Check the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Answers for April 9, 2024

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by Vinothini S

Updated Apr 09, 2024

Check the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Answers for April 9, 2024

To finish a crossword puzzle, you need to be patient because it takes time to think and solve the clues. If you are trying to solve today's Irish Times Crosaire Crossword, you can find the clues here. If you are struggling, you can also check the answers and explanations below. So, are you ready? Let’s begin.

Withdraw towards battlezone in mirror image


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Withdraw towards battlezone in mirror image: BACK TO FRONT - This clue involves wordplay and directionality. "Withdraw towards battlezone" hints at the idea of moving backward in the context of warfare. "Mirror image" suggests reversing the order of words. The solution "BACK TO FRONT" precisely fits this description, representing a phrase indicating the reversal or opposite arrangement of elements.

Builds up a hundred cent and regrets it?


Builds up a hundred cent and regrets it? ACCRUES - Within this clue lies a clever play on words and mathematical concepts. "Builds up a hundred cent" suggests accumulating or increasing a quantity equivalent to one hundred cents. "Regrets it?" hints at a realization of remorse or disappointment. The solution "ACCRUES" fits this description, representing the process of gradually accumulating or adding up over time.

Jailors stop car carelessly


Jailors stop car carelessly: CAPTORS - Here, we encounter a clue involving a scenario of confinement and negligence. "Jailors stop car" suggests the action of detaining or halting a vehicle. "Carelessly" implies a lack of caution or attention. The solution "CAPTORS" fits this description, representing individuals who seize or detain others, often by stopping them abruptly or without proper care.

Distress signal alien sent up for crazy old music, played in a sustained manner


Distress signal alien sent up for crazy old music, played in a sustained manner: SOSTENUTO - This clue involves a complex mix of wordplay and musical terminology. "Distress signal alien sent up" suggests an extraterrestrial entity transmitting a distress call. "Crazy old music, played in a sustained manner" refers to the definition of the musical term "sostenuto," which means to sustain the sound of notes. The solution "SOSTENUTO" precisely fits this description, representing a musical direction indicating sustained playing, often with a melancholic or expressive tone.

Solemn cry for Queen Elizabeth


Solemn cry for Queen Elizabeth: SOBER - Within this clue lies a reference to both emotion and a regal figure. "Solemn cry" suggests a serious or somber expression of emotion. "Queen Elizabeth" refers to a royal figure. The solution "SOBER" fits this description, representing a term that can mean both serious in demeanor and, in another sense, free from intoxication or drunkenness.

Join Frenchman following the waves


Join Frenchman following the waves: SEAM - This clue involves a combination of language and imagery. "Join" suggests the act of connecting or combining. "Frenchman following the waves" hints at someone of French origin following a pattern of movement akin to waves. The solution "SEAM" fits this description, representing a line where two pieces of material are joined, often seen in the context of fabric or waves on the sea.

Overheard, entirely, commands in Sacrament of Ordination


"Overheard, entirely, commands in Sacrament of Ordination" suggests a phrase related to religious rites involving commands heard in their entirety. The answer is HOLY ORDERS, referring to the sacrament within Christianity where individuals are ordained as clergy, receiving authority and responsibilities within the church.

Formally renouncing sailor and detective acting strangely?


"Formally renouncing sailor and detective acting strangely?" hints at a term indicating the formal act of giving up a position or title, possibly involving a sailor and a detective behaving oddly. The answer is ABDICATING, representing the act of formally relinquishing power or authority, often associated with royalty or leadership roles.

Split first two chief operators


"Split first two chief operators" suggests a word involving the separation of the initial letters of two primary operators. The answer is CHOP, representing the action of cutting or dividing something with a sharp implement, in this case, the splitting of the letters "C" and "H" from "chief operators."

Royal Highness popular round horned animal


"Royal Highness popular round horned animal" directs attention to a regal title followed by a common animal with horns. The answer is RHINO, representing the abbreviation for "Royal Highness" followed by a popular horned mammal, the rhinoceros.

Dublin University allowances relate to periods of time


"Dublin University allowances relate to periods of time" hints at a word indicating allocations or provisions connected to durations. The answer is DURATIONS, representing the lengths or periods of time associated with allowances or resources provided by Dublin University.

Lent ear foolishly, without beginning or end


"Lent ear foolishly, without beginning or end" suggests a term describing something eternal or without a definite start or finish. The answer is ETERNAL, representing the concept of infinite or everlasting existence, often associated with divine or timeless qualities.

Dater's plus one all over the place, with a leg on either side!


"Dater's plus one all over the place, with a leg on either side!" implies a phrase describing someone straddling or positioned with legs on both sides. The answer is ASTRIDE, indicating the posture of sitting or standing with one leg on each side, often used figuratively to describe someone accompanying a dater as their plus one.

Conveys swiftness of ageing via short meetings with potential romantic partners


Conveys swiftness of ageing via short meetings with potential romantic partners: SPEED DATING - This phrase describes a method of meeting potential romantic partners in a rapid succession of short encounters, leading to "speed dating" as the answer. Speed dating allows individuals to quickly assess compatibility in a series of brief interactions, mimicking the swift passage of time and aging.

