Find Solution for Eugene Sheffer Crossword March 26, 2024

Discover the riddle of the March 26, 2024, Eugene Sheffer Crossword for a fulfilling mental workout and solve the puzzle with us.

by Vinothini S

Updated Mar 26, 2024

Find Solution for Eugene Sheffer Crossword March 26, 2024

Eugene Sheffer Crossword

Would you like to join a fun mental exercise? These puzzles look like games in which the goal is to fit the correct words into a grid of boxes. You have to use your brain to figure out the answers to each box, which has a clue next to it. These crossword puzzles were created by Eugene Sheffer and people enjoy solving them because they are entertaining and challenging. When you find the answers to these puzzles solving them can make you feel smart and proud.

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Tries the tea


The clue "Tries the tea" suggests a verb that describes the action of consuming a small amount of tea, typically by taking a small, cautious drink. "SIPS" is a word that accurately describes this action. When someone sips tea, they take small, measured amounts of the beverage, often to taste it or enjoy it slowly. Therefore, the answer "SIPS" fits the description provided in the clue as a term for trying the tea by taking small drinks.



The clue "Blend" suggests a verb that describes the action of combining or mixing different elements together to create a unified whole. "MELD" is a word that accurately describes this action. When something is melded, it is fused or blended together in a way that creates a harmonious result. 

Delaware Water —


The clue "Delaware Water —" suggests a specific geographical feature or location associated with the Delaware River. In this context, "GAP" refers to "Delaware Water Gap," which is a water gap on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where the Delaware River cuts through a ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. The Delaware Water Gap is a significant natural landmark known for its scenic beauty, recreational opportunities, and geological significance.

Boat for hauling


The clue "Boat for hauling" suggests a type of watercraft designed for transporting goods or materials over water. A "SCOW" is a flat-bottomed boat with square ends, typically used for hauling cargo or dredging operations. Scows are commonly used in shallow waters, rivers, and canals for transporting heavy loads such as sand, gravel, or construction materials. Their flat design allows for easy loading and unloading of cargo. 

“Would — to you?”


The clue "Would — to you?" suggests a phrase where the word "ILIE" would fit, creating a grammatically correct question. In this context, the complete phrase could be "Would I lie to you?" This question is often used rhetorically to express disbelief or skepticism about someone's statement or assertion.

World Cup cheer


The clue "World Cup cheer" suggests a celebratory exclamation commonly heard during soccer (football) matches, especially during events like the FIFA World Cup. "OLE" is a popular cheer often heard from fans to express excitement, encouragement, or appreciation for skilled plays or goals scored by their team. It is particularly associated with Latin American and Spanish-speaking countries but has become a universal expression of joy in soccer culture worldwide.

Increase, as a food order


The clue "Increase, as a food order" suggests a term that describes the action of enlarging or upgrading a food order to a larger size or portion. "SUPERSIZE" is a word that accurately describes this action. When someone chooses to supersize their food order, they opt for a larger portion or serving size, often for an additional cost. This term is commonly used in fast-food restaurants and other eateries to offer customers the option of increasing the size of their meal. 

Muffin type


The clue "Muffin type" suggests a specific ingredient or variety commonly used in muffin recipes. "OAT" accurately fits this description, as oat muffins are a type of muffin made with oats or oatmeal as one of the primary ingredients. Oat muffins are known for their hearty texture and nutty flavor, often enhanced with additional ingredients such as fruits, nuts, or spices. They are a popular and nutritious choice for breakfast or snacks.

Lavish affection (on)


The clue "Lavish affection (on)" suggests a verb that describes the action of showing excessive love or fondness toward someone or something. "DOTE" is a word that accurately describes this action. When someone dotes on another person or thing, they shower them with affection, attention, and care, often to an indulgent or excessive degree.

Speakers’ platforms


The clue "Speakers’ platforms" suggests a term that refers to elevated platforms or stands used by speakers to address an audience. "PODIA" is the plural form of "podium," which accurately describes such platforms. Podiums are raised structures typically positioned on stages, auditoriums, or public speaking venues, providing speakers with a visible and elevated position from which to deliver speeches or presentations. 



