Check Irish Times Simplex Crossword Answers for March 18, 2024

Unlock the gateway to mental gymnastics with the Irish Times Simplex Crossword. Enter a place where everything is both clear and complicated, where every hint points the way to knowledge.

by Dheshni

Updated Mar 18, 2024

Check Irish Times Simplex Crossword Answers for March 18, 2024

Welcome to the world of crossword puzzles. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for a calming mental workout, the Irish Times Simplex crossword is the perfect place to start. With easy-to-read clues and a small grid size, it’s the perfect place to sharpen your knowledge, learn new vocabulary and enjoy crossword puzzles, all at a slow and easy pace.

Clue: Adieu, so long


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"Adieu" and "so long" are both expressions used to bid farewell or say goodbye to someone. "Adieu" is a French term meaning "goodbye," often used to convey a more formal or final farewell. "So long" is an informal way of saying goodbye, typically used in casual settings.

Clue: Astonished

Answer: AWEIGH

The answer "AWEIGH" for the clue "Astonished" seems a bit puzzling at first, but it actually makes sense when you break it down.

In maritime terminology, "aweigh" refers to the situation when an anchor is just lifted off the sea floor but not yet clear of the bottom. So, if you think about it metaphorically, when something is lifted in this manner, it's like being surprised or astonished. The anchor, which was firmly in place, suddenly becomes free, which could evoke a sense of surprise or astonishment.

Clue: In advance of

Answer: PRIOR TO

The answer "PRIOR TO" for the clue "In advance of" makes perfect sense when you understand the meaning of both phrases.

"In advance of" means before or ahead of a particular event, action, or timeframe. It implies doing something earlier or preceding the occurrence of something else.

"PRIOR TO" means before or preceding a specified time, event, or action. It essentially carries the same meaning as "in advance of" and is often used in formal or written contexts.

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Answer: EMIR

The answer "EMIR" for the clue "EASTERN" might seem a bit counterintuitive at first, but it becomes clearer with a bit of context and understanding of certain cultural and geopolitical factors.

An "emir" is a title of high rank or authority in many Islamic countries, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. It is often associated with rulers or leaders in these regions. The term "emir" itself has Arabic origins.

Clue: Group of three


"GRANDLY" can be seen as a way of representing a "Group of three" indirectly through the rearrangement of its letters to form the word "GRAND," which signifies a quantity of three dozens.

Clue: Leaving out


NONINCLUSION" directly conveys the idea of not including something. The prefix "non-" indicates negation or absence, while "inclusion" refers to the act of including or incorporating something into a group or category.

"NONINCLUSION" fits the clue "Leaving out" because it succinctly captures the concept of excluding or omitting something, aligning perfectly with the meaning implied by the clue. 

Clue: Story, anecdote

Answer: TALE

The answer "TALE" for the clue "Story, anecdote" is fitting and straightforward. A "TALE" refers to a narrative or story, often told to entertain, inform, or convey a message. It can encompass various forms of storytelling, including anecdotes, myths, legends, fables, and more.

Clue: Disperse or throw around


"SCATTER" for the clue "Disperse or throw around" makes complete sense when you consider its meaning. Disperse" implies spreading something out, while "throw around" suggests a more casual or random distribution of items.

"SCATTER" encapsulates both of these actions perfectly. It denotes the act of dispersing or throwing things around, aligning precisely with the meaning conveyed by the clue. 

Clue: Talks or walks aimlessly


RAMBLES" for the clue "Talks or walks aimlessly" is quite fitting when you understand its meaning. "Rambles" can refer to both aimless speech and aimless walking. When someone "rambles" in speech, they talk in a wandering or unfocused manner, often jumping from one topic to another without a clear direction or purpose. Similarly, when someone "rambles" in walking, they move in a meandering or wandering manner, without a specific destination or goal in mind.

