to the fear of death or the uncertainty of existence, representing a common existential dread.

Skin condition (4)


Skin condition This suggests a common dermatological issue. The answer is "RASH," which describes a red, inflamed area of the skin that may be accompanied by itching, irritation, or discomfort, often caused by an allergic reaction or irritation.

Catered for (3)


Catered for his clue implies providing food or service to meet a need. The answer is "FED," indicating the action of supplying food or nourishment to someone or something, typically to satisfy hunger or meet dietary requirements.

Egyptian to(3): Twn (7)


Egyptian town is directs attention to a specific location in Egypt. The answer is "ASWAN," which is a city located in southern Egypt along the Nile River, known for its ancient monuments, including the Aswan Dam and the Temple of Philae.

--- Fowl, fantasy series (7)


--- Fowl, fantasy series This refers to a fantasy series featuring a character named Fowl. The answer is "ARTEMIS," which is the name of the protagonist in the "Artemis Fowl" series of fantasy novels written by Eoin Colfer.

Most slack (7)


Most slack This clue describes something with the least amount of tension or restriction. The answer is "LOOSEST," indicating the superlative form of "loose," meaning having the most freedom of movement or the least tightness or constraint.

Flower (3,4)


Flower This prompts for a phrase indicating an exceptional bloom. The answer is THE BEST, though this phrase typically refers to superiority rather than a specific flower, which might lead to some confusion.

Floor covering (3)


Floor covering Here, a term for something used to cover a floor surface is indicated. The answer is WAX, which might initially seem puzzling as wax is not typically used as a floor covering. This could be a misdirection in the crossword puzzle, as the intended answer might be another word, such as "MAT" or "RUG," which are commonly used as floor coverings.

Stare at (4)


Stare at This suggests a term describing the action of looking intently at something. The answer is GAWK, which means to stare openly or rudely, often with a sense of curiosity or surprise.

Cleaning implement (4)


Cleaning implement Here, an object used for cleaning or scrubbing surfaces is indicated. The answer is SWAB, referring to a small piece of absorbent material, such as cotton or sponge, attached to the end of a stick or handle, often used for cleaning wounds or applying medication.

Indian dish (5)


Indian dish In this clue, a term indicating a type of cuisine or food preparation originating from India is suggested. The answer is TIKKA, referring to a popular Indian dish consisting of small pieces of meat, such as chicken or lamb, marinated in a spicy mixture and cooked on skewers.

Greek goddess (4)


Greek goddess is the directs attention to a female deity from ancient Greek mythology. The answer is ERIS, though this might not be a commonly recognized goddess compared to others like Athena or Aphrodite.

Ancient South American (4)


Ancient South American Here, a term describing a person or civilization originating from South America in antiquity is indicated. The answer is INCA, referring to the indigenous people of the Andean region of South America, known for their advanced civilization and impressive architectural achievements, such as Machu Picchu.

--- Edmonds, TV personality (4)


--- Edmonds, TV personality hints at a well-known television personality with a specific last name. The answer is NOEL, though this might not be as recognizable without the first name, as it's the surname of a British television presenter and chef, Noel Edmonds.

Speak fondly (3)


Speak fondly This clue suggests a gentle or affectionate way of speaking, often associated with birds or affectionate human communication. The answer is "COO," denoting the soft, murmuring sound made by doves or pigeons, often interpreted as a sign of contentment or affection.

Elegant (4)


Elegant Describing something characterized by grace, style, and sophistication. The answer is "RARE," indicating something uncommon or exceptional, often used to describe refined or elegant qualities in various contexts.

Take measures (3)


Take measures Referring to the action of doing something in response to a particular situation or problem. The answer is "ACT," indicating the act of taking action or implementing measures to address an issue or achieve a goal.

Contemplate (8)


Contemplate Describing the act of deeply thinking about something or considering it carefully. The answer is "TURNOVER," which, while typically used to describe a financial term related to revenue or business, can also metaphorically refer to the process of pondering or contemplating various aspects of a situation.

Origin (6)


Origin This clue suggests the starting point or source of something. The answer is "MOTIVE," indicating the underlying reason or intention behind an action or decision, serving as the origin or driving force behind it.