The clue "Pondered" suggests a verb that describes the action of thinking deeply or contemplatively about something. "MUSED" is a word that accurately describes this action. When someone muses, they engage in deep or reflective thought, often considering various aspects or implications of a particular subject or situation. 



The clue "Applications" suggests a term that refers to the various ways in which something can be utilized or put into practical use. "USES" is a word that accurately describes this concept. When something has multiple uses or applications, it means that it can serve different purposes or fulfill various functions depending on the context or situation. 

Sacred chests


The clue "Sacred chests" suggests a term that refers to containers or repositories traditionally associated with religious or spiritual significance. "ARKS" is a word that accurately describes this concept. Arks are often depicted as chests or containers used to store sacred or religious artifacts, symbols, or objects of reverence. One famous example is the Ark of the Covenant from biblical accounts, which is described as a sacred chest containing the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. 

Freudian conscience


The clue "Freudian conscience" suggests a psychological concept coined by Sigmund Freud, the renowned psychoanalyst. "SUPEREGO" is a term used in Freudian psychology to describe one of the three components of the human psyche, alongside the ego and the id. The superego represents the moral and ethical aspect of the personality, incorporating societal norms, values, and ideals. It serves as an internalized conscience, governing moral judgment and regulating behavior based on learned standards of right and wrong. 

Roman 401


The clue "Roman 401" suggests a numerical representation in Roman numerals. "CDI" is the Roman numeral representation of the number 401. In Roman numerals, "C" represents 100, "D" represents 500 (but subtracted by preceding "C," it represents 400), and "I" represents 1. When combined, "CDI" represents 400 + 1, which equals 401. 

Columbus’ home


The clue "Columbus' home" refers to the birthplace of the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. "GENOA" accurately identifies this location. Genoa is a city in northern Italy, situated on the Ligurian Sea coast. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in the Republic of Genoa, which was an independent city-state at the time of his birth in the 15th century. Columbus later became known for his voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, which led to the discovery of the Americas. 

Museum-funding org.


The clue "Museum-funding org." suggests an organization that provides financial support or grants to museums. "NEA" is an abbreviation for the National Endowment for the Arts, which fits this description. The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency in the United States that provides funding and support for various arts-related initiatives, including museums, galleries, exhibitions, and cultural programs.

Classic Reeve role


The clue "Classic Reeve role" refers to a prominent character portrayed by actor Christopher Reeve in classic films. "SUPERMAN" accurately identifies this role. Christopher Reeve famously portrayed the iconic superhero Superman in a series of films released in the late 1970s and 1980s. His portrayal of Superman is widely regarded as one of the most memorable and beloved interpretations of the character. Reeve's portrayal helped establish Superman as a cultural icon and solidified his place in cinematic history.



The clue "Despot" suggests a title or role associated with authoritarian rulership. "TSAR" accurately identifies this role. A tsar, also spelled czar, is a title historically used for the monarch or supreme ruler of Russia and other Slavic countries. Tsars were often perceived as absolute rulers with significant political power and authority over their subjects. They exercised control over vast territories and wielded considerable influence over political, social, and military affairs. 

Berry used in smoothies


The clue "Berry used in smoothies" suggests a type of berry commonly included as an ingredient in smoothie recipes. "ACAI" accurately identifies this berry. Acai berries are small, dark purple fruits harvested from the acai palm tree native to the rainforests of South America, particularly Brazil. Acai berries are known for their rich flavor and nutritional benefits, including being high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They are often used in smoothies, juices, bowls, and other health-conscious food products. 

Active folks


The clue "Active folks" suggests a term that describes people who are proactive or engaged in various activities or tasks. "DOERS" accurately identifies this group of individuals. Doers are individuals who take action, initiate tasks, and actively participate in activities rather than being passive or inactive. They are known for their productivity, initiative, and willingness to get things done.

Choir members


The clue "Choir members" suggests a specific vocal group within a choir. "ALTOS" accurately identifies this group of singers. Altos are choir members who sing in the second-highest vocal range, typically between the sopranos and the tenors. They contribute to the harmony and richness of the choir's sound by providing vocal support and depth to the overall musical performance. 

