Crack the Answer For LA Times Crossword Puzzle Clue April 3, 2024

Are you looking for interesting brain activity to improve your brain? Here you can start playing LA Times Crossword, and make your brain more sharper.

by Vinothini S

Updated Apr 03, 2024

Crack the Answer For LA Times Crossword Puzzle Clue April 3, 2024

LA Times Crossword

LA Times Crossword puzzles are funny games that help you to learn more words. It is like a crossword puzzle you have to solve the answer with the help of the clues. These games help you to exercise your brain, you can play these games with your friends. It is a funny word game that makes you more enjoyable.

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Greenlights The answer is "OKS," referring to approvals or permissions given for actions or decisions. "Greenlights" suggests the go-ahead or authorization for something to proceed, while "OKS" accurately describes approvals or permissions.

Dish that may or may not contain beans


A dish that may or may not contain beans answer is "CHILI," indicating a spicy stew typically made with meat, chili peppers, and often beans. "Dish that may or may not contain beans" suggests a food item that may or may not include beans as an ingredient, while "CHILI" accurately describes the type of spicy stew that can be made with or without beans.

Time at a job


Time at a job is "STINT," referring to a period of time spent working or performing a specific task. "Time at a job" suggests a duration of employment or engagement in a particular role, while "STINT" accurately describes a period of time spent in a specific endeavor or job.

Feline pet


Feline pet "CAT," indicating a small domesticated carnivorous mammal often kept as a pet. "Feline pet" suggests a household animal belonging to the cat family, while "CAT" accurately describes the domesticated animal.

Brief mission?


Brief mission? "RECON," which is short for reconnaissance, referring to a military operation aimed at gathering information about enemy forces or territory. "Brief mission?" suggests a short or limited task or objective, while "RECON" accurately describes a brief reconnaissance mission.

Wobbly craft


Wobbly craft is "CANOE," indicating a narrow watercraft propelled by paddles. "Wobbly craft" suggests a vessel that may sway or rock unsteadily in the water, while "CANOE" accurately describes the type of narrow boat often used for paddling or leisurely water travel.

*Rainforest Cafe, for one


*Rainforest Cafe, for one is "THEME RESTAURANT," indicating a dining establishment designed around a particular theme or concept. "*Rainforest Cafe, for one" suggests a specific example of a themed restaurant, while "THEMERESTAURANT" accurately describes a type of eatery focused on a particular theme or motif.

Portion out


Portion out "ALLOT," referring to the act of distributing or assigning portions or shares of something. "Portion out" suggests dividing or allocating something into separate parts, while "ALLOT" accurately describes the action of assigning or distributing portions.

Deciduous tree with oblong leaves


Deciduous tree with oblong leaves "ELM," indicating a type of tree with broad, oblong-shaped leaves that typically shed in autumn. "Deciduous tree with oblong leaves" suggests a specific type of tree known for its foliage, while "ELM" accurately describes a deciduous tree species with oblong leaves.

God, to Rastafarians


God, to Rastafarians"JAH," refers to the supreme deity or God in Rastafarian belief. "God, to Rastafarians" suggests the divine figure revered by followers of Rastafarianism, while "JAH" accurately represents the term used to refer to the deity in this religious context.

*Depiction of integers at regular intervals


*Depiction of integers at regular intervals: "NUMBER LINE," indicating a visual representation of numbers arranged in sequential order along a straight line. "*Depiction of integers at regular intervals" suggests a method of visually representing numerical values, while "NUMBERLINE" accurately describes the graphical representation of integers.

Guacamole fruit


Guacamole fruit "LIME," refers to a small, green citrus fruit commonly used in cooking and flavoring dishes such as guacamole. "Guacamole fruit" suggests a fruit often paired with or used in making guacamole, while "LIME" accurately describes the citrus fruit commonly associated with the dish.

“__ Te Ching”: Laotzu text


“__ Te Ching”: Laotzu text "TAO," referring to the ancient Chinese philosophical text attributed to the sage Laozi. "“__ Te Ching”: Laotzu text" suggests a specific work associated with the philosopher Laozi, while "TAO" accurately represents the title of the text, known for its teachings on Taoism and the concept of the Tao.

