Escape The Backrooms UPDATE 3 Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, and More

Embark on an unforgettable journey with our “Escape the Backrooms UPDATE 3 Walkthrough” and discover the secrets of the Survival game, Escape the Backrooms.

by Harini

Updated Jun 17, 2023

Escape The Backrooms UPDATE 3 Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, and More

Escape the Backrooms Wiki

Escape the Backrooms, the bone-chilling horror game brought to you by Fancy Games will take you on a thrilling cooperative adventure based on the infamous Backrooms creepypasta. Developed and published by the talented minds behind Fancy Games, this game is a true masterpiece, even with just one person behind its creation (for now).

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Prepare to be captivated by the immersive graphics, atmospheric lighting, and meticulously crafted details that will transport you right into the heart of the Backrooms. You'll feel as if you've stepped into another dimension, where danger lurks around every corner.

In Escape the Backrooms, you'll embark on a spine-tingling journey with 1-4 players, working together to explore haunting levels and uncover the secrets that lie within. But beware, for you are not alone. Sinister entities and other threats roam these corridors, ready to strike when you least expect it. Your survival depends on your wit, teamwork, and the ability to stay one step ahead of the lurking dangers.

But fear not, for Fancy Games has you covered with free content updates. With each update, you'll be rewarded with new levels and game modes, ensuring that the terror never ends. The community of players will always have something fresh and horrifying to sink their teeth into.

So gather your friends, brace yourself for the unknown, and get ready to experience the chilling thrill of Escape the Backrooms. Will you escape this nightmarish realm, or will you become trapped forever in its twisted corridors? The choice is yours, but remember, the Backrooms are unforgiving, and only the bravest will emerge victorious.

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Escape The Backrooms UPDATE 3 Walkthrough

Step right up, folks! Get ready for an exhilarating ride through the major updated version of Escape The Backrooms! We've got all the tips and tricks you need to conquer this challenging game.

And guess what? The more levels you complete, the more we'll update our guide to keep you on the cutting edge. So, if you're struggling to make it to the finish line, buckle up and let us take you on a wild adventure with our Escape The Backrooms guide!

Level 0 – Backrooms

Level 0, here we go!

When you begin, you'll find yourself in an empty, yellow building. Now, the spawn location is random, but fear not, you'll always spawn "in the front" of the map. Look out for the key to the exit, it's hiding on the far right side (before random spawning). If you end up with a random spawn, you have a couple of options.

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You can explore and search for the ladder pieces to build your way up, or you can try to locate a dimly lit area. If you find the dim area, face away from it and head towards the back right side of the map. Gather those ladder pieces and grab the key, my friend!

Once you have the key in hand, make your way through the right hallway, facing away from the ladder. Stick to the right wall until you spot a red door that's slightly off the wall. Now, here's a little dare for you: you can attempt to cross the treacherous Pitfalls if you're feeling brave.

But beware, falling into the Pitfalls will lead you straight to Part 2 of the Backrooms. Oh, and keep an ear out for a knock, because after a certain amount of time, the dreaded Bacteria might just show up!

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Level 0 Part 2:

Now, hold on tight! Level 0 Part 2 is a whole new ball game. It's super easy to catch the attention of the Bacteria, but don't worry, you've got infinite stamina when running away from them.

Keep that momentum going even after the monster disappears, and you won't lose a bit of your stamina. Your mission in this level is to find a door that resembles an empty living room with a kitchen and make your way upstairs.

Level 1 – Habitable Zone (Skin-Stealers)

Level 1, let's do this!

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As you venture into Level 1, you'll find yourself in an empty garage, which happens to be a safe spot. Head over to the far right side and locate a red-ish door with a window. Count the colors of the cars you see and remember their order. The colors of the cars are read from top to bottom and left to right. For example, if you spot a blue car on the left and a green car on the right, followed by a yellow car on the left and another green car on the right, the code would be "blue green yellow green." Got it?

Great! Proceed to the elevator near the spawn and enter the code. Oh, and don't forget to grab some refreshing almond water and perhaps a trusty flashlight.

Level 1 Part 2:

Here come the entities! Brace yourself, because the number of entities that spawn increases with the number of players. They'll be waiting for you on the far left side. As soon as you step out of the elevator, head straight for the first door. Now, pay close attention here—check for keys! There are a total of four keys scattered randomly throughout the area. You might even find more than one or three in a room. Once you've thoroughly searched and collected all the keys, continue straight ahead after

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Level 2 - The Hub!