Not many


The clue "Not many" suggests a quantifier indicating a small quantity or number. "AFEW" accurately identifies this concept. When someone refers to "a few," they are indicating a small but nonzero number of items or instances. It implies a limited quantity or a small handful of something. 

Sea, to Ravel


The clue "Sea, to Ravel" suggests a word in French that corresponds to "sea" in English. "MER" is the French word for "sea." In this context, "Ravel" likely refers to the French composer Maurice Ravel. Therefore, the answer "MER" accurately identifies the French word for "sea," as indicated in the clue.

Small grocery store


The clue "Small grocery store" suggests a term that describes a small-scale retail establishment selling food and household items. "SUPERETTE" accurately identifies this type of store. A superette is a small grocery store or supermarket that typically offers a limited selection of products compared to larger grocery chains. Superettes are often found in urban or residential areas where access to larger supermarkets may be limited. They provide convenience and essential items for local residents. 

Altar vow


The clue "Altar vow" suggests a phrase or statement commonly made during wedding ceremonies. "IDO" accurately identifies this vow. During a wedding ceremony, the phrase "I do" is traditionally spoken by the individuals getting married as a verbal affirmation or agreement to accept the marriage proposal and commit to the marriage union. It is a declaration of consent and willingness to enter into the marital covenant. 

Part of Q.E.D.


The clue "Part of Q.E.D." suggests a component of the Latin phrase "Q.E.D.," which stands for "quod erat demonstrandum," meaning "which was to be demonstrated" or "that which was to be proved." In mathematical proofs and philosophical arguments, "Q.E.D." is traditionally placed at the end to indicate that the statement or theorem has been successfully demonstrated or proven. "ERAT" is a part of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum," specifically the last word, which signifies the conclusion of the proof. 

Actress Singer


The clue "Actress Singer" suggests a person who is both an actress and a singer. "LORI" is a name that could fit this description, as there are individuals named Lori who have pursued careers in both acting and singing. While there isn't a specific well-known actress-singer named Lori that immediately comes to mind, it's possible that the clue refers to a lesser-known or emerging talent in the entertainment industry.

Indian lentil dish


The clue "Indian lentil dish" suggests a traditional dish from Indian cuisine that features lentils as a primary ingredient. "DAL" accurately identifies this dish. Dal, also spelled dhal or daal, refers to a wide variety of lentil-based dishes that are popular in Indian cuisine. It is a staple food in many Indian households and is often served as part of a meal with rice, roti (flatbread), or naan. Dal can be prepared in various ways, with different types of lentils, spices, and seasonings, resulting in a diverse range of flavors and textures. 



The clue "Beget" suggests a verb that means to father or procreate. "SIRE" accurately identifies this action. When someone sires offspring, they are the biological father or progenitor of those offspring. "Sire" is commonly used in formal or literary contexts to refer to the male parent of animals, particularly horses or livestock, but it can also be used more broadly to refer to human fathers. 

Jazz great Getz


The clue "Jazz great Getz" refers to a notable figure in the world of jazz music with the surname "Getz." "STAN" accurately identifies this individual as Stan Getz, a renowned American jazz saxophonist. Stan Getz was widely regarded as one of the greatest tenor saxophonists in jazz history and was known for his smooth tone, lyrical playing style, and melodic improvisations. He was particularly influential in popularizing bossa nova music in the United States during the 1960s through collaborations with Brazilian musicians such as João Gilberto and Antônio Carlos Jobim. 

Snake’s warning


The clue "Snake's warning" suggests a sound or phrase typically associated with snakes to warn of danger. "SSS" accurately represents the hissing sound that snakes often make when feeling threatened or agitated. Snakes may emit a series of sibilant sounds, resembling the letter "S" repeated multiple times, to signal their presence and deter potential threats. Therefore, the answer "SSS" fits the description provided in the clue as a term for a snake's warning sound.

Hosp. area


The clue "Hosp. area" suggests an abbreviation for a specific area or unit within a hospital. "ICU" accurately identifies this area as the Intensive Care Unit. The ICU is a specialized department within a hospital where patients with severe or life-threatening medical conditions receive intensive medical care and monitoring. It is equipped with advanced medical equipment and staffed by highly trained healthcare professionals to provide round-the-clock care for critically ill patients. 