Casual contraction


Casual contraction "AINT," indicating the informal contraction of "am not." "Casual contraction" suggests a relaxed or informal way of contracting words, while "AINT" accurately represents the contracted form of "am not."

Direct elsewhere


Direct elsewhere "REFER," referring to the act of directing someone or something to another source or person for information or action. "Direct elsewhere" suggests redirecting or pointing to another place or person, while "REFER" accurately describes the action of directing someone or something to another source or individual.

Like a zebra


Like a zebra "MANED," describing a characteristic of having a mane, like that of a zebra. "Like a zebra" suggests a comparison to the physical appearance of a zebra, while "MANED" accurately describes the specific feature of having a mane, as seen in some species, including zebras.

Big fans


Big fans "BUFFS," indicating people who are enthusiastic or knowledgeable about a particular subject or activity. "Big fans" suggests individuals with a strong interest or passion for something, while "BUFFS" accurately describes enthusiasts or aficionados, particularly those with extensive knowledge or expertise.

*Imperial reign of China ended by Kublai Khan


*Imperial reign of China ended by Kublai Khan "SONGDYNASTY," referring to a period of Chinese history characterized by the rule of the Song dynasty, which ended with the conquest by Kublai Khan's Mongol forces. "*Imperial reign of China ended by Kublai Khan" suggests a historical era concluded by the conquest of Kublai Khan, while "SONGDYNASTY" accurately represents the specific imperial dynasty that ended during this period.

“Summer of My German Soldier” novelist Greene


“Summer of My German Soldier” novelist Greene "BETTE," referring to Bette Greene, the author of the novel "Summer of My German Soldier." "“Summer of My German Soldier” novelist Greene" suggests a specific author known for a particular work, while "BETTE" accurately represents the name of the author associated with the novel.



Shrewd "CAGEY," indicating someone who is cautious, cunning, or wary in their actions or dealings. "Shrewd" suggests astuteness or cleverness, while "CAGEY" accurately describes someone who is cautious or reserved in their behavior.

Breeze (through)


Breeze (through) "WALTZ," referring to the act of accomplishing something with ease or without difficulty. "Breeze (through)" suggests completing a task effortlessly or smoothly, while "WALTZ" accurately describes the action of moving gracefully or effortlessly, often used metaphorically to indicate easy success.

Wax counterpart


Wax counterpart "WANE," indicates the gradual decrease or decline of something, often in intensity or importance. "Wax counterpart" suggests a counterpart or opposite phenomenon to waxing, while "WANE" accurately describes the process of diminishing or decreasing, particularly in the context of the moon's phases or the strength of something.

Grab a chair


Grab a chair "SIT," indicating the action of taking a seat or occupying a chair. "Grab a chair" suggests quickly taking a seat or settling down, while "SIT" accurately represents the action of sitting down or assuming a seated position.

The 411


The 411 "INFO," which is short for information. "The 411" suggests a colloquial term for essential or necessary information, often used in informal contexts, while "INFO" accurately represents the abbreviated form of the word "information."

*Florence Henderson sitcom role


*Florence Henderson's sitcom role "CAROLBRADY," refers to the character played by Florence Henderson in the sitcom "The Brady Bunch." "*Florence Henderson sitcom role" suggests a specific character portrayed by the actress, while "CAROLBRADY" accurately represents the name of the character from the show.

Situation Room gp.


Situation Room gp. "NSC," which stands for the National Security Council, a governmental organization in the United States responsible for advising the President on national security and foreign policy matters. "Situation Room gp." suggests a governmental agency or organization, while "NSC" accurately represents the abbreviation for the National Security Council.

Spicy tuna roll tuna


Spicy tuna roll tuna "AHI," refers to a type of tuna commonly used in sushi, particularly spicy tuna rolls. "Spicy tuna roll tuna" suggests a specific type of tuna often used in sushi rolls, while "AHI" accurately represents the name of the tuna variety.