As you enter, you'll come face to face with a giant garage door that's just begging to be opened. But hold your horses, my friend, you can't crack it just yet. Head towards the only other door in the vicinity. Brace yourself as you find yourself in a tunnel filled with more doors, but don't get too excited—they're not openable, except for one lonely door standing all by itself. Here's the tricky part: match the displayed code with the codes you can select.

Keep an eye out for a green panel on the right side and give it a good ol' switcheroo to turn on the lights. Now, to uncover the code for the computers, you'll find a notepad right in front of the windows near the elevator. Take note and type it into one of the computers.

Look for the file that goes by the name "Gate," give it a click, and hit run and okay. Once you're done with all that techno-magic, exit through the hub door you came in from, the one that's labeled "1" just to keep things interesting.

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Level 3 - Habitable Zone (Smilers):

Are you ready for the next challenge? Level 3 is where the action heats up! Get ready to open that garage door by pulling the lever next to it, but hold your horses once again! As you step in, make sure you don't venture past the end of the ramp. When the lights go off, stay put, my friend. But when they flicker back to life,

it's gone time! Dash to the right side and into a well-lit hallway. Remember, don't run if the lights flicker right after turning on—patience is key! During a normal flicker, you've got a solid 10 seconds to make a run for it. Keep an eye out for Smilers at this level.

They're sneaky little buggers that only appear when the lights go off. As you explore, check every door in each hallway. When it's time to make your move to the next hallway, wait for a normal flicker and stick close to the wall to minimize your running distance. Look for a door that leads you to another hallway with pipes and confidently strides inside.

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Level 4 - Pipe Dreams:

Get ready for a twisty-turny adventure in Level 4! Right off the bat, you'll spot a sign pointing you towards a "Station <–" and "Fun –>". Choose the path that leads you to the station—I've got something exciting in store for you there. Oh, and don't worry if you're not equipped with a flashlight just yet.

There's one waiting for you in the left corner of the wall before you step into the darkness (not at the entrance, mind you). Once you've bravely taken that first step into the hallway, get ready to be chased by a Smiler! You'll know it's coming when you hear that chilling sound.

Whatever you do, don't turn around—you can't run backward in this game. Keep that adrenaline pumping and keep running until you spot a doorway on the left side. Don't stop now! Keep sprinting until you burst through that door, not the hallway entrance, my friend.

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And there you have it! We've covered some exciting levels in Escape the Backrooms, but the adventure is far from over. Stay tuned for more electrifying escapades as we delve into Level 5 - The Electrical Station!

Level 5 - The Electrical Station! Soothe those nerves, my friend, because this level is relatively calm compared to what you've faced before.

As you navigate through the hallway, make your way to the very end, and get ready for a surprise. The door ahead will magically swing open on its own, revealing the path to your next challenge. Here's where things get interesting—you'll spot some boxes with red lights shining above them.

Your mission? Fix those boxes like a pro until the lights turn a glorious shade of green. You'll typically find around 3 to 4 boxes that need your attention. Keep your ears open, because as you work your magic, you'll hear a gate opening on the last box. Exciting, isn't it?

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Now, brace yourself for what lies beyond that gate. Pass through it and make your way to the next door. Here's a little secret: there might be another box waiting for your expert fixing skills, or maybe not. Regardless, proceed through the door, but be cautious—no need to break into a sprint just yet.

Move stealthily, step by step, until you sense or spot the entity known as the Hound. And when you do, my friend, don't hesitate—turn right back around and dart through the door you just came from. Oh, and do us all a favor—don't forget to close that door behind you!

Now, here's where things get interesting. If you happen to have a trusty flashlight at your disposal, you've got a trick up your sleeve. Temporarily blind that Hound with a beam of light and buy yourself some precious time. But fear not if you're flashlight-less at the moment—you can still outmaneuver the Hound without one (for now, that is). Rest assured, the Hound will eventually disappear into the abyss once it leaves your sight.

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Take a deep breath and continue down the hallway, making your way through the door on the left. Stay on the lookout as you explore—you're not done just yet. Keep your eyes peeled for more of those pesky boxes. And guess what? The thrilling climax awaits you behind the last door on the left at the end of the hallway. Brace yourself, my friend, because this time the Hound won't be disappearing once it's done with you. Stay on your toes and give it your all to fix those boxes.

Level 5 Part 2,

Now, take a light step around the corner and shine your beacon on the Hound that's eager to chase you down. But here's the trick—quickly dart back through the gate you entered and watch as that Hound begrudgingly disappears into thin air. Patience is key, my friend. Once the coast is clear, return to the room and open the door that lies before you.