Mom’s mate


The clue "Mom's mate" suggests a familiar term for a father or male parent. "POP" accurately identifies this term. In informal or colloquial language, "pop" is often used as a term of endearment or familiarity for a father, especially by children or in family settings.

Stockholm natives


The clue "Stockholm natives" suggests a term that refers to people originating from the city of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. "SWEDES" accurately identifies this group of individuals as residents or natives of Sweden. Swedes are citizens of Sweden, a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe, with Stockholm as its largest city and political and cultural center. 

Fine spray


The clue "Fine spray" suggests a type of atmospheric phenomenon characterized by tiny water droplets suspended in the air. "MIST" accurately identifies this phenomenon. Mist is a fine spray or fog consisting of tiny water droplets that reduce visibility and create a hazy or cloudy appearance in the atmosphere. It often forms when warm, moist air encounters cooler temperatures or when water evaporates into the air. Mist is commonly observed in natural settings such as forests, mountains, and bodies of water, as well as in urban environments under certain weather conditions. 

Writer Wiesel


The clue "Writer Wiesel" suggests a well-known author with the surname "Wiesel." "ELIE" accurately identifies this individual as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Prize-winning writer, professor, political activist, and Holocaust survivor. Elie Wiesel is best known for his autobiographical work "Night," which chronicles his experiences as a teenager during the Holocaust, including his internment in Nazi concentration camps. Through his writings and activism, Wiesel became a prominent voice for Holocaust remembrance, human rights, and genocide prevention. 

“30 Rock” role


The clue "30 Rock role" suggests a character from the television show "30 Rock." "LIZ" accurately identifies this character as Liz Lemon, portrayed by actress Tina Fey. Liz Lemon is the main protagonist of "30 Rock," a sitcom created by Tina Fey that aired from 2006 to 2013. Liz Lemon is the head writer of a fictional sketch comedy show called "TGS with Tracy Jordan" and serves as the show's producer. She is known for her wit, sarcasm, and quirky personality, and she navigates the challenges of her professional and personal life while working in the entertainment industry. 

Type of diving


The clue "Type of diving" suggests a specific category or method of diving. "DEEPSEA" accurately identifies this type of diving as deep-sea diving. Deep-sea diving involves exploring underwater environments at significant depths, typically beyond recreational diving limits. Deep-sea divers use specialized equipment and techniques to withstand the high pressures and low temperatures encountered in deep ocean waters. They may explore underwater habitats, conduct scientific research, or perform tasks such as underwater welding or salvage operations.

Sound judgment


The clue "Sound judgment" suggests a phrase that describes the ability to make wise decisions or choices. "GOODSENSE" accurately identifies this concept. Good sense refers to having practical wisdom, insight, and discernment in evaluating situations and making rational decisions. It involves using reason, logic, and intuition to assess options and anticipate consequences effectively. 

Jai —


The clue "Jai —" suggests a term related to the sport of jai alai, a fast-paced game originating from the Basque region of Spain. "ALAI" accurately identifies this term as part of the full name of the sport. Jai alai is a traditional sport played with a curved basket called a cesta, which players use to catch and throw a ball against a wall at high speeds. The game is known for its intensity and athleticism, with players competing to score points by hurling the ball with precision and speed. 

Anti-fur org.


The clue "Anti-fur org." suggests an organization that advocates against the use of fur in fashion and promotes animal rights. "PETA" accurately identifies this organization as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA is one of the largest and most well-known animal rights organizations globally, known for its campaigns against animal cruelty, including the use of fur, leather, and other animal-derived materials in clothing and accessories. PETA campaigns for the ethical treatment of animals in various industries, including fashion, entertainment, and food production. 



The clue "Scepter" suggests a symbolic object often associated with royalty or authority. "ROD" accurately identifies this object as a rod or staff. In various cultures and historical contexts, a rod or scepter has been used as a symbol of power, sovereignty, or leadership. It is typically a long, slender object held by rulers or monarchs as a symbol of their authority and status. The rod may be adorned with decorative elements and carried during ceremonial occasions. 

