Get the Solution For the Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword April 16, 2024

The Irish Daily Mail Cryptic is a puzzle in the newspaper. It's full of tricky clues that make you think hard. Solving it needs cleverness and a love for wordplay.

by Shoba

Updated Apr 16, 2024

Get the Solution For the Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword April 16, 2024

If you’re looking for a fun puzzle to solve in your daily newspaper, then you’ve come to the right place! The Irish Daily Mail has a puzzle called the Cryptic. It’s a fun game where you’ll find clues hidden in the words of the newspaper that will help you solve the puzzle. You’ll need to think smartly and decipher the hidden meanings behind each clue in order to solve the puzzle. It’s a great game for anyone who likes a challenge and loves playing with words! It’s like a detective game, but instead of clues, the clues are letters. Every day there are new puzzles printed in the newspaper that will keep you entertained and your brain sharp.

Elite police chum lacking energy after work describing some tests? (8,6)


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Chum lacking energy after work suggests that we need to remove a word meaning energy from a synonym for chum or friend, after which we describe some tests. Putting it all together, the answer is MULTIPLE CHOICE, a common format for tests where one must choose from several options.

Comment about Matthew's successor (6)

Answer: REMARK

Comment about Matthew's successor leads to the answer REMARK. It's a play on words, where Matthew's successor refers to the book of Mark in the Bible. So, REMARK serves as a commentary or observation, akin to a comment about Mark.

Creative skill and varied traits associated with network (8)


Creative skill and varied traits associated with network suggests ARTISTRY. This word encompasses the abilities and diverse qualities often found in artistic pursuits, akin to the varied traits associated with a network, whether social or professional.

Prisoner having surrendered is acknowledged (8)


Prisoner hints at someone who has been captured or surrendered, and when this is acknowledged or accepted, it's CONCEDED.

A key worker? (6)

Answer: TYPIST

A key worker? hints at TYPIST. Here, key alludes to the keys on a typewriter or keyboard, which are central to the work of a typist. This play on words cleverly disguises the common term for someone who types.

Affected place associated with Egyptian phenomenon first off (6)

Answer: PLUMMY

Egyptian phenomenon first off indicates the Sphinx, and an affected place often described as ostentatious or pretentious is PLUMMY.

Roman general is sick in prison on a regular basis (6)

Answer: SCIPIO

The Roman general mentioned is SCIPIO, and if he is frequently sick in prison, it's indicating that he is experiencing some form of illness or ailment on a regular basis.

Disconnect French article given piece of publicity (6)

Answer: UNPLUG

Disconnect implies to remove or separate, French article suggests the word un, and given piece of publicity points towards plug. So, combining them leads to UNPLUG.

We hasten somehow to get wrap (8)


ENSWATHE encapsulates the action of hastening to wrap something, as indicated by the word hasten in the clue. By rearranging the letters, you create a word that reflects the act of wrapping or enveloping.

Support to block listening devices? They're pet hates (8)


BUGBEARS refers to the annoyance of having listening devices around, suggesting a need to block them. The term pet hates implies strong aversions, linking to the concept of bugs or listening devices as bothersome creatures or annoyances.

Greatly interest type shortly in a pair of books (6)

Answer: ABSORB

ABSORB suggests a keen interest in a pair of books, indicated by the phrase greatly interest and the word type hinting at reading. When you abbreviate type shortly, you get typ, which when inserted into the word books gives you absorb, meaning to engage deeply with the material.

Untitled scribe possibly describing a fearless soldier? (14)


INDESTRUCTIBLE implies a description of a fearless soldier, hinted at by fearless and soldier. The word scribe suggests writing or description, and untitled hints at a lack of a specific title, alluding to the word formed by rearranging the letters.

Proper, genuine changes around start of month for Antarctic resident (7,7)


EMPEROR PENGUIN reflects a proper Antarctic resident. The phrase proper, genuine changes suggests rearranging the letters to form the answer. Around start of month hints at taking the first letter of month to complete the phrase and reveal the solution.

Italian island featuring in novel, basically (4)

Answer: ELBA

This clue hints at an Italian island that appears in a novel, with basically suggesting a simple form of the word. The answer is ELBA, an Italian island that Napoleon was famously exiled to.

Playfully mischievous journalist supporting Highland town (6)

Answer: WICKED

The word supporting indicates that the answer, WICKED, supports or aligns with the theme of a Highland town, known for its rugged landscape and independent spirit.

Cite cast after broadcast that's very happy (8)


Cite suggests referencing or mentioning, and cast after broadcast implies mentioning the cast of a show or program after it has aired. The phrase very happy describes the emotion associated with being ecstatic.

Model Kate's flowerless plant (4)

Answer: MOSS

Model Kate is famously associated with nature and simplicity. The word flowerless indicates that the plant in question does not have flowers. Therefore, the answer, MOSS, fits as it is a type of plant that does not produce flowers but instead thrives in damp environments.

Liberal university and area in African capital (6)

Answer: LUANDA

Liberal university suggests a place of higher learning known for its progressive values. Area in African capital hints at a specific location within the capital city of a country in Africa. The answer, LUANDA, satisfies both clues as it is the capital city of Angola, and the University Agostinho Neto in Luanda is known for its liberal education.

Film star? Her helicopter's needing repair (11,3)


This clue is a cryptic definition where Film star refers to an actor. Her helicopter's needing repair is a cryptic way of indicating that certain letters within the phrase need rearranging to form the actor's name, CHRISTOPHER LEE.

Brutish corporal outwardly concealing regret (5)

Answer: CRUEL

Brutish corporal gives a sense of the word's meaning. Outwardly concealing regret suggests the word is hiding within the phrase. CRUEL fits as the word being clued, meaning harsh or unkind.

Annoyance shown by old man and woman (5)

Answer: PIPPA

The word annoyance suggests irritation or botheration. Old man and woman points to elderly individuals. When combined, we get PIPPA, which could represent the annoyance caused by older folks, perhaps referring to a specific person named Pippa in the context of the crossword puzzle.

Malta and Italy given financial supports for displaced people (8)


Malta and Italy imply countries providing assistance. Financial supports for displaced people suggests aid or relief for those who have been forced to leave their homes. The answer, MIGRANTS, reflects the financial support provided by these countries to migrants and refugees who are displaced.

Some guides sauntering in German city (6)

Answer: DESSAU

Guides sauntering might hint at individuals leading tours or providing information casually. German city narrows down the location. Combining these clues leads to DESSAU, a German city where guides might leisurely stroll while showing visitors around.

Minimal hypocrisy in case for scrutiny (6)

Answer: SCANTY

Minimal hypocrisy indicates a small amount of insincerity or deception. Case for scrutiny suggests something to examine closely. The answer, SCANTY, implies a small or negligible amount of hypocrisy that warrants scrutiny or investigation.

Singer Joan has headquarters overlooking southern zone (4)

Answer: BAEZ

Singer Joan refers to the musician Joan Baez. Headquarters overlooking southern zone could hint at a geographical location associated with her. BAEZ is the answer, representing her and possibly her connection to a specific place or region mentioned in the crossword.

Newspaper employee beginning to save membership fees (4)

Answer: SUBS

Newspaper employee implies someone working for a publication. Beginning to save membership fees suggests a reduction in costs. The answer, SUBS, could refer to a newspaper subscription, with the first letters of save and membership indicating the abbreviation for subscriptions.

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