Clue: Decorates a cake with sugar topping

Answer: ICES

ICES" for the clue "Decorates a cake with sugar topping" is quite straightforward when you understand the process of cake decoration. "Ices" refers to the action of spreading or applying icing onto a cake's surface. "Icing" is a sweet, often creamy substance used to coat or decorate cakes and pastries. It can come in various forms, such as buttercream, fondant, glaze, or royal icing.

Clue: Height above sea level


ELEVATION" for the clue "Height above sea level" is a precise match. "Elevation" refers to the height of a point or location above a specific reference point, usually measured in terms of sea level. It indicates how high or elevated a particular area is relative to the sea level datum.

Clue: Vegetable, drink and ball game

Answer: SQUASH

  • Vegetable: "Squash" can refer to a type of edible gourd, typically with a thick, hard rind and soft flesh inside. Varieties of squash include butternut squash, acorn squash, and zucchini.

  • Drink: In some regions, "squash" is also used to describe a concentrated fruit-flavored syrup or cordial that is diluted with water to make a refreshing beverage. This type of "squash" drink is popular in the United Kingdom and other countries.

  • Ball game: "Squash" is also a fast-paced racket sport played by two players (singles) or four players (doubles) in a four-walled court. Players use rackets to hit a small rubber ball against the walls, aiming to outmaneuver their opponents and win points.

Clue: Arm jewellery


BANGLES" for the clue "Arm jewellery" is quite appropriate when considering the types of accessories commonly worn on the arms. "BANGLES" refer to rigid bracelets, typically made of metal, wood, glass, or plastic, that are worn around the wrist. They are circular in shape and are often worn in multiples to create a jingling or tinkling sound when they move.

Clue: Orb or globe

Answer: SPHERE

SPHERE" for the clue "Orb or globe" is a precise match. A "SPHERE" is a three-dimensional geometric shape that is perfectly round, like a ball. It is characterized by having all points on its surface equidistant from its center, resulting in a uniform curvature.

Clue: Gems and precious metals

Answer: JEWELS

The answer "JEWELS" for the clue "Gems and precious metals" is spot-on. "JEWELS" typically refers to precious stones, such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, as well as to precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. These are highly valued materials often used in making jewelry and other ornamental items due to their rarity, beauty, and durability.

Clue: It favours remaining within the UK


The answer "UNIONISM" for the clue "It favours remaining within the UK" is quite appropriate when considering its political and ideological implications. "UNIONISM" refers to the belief or ideology that advocates for the maintenance of political, economic, and social union within a specific entity or nation. In the context of the clue, "within the UK" suggests that the union in question is the United Kingdom itself.

Clue: Rush in an uncontrolled or headlong way

Answer: CAREER

CAREER" for the clue "Rush in an uncontrolled or headlong way" might seem unexpected at first, but it actually fits quite well when considering the various meanings of the word. "Career" can refer to a person's professional journey or the progression of one's work life. However, it can also describe movement in an uncontrolled or headlong manner, especially when used as a verb.

Clue: Pleasure-seeker

Answer: SATYR

SATYR" for the clue "Pleasure-seeker" is fitting when considering its mythological context. In Greek mythology, a "SATYR" is a creature known for its hedonistic and pleasure-seeking tendencies. Satyrs are often depicted as half-human, half-beast creatures with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat, including goat-like legs and hooves. They are associated with revelry, wine, music, and other indulgences.

Clue: Assign to a lower position


RELEGATE" for the clue "Assign to a lower position" is an apt choice. "RELEGATE" means to assign or transfer someone or something to a lower or less important position, status, or level. It often implies demotion or downgrading in terms of importance, rank, or significance.

Clue: It's intoxicating


ETHANOL" for the clue "It's intoxicating" is accurate, as ethanol is indeed an intoxicating substance. Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. When consumed, ethanol acts as a central nervous system depressant, affecting brain function and causing alterations in perception, mood, and behavior. This results in the state commonly referred to as intoxication or drunkenness

Clue: Middle Eastern paste of ground sesame seeds

Answer: TAHINI

TAHINI" for the clue "Middle Eastern paste of ground sesame seeds" is precisely accurate. "Tahini" is a paste made from ground sesame seeds, commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine. To make tahini, sesame seeds are toasted and then ground into a smooth, creamy consistency. The resulting paste has a nutty flavor and is rich in nutrients, including protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals.

