Crack the Answer For 7 Little Words Crossword Puzzle Clue April 8, 2024

Do you enjoy solving crossword puzzles? The 7 Little Words crossword is a fantastic way to test your brain power and see if you can solve it. Let's find the correct answer.

by Rubaditsha

Updated Apr 08, 2024

Crack the Answer For 7 Little Words Crossword Puzzle Clue April 8, 2024

7 Little Words Crossword

7 Little Words crosswords are like game playing with words, and they are fun and easy puzzles. You may be good at solving problems or a beginner. Your job is to find the answer to the clue. Sometimes, the clues are easy and tricky. It is the best way to spend your time and challenge your brain power. You can find 7 Little Words crosswords in the newspaper or on another site. So, give it a try.

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How to Play 7 Little Words in an Interesting Way?

Follow these Steps Given Below:

  • Break words into smaller parts.
  • Use hints wisely.
  • Think of synonyms.
  • Guess with confidence.
  • Enjoy the challenge.

Sliding out of control 


"Skidding" means when something moves sideways without control. It is like when a car wheels lose grip on the road, and the car slides in a direction the driver did not want. This can happen on ice roads or when braking suddenly. The word "skidding" tells us about this loss of control, like when you are on ice and your feet slip.

So, like if something is "sliding out of control," it is skidding, which means that  it is moving sideways uncontrollably, just like a car on a slippery road.

Thrown out 


"Expelled" means to be forced to leave or kicked out of a place, like school or a club. If someone is "thrown out," it is like being pushed out of a place because they are not wanted or allowed to stay anymore. It is similar to when you are told to leave a party or a room because you did something wrong.

So, "thrown out" means the same as "expelled" when someone is told to go away or leave because they have done something bad or against the rules.



"Writers" are people who create stories, books, or articles. They are the ones who use words to tell stories or share some information. When you hear "writers," think of people who use their imagination or knowledge to write something down. "Authors" also mean the same thing as "writers." If someone is called an "author," it is because they have written something, like a book or a story. 

The “A” in CPA 


"The 'A' in CPA" refers to the first letter in the abbreviation "Certified Public Accountant." An "accountant" is someone who works with money, keeping track of it or helping people to manage it. They may work for businesses, individuals, or governments. Accountants deal with things like taxes, budgets, and financial records.

When you hear about the "A" in CPA, it is talking about the role of an "accountant." They are professionals trained to handle financial matters and ensure accuracy in financial reporting. 

Not made by humans


"Not made by humans" means something that occurs in nature, like trees, mountains, or rivers. It is stuff that is not created by people but exists on its own. When you say "natural," it talks about things that are not made by humans. It is like animals or plants that grow without people's help. if something is "not made by humans," it is called "natural" because it happens by itself, without anyone making it happen. 

Bicycle built for two 

Answer: TANDEM

A "bicycle built for two" is called a "tandem." It is a special bike designed for two people to ride together. Instead of two separate bikes, a tandem has one long frame with two seats and sets of pedals. Both riders work together to move the bike forward. So, for this "bicycle built for two," "tandem" is the answer.

It is a fun way for two people to ride together and enjoy the outdoors. Essentially, a tandem is like a bicycle made for sharing, allowing two people to pedal and enjoy the ride together.

Hard-to-herd animals 


"Hard-to-herd animals" are called "felines." Felines are animals like cats, lions, and tigers. Unlike dogs or sheep that can be easily guided in groups, felines are independent and do not typically move together in herds. They prefer to roam alone or with a few companions.

When you hear about "hard-to-herd animals," it is referring to felines because they do not follow directions like other herd animals do. Basically, felines are solitary creatures that do not gather in herds, making them difficult to manage or control in the same way as animals that herd together.

Candied fruit 


"Candied fruit" is called a "confection." A confection is a sweet food made by cooking sugar with fruit, nuts, or other flavors until it gets hard. Candied fruit is fruit that has been cooked in sugar syrup until it becomes sweet and chewy. So, when you see "candied fruit," it is a type of sweet treat made by coating fruit with sugar.

A confection like candied fruit is a sugary snack that is made by cooking fruit with sugar until it is sweet, tasty, and often chewy.

Have a skirmish (with) 


"Have a skirmish (with)" is called "grapple." To grapple means to engage in a brief, rough fight or struggle, often using hands or bodies closely. It is like when two people grab and push each other in a short, intense fight. When someone skirmishes or fights, you can use the word "grapple" to describe it. 

Jordan and Chad 


"Jordan and Chad" are called "nations." A nation is a large group of people who share the same culture, history, and government, living within defined borders. Jordan and Chad are both countries with their own governments, laws, and traditions. So, "Jordan and Chad," it is talking about it as independent countries or nations.

A nation is like a big group of people who live together in a specific area, follow the same rules, and have their own unique customs and traditions, just like Jordan and Chad.

Grew up


"Grew up" means "matured." When someone grows up, they become older and more responsible. Maturity is when a person acts like an adult, making wise decisions and handling things calmly. So, if someone says they "grew up," it means they are matured and becoming more adult characters in their behavior. It is like when a seed grows into a plant or a child becomes an adult.

