Check The Times Quick Crossword Clue Answers for March 19, 2024

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by Dheshni

Updated Mar 19, 2024

Check The Times Quick Crossword Clue Answers for March 19, 2024

The Times Quick crossword clues can be hard to crack. You can start solving the easiest clues first and move on to the harder ones. By finishing the easiest clues, you can get letters for the harder ones. It’s ok to search for answers to solve a clue. It can be a great learning opportunity.

Now, check today’s crossword clue answers here:

“Get lost!” mutinous paper said


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  • "‘Get lost!’ mutinous paper said", "disappear" is the answer. The clue suggests a situation where a mutinous or rebellious paper is instructing someone to "get lost," which implies vanishing or ceasing to be present.
  • "Disappear" means to become invisible or to cease to exist or be seen, fitting the context of the mutinous paper's directive.

100 rhinos travelling from south-west?


The clue "100 rhinos travelling from south-west?" A word that starts with "C" (as denoted by "100," a Roman numeral) and relates to a geographical direction, specifically the southwest ("from south-west"). "Cornish" fits this description, as it refers to something related to Cornwall, a county located in the southwest of England.

A hospital doctor who might marry you?


  • "A hospital doctor who might marry you?" hints at a professional who works in a hospital setting and also has authority in conducting marriages.
  • In many jurisdictions, including the UK, a registrar is a hospital doctor who is authorized to perform civil marriages or oversee the legal aspects of marriage registration. Thus, "registrar" is the fitting answer.

A street in New York that’s not very nice


  • "A street in New York that’s not very nice," "nasty" is the answer. The clue a street in New York that has a negative reputation or is unpleasant.
  • "Nasty" is a colloquial term meaning unpleasant, dirty, or disagreeable, making it an apt description for a street that's not very nice.

Ancient city almost unrivalled


The clue "Ancient city almost unrivalled" refers to a historical city that was exceptionally prominent or unmatched in its time. "Thebes" fits this description, as it was one of the most powerful and influential cities in ancient Egypt and Greece.

Dangerous, much like Highland cattle?


"Hairy" fits this description, as it can figuratively mean fraught with danger or difficult to navigate, akin to the potentially hazardous situation presented by encountering Highland cattle.

Deer has courage, they say


Deer has courage, they say" implies a word for a type of deer that is known for its courage or bravery. "Hart" fits this description as it is a term used to refer to a male deer, especially a mature stag. In folklore and mythology, harts are often depicted as noble and courageous animals, making the answer suitable for the clue.

Detective inspector’s instruction resulting in complaint


  • The clue "Detective inspector’s instruction resulting in complaint" a word that describes an instruction or command given by a detective inspector that leads to a situation of complaint or chaos. "Disorder" fits this description as it refers to a state of confusion, disturbance, or disruption, often resulting from a lack of order or control.
  • In this context, the detective inspector's instruction has caused disorder, hence the answer.

Gets near foreign police officer


"Gets near foreign police officer" hints at a word that describes a rank in the police force and involves getting near or being close to a foreign entity. "Sergeant" fits this description as it is a rank in various police forces around the world, and the word itself contains the term "serge," which is a type of fabric often associated with military or police uniforms.

Gossip about new chap from Washington DC?


  • Gossip about new chap from Washington DC?" A word related to someone from Washington DC, the capital of the United States. "Yank" is a colloquial term often used to refer to Americans, particularly those from the northern states, including Washington DC.
  • Additionally, "yank" can mean to pull or tug forcefully, which fits the context of gossiping or pulling out information about the new person.

Hotel situated in pleasant bay


A "niche" can refer to a shallow recess or hollow, often used for decorative or functional purposes, such as displaying artwork or housing a statue. In this context, it could be interpreted as a hotel situated in a niche within a pleasant bay, making "niche" the appropriate answer.

I deceive a superstar


The clue "I deceive a superstar"A word related to deceiving or misleading a superstar. An "icon" is a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or emblem of a particular quality, idea, or culture.