Clue: Wrinkly seed with a hard shell

Answer: WALNUT

WALNUT" for the clue "Wrinkly seed with a hard shell" is an accurate description of this particular type of nut. Walnuts are seeds enclosed in a hard, wrinkled shell. The shell is typically quite tough and requires a nutcracker or similar tool to open. Once cracked open, the shell reveals the edible seed, which has a smooth surface and is rich in nutrients.

Clue: One is held in custody


DETAINEE" for the clue "One is held in custody" is appropriate and directly reflects the situation described. A "DETAINEE" is a person who is being held in custody, typically by law enforcement or military authorities, for legal reasons such as suspicion of committing a crime or for security reasons. Detainees are held temporarily while investigations are conducted or until legal proceedings are carried out.

Clue: Simply, nothing more than

Answer: MERE

MERE" for the clue "Simply, nothing more than" is fitting and concise. "MERE" is an adverb that means "only" or "simply." It is used to emphasize that something is nothing more than what is indicated, without any additional or significant qualities.

Clue: Extremely dry

Answer: XERIC

XERIC" for the clue "Extremely dry" is appropriate, though it might not be as commonly known as some synonyms. "XERIC" is an adjective derived from the Greek word "xēros," meaning "dry." It specifically refers to environments or conditions that are extremely dry or arid, often characterized by a scarcity of moisture or water.

Clue: Dieters count them


CALORIES" for the clue "Dieters count them" is precise and directly relates to the concept of monitoring food intake for weight management. "Calories" are units of energy derived from the food and beverages we consume. When people talk about "counting calories," they are referring to the practice of tracking the number of calories they consume throughout the day. This approach is common among individuals who are trying to manage their weight, whether it's to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

Clue: Killer for hire


ASSASSIN" for the clue "Killer for hire" refers to a person who is hired to carry out a targeted killing, often for political, monetary, or other motivations. An assassin is typically someone skilled in the art of covertly eliminating specific targets. Unlike a common criminal, who may commit murders for personal reasons or as part of criminal activities, an assassin is usually contracted or employed by someone else to carry out the killing.

Clue: Sweeping

Answer: RISEN

RISEN" for the clue "Sweeping" may seem a bit unusual at first, but it can be understood with a bit of wordplay and interpretation. In this context, "sweeping" can be interpreted as a broad or extensive movement, action, or change. "RISEN" fits this interpretation because it conveys the idea of something ascending or increasing in prominence or importance.



CENTAUR" for the clue "MYTHICAL HALF MAN, HALF HORSE" is accurate and reflects a creature from Greek mythology. A "CENTAUR" is a mythical being with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. These creatures are often depicted as powerful and wild, embodying both human intelligence and animalistic instincts.

Clue: Moves forward with tiny steps

Answer: INCHES

INCHES" for the clue "Moves forward with tiny steps" is quite fitting when you consider the literal meaning of the word and its association with small incremental movements. "Inches" typically refers to units of measurement, but in this context, it is used metaphorically to describe small steps or movements forward. When someone "inches" forward, they are making progress gradually and slowly, often through a series of small steps or movements.

Clue: Except on condition that

Answer: UNLESS

UNLESS" for the clue "Except on condition that" is a precise fit. "UNLESS" is a conjunction used to introduce a condition that is not fulfilled or an exception to what has just been stated. It implies that if the condition specified after "unless" is not met, then the action or event mentioned before "unless" will occur.

Clue: Most certain

Answer: SUREST

SUREST" for the clue "Most certain" is appropriate when considering the comparative form of the adjective "sure." "Sure" is an adjective that means having no doubt or being confident in something. When comparing the degree of certainty among different things, the comparative form "surest" is used to indicate the highest level of certainty.

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