“— the ramparts …”


The clue "— the ramparts ..." suggests the beginning of a phrase or sentence commonly found in literature or poetry. "OER" accurately identifies the missing word as "o'er," which is a contraction of "over." The complete phrase is "o'er the ramparts," which is often used in the context of describing a scene of military action or defense, particularly in poetry or historical accounts. It refers to being over or above the defensive walls or ramparts of a fortress or stronghold. 

PC alternatives


The clue "PC alternatives" suggests alternative computing devices to traditional personal computers (PCs). "MACS" accurately identifies these alternatives as Macintosh computers, commonly known as Macs. Macs are personal computers manufactured by Apple Inc. and run on the macOS operating system. They offer an alternative to PCs running on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems. Macs are known for their sleek design, user-friendly interface, and integration with other Apple products and services. 

Language of Pakistan


The clue "Language of Pakistan" suggests the primary language spoken in Pakistan, a country located in South Asia. "URDU" accurately identifies this language as Urdu. Urdu is one of the two official languages of Pakistan, alongside English. It is also widely spoken and understood in various regions of South Asia, including parts of India and Afghanistan. Urdu is a rich and poetic language with Indo-Aryan roots, characterized by its elegant script and extensive vocabulary borrowed from Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. It serves as a unifying language among the diverse linguistic and cultural communities in Pakistan. 

Aspen rescue unit


The clue "Aspen rescue unit" suggests a team or group responsible for providing rescue and emergency medical services in the Aspen area. "SKIPATROL" accurately identifies this unit as the ski patrol. Ski patrol teams are responsible for ensuring the safety of skiers and snowboarders on the slopes, as well as responding to accidents, injuries, and emergencies that occur at ski resorts. They are trained in first aid, avalanche rescue, and mountain safety techniques and often work closely with resort staff and local emergency services to coordinate rescue efforts and maintain safety standards. 



The clue "Atop" suggests a preposition indicating a position above or on top of something else. "UPON" accurately identifies this preposition. When something is "upon" something else, it means it is positioned or situated on top of it. "Upon" is often used to describe spatial relationships or indicate a point of contact or proximity. 

Big rig


The clue "Big rig" suggests a type of large truck commonly used for hauling freight or goods over long distances. "SEMI" accurately identifies this type of truck as a semi-truck or tractor-trailer. Semi-trucks are characterized by their distinctive configuration, which consists of a tractor unit (also known as a cab or semi) that tows one or more trailers containing cargo. They are commonly used in the transportation industry for long-haul shipping and logistics.

Actress Merkel


The clue "Actress Merkel" suggests a reference to an actress with the surname "Merkel." However, it's worth noting that Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, is not an actress; she is a politician. Therefore, there might be some confusion in the clue. If we consider "UNA" as the answer, it does not directly correlate with Angela Merkel. "UNA" is not a commonly known actress associated with the surname "Merkel." 

Clock part


The clue "Clock part" suggests a component or element of a clock mechanism. "GEAR" accurately identifies this part as a gear. Gears are mechanical devices with toothed wheels that mesh together to transmit motion and power from one part of a machine to another. In the context of a clock, gears are essential components of the clock mechanism, responsible for regulating and controlling the movement of the clock hands to indicate time accurately. 

Galley supply


The clue "Galley supply" suggests an item or equipment commonly found on a galley, which is a kitchen area on a ship or boat. "OARS" accurately identifies this supply as oars. Oars are long, slender poles with flat blades at one end, used for rowing or propelling a boat through water. In the context of a galley, oars may be stored as emergency supplies or used for rowing smaller boats or dinghies when needed. 

Pasture growth


The clue "Pasture growth" suggests a type of vegetation commonly found in pastures or grazing areas. "GRASSES" accurately identifies this growth as grasses. Grasses are herbaceous plants with long, narrow leaves and jointed stems, belonging to the family Poaceae. They are widespread and diverse, with numerous species adapted to various environmental conditions and soil types. In pastures, grasses provide essential forage for livestock such as cattle, sheep, and horses, serving as a primary source of nutrition.

