Find here the answer for Mirror Quick Crossword for 30th March 2024

Again we are here, to keep you occupied with our crossword puzzle named Mirror Quick, for today March 30th 2024.

by Niranjani

Updated Mar 30, 2024

Find here the answer for Mirror Quick Crossword for 30th March 2024

This crossword is one of the it usually takes about an hour to complete. It's for people who are ready to take on any challenge. Start with your thinking skills, to take up crossword test. As crosswords are on the go puzzles, so you can solve it whenever you want it

Organism (5)

Answer: PLANT

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This clue suggests a living entity that typically grows, reproduces, and responds to its environment. While there are various types of organisms, the answer "PLANT" refers specifically to a multicellular organism belonging to the kingdom Plantae, characterized by photosynthesis and typically having roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures.

Escape from (5)

Answer: ELUDE

Here, the clue implies the action of avoiding capture, danger, or difficulty. The answer is "ELUDE," a five-letter term meaning to evade or escape from something or someone by cunning or skillful means

Piece of cloth (3)

Answer: RAG

This clue points towards a small fragment or portion of fabric. The answer is "RAG," a three-letter term representing a torn or cut piece of cloth, often used for cleaning, wiping, or other purposes.

Man's name (5)

Answer: ROGER

Finally, this clue simply prompts for a common male given name. The answer is "ROGER," a five-letter name that has been used historically and continues to be popular in various English-speaking cultures.

Be cagey (5)

Answer: EVADE

This describes the action of avoiding or evading something, hence the answer is EVADE. To "be cagey" means to be cautious or secretive, often avoiding giving direct answers or engaging in a situation.

Colour (3)

Answer: RED

This refers to a primary color, specifically RED. Colors are often used to describe various objects or concepts, and "colour" in this context directly points to the three-letter word associated with the color red

Feline (3)

Answer: CAT

A feline is a type of animal, commonly known for its agility and whiskers. In crossword puzzles, when you see "Feline (3)," it's prompting you to think of a three-letter word that refers to this animal.

Mimic (3)

Answer: APE

To mimic means to imitate or copy someone or something, often for entertainment or to deceive. In this crossword clue, "Mimic (3)" suggests a three-letter word that denotes this action of imitation.

Utilise (3)

Answer: USE

Utilise means to make practical or effective use of something. When you see "Utilise (3)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a three-letter word that means to use or employ something.

Landed property (6)

Answer: ESTATE

Landed property refers to real estate or land that is owned. In a crossword puzzle, "Landed property (6)" indicates a six-letter word for this type of property.

Average (2-2)

Answer: SOSO

The clue "Average (2-2)" suggests a two-word phrase with two letters in each word. In this context, "Average" implies something that is neither exceptionally good nor bad, but rather mediocre or middling.

Unit of heredity (4)

Answer: GENE

A unit of heredity refers to a fundamental concept in genetics, denoting a segment of DNA that codes for a specific trait. In this crossword clue, "Unit of heredity (4)" indicates a four-letter word for this genetic concept

Camera stand (6)

Answer: TRIPOD

A camera stand is a device used to support and stabilize a camera for photography or videography. In this clue, "Camera stand (6)" prompts you to think of a six-letter word that refers to this equipment.

Soft roll (3)

Answer: BAP

A soft roll is a type of bread product, often served with sandwiches or used as a side dish. When you see "Soft roll (3)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a three-letter word that describes this type of bread.

Playing card (3)

Answer: ACE

Playing cards are typically used in various games and activities, each card having a specific rank and suit. In this clue, "Playing card (3)" directs you to find a three-letter word for one of these cards.

Frozen water (3)

Answer: ICE

Frozen water refers to a state of water when it solidifies into a solid form due to low temperatures. In a crossword puzzle, "Frozen water (3)" prompts you to think of a three-letter word for this substance.

Vase (3)

Answer: URN

A vase is a container typically used for holding flowers or other decorative items. When you see "Vase (3)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a three-letter word that refers to this object.

Thespian (5)

Answer: ACTOR

A thespian is a term used to describe an actor or actress, someone involved in the performance of plays or movies. In this crossword clue, "Thespian (5)" suggests a five-letter word for this profession

Royal (5)

Answer: REGAL

Royal relates to monarchy or royalty, indicating something associated with kings, queens, or other members of royal families. In a crossword puzzle, "Royal (5)" prompts you to think of a five-letter word that conveys this regal status.

Grain (3)

Answer: OAT

Grain refers to small, hard seeds harvested from plants, often used as food for humans or animals. When you see "Grain (3)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a three-letter word that represents this agricultural product.

