Daily Commuter Crossword Clue Answer For Today March 30, 2024

Check out here for the answers to the Daily Commuter Crossword Puzzle for March 30, 2024, and see if you have cracked the clues perfectly

by Abisha

Updated Mar 30, 2024

Daily Commuter Crossword Clue Answer For Today March 30, 2024

Challenge yourself with the Daily Commuter Crossword Clue that engages players to crack the answer in a short period. It engages players to solve the answer quickly which helps to improve their mental ability and relax in their short break time.

The solution for today's Daily Commuter crossword puzzle is provided here for those who may be having difficulty finding the answer.

Musical Puente

Answer: TITO

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Tito Puente was a renowned Latin jazz and salsa musician, known for his contributions to the genre as a percussionist, bandleader, and composer.

Frat letter

Answer: SIGMA

In Greek-letter fraternities, "Sigma" is a common letter used in the names of various fraternity organizations.

Businesses: Abbr.

Answer: COS

"COS" is an abbreviation for "Companies," often used in the context of businesses or corporate entities.

Raga instrument

Answer: SITAR

The sitar is a traditional Indian stringed instrument used in classical music, particularly in the performance of ragas, which are melodic frameworks in Indian classical music.

Atlantic or Pacific

Answer: OCEAN

The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are two of the world's major oceans, known for their vastness and significance in global geography and maritime trade.

Tailless primate

Answer: APE

Apes are primates belonging to the superfamily Hominoidea, characterized by their lack of a tail. Examples include gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans.

Seasonal hopper: 2 wds.


The Easter Bunny is a popular character associated with the Easter holiday, known for delivering Easter eggs and candy to children. It is often depicted as a rabbit or bunny hopping around during the Easter season.

Affleck of "Argo"

Answer: BEN

This clue is a straightforward reference to the Hollywood actor Ben Affleck. He played the lead role in the 2012 historical thriller film "Argo," which tells the true story of the CIA's daring rescue operation of American hostages during the Iran hostage crisis.

Work without __: 2 wds.

Answer: ANET

This two-word answer hints at risk and vulnerability. "Working without a net" is a common idiom describing a situation where someone takes a significant risk with no safety measures or backup plan in place. Imagine a trapeze artist performing without a net below – a high-stakes situation!

Good thing

Answer: ASSET

This clue taps into the concept of value and benefit. An asset is something valuable that contributes positively to a situation. It can be a physical resource like property, a financial resource like money, or even an intangible quality like a person's skills or experience.


Answer: KIND

This clue focuses on positive human qualities. Being kind means having a compassionate and caring nature, and being willing to help others. Kindness is often considered a cornerstone of good character and strong relationships.

Medicinal plants

Answer: ALOES

This clue delves into the world of natural remedies. Medicinal plants are those with properties that can be used to treat or prevent illnesses. Aloe vera is a well-known example, with its gel used for soothing burns and other skin conditions.

"Paradise Lost" tempter

Answer: SATAN

John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost" tells the story of the fall of humanity. The central antagonist is Satan, who tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit.

U.SArmed __

Answer: FORCES

This clue refers to the military branch responsible for defending the United States. The U.S. Armed Forces encompass the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

Glossy fabric

Answer: SATEEN

This clue describes a type of fabric with a smooth, lustrous surface. Sateen is often used for clothing like dresses and lingerie due to its elegant drape and sheen.

Add flavor to

Answer: SEASON

Add flavor to clue deals with enhancing taste. Seasoning refers to adding spices, herbs, or other flavorings to food during preparation.

"That's a lie!": 2 wds.

Answer: NOTSO

This two-word answer is a common way to express disbelief or contradiction. "Not so" directly negates a previous statement, implying it's untrue

Snapshot, for short

Answer: PIC

This clue is a shortened version of a more formal term. "Pic" is a casual abbreviation for "picture," especially in the context of photography.

Music genre: Abbr.


This clue requires knowledge of musical abbreviations. "Alt-rock" stands for alternative rock, a genre that emerged in the 1980s and often features elements of punk, indie, and other styles.