Brace yourself because here comes the moment where your skills and a sprinkle of luck will be put to the ultimate test. It's a wild ride from here on out! Not only will you need to dodge those relentless Hounds, but you also have the daunting task of finding three more boxes to fix. Hold on tight because the rooms ahead are filled with surprises. In the first room, you'll encounter two doors—one leads to a thrilling hallway, while the other opens up to a mysterious room.

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The second room follows the same pattern, with the entrance door located at the front left and the room door at the back left (relative to the entrance door). Keep in mind, my friend, that the boxes have a mind of their own and will appear randomly. Stay sharp!

When you reach your final room, brace yourself for the appearance of another Hound. But fear not! Close that door and wait patiently for the Hound to bid its farewell. Take a deep breath and push forward.

Crouch through the opening on the left to discover the gate you must open using the boxes you've diligently fixed. Oh, and don't forget—you have the power to blind those Hounds with your trusty flashlight. It can be a game-changer, so make the most of it!

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Once you've successfully opened that gate, it's time to retrace your steps back to the gate that greeted you at the start of Level 5. Remember when that door opened all by itself? Well, now's your chance to venture through the previously closed gate and move on to the heart-pounding

Level 6. But fear not, my friend—if you meet an untimely demise, rest assured that your progress will be saved. No need to redo those challenging box-fixing endeavors.

Welcome to Level 6

Abandoned Offices! Prepare to explore the eerie corridors of an empty office building. There's a fascinating rumor that no entities lurk within these walls. However, if you stumble upon a door that leads you back to The Hub, you'll uncover a chilling file warning you to steer clear of unblacked-out windows. They might just be treacherous traps. Stay vigilant!

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Your first puzzle in this level involves a room filled with various items. Count them carefully and enter the corresponding numbers into the vending machines. It's a test of your observation skills and a great warm-up for what lies ahead. But hold on tight—the next challenge involves navigating a minefield of cameras.

Your mission? Avoid being spotted by those watchful lenses. If you slip up, fear not! You can always hit that handy button to reset the cameras. And if you're curious about whether you were caught on camera or not, pay a visit to the security room—it holds the answers.

Congratulations on conquering the mysterious Abandoned Offices! Now, it's time to brace yourself for Level 7

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Welcome to the haunted lobby of the hotel! Solve the puzzle by clicking buttons from youngest to oldest picture to unlock the door. Don't forget to grab the bug spray before you proceed. Explore and find moth swarms to collect moth jelly. Place the jelly into the lift and receive 3 keys. No entities here, so enjoy the thrill!

Level 7 Part 2:

Beware, my friend, for Level 7 has introduced two formidable entities: the Hound and the Shapeshifter. These relentless beings roam freely throughout the entire map, including the entrance. Exercise caution and stay on high alert!

As you begin your quest, you'll notice mailboxes in front of the spawn point. Your mission is to locate the rooms with open boxes and retrieve the letters hidden within. Place these letters back into the corresponding boxes and unlock the code for the white door on the right. Keep in mind that your sanity will rapidly drain at this treacherous level, so prioritize finding and consuming as much almond water as possible. And remember, leaving doors open and seeking refuge in closets can provide moments of respite and safety.

Now, if you're feeling particularly adventurous and wish to skip the process of collecting the papers, fear not! I have a solution for you. There are three randomized codes that can be used to bypass this step. They are as follows:

Code 1: 05938 

Code 2: 17564 

Code 3: 89472

Choose wisely and proceed with caution, my brave adventurer! The challenges ahead are not for the faint of heart.

Level 8:

As you spawn, a table with a thermometer awaits you. While not essential, it serves as an indicator of danger. In this level, beware of the giant moths. When in close proximity, your screen will heat up but fear not! You can crouch to navigate around them. Be cautious of false exit doors, which emit heat. Your task is to locate the real one amidst the deceptive alternatives.

For a visual guide of the Boiler Room path, check out the video provided at the bottom of this guide.

Level 9 – Pipe Dreams 2:

Once again, you'll enter the pipe tunnel. This time, choose the path labeled "Fun ->". It shares the same layout as the previous "Station <-".

Level 10

Ah, Level 10, where challenges and changes await. Previously, I spent 5 hours mastering this level, but since the update, major revisions have been made. Beware of the legendary item called Liquid Pain, as consuming it will result in your demise. Proceed with caution or choose to take the risk—it's your chance to start anew.

Upon spawning, make your way down the hallway. Crouch under the first table, then run to the second and crouch again. Turn around and take a step forward to catch the attention of a Party Goer, then quickly retreat under the table to "reset" them. Crouch your way through the room to the other side, maintaining a safe distance from the Party Goers.

If you're familiar with this level, follow the usual path until you reach the Big Room, inhabited by 7 Party Goers.