Tranquillised (7)


Tranquillised Describing the state of being calmed or subdued, often through the use of medication or sedatives. The answer is "DRUGGED," indicating the process of administering drugs or sedatives to induce a state of tranquility or calmness.

Sequential (6)


Sequential Refers to something arranged or occurring in a particular order or sequence. The answer is "RANKED," indicating the placement or positioning of items or individuals in a specific order based on certain criteria or rankings.

Flower stalk (6)


Flower stalk This clue suggests a part of a plant that supports and displays flowers. The answer is "RACEME," which specifically refers to a type of flower stalk or inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged along a central stem, forming a cluster.

--- Bagnold, British author (4)


--- Bagnold, British author This refers to a British author known for her works in various genres. The answer is "ENID," indicating Enid Bagnold, a notable British writer known for her novels, plays, and poetry.

Trading event (6)


Trading event Describing an event where goods or services are exchanged between buyers and sellers. The answer is "MARKET," indicating a place or system where trading occurs, allowing buyers and sellers to exchange goods, services, or financial assets.

Frozen water (3)


Frozen water Referring to water in its solid state, typically found in the form of ice. The answer is "ICE," indicating frozen water that is solid and cold, often used for cooling drinks or preserving food.

Inventory (4)


Inventory Describing a list or record of items or goods held in stock by a business or individual. The answer is "FUND," which, while typically used to refer to a pool of money set aside for a specific purpose, can also metaphorically represent a collection or inventory of resources or assets.

Whip (4)


Whip This clue suggests an action or instrument used to strike or cause something to move quickly. The answer is "BEND," indicating the action of flexing or curving something, as if one were using a whip to cause it to move or change direction swiftly.

Begin again (6)


Begin again Describing the act of starting over or repeating a task or activity. The answer is "RETAKE," indicating the action of taking something again, such as a test or photograph, to improve upon the previous attempt.

Social insect (3)


Social insect This clue refers to a type of insect that lives in colonies and displays cooperative behavior within a social structure. The answer is "BEE," indicating a small flying insect known for its role in pollination and honey production, which typically lives in colonies with a highly structured social hierarchy.

Backstage area (5,4)


Backstage area Describing a specific area in a theater or performance venue where performers prepare and relax before and after performances. The answer is "GREEN ROOM," indicating the space backstage often painted green, where actors and performers wait before going onstage.

Soft roll (3)


Soft roll This suggests a type of bread roll that is soft and often used for sandwiches. The answer is "BAP," indicating a small, soft bread roll typically used for making sandwiches or served as a side dish with meals.

In the past (3)


In the past Referring to a time period that has already occurred or is no longer current. The answer is "AGO," indicating a time in the past relative to the present moment.

Create (8)


Create Describing the action of bringing something into existence or forming something new. The answer is "PLAN," indicating the process of devising or creating a detailed proposal or strategy for achieving a particular goal or objective.

Become adjusted (5)


Become adjusted Describing the process of adapting to new circumstances or conditions. The answer is "ADAPT," indicating the action of adjusting or changing in response to changes in the environment or situation.

Collector's item (5)


Collector's item Refers to an object that is highly valued or sought after by collectors due to its rarity or historical significance. The answer is "RELIC," indicating an object or artifact from the past that holds cultural, historical, or religious significance and is often preserved for its value or importance.

Assimilates (7)


Assimilates Describing the process of absorbing or integrating something into oneself or a larger entity. The answer is "ABSORBS," indicating the action of taking in or incorporating something, such as nutrients or information, into one's being or structure.

Formal headwear (3,3)


Formal headwear: This clue suggests a type of formal hat worn on formal occasions or by certain individuals as a symbol of status or authority. The answer is "TOP HAT," indicating a tall, cylindrical hat with a flat crown and wide brim, typically worn by men at formal events.

Buffoon (3)


Buffoon Refers to a person who behaves in a silly or foolish manner, often for the amusement of others. The answer is "WAG," indicating someone who is playful or mischievous, often engaging in antics or humor to entertain others.

