Discover Daily Mail Cryptic Clues and Answers for April 6, 2024

Today's puzzles are filled with challenges that will put your skills to the test. Take some time to solve them and enjoy a happy day.

by Abisha

Updated Apr 06, 2024

Discover Daily Mail Cryptic Clues and Answers for April 6, 2024

Hello puzzle lovers! Get ready for another challenging crossword clue to solve. Give today's crossword puzzle a try using the clues provided here, and don't forget to check below for the answers and explanations. So, let's get started

Have a high opinion of speed (4)


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The clue suggests that we are looking for a word meaning "to have a high opinion of" followed by a synonym for "speed." The answer is "RATE," as it can mean both to assess or evaluate (have a high opinion of) and a measure of speed or pace.

Titled lady in Italy one casts out (8)


This clue involves wordplay. "Titled lady in Italy" refers to a "CONTESSA," which is a title for a noblewoman in Italy. "One casts out" indicates removing the letter "I" (one) from "CONTESSA," resulting in "CONTESS," which fits the clue for a "titled lady."

Progressive Indian state gets leader (2-5)


The clue suggests that we are looking for a phrase meaning "progressive Indian state" followed by a term for "leader." The answer is "GO AHEAD," where "GOA" is a progressive Indian state, and "HEAD" refers to a leader.

Article accepted by most suitable animal (5)


This clue involves inserting an article (a word like "the" or "a") into another word to create a new word. "Most suitable animal" is a "BEAST," and when you insert the article "A," you get "BEAST," meaning the "most suitable animal."

Find a small quantity (5)


The clue suggests finding or locating something followed by a term for "a small quantity." The answer is "TRACE," which can mean to find or discover something hidden or to leave a small amount or "trace" of something.

Act to capture constant highwayman (6)


This clue suggests that we need to find a word meaning "act" that includes (captures) a synonym for "constant" and a term for "highwayman." The answer is "TURPIN," referring to the notorious English highwayman Dick Turpin. When you include the letter "C" (constant) in "TURPIN," you get "CAPTURIN" (act to capture).

Ordinary woman left behind (6)


The clue suggests that we need to find a word meaning "ordinary" followed by a term for "woman" with the letter "L" (left) removed. The answer is "NORMAL," meaning "ordinary." When you remove the letter "L" (left) from "WOMAN," you get "NORMA," which is another term for a woman.

Talk for too long? That's absolutely right! (4,2)


This clue involves wordplay. "Talk for too long" suggests a phrase that means to talk excessively. "Absolutely right" hints at a phrase that means something is correct. The answer is "BANG ON," where "BANG" can mean to talk vigorously or emphatically, and "ON" suggests correctness or accuracy.

A little boy's terrified by a mollusc (6)


This clue suggests that we are looking for a word meaning "a little boy" followed by a term for "terrified" surrounding (by) a type of mollusc. The answer is "OYSTER," where "BOY'S" indicates the word "OY," meaning a little boy, and "TERRIFIED" surrounds it, forming the word "OYSTER," which is indeed a type of mollusc.

Char seen when vocalist doesn't finish (5)


This clue involves wordplay. "Char" suggests a term related to burning or scorching. "Seen when vocalist doesn't finish" indicates removing the last letter (finish) from a word meaning "vocalist" to get the desired answer. The answer is "SINGE," which means to burn superficially or scorch.

Old and useless like an egg (5)


This clue suggests that the answer is a word meaning "old and useless" that is similar to the shape of an egg. The answer is "OVOID," which means egg-shaped or resembling an egg. It fits the clue perfectly.

Nude, sir, could be covered (7)


This clue involves wordplay. "Nude, sir" suggests the word "INSURE," meaning to cover or protect against loss or damage. The clue is a play on words, where "nude, sir" sounds like "INSURE." Therefore, the answer is "INSURED," which is a term meaning covered or protected.

