Get Today’s Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue Answer (March 20, 2024)

If you wonder what could be the answer for Today’s Irish Daily Mail Cryptic crossword clue, check here for the hints, clues, and answer.

by Dheshni

Updated Mar 20, 2024

Get Today’s Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue Answer (March 20, 2024)

Hello puzzle lovers! We are back with crossword clues and all you have to do is to solve the puzzle. Of course, crosswords are tough and it is not something that you can solve quickly but with the help of our guide, you can do it. We have provided the hints to make your puzzle solving journey easy. Ready? Here is the crossword clue.

Heading west, support ethnic group getting stream of abuse (8)


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  • "Heading west" indicates a direction. "Support ethnic group" suggests a group that is being supported or protected. "Getting stream of abuse" indicates receiving a flow of harsh, critical language.
  • Diatribe" means a forceful and bitter verbal attack or criticism. In this clue, "heading west" indicates the reversal of a word (EBIRTAID), "ethnic group" suggests a tribe, and "getting stream of abuse" hints at the definition of diatribe.

Regulation covering very black debris from a building? (6)


  • Regulation" implies a rule or standard. "Very black debris" suggests rubble or something broken down. "From a building" gives context for where the debris might come from
  • "Rubble" refers to the debris or fragments of a destroyed building. In this clue, "Regulation covering" hints at the definition of rubble, which covers or consists of broken material, and "very black" describes the color of typical debris.

Expert in Florida provided time for cosmetic procedure (8)


  • Expert in Florida" suggests someone skilled or knowledgeable about something related to Florida. "Provided time" implies giving a period or interval. "Cosmetic procedure" hints at a process or treatment related to improving appearance
  • A facelift is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating or enhancing facial appearance. In this clue, "Expert in Florida" might lead to the abbreviation "FL" for Florida, "provided time" can suggest a gift of time or duration (FACE + LIFT), and "cosmetic procedure" points to the definition of facelift.

Summer garment altering this rite at odd points (1,5)


  • "Summer garment" refers to clothing typically worn in warmer weather. "Altering this rite" suggests rearranging or changing the order of something ceremonial. "At odd points" hints at using only the odd letters from a phrase.
  • A T-shirt is a common summer garment. In this clue, "Altering this rite" indicates an anagram of "this rite" (TSHIRT), and "at odd points" suggests taking every other letter, resulting in T SHIRT.

Guitarist Duane in whirlpool (4)


  • "Guitarist Duane" refers to a musician named Duane. "Whirlpool" indicates a swirling motion or vortex.
  • An eddy is a small whirlpool or current of water running contrary to the main current. In this clue, "Guitarist Duane" suggests the abbreviation "EDDY" for Duane, who is Duane Eddy, a guitarist known for his twangy guitar sound.

Absurd let possibly containing a railing on the stairs? (10)


  • "Absurd" suggests something ridiculous or nonsensical. "Let possibly containing a railing on the stairs" hints at a structure or feature commonly found in buildings
  • A balustrade is a row of small columns topped by a rail, often used as a safety barrier on staircases, balconies, or terraces. In this clue, "Absurd let" suggests an anagram of "absurd let" (BALUSTRADE), and "possibly containing a railing on the stairs" describes the definition of balustrade

A pie a last group cut when cooked, served with tomato sauce? (1,2,10)


  • "A pie" suggests a dish enclosed in pastry. "Last group cut" indicates removing the final letters from a word or phrase. "When cooked, served with tomato sauce" suggests a culinary preparation typically accompanied by a specific condiment.
  • "A la Portugaise" refers to a dish cooked in the Portuguese style, often served with tomato sauce. In this clue, "A pie" suggests "ALA," "last group cut" indicates removing the last letters from "Portugaise" (PORTUGAIS), resulting in "PORTUGAI," and the phrase "when cooked, served with tomato sauce" provides additional context for the cuisine style.

One not sure where to place a cross? (8,5)


  • "One not sure" suggests uncertainty or indecision. "Where to place a cross" implies the act of voting or making a choice, often represented by marking a cross on a ballot
  • A floating voter is someone who is undecided or not committed to a particular political party or candidate. In this clue, "where to place a cross" alludes to voting, and "one not sure" describes the characteristic of a floating voter..