If you're new to this level, stick to crouching along the entire length of the wall. Do not turn the first corner. Look for a hallway on the left side, but avoid crouching along the left wall. Repeat this process for two rooms until you reach a spacious room.

In the Big Room, run straight along the left wall and enter the left hallway, taking cover under a table. As the Party Goers reset, exit the hallway back into the Big Room and continue RUNNING on the left side. Head into the left hallway once again and hide under a table to reset. Maintain your crouched position along the right wall, just as before.

You'll stumble upon a room adorned with balloons. Proceed through the doors until you encounter a tiled wall.

Level 11 – Pool Rooms:

Prepare to be enchanted by the mesmerizing Pool Rooms, one of the game's most breathtaking locations. Here, you'll find solace as there are no entities to fear. I recommend exploring the exit on your own, allowing the mind-numbing music from Level 10 to guide you.

If you wish, head straight from the spawn point and ascend the long stairs to locate a Hub Door.

The exit lies at the farthest point on the right side, marked by a door surrounded by red lights. Exercise caution and avoid entering Off-Limit Zones, distinguishable by black water or tiles.

Level 12 – Run For Your Life:

That's your sole objective—run for your life. Keep track of "right" and "left" as you navigate through the challenges. Beware of a door that opens on its own; you cannot pass through it. Instead, veer around it on the far right side.

Level 13 – The End:

In this level, an entity exists but is unable to see you. However, if it touches you, it's instant death. Your objective is to collect 24 tapes after activating the computer. As you progress, the lights will go out, and your sanity will slowly drain. In case of emergencies, there are 2 fire alarms to divert the entity's attention, but they won't work while it actively chases you.

Level 14 – Infinite Stairs:

Prepare for a tower-like structure resembling a lighthouse. You can ascend the stairs potentially infinitely. To proceed to the next level, you must drop down the center after landing on step 94 (minimum requirement). Don't worry; it's not actually as far up as it sounds.

Level 15 – Hill Houses:

As you spawn on the edge of a town with yellow houses on hills, your goal is to follow the road or cut straight through the grass to reach a floating castle. Below the castle, you'll find a rope to climb up. During the day, you'll be safe but keep in mind that daytime is brief.

Nightfall introduces monsters with red eyes chasing you. Be aware that sanity drains faster than in the Terror Hotel. Collect as much almond water as possible, which is rarely found inside houses.

Dressers in some houses may contain almond water, but it's not guaranteed. If you die, your progress will be saved on a forked road. Almond water is commonly found near trucks. Music speakers will stop playing as night approaches, but the sound is distant, so you won't hear it if you're away from a house with a speaker.

Remember, hide if you hear a knock! Although you might not have much time to react, when you're inside a house and hear a knock, the door will burst open, and "people" will attack you.

Level 16 – Synth Wave (Clown):

Encounter small boxes with a checkered pattern and a symbol on top. Your task is to move (push) those boxes to a matching circle on the floor.

Level 16 Part 2:

If you don't have a flashlight, there's one on the table behind the clown. To retrieve it, face the clown and walk backward. Once you have the flashlight, turn around and allow the clown to disappear (find a safe corner first, if possible).

The clown will pursue you with a mallet, but shining a light on him will make him vanish. Subtle sound cues indicate when he spawns. Survive until you hear a honking sound, which will come from the roller coaster. Hop on the roller coaster, and you'll leave the level.

Level 16 – Lights Out:

Prepare to spawn in a dark, abandoned building. The first two rooms on each side hold supplies. Use the flashlight to navigate your way to a room with a blinking light. There are no looping rooms, only dead ends. In the blinking room, grab a  Scanner. Using the scanner will reveal glowing dots on the walls, which may vary in color.

I recommend walking until you spot a red dot on the radar, indicating the presence of an entity called a Wretch. The Wretch can hear your scanner, but if you manage to move around it quietly and crouch away, it might move away, allowing you to continue searching for the exit without worry.

I don't have the map memorized, but following "big" hallways will usually lead you to the right hallway. It should be a relatively straightforward path. The exit is a hallway with a light at the end and a white door.

Level 17 – Thalassophobia:

Upon spawning on a staircase landing of a house, heading up will bring you to a Hub Door

Congratulations! You've successfully conquered the Early Access version.

Escape the Backrooms  UPDATE 3   Gameplay

Escape the Backrooms is an exhilarating cooperative horror game that plunges players into the depths of the infamous Backrooms creepypasta. Developed and published by Fancy Games, this game delivers an immersive experience that will make you question reality.