Those offering unwanted advice to endorse chair for motorists


Those offering unwanted advice to endorse chair for motorists: BACKSEAT DRIVERS - This phrase describes individuals who offer unwanted advice or criticism to the driver from the backseat of a vehicle, leading to "backseat drivers" as the answer. Backseat drivers often offer suggestions or endorsements about driving decisions from a position of perceived authority, despite not being in control of the vehicle themselves.

Charlie lacks refinement and is vulgar


Charlie lacks refinement and is vulgar: CRUDE - This describes someone named Charlie who lacks refinement and displays vulgarity, leading to "crude" as the answer. "Crude" refers to behavior or language that is lacking in sophistication or tact, often considered vulgar or coarse.

Party after University exam in ancient wheeled shelter?


Party after University exam in ancient wheeled shelter?: TESTUDO - This cryptic clue suggests an ancient wheeled shelter used after a university exam, leading to "testudo" as the answer. In ancient times, a testudo was a type of mobile shelter or defensive formation used by Roman soldiers, resembling a tortoise shell.

Plant Football Association around British Conservative


Plant Football Association around British Conservative: FACTORY - This clue indicates assembling or placing the Football Association (FA) around the abbreviation for British Conservative (C), leading to "factory" as the answer. The wordplay suggests the construction of a term related to manufacturing or production.

Awkwardly proposes to adversaries


Awkwardly proposes to adversaries: OPPOSERS - This phrase describes the act of making awkward proposals or suggestions to opponents, leading to "opposers" as the answer. Opposers are individuals who oppose or resist a particular idea or proposition, often making interactions uncomfortable or awkward.

Has difficulty firing when detecting and solving problems


Has difficulty firing when detecting and solving problems: TROUBLESHOOTING - This phrase describes the process of detecting and solving problems despite encountering difficulty in the firing or execution, leading to "troubleshooting" as the answer. Troubleshooting involves identifying and resolving issues or malfunctions, often requiring persistence and problem-solving skills.

Analyses sentence levels established with no time to spare


Analyses sentence levels established with no time to spare: PARSES - This suggests the act of analyzing sentence structures quickly or efficiently, leading to "parses" as the answer. "Parses" refers to the process of breaking down or analyzing the components of a sentence, often done with speed or efficiency.

Seizes brussels sprout, ditching lobsters roughly


Seizes brussels sprout, ditching lobsters roughly: USURPS - This cryptic clue suggests seizing or taking control of something, represented by "usurps," by removing the letters for lobsters (L, O, B, S, T, E, R) from "brussels sprout," leading to the answer "usurps." It's a wordplay indicating the action of seizing authority or power roughly or forcibly.

Copper visits goners randomly to beg and borrow


Copper visits goners randomly to beg and borrow: SCROUNGE - This suggests the action of begging or borrowing randomly from those in dire straits, leading to "scrounge" as the answer. The clue indicates the presence of the element "copper" (Cu) visiting "goners" or those in need, resulting in the act of scrounging for resources or assistance.

Aviator's wing that is neutral, somehow?


Aviator's wing that is neutral, somehow? AIRMEN - This clue involves a play on words and a reference to aviation. "Aviator's wing" hints at a component of an aircraft, specifically the part associated with flight. "Neutral, somehow?" suggests a wordplay on the term "airmen," which can mean both members of the air force and individuals who navigate through the air, thus fitting the description of an aviator's wing that is neutral.

Staggered temperature, while peculiar, showed the way


Staggered temperature, while peculiar, showed the way TODDLED - Here, we encounter a clue that combines wordplay and a depiction of movement. "Staggered temperature" suggests a variation in heat levels, possibly fluctuating unexpectedly. "While peculiar, showed the way" hints at a peculiar manner of movement that indicates a path forward. The solution "TODDLED" fits this description, representing a slow, unsteady walk often associated with toddlers, who may stagger as they learn to walk.

Northern Irish artist surrounds vehicle in blissful state


Northern Irish artist surrounds vehicle in blissful state NIRVANA - Within this clue lies a reference to geography, artistry, and a state of serenity. "Northern Irish artist" suggests a creative individual from Northern Ireland. "Surrounds vehicle in blissful state" hints at encompassing a mode of transport within a peaceful and contented condition. The solution "NIRVANA" fits this description, representing a state of perfect happiness and tranquility often associated with spiritual enlightenment.

Quietly guide one towards seller


Quietly guide one towards seller PUSHER - This clue involves subtle direction and implication. "Quietly guide one" suggests subtly steering or influencing someone's actions. "Towards seller" hints at directing someone towards a person who sells goods or services. The solution "PUSHER" fits this description, representing someone who persuades or influences others, often to make purchases or engage in certain activities.

Primarily the ultimate tune to invigorate, performed by the whole orchestra


Primarily the ultimate tune to invigorate, performed by the whole orchestra TUTTI - Here, we encounter a clue involving musical terminology and orchestral performance. "Primarily the ultimate tune" suggests the most important or prominent piece of music. "To invigorate, performed by the whole orchestra" hints at a musical passage played by all members of the orchestra to energize the audience. The solution "TUTTI" fits this description, representing a direction in sheet music indicating that all performers should play together, creating a powerful and invigorating sound.

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