Dry gag soon formulated for traditional Scottish dance (3,7)


  • "Dry" suggests lacking moisture or being humorless. "Gag" refers to a joke or humorous remark."Formulated" indicates an anagram. "Traditional Scottish dance" suggests a cultural activity associated with Scotland.
  • The Gay Gordons is a traditional Scottish country dance. In this clue, "dry gag soon formulated" is an anagram of "gay gordons," and "for traditional Scottish dance" gives context to the solution.

Come to vigil? (4)


"Come to vigil" suggests attending a ceremony or observance held in memory of someone who has passed away. A wake is a ceremony or gathering held to honor and remember the life of someone who has died. In this clue, "come to" implies "WAKE" as in waking up, and "vigil" suggests the solemn atmosphere of a wake.

Look found in a southern French city (6)


  • "Look found" implies locating or discovering something. "Southern French city" refers to a city located in the southern region of France.
  • Amiens is a city in northern France, not southern. However, in the context of the clue, "look found" suggests the presence of "AMI" in the word "southern," forming "AMIENS."

So long in distant Surrey town (8)


  • "So long" implies a farewell or goodbye. "Distant Surrey town" suggests a town located far away in the county of Surrey.
  • "Farewell" is an expression used to bid someone goodbye. In this clue, "so long" hints at the definition of farewell, and "distant Surrey town" adds to the notion of saying goodbye from a faraway place, which fits the theme of farewell.

Edward after stop ate less than normal? (6)


  • "Edward" suggests the letter E, often used to represent a name. "Stop" implies the end or cessation of something. "Ate less than normal" suggests reducing food intake.
  • "Dieted" means to restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight. In this clue, "Edward" represents the letter E, "after stop" indicates the letter D (as in "stop" at the end), and "ate less than normal" hints at the definition of dieted.

Duke for all to see has allowance for a length of time (8)


"Duration" refers to the length of time that something continues or lasts. In this clue, "Duke" suggests DU, "for all to see" suggests RATI (as in "ratio"), and "allowance" hints at "ON" for an allowance, giving us DURATION.

Useless sort somehow ruffled after leaving league (6)


  • "Useless sort" implies someone or something ineffective or of little value."Somehow ruffled" suggests an anagram."After leaving league" indicates removing a word meaning "league."
  • "Duffer" means a person who is incompetent or inept. In this clue, "somehow ruffled" suggests an anagram of "useless," giving us "DUFFLES." Then, "after leaving league" means removing "LE" from "DUFFLES," resulting in "DUFFER."

Crew regularly entering a road went in a curve? (5)


"Arced" means to move or form in a curve or arc. In this clue, "crew regularly" gives us the letters "CE," "entering a road" suggests "AR," and "went in a curve" describes the definition of arced.

Rex facing misfortune in stream (4)


  • "Rex facing misfortune" implies the representation of "rex" encountering something unfortunate. "In stream" suggests that this misfortune happens within a stream or current.
  • A rill is a small stream or brook. In this clue, "Rex" gives us the letters "R" and "X," "facing misfortune" indicates a reversal of these letters to "RILL," and "in stream" provides context for the solution

Heavily built animal in New York city (7)


  • "Heavily built animal" suggests an animal with a sturdy or robust physique. "In New York city" provides a location context.
  • Buffalo refers to a large, heavily built mammal. In this clue, "in New York city" provides the context for the solution, as Buffalo is a city in New York.

Disturb leading group (5)


  • "Disturb" implies causing agitation or disruption. "Leading group" suggests the initial or primary members of a collection or organization.
  • "Upset" means to disturb or unsettle. In this clue, "leading group" implies the first letters of "group," which are "UP," and "disturb" corresponds to the definition of "upset."

A big rider mobilised for military officer (9)


  • "A big rider" suggests someone or something large in size or stature that rides. "Mobilised for military officer" indicates the process of preparing or organizing for a specific role within the military.
  • A brigadier is a military officer of high rank. In this clue, "a big rider" suggests the letters "BIG" and "mobilised" indicates an anagram of "BIG RIDER," which gives us "BRIGADIER."