Boar's mate

Answer: SOW

In the context of animals, a "boar" is a male pig, and a "sow" is a female pig. They are mates in the sense that they are male and female counterparts in the pig species, often used in breeding.


Answer: BROAD

Something that is comprehensive covers a wide range or is inclusive of many things. "Broad" in this context refers to something that is extensive or encompasses a large scope.

Viral or bacterial lineage

Answer: STRAIN

In microbiology, a "strain" refers to a genetic variant or subtype of a microorganism, whether it's a virus, bacterium, or other pathogen. Strains can differ in characteristics such as virulence, resistance, or antigenicity.

Transaction party

Answer: SELLER

In a transaction, there are typically two main parties involved: the buyer and the seller. The seller is the party who provides goods or services in exchange for payment.

One urged to repent

Answer: SINNER

A "sinner" is someone who commits sin or wrongdoing according to religious or moral standards. They may be urged to repent, meaning to feel remorseful for their actions and seek forgiveness.


Answer: LURES

To "tempt" someone is to entice or persuade them to do something, often something morally wrong or unwise. "Lures" are objects or incentives used to attract or tempt someone, such as bait in fishing.

Prop for Groucho Marx

Answer: CIGAR

Groucho Marx, a famous comedian and actor known for his work in films and television, was often seen with a cigar as a prop. It became a signature part of his persona and comedic style, often used for humorous effect in his performances.

Fraudulent scheme

Answer: SCAM

This clue highlights deceitful practices. A scam is a dishonest plan or operation designed to cheat someone out of money or something else valuable. Scams can come in many forms, from phishing emails to pyramid schemes. It's important to be vigilant and aware of different scam tactics to protect yourself.

Sip or bite

Answer: TASTE

Tasting involves taking a small amount of something in your mouth to experience its flavor. But tasting goes beyond just the basic five flavors – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. It's a complex process involving your sense of smell and the interaction of taste receptors on your tongue.

Keds competitor

Answer: AVIA

This clue takes us into the world of footwear. Keds is a well-known brand of casual canvas sneakers. Avia is another brand that competes in the same market segment, offering similar styles of athletic shoes.

Server's reward

Answer: TIP

This clue delves into the service industry. A tip is a gratuity given to a server or other service provider as a token of appreciation for their work. Tipping etiquette varies around the world, but in some cultures, it's a significant part of a server's income.

Continuously flowing


This clue describes something that moves around in a closed loop. Circulating can refer to the movement of fluids like blood in the body or air in a ventilation system. It can also describe the flow of information or ideas within a group.

@ @ @

Answer: ATS

  • This clue is a bit more cryptic. The "@" symbol can have several meanings in the digital world. Here, it could represent "at," which is often abbreviated as "@" in email addresses.
  • Three "ats" might then be a playful way to represent "ATs," which could be an abbreviation for something specific depending on the context of the crossword puzzle.

Edible bulb

Answer: ONION

An onion is a vegetable with a pungent flavor, commonly used in cooking around the world. But did you know onions are actually bulbs, a type of underground storage organ for plants? They're packed with nutrients and boast a surprising history – archeological evidence suggests onions have been cultivated for over 5,000 years!

On edge

Answer: TENSE

This clue describes an emotional state. Being "on edge" means feeling anxious, nervous, or easily agitated. It's like being stretched tight, ready to snap under pressure.

Pumpernickel grain

Answer: RYE

Pumpernickel bread is a dark, dense type of bread known for its strong flavor. Rye is the main grain used in pumpernickel, giving it its distinctive taste and texture. Rye is also used in other breads and whiskeys.

"Haste makes __"

Answer: WASTE

This clue is a common proverb. "Haste makes waste" means that rushing something can lead to mistakes and ultimately wasted time or resources. Taking the time to do things carefully can often be more efficient in the long run.

Outer limit

Answer: EDGE

The edge is the outermost part of something, where it meets another thing or ends. It can be a physical edge like the edge of a table or a more metaphorical edge like the edge of one's comfort zone.

"The Princess and the Frog" princess

Answer: TIANA

"The Princess and the Frog" is a Disney animated film featuring Tiana, a waitress who dreams of opening her own restaurant. Through a magical twist, she turns into a frog and embarks on an adventure to break the spell.

