Daily Mail Quick Crossword Clue with Answers April 13 2024

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by Shoba

Updated Apr 13, 2024

Daily Mail Quick Crossword Clue with Answers April 13 2024

People who are interested in solving crossword puzzles can try this Daily Mail Quick, solving crosswords can improve your IQ level and solving abilities. So let’s get started!

Question: Seemliness (7)


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DECORUM refers to appropriateness in behavior or appearance, reflecting a sense of seemliness. This term encapsulates the idea of maintaining proper conduct in various social situations, contributing to harmony and respect.

Question: Dire (5)


AWFUL describes something extremely distressing or terrible. It denotes a situation or thing that inspires great fear, dread, or discomfort, evoking a sense of dire urgency or seriousness.

Question: Purloin (5)


STEAL is the act of taking something unlawfully or without permission. It implies the wrongful appropriation of another's property or possessions, often done secretly or deceitfully.

Question: Italian rice dish (7)


RISOTTO is a traditional Italian rice dish, known for its creamy texture and rich flavor. This culinary delight is typically made with Arborio rice, broth, butter, onions, and various other ingredients such as cheese, vegetables, or seafood.

Question: Not prepared (7)


UNREADY refers to a state of not being prepared or lacking readiness. It suggests a lack of readiness or preparation for a particular task, event, or situation, indicating a need for further planning or organization.

Question: Borders (5)


EDGES define the boundaries or perimeters of an object or area. In the context of the crossword question, it refers to the lines or boundaries that delineate the outer limits or borders of something.

Question: Gents' hairdresser (6)


BARBER is a professional who specializes in cutting and styling men's hair. Traditionally, barbershops have been spaces where men gather not only for grooming but also for socializing and camaraderie.

Question: Animal Farm author (6)


ORWELL is the author of the famous allegorical novel Animal Farm. George Orwell's work often critiques political systems and societal norms, using allegory and satire to convey deeper meanings.

Question: Domesticated (5)


TAMED describes an animal that has been domesticated or brought under control. It suggests that through training or conditioning, the wild or unruly nature of the animal has been subdued, leading to a more docile and manageable demeanor.

Question: Oriental (7)


This word refers to anything relating to the Orient, specifically the eastern parts of Asia. It could describe cultures, traditions, or philosophies originating from countries like China, Japan, or Korea.

Question: Root vegetable (7)


A root vegetable commonly used in cooking, the parsnip resembles a white carrot and is known for its sweet, nutty flavor. It's often roasted, mashed, or used in soups and stews.

Question: Intended (5)


Intended usually suggests the idea of purpose or planned action. The word MEANT encapsulates this concept well, as it signifies something that was planned or intended to happen.

Question: Prose composition (5)


A common crossword clue for a five-letter word related to prose composition is ESSAY. This word signifies a written piece that explores a topic or expresses the author's viewpoint in a structured manner.

Question: Incessant (7)


When crossword puzzles use the term incessant with seven letters, they're often hinting at the word ENDLESS. This adjective describes something that continues without interruption or seems to have no end.

Question: Upset, agitate (7)


Disturb is the correct choice, reflecting the notion of disrupting or unsettling a state of calm or order. When something disturbs, it can provoke feelings of unease, discomfort, or disruption. This word encompasses both physical and emotional disruptions, ranging from minor inconveniences to significant disturbances.

Question: Shout of approval (5)


Cheer is the apt response, representing an enthusiastic expression of approval or encouragement. This word encapsulates the lively vocal support often given in response to something exciting, uplifting, or praiseworthy. 

Question: Let go (7)


When one decides to release something, they let it go, freeing it from their grasp or control. This action often signifies a deliberate choice to relinquish possession or attachment to something.

Question: One who dies for a cause (6)


A martyr is someone who sacrifices their life for a cause they believe in deeply. Their willingness to die for their beliefs is a profound expression of dedication and conviction.

Question: Gangway (5)


In a crowded or structured environment, a gangway or aisle provides a passage for movement, allowing people to navigate through a space with ease.

Question: Weariness (7)


Weariness, or fatigue, is a state of physical or mental exhaustion resulting from exertion, lack of sleep, or prolonged stress. It manifests as a feeling of tiredness or depletion of energy.

Question: Physical appearance (5)


Looks refer to the outward appearance or physical aspect of a person, often pertaining to their facial features or overall appearance.

Question: Comments (7)


Remarks are comments or statements made about something, often expressing an opinion or observation.

Question: Started again after a break (7)


When an activity or process restarts after a pause or interruption, it is resumed. This implies a continuation from where it left off, picking up the thread of progress once again.

Question: Syrupy medicine (7)


Syrupy medicine hints at a type of medicinal liquid, often taken to soothe a cough or sore throat. The answer, LINCTUS, fits the description perfectly, as it refers to a thick, viscous syrup used for medicinal purposes.

Question: Place of worship (6)


TEMPLE is a common term for such a place, found in various cultures and religions worldwide, serving as a sanctuary for prayer, meditation, and communal rituals.

Question: Native American tent (5)


Native American tent directs attention to a traditional dwelling structure used by indigenous peoples of North America. The answer is TEPEE, which is a conical tent made of animal hides or fabric historically used by tribes like the Sioux.

Question: Fop (5)


Fop describes a person, typically male, who is excessively concerned with their appearance and fashion. The answer, DANDY, refers to such an individual who pays meticulous attention to their clothing and grooming.

Question: Rub out (5)


Rub out suggests the action of erasing or removing something by rubbing it away. The answer, ERASE, fits this description perfectly and is commonly used in contexts involving removing marks or writing from a surface.

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