Get the Answer For Today’s Daily Commuter Crossword Clue April 2, 2024

Know the answer here for today's Daily Commuter Crossword Clue, and improve your ability to think and learn new vocabulary through it.

by Sivasankari

Updated Apr 02, 2024

Get the Answer For Today’s Daily Commuter Crossword Clue April 2, 2024

If you love solving problems and enjoy a challenge, then solving the Daily Commuter Crossword is perfect for you! It is an exciting way to pass the time while traveling and also learn new English words. By solving puzzles, you can boost your vocabulary without wasting any time.

Each puzzle is a fun challenge waiting to be solved, making your commute more enjoyable and productive. So, next time you are on the bus or train, why not give it a try? You will have fun, sharpen your mind, and learn something new along the way!



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To "abase" someone is to humiliate or degrade them, which aligns perfectly with the clue's meaning. The word "abase" implies reducing someone's status or dignity, causing them to feel ashamed or embarrassed.

Spiral's shape


A coil often resembles a spiral shape, especially when it is wound around a central axis. The word "coil" accurately describes the shape of a spiral, as coils are typically formed by continuous curves winding around a fixed center point.

Spiked medieval weapon


A mace is a medieval weapon characterized by a spiked or flanged metal head mounted on a sturdy handle. It was commonly used in battle to bludgeon opponents and is associated with medieval warfare, fitting the description provided in the clue.

Bob Marley, e.g.


Bob Marley, the legendary Jamaican musician, is often associated with the Rastafarian movement, making him an exemplar or representative ("e.g.") of the movement. "Rasta" is a shortened form of "Rastafarian," which refers to adherents of the Rastafarian religion and culture.

Karenina of literature


The clue references a character from literature with the last name "Karenina." This character is Anna Karenina, the titular protagonist of Leo Tolstoy's classic novel. Therefore, the answer "Anna" fits perfectly as it identifies the character mentioned in the clue.

Feel sore


When you feel sore, you experience a dull or continuous pain, which is captured by the word "ache." This discomfort can be physical or emotional, and the term "ache" encompasses various types of soreness or pain.

Act coquettish


To act coquettishly means to behave flirtatiously or playfully to attract attention or affection. The word "flirt" accurately describes this behavior, as it involves engaging in playful or suggestive interactions with others to convey romantic interest or attraction.

Taste a lollipop


When you taste a lollipop, you typically use your tongue to lick the candy and experience its flavor. The word "lick" precisely describes this action of using the tongue to sample or savor the taste of the lollipop.

Blue-green shade


Teal is a color characterized by a blue-green hue, falling between blue and green on the color spectrum. It is commonly associated with the color of the teal duck's plumage, from which the color gets its name.

Popular Niagara Falls tour: 4 wds.


"Maid of the Mist" is a well-known boat tour at Niagara Falls, offering visitors an up-close experience of the majestic waterfalls. The answer accurately reflects the popular tour attraction and fits the clue's description of a four-word phrase.

Christmas tree


Fir trees are commonly used as Christmas trees due to their evergreen foliage and pleasant aroma. The word "fir" accurately identifies the type of tree typically chosen and decorated during the Christmas season.

Male child


A son is a male child in relation to their parents. The word "son" precisely describes a boy or young male offspring, fitting the clue's description of a male child.

Attraction with splashy rides: 2 wds.


  • A waterpark is a recreational facility featuring various water-based attractions and rides, making it an appealing destination for entertainment and enjoyment, especially during hot weather.
  • The answer fits the clue's description of an attraction known for its splashy rides, such as water slides, wave pools, and lazy rivers.

Use a loom


To use a loom is to engage in the process of weaving, which involves interlacing threads or yarns to create fabric or textile. Weaving is a traditional craft practiced worldwide for centuries, and looms are the primary tools used in this textile production process.

Extreme anger


Ire refers to intense or extreme anger or wrath. It signifies a strong emotional reaction characterized by indignation, resentment, or fury. The word "ire" precisely captures the concept of extreme anger conveyed in the clue.

"Good things come in __"


The phrase "Good things come in threes" suggests that items or events presented in groups of three are inherently satisfying, fortunate, or auspicious. This expression implies a belief in the significance or positive outcomes associated with the number three.

Not odd


Even numbers are integers divisible by 2, yielding whole numbers without a remainder. The term "even" contrasts with "odd," which refers to numbers that are not divisible by 2 and result in a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.

Stuff in a dryer trap


Lint refers to the accumulation of fibers, hair, and debris that collects in the filter or trap of a clothes dryer during the drying cycle. It is a common byproduct of laundry and can pose a fire hazard if not regularly cleaned from the dryer trap.

Fully grown person


An adult is a fully grown individual who has reached maturity physically, mentally, and legally. The term "adult" typically denotes a person who has reached the age of majority and is considered responsible and capable of making independent decisions.

Put in the mail


To put something in the mail means to send or dispatch it through postal services for delivery to a recipient. The word "send" accurately describes the action of mailing or transmitting letters, packages, or parcels to their intended destinations.