Totally buy


Totally buy "EATUP," indicating complete acceptance or belief in something. "Totally buy" suggests wholeheartedly accepting or believing in something, while "EATUP" accurately describes the action of fully consuming or accepting something, often used metaphorically to indicate complete acceptance or approval.

Starts looking at things differently, as demonstrated by the first words of the answers to the starred clues?


Starts looking at things differently, as demonstrated by the first words of the answers to the starred clues? "CHANGESONESTUNE," indicating a shift in perspective or attitude, as hinted by the first words of the starred clues. "Starts looking at things differently" suggests a change in perspective or viewpoint, while "CHANGESONESTUNE" accurately describes the action of altering one's attitude or perception.



Unsettling "EERIE," describes something that evokes an uneasy or mysterious feeling. "Unsettling" suggests a disturbance or discomfort, while "EERIE" accurately depicts the sense of unease or spookiness.

Unexpected ending


Unexpected ending "TWIST," refers to a surprising or unforeseen turn of events, especially in a story or plot. "Unexpected ending" suggests a conclusion that deviates from expectations, while "TWIST" accurately describes a sudden and unexpected development.

Single-stranded genetic molecule


Single-stranded genetic molecule "RNA," which stands for ribonucleic acid, a type of nucleic acid molecule essential for various biological processes, including protein synthesis. "Single-stranded genetic molecule" suggests a specific type of genetic material, while "RNA" accurately represents the molecular structure described.

Specs dished in a gossip sesh


Specs dished in a gossip sesh " DEETS," which is short for details, often used informally to refer to specific information or particulars. "Specs dished in a gossip sesh" suggests sharing or divulging details during a gossip session, while "DEETS" accurately represents the informal term for details.

Zipper alternative


Zipper alternative " SNAPS," refers to fasteners consisting of interlocking metal or plastic components used to secure clothing or other items. "Zipper alternative" suggests an alternative method of fastening garments, while "SNAPS" accurately describes the type of fastener.



Noggin "NOB," which is a colloquial term for the head or skull. "Noggin" suggests a slang term for the human head, while "NOB" accurately represents the colloquial term used to refer to the head.

One-eighth of a circle


One-eighth of a circle is "OCTANT," referring to a mathematical concept where a circle is divided into eight equal parts. "One-eighth of a circle" suggests a fractional portion of a circular shape, while "OCTANT" accurately represents one of these eight segments.

Ingredient in a white or black Russian


Ingredient in a white or black Russian "KAHLUA," indicating a coffee-flavored liqueur often used in cocktails such as the White Russian or Black Russian. "Ingredient in a white or black Russian" suggests a component used in these cocktail recipes, while "KAHLUA" accurately represents the specific liqueur used in these drinks.

Sailor’s patron


Sailor’s patron "STELMO," referring to Saint Elmo, the patron saint of sailors and also of childbirth. "Sailor’s patron" suggests a protective figure revered by those at sea, while "STELMO" accurately represents the patron saint associated with sailors.

“Zorba the Greek” island


“Zorba the Greek” island " CRETE," indicating the Greek island where the novel and film "Zorba the Greek" are set. "“Zorba the Greek” island" suggests the geographical setting of the story, while "CRETE" accurately represents the specific island featured in the narrative.

She/__ pronouns


She/__ pronouns "HER," referring to the pronoun used to indicate possession or as the object of a verb or preposition. "She/__ pronouns" suggests a pair of pronouns used to refer to females, while "HER" accurately represents one of these pronouns.

Curling surface


Curling surface " ICE," indicating the slick surface upon which the sport of curling is played. "Curling surface" suggests the specific type of terrain required for the sport, while "ICE" accurately represents the frozen surface used in curling matches.

__ Angeles Sparks


__ Angeles Sparks " LOS," representing the abbreviation for Los Angeles, a city in California, USA. "__ Angeles Sparks" suggests the name of a sports team based in the city, while "LOS" accurately represents the abbreviated form of the city's name.



Aim "INTENT," indicating a person's purpose or objective in doing something. "Aim" suggests a goal or objective, while "INTENT" accurately represents the determination or purpose behind an action or decision.