Avoid favourites backed by team (8)


This clue suggests a word meaning "avoid" followed by a term meaning "favourites" with the abbreviation for "team" reversed (backed). The answer is "SIDESTEP," where "SIDE" means to avoid and "STEP" can refer to a unit of movement.

Look for lord (4)


This clue is a simple one. "Look for" suggests a verb meaning to search for something, and "lord" indicates a noble title. The answer is "PEER," which can mean to look intently or search, and it is also a title of nobility.

A capital girl for making pasta (8)


This clue involves wordplay. "A capital girl" suggests the letter "R" (a capital letter) followed by a female name. "For making pasta" indicates a type of pasta. The answer is "RIGATONI," where "R" is the capital letter, and "IGA" could be interpreted as a girl's name (although not a common one), followed by "TONI," which is a type of pasta.

Top Gear for Pope (5)


This clue involves wordplay and a bit of misdirection. "Top Gear" suggests something worn on the head, and "for Pope" implies a piece of headgear associated with the Pope. The answer is "TIARA," which is a type of crown or headpiece often worn by the Pope.

That's peculiar, not even Italy misses Al (6)


This clue involves wordplay and a bit of lateral thinking. "That's peculiar" suggests that the answer is something unusual or strange. "Not even Italy misses Al" suggests removing the letters "AL" from "Italy" to get the answer. The answer is "ODDITY," which means something peculiar or unusual.

Row about black river in Italy (5)


This clue suggests a word meaning "row" or "argument" surrounding (about) a term for "black" followed by a river in Italy. The answer is "TIBER," which is a river in Italy.

Saint growing old but performing dramatically (7)


This clue suggests a word meaning "performing dramatically" with the abbreviation for "saint" and a term meaning "old" inserted (growing). The answer is "STAGING," which means the act of presenting a play or performance dramatically.

Some fantastic sparkling wine (4)


The clue suggests that we're looking for a type of sparkling wine. "ASTI" refers to Asti Spumante, a sparkling white wine produced in the Asti region of Italy. It's known for its sweetness and slight effervescence.

Information found by girl in Swiss city (6)


This clue suggests a city in Switzerland. "GENEVA" is the answer, as it's a major Swiss city known for being the headquarters of various international organizations and for its role in diplomacy.

Produce Greene novel about Central London (8)


The clue hints at the creation of a novel by Greene. "ENGENDER" fits the description, as it means to produce or give rise to. "Greene" likely refers to the author Graham Greene, and the phrase "novel about Central London" suggests the setting or theme of the work.

Name of man involved with Don and Mary? (7)


This clue suggests a man's name associated with "Don" and "Mary." The answer is "RAYMOND." "Don" and "Mary" are likely specific individuals or characters, and "Raymond" is a common male name that could be associated with them.

Endless help one is given where saint was born (6)


The clue indicates the birthplace of a saint. "ASSISI" is the answer, as it's the Italian town where Saint Francis of Assisi was born. The wordplay involves taking the word "help," removing its last letter (endless), and adding "one is" to get "ASSISI."

Cook from Serbia (6)


The clue suggests a term for a cook. "BRAISE" fits, as it's a cooking method that involves browning meat or vegetables in fat, then simmering them slowly in liquid. It's not directly related to Serbia but fits the clue in terms of its association with cooking.

Time and date in Rome for flowers (5)


The clue suggests a term related to flowers. "TIDES" is the answer, playing on the word's similarity to "tulips." "Time and date in Rome" may refer to the concept of "tides" (the regular rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces), which sounds like "tulips" when pronounced with an Italian accent.

Tender translation of runes (5)


This clue suggests a term for tender or caring. "NURSE" fits, as it means to care for or look after someone who is ill or injured. "Translation of runes" suggests deciphering or interpreting ancient symbols or writing.

Gosh! Wild animals! (4)


This clue suggests a term for wild animals. "HOGS" is the answer, referring to domesticated pigs or boars. "Gosh" is an exclamation expressing surprise or astonishment, and "wild animals" indicates the type of creatures being referred to.

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