In this spine-chilling adventure, you and your fellow players must navigate through eerie levels, each more treacherous than the last. Your objective? Escape from the nightmarish labyrinth of the Backrooms. But beware, for this twisted realm is not empty. Sinister entities and lurking dangers threaten to snatch your sanity away.

To survive, you must work together, combining your wits, communication, and resourcefulness. Each player brings unique skills and abilities to the table, enhancing your chances of making it out alive. Coordinate your movements, solve puzzles, and uncover hidden clues to unravel the secrets that bind the Backrooms.

But remember, caution is your greatest ally. Avoid detection by entities that roam the corridors, as one wrong move can lead to a horrifying demise. Move stealthily, utilize your environment, and strategize to outsmart your adversaries.

As you progress, Fancy Games keeps the terror fresh with regular content updates. Discover new levels and game modes that will test your limits and keep you on the edge of your seat. Engage in heart-pounding encounters, unlock additional challenges, and delve deeper into the twisted lore of the Backrooms.

Whether you choose to embark on this harrowing journey solo or team up with friends, Escape the Backrooms guarantees an unforgettable experience. Are you ready to confront your fears, overcome the darkness, and escape the clutches of the Backrooms? The challenge awaits.

Escape the Backrooms UPDATE 3 Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide for Escape the Backrooms, the thrilling co-operative horror game based on the infamous Backrooms creepypasta. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential mechanics, entities, items, and levels to help you navigate this treacherous maze and find your way to freedom.

  1. Mechanics:

  • Co-op Gameplay: Escape the Backrooms supports 1-4 players, so gather your friends for a chilling adventure together.
  • Exploration: Traverse through eerie backrooms levels filled with winding corridors, hidden passages, and mysterious rooms.
  • Stealth: Entities lurk in the Backrooms, and detection can be fatal. Move quietly, avoid direct contact, and stay out of harm's way.
  • Puzzle Solving: Uncover clues, solve riddles, and manipulate objects to unlock doors, access new areas, and progress through the levels.
  • Resource Management: Collect essential items such as keys, flashlights, and medkits to aid your survival. Use them wisely, as resources are limited.
  • Communication: Effective communication with your teammates is crucial for coordinating movements, sharing information, and staying one step ahead of danger.
  1. Entities:

  • Sinister Beings: The Backrooms are infested with terrifying entities, each with its own behavior and threat level. Learn their patterns and avoid direct confrontations.
  • Detection: Entities can sense movement, light, or sound. Stay hidden, use distractions wisely, and make use of your environment to evade their grasp.
  • Strategy: Cooperate with your team to distract, lure, or outmaneuver entities, creating opportunities for escape and progression.
  1. Items:

  • Flashlights: Illuminate dark areas, reveal hidden clues, and ward off certain entities.
  • Keys: Unlock locked doors and access new sections of the levels.
  • Medkits: Restore your health and keep you going in dire situations.
  • Other Tools: Discover various tools and utilities throughout the levels that can aid in your escape.
  1. Levels:

  • The Backrooms is comprised of multiple levels, each with its own unique theme, challenges, and dangers.
  • New Content: Fancy Games regularly releases free updates, introducing new levels and game modes to keep the community engaged and rewarded.

Remember, survival in the Backrooms relies on teamwork, strategy, and staying calm in the face of unimaginable horror. Stay vigilant, communicate effectively, and work together to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.

Good luck, and may you find your way out of the Backrooms and into safety!

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Escape The Backrooms UPDATE 3 Walkthrough - FAQs

1. What is Escape the Backrooms?

Escape the Backrooms is a co-operative horror game based on the Backrooms creepypasta. It is developed and published by Fancy Games and offers a thrilling exploration experience as players try to escape the maze-like Backrooms while avoiding entities and other dangers.

2.  How many players can participate in Escape the Backrooms?

Escape the Backrooms supports 1-4 players. You can play solo or team up with friends for a more intense and collaborative experience

3. What is the main objective in Escape the Backrooms?

The main objective is to navigate through the levels of the Backrooms, solving puzzles, avoiding entities, and finding the exit to escape. The goal is to survive and make it out of the Backrooms alive.

4. What are the key mechanics in Escape the Backrooms?

The game features exploration, stealth, puzzle-solving, resource management, and communication as key mechanics. Players must navigate the eerie backrooms, remain undetected by entities, solve puzzles to progress, manage limited resources, and effectively communicate with their team to stay alive.

5. Are there different types of entities in Escape the Backrooms?

Yes, the Backrooms are filled with various entities, each with its own behavior and threat level. Players must learn their patterns, avoid detection, and find ways to outmaneuver or distract them to continue their escape.
