Get the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Clue Solution here for April 9, 2024

We know how a guide to playing a crossword will be helpful, and so in this article, we provide all the details about the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small crossword puzzle.

by Shoba

Updated Apr 09, 2024

Get the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Clue Solution here for April 9, 2024

In the Irish Daily Mail newspaper, you can find, The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle. The crossword we are going to play deals with puzzle grids in smaller sizes when compared to the normal ones and is said to be easier also to play. These puzzles take only less time to play, and with that, we can complete playing them quickly. In this kind of puzzle, we can find many people who are beginners and may also include ones who want a short puzzle-solving experience.

Question: Drained (4)

Answer: BLED

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The word 'drained' suggests a process of losing liquid or energy. In this context, the answer 'BLED' fits perfectly as it describes the action of losing blood or any fluid, correlating with the idea of being drained.

Question: Wartime prison camp (6)

Answer: STALAG

Referring to locations associated with confinement during times of war, 'STALAG' is the suitable answer. It specifically denotes a type of prison camp used by the Germans during World War II, making it apt for the clue.

Question: Dishonest person (4)

Answer: LIAR

Describing an individual who lacks honesty, 'LIAR' succinctly captures the essence of the clue. It denotes someone who tells falsehoods or deliberately deceives others, aligning with the notion of dishonesty.

Question: Non-metallic element (6)

Answer: IODINE

Pointing towards a substance that is not a metal but is a chemical element, 'IODINE' fits the description. It is a halogen element with atomic number 53, serving as a non-metallic component, hence fitting the clue.

Question: Roundish hairstyle (4)

Answer: AFRO

Indicating a hairstyle characterized by its rounded shape, 'AFRO' emerges as the appropriate answer. It specifically refers to a hairdo associated with natural African hair texture, often styled into a rounded shape, matching the clue's description.

Question: Bad-tempered (6)

Answer: CRANKY

When someone is irritable or easily annoyed, they can be described as bad-tempered. The answer, CRANKY, fits this description perfectly, as it captures the essence of a person in a sour mood.

Question: Beneath (5)

Answer: BELOW

To describe something positioned lower or underneath another object, Beneath serves as a fitting clue. The answer BELOW succinctly denotes this spatial relationship, indicating a location that is lower or inferior.

Question: Podded vegetables (4)

Answer: PEAS

In the context of vegetables, those that come in pods are commonly referred to as podded vegetables. The answer PEAS specifically identifies this category, encompassing vegetables like green peas or snow peas enclosed in a pod.

Question: Bond (8)


When referring to a connection, tie, or link between entities, the term Bond is appropriate. In this case, the answer LIGATURE denotes a bond or connection, often used in medical contexts to describe a tie or binding.

Question: Posters (3)

Answer: ADS

Items used for advertising or promoting products or events are often called Posters. The answer ADS directly corresponds to this, indicating short for advertisements, which are frequently displayed on posters for public visibility.

Question: Weep (3)

Answer: SOB

When one feels the weight of sorrow, they might find themselves doing this action, often accompanied by tears and aching. It's a heartfelt expression of sadness. The answer to this crossword clue is SOB.

Question: Equality (3)

Answer: PAR

In the realm of fairness and justice, this concept stands tall. It's about ensuring everyone gets the same treatment and opportunities, regardless of their background. The succinct answer here is PAR.

Question: Covertly (8)


Sometimes, actions need to be carried out discreetly, away from prying eyes or unwanted attention. This adverb describes doing things in a secretive manner, out of sight. The solution hidden in this clue is SECRETLY.

Question: Indian garment (4)

Answer: SARI

A piece of clothing that encapsulates elegance and tradition in its folds, often adorned with intricate designs and vibrant colors. It's a symbol of Indian culture and grace. The crossword answer fitting this description is SARI.

Question: A long time (5)

Answer: YONKS

Time can stretch on, seeming endless in its duration. When referring to a significant span, this phrase comes to mind, implying a duration that feels almost infinite. The answer encapsulating this idea succinctly is YONKS.

Go by (6)

Answer: ELAPSE

Go by suggests an action that involves the passage of time or progress. The answer ELAPSE fits perfectly as it means to pass or go by, typically in reference to time. This word encapsulates the idea of time ticking away or progressing steadily, making it a fitting response to the question.

Question: Femur, e.g. (4)

Answer: BONE

When asked for a word that represents Femur, e.g the answer BONE is apt. The femur is indeed a type of bone in the human body. By selecting BONE, the answer aligns precisely with the given clue, succinctly highlighting the essence of the femur as a bone without being overly specific.

Question: Revoke (6)

Answer: REPEAL

Revoke the answer REPEAL emerges as a fitting choice. Repeal denotes the act of revoking or nullifying a law, regulation, or decision. Its six-letter length matches the requirement of the question, while its meaning accurately reflects the concept of revocation, making it a suitable solution.

Question: Concoct (4)

Answer: BREW

Concoct suggests the creation or formulation of something, often through a combination of ingredients or ideas. The word BREW serves as a concise and precise response, capturing the essence of concoction, particularly in the context of beverages. 

Question: Fashionable (6)

Answer: TRENDY

Fashionable, the answer TRENDY emerges as an appropriate choice. TRENDY conveys the idea of being in vogue or following current fashion trends.

Question: Portent (4)

Answer: OMEN

Portent suggests something ominous or foreboding, often seen as a sign of future events. The answer, OMEN, encapsulates this sense of premonition or warning, typically associated with supernatural or significant occurrences.