Speaks for __

Answer: ITSELF

This clue delves into communication. Something that "speaks for itself" is so clear or well-done that it doesn't need additional explanation. The quality or impact itself communicates the message effectively.

Some body art


Tattoos are a form of body art where ink is inserted into the skin to create designs or images. They are often chosen for their personal significance and can represent cultural, symbolic, or aesthetic meanings for the individual wearing them.

Mined resource

Answer: ORE

Ore refers to naturally occurring materials from which minerals or metals can be extracted through mining. It is typically found in the earth's crust and contains valuable substances like iron, copper, gold, or silver.

Cries loudly

Answer: SOBS

To "sob" is to cry loudly and uncontrollably, often accompanied by heaving breaths and audible expressions of emotion. Sobbing is typically associated with sadness, grief, or intense emotional distress

Post-op destinations

Answer: ICUS

"ICUs" stands for Intensive Care Units. These are specialized hospital units equipped to provide intensive medical care, monitoring, and support for critically ill patients, including those who have undergone surgery.

Chromosome parts

Answer: GENES

Genes are segments of DNA located on chromosomes that contain instructions for building and maintaining an organism's cells and functions. They determine various traits and characteristics passed down from parents to offspring through heredity.

Rays in the water

Answer: MANTAS

Manta rays are large, flat-bodied marine creatures that belong to the family Mobulidae. They are known for their graceful swimming motions and distinctive wing-like fins, making them appear like "rays" gliding through the water.

"__ objections?"

Answer: ANY

In a legal context, when someone asks "Any objections?" they are inquiring if there are any objections or disagreements with a particular action or decision. The word "any" here implies openness to objections from any party involved.

Kitchen storage spots


Cabinets are common storage fixtures in kitchens, typically installed above or below countertops and used to store dishes, cookware, food items, and other kitchen essentials.

Ready for customers

Answer: OPEN

When a business is "open," it means that it is operating and ready to serve customers. This term is often displayed on signs to indicate that the establishment is welcoming customers during its regular hours of operation.

Put in the mail

Answer: SEND

To "send" something means to dispatch or forward it to a recipient, often through the postal service or other delivery methods. This action involves physically transferring the item from one location to another.

Bering or Barents

Answer: SEA

The Bering Sea and the Barents Sea are both bodies of water, making "SEA" the common denominator between the two. Both seas are located in the northern hemisphere, with the Bering Sea lying between Alaska and Russia, and the Barents Sea situated off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia.

Roguish sort

Answer: RASCAL

A "rascal" is a mischievous or playful person, often characterized by engaging in mildly dishonest or naughty behavior. It's a term used to describe someone who is a bit of a scoundrel or troublemaker, but usually in a lighthearted or affectionate manner.

Bruce Lee role

Answer: KATO

Kato is a character played by Bruce Lee in the television series "The Green Hornet." Kato is the masked vigilante's (Green Hornet's) sidekick and martial arts expert, known for his impressive fighting skills.

Amazon's Kindle, for one

Answer: READER

The Amazon Kindle is an e-reader device designed for reading digital books (e-books). Therefore, it falls into the category of electronic devices known as "readers" because they are primarily used for reading text-based content.

Two-piece suit


A tankini is a type of two-piece swimsuit for women. It typically consists of a tank top-style top paired with bikini bottoms. The tankini offers more coverage than a traditional bikini while still providing the convenience of a two-piece ensemble.

Guesses: Abbr.

Answer: ESTS

In this context, "ESTS" is an abbreviation for "estimates." It refers to calculated guesses or approximations of quantities, values, or outcomes.


Answer: SORTS

"Sorts" refers to different kinds, categories, or varieties of things. It implies the act of arranging or classifying items based on their similarities or differences.

That, in Spanish

Answer: ESO

In Spanish, "eso" is a demonstrative pronoun that translates to "that" in English. It is used to refer to a specific object or idea that is further away from the speaker compared to "this" ("esto" or "esta").

"At once!"

Answer: NOW

"Now" is an adverb indicating an immediate or current time. In this context, "At once!" is a command or imperative urging immediate action.