Bathtub buildup


Bathtub buildup " SCUM," refers to the accumulation of soap residue, dirt, or oils that can form on the surface of a bathtub. "Bathtub buildup" suggests the collection of unwanted substances in a bathing area, while "SCUM" accurately represents the filmy residue that can develop.

Roofer’s sealant


Roofer’s sealant "TAR," indicating a viscous substance often used by roofers to seal and waterproof roofing materials. "Roofer’s sealant" suggests the material used to secure and protect roofs from leaks or damage, while "TAR" accurately represents the common sealant applied by roofers.

Right away


Right away " INAJIFFY," indicating a short period of time or immediately. "Right away" suggests an urgent or prompt action, while "INAJIFFY" accurately represents the notion of doing something quickly or without delay.

Total randos


Total randos " NONAMES," referring to individuals who are not well-known or recognized by name. "Total randos" suggests completely unknown or unfamiliar people, while "NONAMES" accurately represents individuals who lack recognizable identities.



Tie "TETHER," indicating a rope, chain, or similar device used to tie or restrain something. "Tie" suggests a fastening or binding mechanism, while "TETHER" accurately represents a means of securing or limiting movement.



Horde "MOB," referring to a large, disorderly crowd or group of people. "Horde" suggests a mass of individuals moving together, often in an unruly manner, while "MOB" accurately represents such a group, typically characterized by a lack of organization or control.

Bass beer


Bass beer "ALE," refers to a type of beer traditionally brewed using a top-fermenting yeast and typically having a fruity or bitter taste. "Bass beer" suggests a specific brand or type of beer, while "ALE" accurately represents the beverage category.



Gamut "RANGE," indicating the full extent or scope of something, often referring to a series or sequence of elements. "Gamut" suggests the entire range or spectrum of possibilities, while "RANGE" accurately represents the span or variation encompassed by a particular concept.

Served up a whopper


Served up a whopper "LIED," referring to the act of intentionally making a false statement or telling a lie. "Served up a whopper" suggests the telling of a significant or exaggerated falsehood, while "LIED" accurately represents the action of deceiving through false speech.

Race-sanctioning body since 1994


Race-sanctioning body since 1994 "INDYCAR," indicating the governing organization for open-wheel auto racing in North America since 1994. "Race-sanctioning body since 1994" suggests a regulatory authority overseeing motorsport events, while "INDYCAR" accurately represents the specific organization responsible for sanctioning IndyCar races.



Southpaw "LEFTY," referring to a person who is left-handed, particularly in sports such as boxing or baseball. "Southpaw" suggests a left-handed individual, while "LEFTY" accurately represents the colloquial term for a person who predominantly uses their left hand.

Bit of deception


Bit of deception "RUSE," indicating a cunning or deceitful tactic used to trick or deceive someone. "Bit of deception" suggests a small or subtle form of trickery, while "RUSE" accurately represents a clever or crafty strategy employed to achieve a particular outcome.

Words on a family banner


Words on a family banner "MOTTO," which refers to a brief statement or phrase expressing the guiding principles or beliefs of a family. "Words on a family banner" suggests a motto or slogan displayed on a family crest or flag, while "MOTTO" accurately represents the inscription often found on such banners.

Animated film with talking bugs


An animated film with talking bugs "ANTZ," indicating an animated film featuring anthropomorphic ants as characters. "Animated film with talking bugs" suggests an animated movie portraying insects with the ability to speak, while "ANTZ" accurately represents the title of the film.

Bialy kin


Bialy kin "BAGEL," referring to a type of bread product similar to a roll, typically with a dense, chewy interior and a crisp exterior. "Bialy kin" suggests a relative or similar item to a bialy, a type of bread roll, while "BAGEL" accurately represents the type of bread implied.

Practices for personal well-being


Practices for personal well-being "SELF-CARE," indicating actions or habits undertaken to maintain or improve one's physical, mental, or emotional health. "Practices for personal well-being" suggests activities or routines focused on self-improvement or wellness, while "SELF CARE" accurately represents the concept of taking care of oneself.