Most domineering


"Most domineering" means "bossiest." Someone who is bossy likes to tell others what to do and wants to be incharge of all the time. If someone is "most domineering," it means they are the one who likes to control everything and everyone around them. They may not listen to other people's ideas and be on their own way. So, "most domineering," is like thinking of someone who acts like a boss and wants things done their way, all the time.

Keeps in mind 


"Keeps in mind" means "remembers." When you keep something in mind, it means you do not forget it. Remembering is when you can recall information or experiences from the past. So, if someone says they "keep in mind," they are saying they remember something important. It is like when you remember a friend's birthday or a promise you made.

Pushed down


"Pushed down" means "depressed." When something is pushed down, it means it is forced to go lower. Similarly, when someone feels depressed, it is like they are emotionally pushed down or feeling low. Depression is a feeling of sadness or unhappiness that can make it hard to enjoy things or feel motivated. If someone is "pushed down," it can mean they are feeling depressed emotionally.



"Gaiety" means "festivity." Festivity refers to a joyful celebration or event where people have fun together. So, when you are hearing about "gaiety," it is like thinking about a lively and happy atmosphere where people are enjoying themselves. It could be at a party, a holiday gathering, or any festive occasion where there is laughter and joy. 

Became rigid


"Became rigid" means "stiffened." When something becomes rigid, it means it becomes stiff or firm and does not bend easily. Similarly, when something stiffens, it becomes rigid and inflexible. It is like when a piece of paper gets wet and then dries out, it may stiffen and become hard to bend.

So, if something "became rigid," it is like saying it stiffened up, becoming less flexible. Likewise, "became rigid" and "stiffened" both describe a process where something loses its flexibility and becomes firm or stiff, making it difficult to bend or move easily.

Spectacles and shades


"Spectacles and shades" are called "eyewear." Eyewear refers to items worn over the eyes for vision correction, protection from the sun, or fashion. Spectacles, also known as glasses, help people see better, while shades, or sunglasses, protect eyes from sunlight. "Eyewear," it includes both spectacles and shades, as well as other types of eye-worn accessories.

Specially, eyewear encompasses all items designed to be worn over the eyes, whether for vision correction or protection, including both spectacles and shades, providing various functions like aiding vision or shielding eyes from sunlight.

Orange flowers


"Orange flowers" are called "marigolds." Marigolds are plants that produce bright orange flowers. They are often grown in gardens or used as decorations because of their vibrant color. So,"orange flowers," are like marigolds specifically, as they are known for their striking orange blooms.

And, marigolds are a type of flower with vivid orange petals, making them easily identified when someone mentions "orange flowers." They are popular for adding color to gardens and floral arrangements, bringing brightness and cheerfulness with their unique color.

Had a longing 


"Had a longing" means "yearned." When someone has longing, it means they deeply desire or want something. Similarly, when someone yearns for something, it means they have a strong, heartfelt desire for it. It is like when you really want something or miss someone very much.

If someone "had a longing," it is like saying they yearned for something intensely. "Had a longing" and "yearned" both describe a strong desire or longing for something, indicating a deep longing or yearning for something desired or missed.

Comment from the sidelines.

Answer: KIBITZ 

"Comment from the sidelines" is called "kibitz." Kibitzing means giving unwanted advice or comments from the sidelines. It is like when someone watches a game or activity and offers their opinion or advice, even though they are not directly involved. So, "comment from the sidelines," it refers to kibitzing, giving comments or advice from the sidelines. 

Athletic outfit 


"Athletic outfit" is called a "tracksuit." A tracksuit is a set of clothing designed for athletic activities. It typically consists of a jacket and pants made from lightweight, breathable fabric. Athletes wear tracksuits for workouts, running, or other sports activities. So, a tracksuit is a type of outfit worn by athletes for physical activities, providing comfort and flexibility while exercising or training, and often associated with sports and fitness-related activities.


Answer: TAKE

"Tolerate" means "take." When you tolerate something, it means you can handle it or accept it without getting upset. It is like when you are okay with something even if you do not like it very much. If someone says they "take" something, it can mean they tolerate or accept it. Both describe being able to handle or accept something, even if it is not your favorite thing, showing the ability to endure or put up with a situation or condition without becoming too upset or bothered by it.

Explain away ambiguity 


"Explain away ambiguity" means "clarify." Clarify means to make something clearer or easier to understand. When there is ambiguity, it means something is unclear or could be interpreted in different ways. So, explain away ambiguity, it is like clearing up any confusion or uncertainty by providing more information or details.

Clarifying means removing any doubt or confusion, making things easier to understand, and ensuring there is no uncertainty or ambiguity left, allowing for a clearer and more straightforward interpretation of the situation or information.

Bicep-building reps 

Answer: CURLS

"Bicep-building reps" are called "curls." Curls are exercises where you lift weights using your arms, specifically targeting the bicep muscles. When you do curls, you bend your arm at the elbow, bringing the weight towards your shoulder, then lower it back down. These exercises help strengthen and build the muscles in your arms, particularly the biceps. 