Sushi seaweed

Answer: NORI

Nori is a type of edible seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine, particularly in the preparation of sushi and rice balls (onigiri). It is often dried and pressed into thin sheets.

"Frontline" network

Answer: PBS

PBS stands for the Public Broadcasting Service, which is a non-profit public television network in the United States. It is known for producing and airing educational and informative programming, including the documentary series "Frontline."

Extreme anger

Answer: IRE

"Ire" refers to intense or extreme anger, wrath, or fury. It describes a strong emotion characterized by resentment or indignation towards a person, situation, or action.

Cave in


To "collapse" is to fall down or give way suddenly, often as a result of external pressure, structural failure, or physical exhaustion. In the context of a cave, a collapse refers to the sudden falling in or caving in of the cave structure.

Call off

Answer: CANCEL

To "cancel" something is to officially annul, revoke, or terminate it, particularly an event, appointment, or arrangement that was previously scheduled or planned.


Answer: ALUM

"Alum" is a colloquial abbreviation for "alumnus" or "alumna," referring to a graduate of a school, college, or university. It typically denotes someone who has completed a degree program and is considered an alumni of the institution.



Both "nullified" and "negated" mean to cancel out, invalidate, or make something ineffective. They both essentially express the idea of something being made void.

Layer of the eye

Answer: RETINA

The retina is a layer of tissue located at the back of the eye that contains light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors). It plays a crucial role in vision by receiving light and converting it into neural signals that are sent to the brain for visual processing.

Stark __ mad

Answer: RAVING

"Stark raving mad" is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who is extremely and uncontrollably crazy or insane. It emphasizes the intensity of the person's madness or lunacy.

Draped wedding garments

Answer: SARIS

Saris are traditional garments worn by women in South Asia, particularly in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. They are long pieces of fabric that are draped elegantly around the body, often worn for special occasions like weddings.

Get the suds out of

Answer: RINSE

This clue delves into cleaning. Rinsing involves removing soap or cleaning products from something with clean water. It's an essential step in the cleaning process to ensure the surface is free of residue.


Answer: STAR

Celebrities are individuals who are widely recognized and admired by the public, often due to their achievements in entertainment, sports, or other fields. The term "star" has been used for centuries to denote exceptional performers, with its association to celestial bodies symbolizing brilliance and distinction.

Big dot on a map

Answer: CITY

Cities are typically depicted on maps with larger and more prominent symbols compared to smaller towns or villages. These symbols can vary depending on the map's style, but their size effectively communicates the relative importance and population density of different settlements.

Inverness native

Answer: SCOT

Inverness is a city in Scotland, located in the majestic Scottish Highlands. Someone from Inverness would be referred to as a Scot. "Scot" can encompass both people born in Scotland and those with Scottish ancestry. Scotland has a rich cultural heritage, known for its kilts, bagpipes, and unique traditions.


Answer: TUNE

  • A melody is the main succession of notes that forms the recognizable and often catchy part of a song or piece of music.
  • It's the musical phrase that gets stuck in your head and carries the essence of the song. Melodies can be simple or complex, but they play a crucial role in shaping the emotional impact and memorability of music.

Birthday candle count

Answer: AGE

Birthday cakes often feature candles, with the number lit corresponding to the person's age. This custom adds a visual element to the celebration and serves as a reminder of the special occasion. Blowing out the candles and making a wish is a cherished tradition for many cultures around the world.

Farm animal

Answer: COW

A cow is a large, domesticated, cud-chewing mammal. Cows are a vital part of agriculture, providing milk, meat, and leather. They have been domesticated for thousands of years and play a significant role in the food production systems of many countries.

Fed on

Answer: ATE

While "ate" is the most direct answer to "fed on," the clue "fed on" offers a richer opportunity to explore the concept of consumption:

Beyond Simply Eating:

  • "Ate" refers to the act of consuming food, but "fed on" suggests a more sustained process. It implies something being nourished or influenced over time. For instance, a plant might be said to "fed on" by sunlight for continuous growth, or an artist's creativity might be "fed on" by constant exposure to new experiences.
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