Umpire (7)


Umpire Describing a person responsible for enforcing the rules and making decisions in a sporting event or competition. The answer is "SETTLER," which, while typically used to describe someone who resolves disputes or conflicts, can also metaphorically represent an umpire who settles disputes or makes decisions in a game or contest.

Aristocrat (4)


Aristocrat Referring to a person belonging to the highest social class, often associated with noble birth or wealth. The answer is "LORD," indicating a title of nobility or a man of high rank or status in society.

Lancashire city (7)


Lancashire city This clue refers to a city located in the county of Lancashire, England. The answer is "PRESTON," indicating a city with historical significance and cultural landmarks located in the northwest of England.  

Short note (4)


Short note This suggests a brief written message or memorandum. The answer is CHIT, referring to a small piece of paper or note used for informal communication or recording a short message, often used in business or military contexts.

Disappear (9)


Disappear This clue suggests the action of gradually vanishing or dispersing. The answer is "DISSIPATE," which means to scatter or disperse gradually, often referring to the dissolving or fading away of something, such as fog or a crowd.

Drench (4)


Drench indicates saturating something completely with liquid. The answer is "SATE," which means to satisfy or fill something to the point of excess, often used in the context of satisfying hunger or thirst.

Straightaway (2,4)


Straightaway refers to something happening immediately or without delay. The answer is "AT ONCE," indicating an action or occurrence taking place without any delay or interruption.

Districts (7)


Districts point to specific geographical areas or regions. The answer is "DOMAINS," which refers to territories or areas that are under the control or influence of a particular authority or jurisdiction.

Convince (4,4)


Convince suggests persuading someone to do something. The answer is "TALK INTO," which means to persuade or convince someone to take a particular course of action through verbal communication or argument.

Stitched (4)


Stitched describes the action of sewing or joining fabric together with needle and thread. The answer is "PIED," which means having patches of different colors or materials sewn together, often creating a variegated or mottled appearance.

Agree (6)


Agree implies reaching a consensus or mutual understanding. The answer is "PERMIT," which, in this context, means to allow or consent to something, indicating agreement or approval.

Contemptuous expression (3)


Contemptuous expression This clue refers to a short utterance expressing disdain or scorn. The answer is "BAH," which is often used to express contempt, disgust, or dismissal towards something or someone.

Bellowed (6)


Bellowed suggests a loud, deep cry or shout. The answer is "NOISED," which means to make a loud, resounding noise or outcry, often indicating anger, frustration, or urgency.

Pilgrimage city (5)


Pilgrimage city directs attention to a city that holds significance for religious pilgrimages. The answer is "MECCA," which is a city in Saudi Arabia considered the holiest city in Islam, visited by millions of Muslims each year as part of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Amend (5)


Amend indicates the action of making changes or revisions to something. The answer is "RIGHT," which means to correct or improve something, often used in the context of fixing errors or addressing issues.

Land surrounded by water (4)


Land surrounded by water describes a geographical feature where land is completely surrounded by water. The answer is "ISLE," which refers to a small island, typically found in oceans, seas, or rivers.

Invent a phrase (4)


Invent a phrase suggests creating or formulating a new expression or saying. The answer is "COIN," which means to create or invent a new word, phrase, or expression, often used in the context of introducing novel linguistic terms.

Mountain in Crete (3)


The mountain in Crete points to a specific geographical feature in Crete. The answer is "IDA," which refers to Mount Ida, the highest mountain on the island of Crete in Greece, known for its significance in Greek mythology.

Anatomical pouch (3)


Anatomical pouch This clue indicates a small sac or pocket in the body. The answer is "POD," which refers to a small container or sac-like structure, often found in various organisms for storing or containing certain substances.

Topaz, e.g. (3)


Topaz, e.g. This clue suggests a type of mineral or gemstone. The answer is "GEM," which refers to a precious or semi-precious stone that is cut and polished for use in jewelry or other decorative purposes.

Higher education, informally (3)


Higher education, informally This clue refers to a level of education beyond high school. The answer is "UNI," which is a colloquial abbreviation for "university," indicating a tertiary educational institution offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

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