I name Rex mistakenly as analyst


"I name Rex mistakenly as analyst" suggests a word that means someone who examines or analyzes things. "Examiner" fits this description as it refers to a person who inspects, investigates, or evaluates something in detail.

In Rome I take LSD, a narcissistic act


The clue "In Rome I take LSD, a narcissistic act" A word related to self-centered behavior or self-indulgence. An "ego trip" is a colloquial term referring to an exaggerated sense of self-importance or self-esteem, often manifested in behavior or actions that prioritize one's own desires or gratification

Ingratiating — and regularly ignored socially


"Oily" can mean excessively smooth or slick in manner, often implying insincerity or manipulation in social interactions. The clue further hints that this behavior is regularly ignored or overlooked by others, making "oily" the appropriate answer.

Kitty having enjoyable day


"Kitty having enjoyable day" suggests a word related to money or finance that also implies enjoyment. "Fund" fits this description as it can refer to a sum of money set aside for a specific purpose, such as enjoying leisure activities or having a good time. In this context, "kitty" can mean a pool of money collected from multiple people for a shared purpose, such as funding a fun outing or event.

Lay hands on lout at last? That’s a sore point!


"Touch" fits this description as it can mean to make physical contact with something or someone, and the phrase "a sore point" suggests that the act of touching may lead to discomfort or irritation. The clue plays on the double meaning of "touch" as both a physical action and a metaphor for addressing a sensitive topic.

Learner in jam with Queen giving great performance


The clue "Learner in jam with Queen giving great performance" suggests a word related to performing exceptionally well, especially under pressure. "Blinder" fits this description as it can mean an outstanding performance or achievement, particularly in a challenging situation.

Nightclub performer beginning to smooch with tourist?


"Nightclub performer beginning to smooch with tourist?" suggests a word related to a performer in a nightclub who may engage in intimate or suggestive behavior with patrons, particularly tourists. "Stripper" fits this description as it refers to someone who performs striptease acts in adult entertainment venues, often involving sensual or provocative dancing.

Others eating old man’s food


The clue "Others eating old man’s food" suggests a word related to a meal or feast, possibly shared among multiple individuals, including an older person. "Repast" fits this description as it refers to a formal or substantial meal, especially one eaten with others.

Preparing mayonnaise perhaps


The clue "Preparing mayonnaise perhaps" suggests a word related to the process of making a condiment or sauce, such as mayonnaise. "Dressing" fits this description as it refers to a sauce or seasoning used to flavor salads, sandwiches, or other dishes

Runner is upset going round centre of Tokyo

Ans: SKI

  • The clue "Runner is upset going round centre of Tokyo" suggests a word related to a type of sport or activity involving sliding or gliding over snow. "Ski" fits this description as it refers to a long, narrow piece of equipment worn on the feet for gliding over snow, often used in skiing, a popular winter sport.
  • The clue hints at the word "ski" by using the word "runner" to suggest a person moving swiftly, and "upset" to indicate a reversal or rearrangement of letters, resulting in "ski.

Singer knocking bishop out, the idiot

Ans: ASS

"Ass" fits this description as it is a slang term often used to refer to someone perceived as foolish or idiotic. The clue cleverly combines wordplay elements, with "singer knocking" indicating the removal of the letters "B" (representing "bishop") from the word "bassist" (a type of singer) to yield "ass."

Socialist briefly involved in plans for cathedral city


"Socialist briefly involved in plans for cathedral city" suggests a word related to a city known for its cathedral and associated architectural plans, possibly involving the brief inclusion of a term associated with socialism. "Chartres" fits this description as it is a city in France famous for its Gothic cathedral, known as the Chartres Cathedral.

Son concealing longing to be a theatre performer?


"Surgeon" fits this description as it is a profession associated with performing surgeries or medical procedures, and the clue suggests that the person's son is concealing their desire to become a theatre performer by pursuing a career as a surgeon instead.

Windsor Castle hosting celebrated hunter


The clue "Windsor Castle hosting celebrated hunter" suggests a word related to a type of predator or hunter that may be celebrated or well-known. "Orca" fits this description as it refers to a species of large, predatory marine mammals commonly known as killer whales

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