Question: Tell tales (4)

Answer: BLAB

When one 'Tell tales', it implies divulging secrets or revealing information, sometimes indiscreetly. The answer, BLAB, succinctly captures the act of speaking indiscreetly or disclosing confidential details without discretion.

Question: Vitality (4)

Answer: LIFE

Vitality hints at the essence of life, energy, and vigor. The answer, LIFE, encapsulates the fundamental force that distinguishes living organisms, reflecting vitality, growth, and the capacity for reproduction and development.

Question: British peer (4)

Answer: EARL

A 'British peer refers to a member of the nobility or aristocracy, particularly in the context of the British peerage system. The answer, 'EARL,' denotes a specific rank within this system, typically below a marquess and above a viscount.

Question: Salivate (5)

Answer: DROOL

When one 'Salivate, it signifies the physiological response of producing saliva, often triggered by the anticipation or presence of food. The answer, DROOL, captures this involuntary reaction, reflecting an excess of saliva production often associated with hunger or appetite stimulation.

Question: Like this (3)

Answer: SIC

Like this suggests a description of something, leading to the answer SIC, commonly used in writing to indicate that quoted material is reproduced exactly as it appears in the source. SIC is typically used to acknowledge errors or unusual language in the original text.

Question: Craggy hill (3)

Answer: TOR

Craggy hill the answer TOR refers to a prominent rocky outcrop or peak commonly found in mountainous or hilly regions. This concise term is often used in geographical contexts to describe such natural formations.

Question: Adjust (5)

Answer: ADAPT

Adjust the answer ADAPT fits perfectly, conveying the idea of modifying or changing something to better suit a particular situation or environment. Adapt signifies the process of altering or accommodating to new conditions, making it an apt response to the clue.

Question: Form a row (4,2)

Answer: LINEUP

Form a row leads to the answer LINEUP, which describes the act of arranging people or things in a straight line or orderly formation. It's a term commonly associated with organizing individuals or objects for various purposes, such as in sports teams or police investigations.

Question: Capital of Turkey (6)

Answer: ANKARA

Capital of Turkey corresponds to the answer ANKARA, denoting the capital city of Turkey. As a major political, cultural, and historical hub, Ankara holds significant importance within the country and internationally, making it a fitting response to the clue.

Question: Hot spring (6)

Answer: GEYSER

In the realm of natural wonders, a hot spring often erupts into a spectacle of boiling water and steam. These geothermal features, known for their intense heat and occasional eruptions, are aptly represented by the term geyser.

Question: Sagacious (4)

Answer: WISE

This adjective describes someone possessing keen perception, wisdom, and good judgment, often seen in experienced individuals or scholars. The succinct answer, WISE, encapsulates the essence of such discerning intellect.

Question: Caught (3)

Answer: GOT

An action denoting the past tense of capturing or seizing something, often used in contexts ranging from physical entrapment to capturing attention or understanding. The answer, GOT, signifies the completion of this action.

Question: Proficiently (4)

Answer: ABLY

An adverb indicating the capability of performing a task skillfully or adeptly, suggesting a high level of competence or mastery. The answer, ABLY, underscores the efficiency and effectiveness with which an action is carried out.

Question: Claim (6)

Answer: ASSERT

This term refers to a statement or assertion made by an individual or group, often backed by evidence or argument, in order to assert a right or demand recognition. The answer, ASSERT, reflects the act of confidently declaring or maintaining a position or belief.

Question: Merchant (6)

Answer: DEALER

A person engaged in buying and selling goods, often associated with specific products or commodities. The term Merchant is commonly synonymous with Dealer, as both refer to individuals involved in commercial transactions, making DEALER the appropriate answer.

Question: Abrade (6)

Answer: SCRAPE

To wear away or scrape off the surface of something through friction or erosion. When an object undergoes abrasion, it's being SCRAPED, hence providing the fitting answer for the crossword clue Abrade.

Question: Mature (5)

Answer: RIPEN

The process of reaching full development or ripeness, often associated with fruits or ideas. As fruits ripen with time, they reach a state of maturity, making RIPEN the apt answer for the crossword hint Mature.

Question: Lout (5)

Answer: YOBBO

A person regarded as rude, uncouth, or clumsy in behavior, often lacking refinement or manners. Colloquially known as a YOBBO, this term accurately describes an individual characterized by boorish or uncivilized conduct.

Question: Average (4)

Answer: NORM

A value or quantity that represents a typical or common level within a set of data or circumstances. In statistical terms, the NORM signifies the average or standard state, aligning perfectly with the crossword clue Average.

Question: Joint (4)

Answer: KNEE

Joint suggests a body part, typically associated with flexibility and movement. In this case, the answer KNEE fits perfectly, as it's a joint crucial for walking, running, and other physical activities.

Question: Stitched (4)

Answer: SEWN

Stitched implies the action of bringing together two pieces by sewing. The answer SEWN correlates with this, indicating the past tense of the sewing action, where materials are fastened together with stitches.

Question: Dejected (3)

Answer: SAD

Dejected conveys a sense of sadness or gloominess. The answer SAD succinctly captures this emotion, as it's a simple yet potent word that encapsulates feelings of melancholy or unhappiness.

Question: Cathedral city (3)

Answer: ELY

Cathedral city refers to a place known for its prominent cathedral. The answer ELY aligns with this, as Ely is a city in England renowned for its majestic Ely Cathedral, a significant historical and architectural landmark.

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