Author Umberto


The clue "Author Umberto" suggests a reference to a well-known author named Umberto. "ECO" accurately identifies this author as Umberto Eco, an Italian novelist, literary critic, and philosopher. Umberto Eco is renowned for his intellectually challenging and intricately crafted novels, which often blend elements of historical fiction, mystery, semiotics, and philosophy. Some of his most famous works include "The Name of the Rose," "Foucault's Pendulum," and "The Prague Cemetery." Eco's writings are celebrated for their depth of research, complex narrative structures, and exploration of themes such as religion, symbolism, and human nature. 

Hair dryers


The clue "Hair dryers" suggests items used for drying hair after washing. "TOWELS" accurately identifies these items as towels. While hair dryers are commonly used for drying hair using hot air, towels are also essential tools for hair drying, especially when air-drying or blotting wet hair before using a hair dryer. Towels are absorbent cloths made of fabric, typically cotton or microfiber, designed to soak up moisture from the hair and scalp.

German article


The clue "German article" suggests a word that functions as an article in the German language. "DER" accurately identifies this word as the definite article "der" in German. In German grammar, "der" is used to indicate masculine singular nouns in the nominative case. It corresponds to the English definite article "the." German has three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter) and various articles to match each gender and case.



The clue "During" suggests a word indicating a period of time or an event happening within a specific timeframe. "AMID" accurately identifies this word as a preposition commonly used to express being in the middle of or surrounded by something. When something occurs "amid" a particular situation, it means it is happening in the midst of that situation or concurrently with it. "Amid" is often used to denote a sense of being surrounded or enveloped by something else. 

Castor’s mother


The clue "Castor's mother" suggests a reference to a figure from Greek mythology who is the mother of Castor, one of the Dioscuri twins. "LEDA" accurately identifies this figure as Leda, a queen in Greek mythology. According to myth, Leda was the wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta. She was famously seduced by Zeus, who disguised himself as a swan, leading to the birth of the twins Castor and Pollux, as well as Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, depending on the version of the myth. 

On — with


The clue "On — with" suggests a phrase indicating being aligned or in agreement with something. "APAR" accurately identifies this phrase as "on par with." When something is "on par with" something else, it means it is at the same level or standard, often implying equality or similarity in quality, importance, or performance. This phrase is commonly used to compare two things or to express that they are on the same level or of equal standing.

Fancy party


The clue "Fancy party" suggests an event or gathering characterized by elegance, celebration, and often elaborate arrangements. "FETE" accurately identifies this type of party as a fete. A fete is a formal or lavish social event, typically held outdoors, featuring entertainment, music, dancing, food, and various attractions or activities. Fetes are often organized to commemorate special occasions, such as holidays, anniversaries, or fundraising events, and they may include elements of charity or community involvement. 

Swiss canton


The clue "Swiss canton" suggests a geographical division or administrative region within Switzerland. "URI" accurately identifies this canton as Uri, one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland. Uri is located in the central part of Switzerland and is known for its picturesque landscapes, including mountains, valleys, and lakes. It is historically significant as the site of the Swiss founding legend and the oath of the Rütlischwur, which played a pivotal role in the formation of the Swiss Confederation in the 13th century. Uri is also home to iconic landmarks such as the Gotthard Pass and the Schöllenen Gorge.



The clue "Preschooler" suggests a young child who attends preschool or is in the early stages of childhood development. "TOT" accurately identifies this type of child as a tot. Tots are typically between the ages of one and four years old and are characterized by their small size, innocence, and playful nature. Preschoolers are often referred to as tots affectionately due to their young age and endearing qualities. 

— -la-la


The clue "— -la-la" suggests a phrase commonly used in music or lyrics to represent a nonspecific or humming sound. "TRA" accurately identifies this phrase as "tra-la-la." "Tra-la-la" is an onomatopoeic expression often used to depict a cheerful or carefree melody or tune. It is frequently found in songs, particularly those with light-hearted or whimsical themes. The repetition of "la" adds to the musical and rhythmic quality of the phrase.

Aachen article


The clue "Aachen article" suggests a specific word used in the German language that might be associated with the city of Aachen. "EIN" accurately identifies this word as the indefinite article "ein" in German. In German grammar, "ein" is used to indicate indefinite singular nouns in the nominative case. It corresponds to the English indefinite article "a" or "an." "Ein" is used before masculine and neuter nouns, while "eine" is used before feminine nouns. 

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