Baby's father


"Dada" is a colloquial term used by infants or young children to refer to their father or daddy. It is a simple and affectionate way for babies to address their paternal figure or primary caregiver.

More meddlesome


The comparative form of the adjective "nosy," meaning excessively curious or intrusive, is "nosier." It describes someone who is more inclined to pry into the affairs or business of others, often to an annoying or unwelcome extent.



To rue something is to feel regret or sorrow for it, typically due to a past action or decision. The word "rue" conveys a sense of remorse or repentance for a choice or consequence, reflecting a feeling of disappointment or sadness.

Nail polish brand


Essie is a popular brand of nail polish known for its wide range of colors, long-lasting formulas, and high-quality finishes. It is widely recognized and used by beauty enthusiasts and professionals for creating fashionable and trendy nail looks.

Looked up to


To be looked up to is to be admired, esteemed, or held in high regard by others. The term "respected" describes someone who has earned admiration, trust, or reverence through their actions, character, or achievements, reflecting a position of honor or authority in the eyes of others.

Vinyl records: Abbr.


This clue abbreviates "LPs," which stands for "Long Plays." LPs are a type of vinyl record characterized by their longer playing time and typically associated with albums or extended musical recordings.

ET's transport


UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object." In popular culture and folklore, UFOs are often associated with extraterrestrial spacecraft or objects of unknown origin that are observed in the sky.

Fruity drink brand: 2 wds.


This answer refers to the brand "Hawaiian Punch," which produces a variety of fruity drinks and punches. The two words are combined to form the brand name, fulfilling the requirement of the clue.

Salvador of surrealism


This clue refers to the renowned surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. He is well-known for his imaginative and often bizarre paintings, sculptures, and other works of art.

Whirl of water


An eddy is a circular current of water that forms in a flowing stream, river, or ocean. Eddies are often characterized by swirling motion and can occur near obstacles or changes in the water's direction.

Got up


To "stand" means to rise from a sitting, lying, or crouching position to an upright stance on one's feet. This action fits the description provided in the clue.

Element in steel


Iron is a chemical element commonly used in the production of steel, an alloy primarily composed of iron and carbon. Iron provides strength and durability to steel, making it suitable for various industrial and construction applications.



Deities are divine or supernatural beings worshipped as gods or goddesses in various religions and mythologies. The term "gods" refers to these higher beings with powers and attributes beyond those of humans.

Shaded shelter


An arbor is a shaded structure consisting of trelliswork or lattice panels covered with climbing plants, vines, or foliage. Arbors are commonly found in gardens, parks, or outdoor spaces as decorative features or functional shelters from the sun.



To "need" something is to require it or have a necessity for it. This word accurately describes the action of requiring or demanding something essential or necessary.

If not


"Else" is used to indicate an alternative or different course of action or condition if a particular circumstance does not occur or is not true. It implies an alternative option or choice in a conditional statement.

Goes the distance


To "last" means to endure or continue in existence or operation for a certain period or until a specified point in time. The word "lasts" accurately describes the action of going the distance or enduring over time.

Dog's bark


"Arf" is a representation of a dog's bark, commonly used in comic strips, cartoons, and informal language to depict the sound made by a dog.

Soothing application


A balm is a soothing substance applied to the skin to alleviate pain, irritation, or discomfort. Balms are often used to moisturize and heal dry or chapped skin, providing relief and comfort.



Asia is one of the seven continents of the world, covering a vast landmass in the eastern hemisphere. It is the largest continent both in terms of land area and population, home to diverse cultures, landscapes, and civilizations.

Intense conflict


Strife refers to intense or bitter conflict, discord, or disagreement between individuals or groups. It denotes a state of hostility or antagonism marked by tension, rivalry, or contention.

Face-plant: 2 wds.


"Eat dirt" is an idiomatic expression used to describe the act of falling or landing face-first on the ground, often resulting in embarrassment or humiliation. The phrase suggests a literal interpretation of falling onto the ground and coming into contact with dirt or soil.

Lower leg


The calf is the muscular area of the lower leg located at the back of the leg below the knee. It comprises the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles and is responsible for ankle movement and propulsion during walking or running.

"I've got this, boss!"


"On it" is a colloquial expression indicating readiness or determination to handle a task or responsibility. It conveys confidence and assurance in one's ability to complete a task efficiently and effectively.

Part of a foot


The inch is a unit of length equal to 1/12 of a foot, making it a fractional part of the foot measurement. While typically not considered a direct part of the foot anatomy, the inch is a measurement unit closely associated with the foot.

Land O'__ butter


"Land O'Lakes" is a brand known for its butter products. The clue refers to the brand name, with "Lakes" being the second part of the name.

Afternoon shows


Matinees are afternoon performances or shows, typically held at theaters, cinemas, or other entertainment venues. Matinees are often scheduled earlier in the day and offer discounted tickets compared to evening performances.

Great pitchers


In the context of sports, particularly baseball, "aces" refers to top-performing pitchers known for their exceptional skill and effectiveness in throwing pitches. They are often considered the best pitchers on a team and are relied upon to lead the pitching rotation.