Prefix with tech


Prefix with tech "NANO," referring to a prefix denoting a very small or microscopic scale, often used in reference to technology or science. "Prefix with tech" suggests a modifier added to the word "tech," indicating something related to technology but on a small scale, while "NANO" accurately represents the prefix.

Wailing spirit of Irish folklore


Wailing spirit of Irish folklore "BANSHEE," which refers to a female spirit in Irish mythology believed to wail or shriek as a harbinger of death. "Wailing spirit of Irish folklore" suggests a supernatural entity associated with mournful cries or lamentations, while "BANSHEE" accurately represents the specific spirit from Irish folklore.

Showed vicarious embarrassment, in a way


Showed vicarious embarrassment, in a way "WINCED," indicating a reaction of slight physical discomfort or pain in response to someone else's embarrassment or awkwardness. "Showed vicarious embarrassment, in a way" suggests displaying discomfort on behalf of another person's situation, while "WINCED" accurately represents the action described.



Midriffs "WAISTS," referring to the narrowest part of the human body between the ribs and the hips. "Midriffs" suggests the region of the body around the waistline, while "WAISTS" accurately represents this anatomical feature.

Body with notable rings


Body with notable rings "SATURN," referring to the sixth planet from the sun in the solar system, known for its prominent ring system. "Body with notable rings" suggests a celestial object distinguished by its ring structure, while "SATURN" accurately represents the specific planet described.

“Search me”


“Search me” "IDUNNO," indicating uncertainty or lack of knowledge in response to a question. "“Search me”" suggests a colloquial expression used to convey ignorance or uncertainty about a topic, while "IDUNNO" accurately represents the informal spelling of the phrase.

Universal blood recipient’s designation


Universal blood recipient’s designation "TYPEAB," referring to individuals with blood type AB, which can receive blood from donors with any ABO blood type. "Universal blood recipient’s designation" suggests a blood type that can accept transfusions from multiple blood types, while "TYPEAB" accurately represents this specific blood group.

Jost’s “Weekend Update” co-host


Jost’s “Weekend Update” co-host "CHE," referring to comedian Michael Che, who co-hosts the "Weekend Update" segment on the television show "Saturday Night Live." "Jost’s 'Weekend Update' co-host" suggests a colleague who shares hosting duties with Colin Jost on the show's news parody segment, while "CHE" accurately represents Michael Che, the comedian in question.



Outperforms "BESTS," indicating the action of surpassing or excelling beyond someone or something else. "Outperforms" suggests achieving superior results or performance compared to others, while "BESTS" accurately represents the verb form describing this accomplishment.



Snitch "RAT," referring to a person who informs on others or betrays their confidence to authorities. "Snitch" suggests someone who reveals confidential information or implicates others in wrongdoing, while "RAT" accurately represents the colloquial term for such an individual.

Long time


Long time "AGES," indicating a significant or extended period of time. "Long time" suggests a duration that feels prolonged or extensive, while "AGES" accurately represents the expression used to describe a lengthy period.

Minor quibble


Minor quibble "NIT," referring to a minor complaint or trivial objection. "Minor quibble" suggests a small issue or annoyance, while "NIT" accurately represents the colloquial term for a minor concern or criticism.

Hold title to


Hold title to "OWN," indicating possession or ownership of something. "Hold title to" suggests having legal ownership or control over a particular asset or property, while "OWN" accurately represents the verb form describing this possession.

Actress/director Vardalos


Actress/director Vardalos "NIA," referring to actress and director Nia Vardalos, known for her work in the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and other projects. "Actress/director Vardalos" suggests a multifaceted performer involved in both acting and directing, while "NIA" accurately represents the name of the individual in question.

Psychic’s letters


Psychic’s letters "ESP," which stands for extrasensory perception, referring to the supposed ability to perceive information through means other than the known human senses. "Psychic’s letters" suggests the abbreviation for a paranormal ability to perceive thoughts or events, while "ESP" accurately represents the phenomenon described.

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