“holey” kitchen tool 


A "holey" kitchen tool is called a "strainer." A strainer is a kitchen tool with holes used to separate liquids from solids. When you pour something into a strainer, the liquid drains through the holes, leaving the solid parts behind. So, if something is "holey" and used in the kitchen, it is likely a strainer because it has holes for liquids to pass through.

A strainer is a kitchen utensil with holes that allows liquid to drain out, making it useful for separating ingredients or removing excess liquid from food.

Inconsistent 7

Answer: PATCHY

"Inconsistent 7" is called "patchy." Patchy means not uniform or consistent. When something is patchy, it means there are uneven or irregular areas, like a patchwork quilt with different pieces sewn together. If something is described as "inconsistent" and there is a number 7 involved, it could be referred to as "patchy."

Here patchy describes something that is uneven or irregular, lacking consistency or uniformity, often characterized by variations or inconsistencies across different parts or areas, suggesting a fragmented or incomplete nature.

Like a doofus 


"Like a doofus" is called "doltish." Doltish means acting foolishly or stupidly, like a doofus. When someone is doltish, they behave in a silly or unintelligent manner. It is like doing something clumsy or making silly mistakes. If someone is defined as "like a doofus," they might be acting doltishly.

Which describes someone who behaves in a foolish or silly way, lacking intelligence or awareness, similar to how a doofus might act, suggesting a lack of judgment or common sense in their actions or behavior.

Language that Enya sings in 

Answer: GAELIC

The language that Enya sings in is called "Gaelic." Gaelic is a type of language spoken in parts of Ireland and Scotland. When Enya sings, she uses this language in her songs. It is like a traditional language with its own words and sounds. So, when you hear about the language Enya sings in, it refers to Gaelic.

Gaelic is the specific language that Enya chooses to use in her music, adding a unique and cultural aspect to her songs, and it is associated with regions like Ireland and Scotland, where it has historical significance and is still spoken by some people.

Taught new skills to


"Taught new skills to" is called "retrained." Retraining means learning new skills or gaining additional knowledge after already having some experience or training. When someone is restrained, they receive instruction in different or updated abilities to improve their abilities or adapt to changes. It is like going back to school to learn new things for a job or career. So, if someone is described as "taught new skills to," they may be undergoing retraining. 

Small sword 

Answer: RAPIER

"A small sword" is called a "rapier." A rapier is a type of thin, sharp sword used for fencing or dueling. It is longer and lighter than other swords, making it easier to wield quickly and precisely. When you hear about a "small sword," it refers to a rapier because of its slender and agile design. A rapier is a specific kind of sword, known for its slim and lightweight build, making it ideal for fencing or dueling, and it's often associated with elegance and precision in combat or sport.

Night vs. day 

Answer: DARKER

"Night vs. day" is described as "darker." Darkness refers to the absence of light, which occurs primarily during nighttime. In contrast, daytime is characterized by lightness due to the presence of the sun. So, when comparing "night vs. day," the term "darker" is used to indicate the absence of light during nighttime.

A "darker" contrasts the brightness of daytime with the absence of light during the night, highlighting the difference in illumination levels between these two periods, with night being darker due to the absence of sunlight.

Certain coat material 


A certain type of coat material is called "camel hair." Camel hair comes from the soft undercoat of camels, animals known for their long necks and humps. When you make a coat from camel hair, it is warm and smooth. If someone mentions a "certain coat material," they might be talking about camel hair, which is used to make coats.

Camel hair is a type of fabric made from the soft hair of camels, used to create coats that are warm and comfortable, providing protection against cold weather while also being stylish and durable.



"Wellness" is described as "healthiness." Healthiness refers to the state of being healthy or in good physical and mental condition. When someone is healthy, it means they have strong bodies and clear minds. So, if someone mentions "wellness," they are talking about healthiness, which encompasses overall well-being.

Healthiness represents a state of being free from illness or disease, characterized by physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional stability, indicating a positive and thriving condition of the body and mind, contributing to a fulfilling and satisfying life.

“crowning achievement” 


A "crowning achievement" is called a "coronation." Coronation is a ceremony where a king or queen is officially crowned and begins their reign. It is like a special event to mark their becoming a ruler. So, "crowning achievement," it may mean they have reached the pinnacle of success, like being crowned king or queen in a coronation ceremony.

Coronation is the formal crowning of a monarch, signifying the beginning of their rule, and it is often considered an important milestone or achievement in their life and reign.

Sportscaster’s remarks


A "sportscaster's remarks" are called "commentary." Commentary is when someone, like a sportscaster, gives their thoughts or opinions during a sports event. It is like adding explanations or insights to what is happening. "Sportscaster's remarks," it talks about the commentary they provide during the game.

Commentary is the sportscaster's comments or observations during a sports event, where they analyze the game, provide background information, or offer their perspective on the action, enhancing the viewers to understand and enjoy the game.

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