Informal talk


"Chat" refers to casual or informal conversation or discussion between individuals. It typically involves light-hearted topics and relaxed communication, often occurring in social settings or online platforms.

Electrified fish


Eels are a type of elongated, snake-like fish found in both saltwater and freshwater environments. Some species of eels are known for their ability to generate electrical charges, which they use for navigation, communication, and self-defense.

Harry Potter or Oliver Twist


Both Harry Potter and Oliver Twist are fictional characters from literature who share the common trait of being orphans. An orphan is a child whose parents are deceased or have abandoned them, often leading to their placement in orphanages or foster care.

Cut the grass


To "mow" means to cut down or trim grass, typically using a lawnmower or other cutting tools. Mowing is a common lawn care practice performed to maintain the appearance and health of grassy areas.

Witty Oscar


This clue refers to the Irish playwright, novelist, and wit Oscar Wilde. Known for his sharp wit, clever aphorisms, and satirical plays, Wilde is celebrated for his contributions to literature and social commentary.

Operatic songs


Arias are solo vocal pieces performed in operas, characterized by their melodic and expressive qualities. Arias often showcase the vocal abilities of the singer and convey the emotions and thoughts of the character they portray.

Takes care of


To "tend" means to look after, care for, or manage something or someone. It involves providing attention, assistance, or maintenance to ensure the well-being or proper functioning of the object or person being tended to.



Ardor refers to intense enthusiasm, zeal, or fervor for a particular activity, cause, or pursuit. It conveys a deep and passionate commitment or dedication to something, driving one to pursue it with energy and determination.

Get more out of


To "reuse" means to use something again or multiple times, rather than disposing of it after a single use. It involves recycling or repurposing items to extend their lifespan and reduce waste.

"Milkshake" singer


Kelis is an American singer-songwriter known for her hit song "Milkshake." The clue directly references her as the performer of the song, providing a clear connection between the clue and the answer.

Stave off


To "avert" means to prevent or avoid something undesirable or harmful from happening. It implies taking action to deflect or ward off a potential threat or danger.

Event location


A venue is a place where events, performances, or gatherings take place. It can refer to various types of locations, such as theaters, stadiums, concert halls, or conference centers.

Came to a close


"Ended" describes the action of coming to a conclusion or finishing. It signifies the termination or completion of an event, activity, or process.

Increase in intensity: 2 wds.


"Step up" is an idiomatic phrase meaning to increase or intensify something, often by taking decisive or assertive action. It implies elevating or enhancing the level or magnitude of a situation or activity.

Force that moves a plane faster: 2 wds.


A tailwind is a wind that blows in the same direction as the movement of a vehicle or aircraft. It provides assistance by pushing the vehicle or aircraft forward, thereby increasing its speed and efficiency.

"No" answer


A refusal is a negative response or rejection to a request, proposal, or offer. It indicates a firm decision not to comply or agree with something.

Clean water org.


EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency, a United States government agency responsible for protecting human health and the environment. It regulates various aspects of environmental quality, including air and water pollution control.

Iran-__ Affair


The clue references the Iran-Contra Affair, a political scandal in the 1980s involving covert operations and the illegal sale of arms to Iran to fund Nicaraguan Contra rebels. The answer completes the phrase and directly identifies the historical event.

Military blockade


A siege is a military strategy or operation in which a force surrounds and isolates a fortified location, such as a city or fortress, cutting off its supplies and communications in an attempt to compel surrender.

Rabbit relative


Hares are mammals closely related to rabbits, belonging to the same family, Leporidae. While they share similarities with rabbits, hares generally have longer ears and legs and are known for their fast running speeds.

Sunburn gel ingredient


Aloe is a plant known for its medicinal properties, particularly its ability to soothe and heal skin conditions such as sunburns. Aloe vera gel, derived from the leaves of the aloe plant, is commonly used as a topical treatment for sunburn relief.

Adored one


An idol is someone who is greatly admired, adored, or revered by others, often to the point of idolization or worship. The term can refer to a celebrity, role model, or cultural icon who inspires intense admiration and devotion.

Throws in


To "add" something means to include or introduce it into a mixture, group, or situation. In the context of the clue, "throws in" suggests the action of adding or contributing something extra or additional.

Wall Street initials


NYSE stands for the New York Stock Exchange, one of the world's largest and most influential stock exchanges. It is located on Wall Street in New York City and facilitates the trading of stocks and other securities.

Male swans


Male swans are commonly referred to as cobs. Swans are large waterfowl belonging to the genus Cygnus, and like many bird species, they exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males and females having distinct physical characteristics.

Owl's sound


Hoot is the sound made by owls, characterized by a series of short, low-pitched vocalizations. Owls use hooting as a form of communication, including territorial marking, mating calls, and warnings to potential threats.

Loud noise


A din is a loud, continuous noise or cacophony, often produced by a combination of various sounds or voices. It can also refer to a persistent or deafening uproar or commotion.

PhD recipients


"DRs" is an abbreviation for doctors, often used to refer to individuals who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. PhD recipients are recognized for their expertise and contributions to academic research and scholarship.

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