Serious measures shown by risky son (8)


  • "Serious measures" implies actions taken with significant gravity or importance. "Risky son" suggests a child or offspring engaged in perilous activities.
  • "Extremes" refers to the furthest or most intense points of a spectrum or range. In this clue, "serious measures" suggests the extremities of actions taken seriously, and "risky son" indicates the first and last letters of "son," which are "S" and "N," representing the extremes.

Corrosion in NHS institution with entrance obscured (4)


"Rust" is a form of corrosion that commonly affects metals. In this clue, "NHS institution" gives us the first three letters "RUS," and "entrance obscured" hints at the final letter "T," resulting in "RUST."

Tall post in Massachusetts street (4)


  • "Tall post" implies a vertical structure of considerable height. "Massachusetts street" provides a location context.
  • A mast is a tall vertical post or pole on a ship or boat. In this clue, "Massachusetts street" gives us "MAS," and the definition of "tall post" matches the word "MAST."

Remove identifying details from unusually noisy man close to cafe (9)


  • "Remove identifying details" suggests the process of making someone or something anonymous or unidentifiable. "Unusually noisy man" describes a person who is loud or clamorous. "Close to cafe" implies proximity to a place where coffee and light refreshments are served.
  • Anonymise" means to remove or conceal identifying information. In this clue, "unusually noisy man" suggests the letters "NOISY" rearranged, resulting in "ANONY," and "close to cafe" provides the final letters "MISE," forming "ANONYMISE."

Fraudulently set up staple part of the oil industry (3)

Ans: RIG

In the context of the oil industry, a rig is a large structure or machine used for drilling wells, extracting oil, or refining petroleum. In this clue, "fraudulently set up" suggests the deceptive nature of the action, which is akin to rigging something, and "staple part of the oil industry" directly refers to a rig.

French holiday house? Some clog it extensively (4)


  • "French holiday house" suggests a vacation rental or lodging commonly found in France. "Some clog it extensively" hints at an anagram.
  • In French, a "gîte" refers to a holiday cottage or vacation rental. In this clue, "some clog it extensively" suggests an anagram of "GITE," resulting in the solution.

Old pair of fellows having mislaid a drug are not prepared (3,5)


"Off guard" means not prepared or unaware of something. In this clue, "old pair of fellows" gives us "OF" for the first two letters, "mislaid a drug" implies removing the letters "DRUG," and the resulting phrase fits the definition of "not prepared" or "off guard.

Number demonstrate empty point in a network (4)


  • "Number" suggests a numerical value. "Demonstrate" implies showing or indicating something. "Empty point in a network" refers to a junction or connection without anything present.
  • A node is a point where lines or pathways intersect or connect. In this clue, "number" could refer to the concept of counting or numbering, "demonstrate" suggests indicating, and "empty point in a network" fits the definition of a node

Leading group with university and a trade union in archipelago (7)


Vanuatu is an archipelago nation in the South Pacific Ocean. In this clue, "leading group" could mean "VAN," "university" could mean "U," and "a trade union" could mean "ATU," forming "VANUATU."

Cornish town recently observed over November (6)


Newlyn is a town in Cornwall, England. In this clue, "recently observed" suggests taking the word "NEWLY" and placing "N" over "November" to form "NEWLYN."

Measure of weight in the past about uniform (5)


An ounce is an old unit of weight measurement. In this clue, "about uniform" suggests that the word "OUNCE" encompasses or surrounds the word "UN" (uniform).

Asian national in blazer, initially (5)


  • "Asian national" refers to a person from a specific Asian country. "Blazer, initially" suggests the first letter of the word "blazer."
  • "Azeri" refers to a person from Azerbaijan, an Asian country. In this clue, "blazer, initially" gives us the first letter "A," forming "AZERI."

Woman beginning to vegetate over long period (4)


  • "Woman beginning" implies the first letter of a female name. "To vegetate" suggests a state of inactivity or idleness."Over long period" indicates the inclusion of a word meaning "long period."
  • "Vera" is a female name. In this clue, "woman beginning" suggests the letter "V," and "to vegetate over long period" leads to the remaining letters "ERA," forming "VERA."

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