Pancake (5)

Answer: CREPE

A pancake is a type of thin, flat cake made from batter and cooked on a hot surface. In this crossword clue, "Pancake (5)" prompts you to think of a five-letter word for this type of culinary item.

Arranges (5)

Answer: SORTS

To arrange means to put things in a particular order or organize them systematically. In this context, "Arranges (5)" indicates a five-letter word for this action.

Summary (6)

Answer: PRECIS

A summary is a concise overview or abstract that captures the main points or essence of something. In this crossword clue, "Summary (6)" directs you to find a six-letter word for this condensed representation.

Molten rock (4)

Answer: LAVA

Molten rock refers to magma that has reached the Earth's surface, typically flowing as lava during volcanic eruptions. When you see "Molten rock (4)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a four-letter word that represents this fiery substance.

Banded minerals (6)

Answer: AGATES

Banded minerals are minerals that exhibit distinct bands of color or texture. In this crossword clue, "Banded minerals (6)" prompts you to think of a six-letter word for such minerals.

Deal with (5)

Answer: TREAT

To deal with something means to handle or address it in some way. In this context, "Deal with (5)" indicates a five-letter word for this action.

Wading bird (5)

Answer: EGRET

A wading bird is a type of bird commonly found near water bodies, often with long legs and a long neck, suitable for wading in shallow waters. When you see "Wading bird (5)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a five-letter word that describes this avian species.

Shelter (3)

Answer: LEE

A shelter provides protection or refuge from adverse conditions such as weather or danger. In this crossword clue, "Shelter (3)" directs you to find a three-letter word for this protective covering or place.

Asian language (4)

Answer: URDU

An Asian language refers to any language spoken in Asia, the largest and most populous continent on Earth. In this crossword clue, "Asian language (4)" prompts you to think of a four-letter word for a language spoken in Asia.

Sea eagle (4)

Answer: ERNE

A sea eagle is a type of large bird of prey that typically inhabits coastal areas and feeds on fish. When you see "Sea eagle (4)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a four-letter word that describes this specific bird.

Sudden alarm (5)

Answer: PANIC

A sudden alarm refers to a state of sudden fear or apprehension often accompanied by a sense of urgency or panic. In this crossword clue, "Sudden alarm (5)" directs you to find a five-letter word for this sudden and intense feeling of fear.

Star (3)

Answer: SUN

A star is a luminous celestial object consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity, emitting light and heat. In this context, "Star (3)" indicates a three-letter word for this astronomical object.

Drunkard (3)

Answer: SOT

A drunkard is a person who habitually drinks to excess, often to the point of intoxication. In this crossword clue, "Drunkard (3)" prompts you to think of a three-letter word for this type of person.

Self-image (3)

Answer: EGO

Self-image refers to the mental picture or perception that an individual has of themselves. When you see "Self-image (3)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a three-letter word that represents this concept.

Egg cells (3)

Answer: OVA

Egg cells are female reproductive cells, also known as ova, that are produced by the ovaries. In this crossword clue, "Egg cells (3)" directs you to find a three-letter word for these reproductive cells.

Newspaper boss (6)

Answer: EDITOR

A newspaper boss typically refers to the person in charge of overseeing the operations and content of a newspaper publication. When you see "Newspaper boss (6)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a six-letter word for this managerial position.

Strains (6)

Answer: EXERTS

Strains can refer to exertions or efforts put into physical or mental tasks. In this context, "Strains (6)" indicates a six-letter word for these efforts

Scope (5)

Answer: RANGE

Scope refers to the extent or range of something, encompassing its breadth or coverage. In this crossword clue, "Scope (5)" prompts you to think of a five-letter word that denotes this extent or range.

Chimes (5)

Answer: PEALS

Chimes are musical instruments consisting of suspended tubes or rods that produce harmonious sounds when struck. When you see "Chimes (5)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a five-letter word that describes these musical instruments.

Group of countries (4)

Answer: BLOC

A group of countries refers to a coalition or alliance formed by multiple nations for political, economic, or military purposes. In this crossword clue, "Group of countries (4)" directs you to find a four-letter word for such a collective.

Chaste (4)

Answer: PURE

Chaste describes someone who is morally pure or abstains from engaging in sexual activity. When you see "Chaste (4)" in a crossword puzzle, it's asking for a four-letter word that represents this virtue.

Outer garment (4)

Answer: COAT

An outer garment refers to clothing worn over other garments, typically for protection against the elements or as a fashion statement. In this crossword clue, "Outer garment (4)" prompts you to think of a four-letter word for this type of clothing.

Agent (3)

Answer: REP

An agent is a person or entity authorized to act on behalf of another, often in business or legal matters. In this context, "Agent (3)" indicates a three-letter word for such a representative.

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