Guardian Quick Crossword Solution for March 25, 2024, is Revealed Here!

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by Dheshni

Updated Mar 25, 2024

Guardian Quick Crossword Solution for March 25, 2024, is Revealed Here!

Did you get stuck on Guardian Quick Crossword? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’s your cheat sheet to win Guardian Quick Crossword. Examine the answers right away and get back to feeling good after finishing the puzzle and now you’ll be able to breeze through these quick crosswords like a pro.

Strong-tasting Japanese plant (6) Letters

Answer: WASABI

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"WASABI." Wasabi is a pungent, spicy condiment commonly served with sushi and other Japanese dishes. It is made from the grated root of the Wasabia japonica plant and has a strong, sharp flavor similar to horseradish.

Go up (6) Letters

Answer: ASCEND

"ASCEND." To ascend means to move upward, either physically or metaphorically. It can refer to climbing stairs, mountains, or any other vertical ascent. In a metaphorical sense, it can also mean to rise in status or importance.

Smooth, lustrous fabric (7) Letters


"TAFFETA." Taffeta is a smooth, crisp, and lustrous fabric often made from silk or synthetic fibers. It is commonly used in evening gowns, wedding dresses, and other formal attire due to its luxurious appearance and lightweight texture.

Useful quality (5) Letters

Answer: ASSET

"ASSET." An asset is something valuable or useful that contributes to the success or effectiveness of a person, organization, or system. It can refer to tangible items such as property or money, as well as intangible qualities such as skills or reputation

Stockpile (3,2) Letters

Answer: LAYUP

"LAYUP." To lay up means to accumulate or stockpile something for future use or consumption. It can refer to gathering supplies, provisions, or resources in preparation for a specific purpose or event.

Entreat (7) Letters


"IMPLORE." To implore means to earnestly or desperately request or beg someone for something. It involves making a heartfelt plea or appeal, often out of desperation or urgency.

An attempted deception by telling the truth (6,5) Letters


"DOUBLE BLUFF." A double bluff is a strategy employed in deception where someone tries to mislead others by appearing to tell the truth, thereby creating a false sense of security or leading them to believe the opposite of what is actually true. It involves pretending to be honest or straightforward while actually intending to deceive.

Filled pasta parcels (7) Letters


RAVIOLI." Ravioli are a type of Italian pasta consisting of small parcels of dough filled with various ingredients such as cheese, meat, vegetables, or seafood. They are typically served with sauce and are a popular dish in Italian cuisine.

Power (5) Letters

Answer: MIGHT

"MIGHT." Power, in this context, refers to the ability or capacity to exert force or influence over others. It can denote physical strength, authority, or control in various situations.

Well dressed (5) Letters

Answer: SMART

"SMART." To be well dressed means to be elegantly or stylishly attired. In this context, "smart" refers to someone who is neatly and fashionably dressed, presenting a polished appearance.

Was gluttonous (7) Letters


"OVERATE." To overeat means to consume food excessively or beyond the point of being comfortably full. It implies indulging in gluttony or excessive eating, often leading to discomfort or negative health consequences

American wildcat (6) Letters

Answer: OCELOT

"OCELOT." The ocelot is a wildcat species native to the Americas. It is known for its distinctive markings, including rosette-shaped spots on its fur. Ocelots are found in various habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mangrove swamps.

Record player needle (6) Letters

Answer: STYLUS

"STYLUS." A stylus is a small, pointed tool or device used to play records on a record player. It typically has a sharp tip that makes contact with the grooves of the record, transmitting the audio signal to the player's speakers.

___ and daub (6) Letters

Answer: WATTLE

"WATTLE." Wattle and daub is a traditional building technique where woven branches (wattle) are plastered with a mixture of mud, clay, or other materials (daub) to create walls. It has been used for centuries in construction, particularly in rural and traditional architecture.

A sentimental or weak person (5) Letters

Answer: SOFTY

"SOFTY." A softy is a colloquial term used to describe someone who is sentimental, emotional, or easily moved by feelings. It can also refer to someone who is perceived as weak or lacking in toughness.

Hostelry which makes its own beer (7) Letters


"BREWPUB." A brewpub is a type of pub or restaurant that brews its own beer on the premises. It combines the functions of a brewery and a pub, allowing customers to enjoy freshly brewed beer alongside food and other beverages.

Skin on the head (5) Letters

Answer: SCALP

"SCALP." The scalp refers to the skin covering the top of the head, including the hair and underlying tissue. It serves to protect the skull and provides a site for hair growth.

Reduce the intensity (4,3) Letters

Answer: EASE OFF

"EASE OFF." To ease off means to decrease or lessen the intensity, pressure, or force of something. It can refer to easing physical pressure, such as easing off the gas pedal while driving, or reducing the intensity of a situation or activity

Act uncertainly (6) Letters

Answer: DITHER

"DITHER." To dither means to act indecisively or hesitantly, often due to uncertainty or confusion. It can involve wavering between options or being unable to make a firm decision.

Attractive film star (7,4) Letters


"MATINEE IDOL." A matinee idol is a charismatic and attractive male actor who is particularly popular with audiences, especially in romantic or leading roles. The term "matinee" refers to a daytime showing of a movie, often attracting a broad audience including women and families.

Prevent (7) Letters


OBVIATE." To obviate means to prevent or avoid the occurrence of something by taking effective measures in advance. It involves eliminating the need for something or making it unnecessary by addressing potential issues or obstacles beforehand.

Luminous (7) Letters


LAMBENT." Luminous describes something that emits a soft, radiant light or glow. It can refer to the gentle flickering of flames or the subtle radiance of reflected light, often creating an atmospheric or ethereal effect.

Fast (of a musical tempo) (6) Letters

Answer: PRESTO

"PRESTO." Presto is a musical term indicating a fast tempo or speed, often associated with lively and energetic performances. It is commonly used in musical notation to instruct performers to play or sing quickly and with agility.

Hellenic capital (6) Letters

Answer: ATHENS

"ATHENS." Athens is the capital city of Greece and is considered one of the most significant cultural and historical centers in the world. It is renowned for its ancient landmarks, including the Acropolis and Parthenon, as well as its contributions to philosophy, democracy, and the arts.

Trump (5) Letters

Answer: OUTDO

"OUTDO." To outdo means to surpass or exceed someone or something in performance, achievement, or quality. It can involve outperforming rivals, surpassing expectations, or achieving greater success

Cup used at the Last Supper (5) Letters

Answer: GRAIL

  • The "Last Supper" refers to the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his crucifixion, as described in the Christian Bible, particularly in the New Testament Gospels.
  • During this event, Jesus is said to have taken a cup of wine, blessed it, and shared it with his disciples, instructing them to do the same in remembrance of him.
  • This cup has become known as the Holy Grail, a legendary artifact of Christian mythology and medieval literature.

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