100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

Discover a collection of profound Healing Quotes that offer solace and encouragement. Let these soothing Healing Quotes inspire your journey to inner wellness and emotional restoration.

by Menaga K

Updated Aug 10, 2023

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

Healing Quotes

Healing quotes can be a powerful source of comfort and inspiration for anyone who is struggling with pain, trauma, or illness. These quotes offer words of wisdom, hope, and encouragement, reminding us that healing is a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and faith in our own resilience. From famous authors and spiritual leaders to ordinary people who have overcome adversity, these quotes provide a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that healing is possible. Whether we are dealing with physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges, healing quotes can uplift our spirits and help us find the strength to keep going. By reflecting on these healing words and integrating them into our daily lives, we can cultivate a sense of peace, healing, and resilience that can help us overcome even the toughest obstacles.

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Healing Quotes For Her

"You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having."

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

1. “I think that little by little I'll be able to solve my problems and survive.” - Frida Kahlo

2. “Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world.” - Marianne Williamson

3. "For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you." – Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, "Cecilia and the Satellite" lyrics

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4. "You should know how great things were before you. Even so, they're better still today. I can't think of who I was before you ruined everything in the nicest way." – Jonathan Coulton, "You Ruined Everything" lyrics

5. "You think you're one of millions but you're one in a million to me." – Brad Paisley, "The World" lyrics

6. "But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow." 

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7. "It's a miracle. Just like the sunshine makes the flower grow. That's just the way you change my whole life show. Through the sunshine of your tender love."

8. "We are made of particles that existed since the moment the universe began. I like to think those atoms travelled 14 billion years through time and space to create us so that we could be together and make each other whole. – The Big Bang Theory

9. "You're the sail of my love boat, You're the captain and crew; You will always be my necessity"

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10. "You see, this is all we need. A couple smokes, a cup of coffee, and a little bit of conversation. You and me and five bucks."

11. "You're the best thing I never knew I needed. So now it's so clear I need you here always."

12. "My dearest friend, if you don't mind I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars. And sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see. We're simply meant to be." – The Nightmare Before Christmas

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13. "If I had to dream up the perfect woman, she wouldn't even come close to you."

14. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." – Dr. Seuss
15. "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart." – Robert Sexton

16. "You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having." – Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry

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17. "You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—and even that is an understatement." – F. Scott Fitzgerald

18. "You and I, it's as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to earth together, to see if we know what we were taught." – Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

19. "Because of you I can feel myself slowly but surely becoming the me I have always dreamed of being." – Tyler Knott Gregson, "Becoming"

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20. "You make me happier than I ever thought I could be and if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way." – Friends

21. "Your words are my food, your breath is my wine. You are everything to me." – Sarah Bernhardt

22. "It's like my life isn't even real to me unless you're there and you're in it and I'm sharing it with you." – Gilmore Girls

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23. "I come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be...yours." – Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

24. "I want to tell you with my last breath that I have always loved you. I would rather be a ghost, drifting by your side as a condemned soul, than enter heaven without you. Because of your love, I will never be a lonely spirit." – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

25. "So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday." – Noah, The Notebook

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26. "It feels good to be the one, that you want when all I want is you." – Jack Johnson, "Never Fade"

Healing Quotes For Him

"I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone."

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

27. "I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." — Angelita Lim

28. "I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes."

29. "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." — Victor Hugo

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30. "All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love." — Leo Tolstoy

31. "I'm much more me when I'm with you."

32. "It's a very dangerous state. You are inclined to recklessness and kind of tune out the rest of your life and everything that's been important to you. It's actually not all that pleasurable. I don't know who the hell wants to get in a situation where you can't bear an hour without somebody's company." — Colin Firth
Why love hurts.

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33. "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." — Helen Keller

34. "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything." — T. Tolis

35. "In order to be happy oneself it is necessary to make at least one other person happy." — Theodor Reik

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36. "Maybe the only vow we ever need to offer the one we love is this: I will never, not for a sliver of a second, make you feel alone." — Tyler Knott Gregson

37. "There's no substitute for a great love who says, 'No matter what's wrong with you, you're welcome at this table.'" — Tom Hanks

38. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." — Lao-Tzu

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39. "I have decided to stick to love; hate is too great a burden to bear." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

40. "Where there is love there is life." — Mahatma Gandhi

41. "If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me."
When their happiness means everything.

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42. "I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone."

43. "So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." — Pablo Coelho

44. "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." ― Plato

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45. "His love roared louder than her demons."

46. "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." ― Sophocles

Quotes For Healing and Strength

"Sadness flies away on the wings of time.— Jean De La Fontaine"

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

47. "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." — Marilyn Monroe

48. "You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them." — John Green

49. "The heart will break, but broken love on." — Lord Byron

50. "The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night's sleep." — Margaret George

51. "When you are in love, and you get hurt, it's like a cut — it will heal, but there will always be a scar." — Soo Jie

52. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." — Alfred Lord Tennyson

53. "Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness." — Steve Maraboli

54. "I'd rather love a million times and have my heart broken every time than hold a permanently empty heart forever." — H.C. Paye

55. "Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story." — Faraaz Kazi

56. "When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better." — Coco J. Ginger

57. "Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities." — Patti Roberts

58. "Sadness flies away on the wings of time." — Jean De La Fontaine

59. "It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise." — Sara Teasdale

60. "And they can't understand, what hurts more — missing the other person, or pretending not to." — Khadija Rupa

61. "It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces." — Ella Harper

62. "Perhaps someday I'll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow." — Sylvia Plath

63. “I think you are wrong to want a heart. It makes most people unhappy. If you only knew it, you are in luck not to have a heart.” ― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

64. “Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don't.” ― Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

65. “Loving you was like going to war; I never came back the same.” — Warsan Shire

66. “The hottest love has the coldest end.” — Socrates

67. “You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.” — Henny Youngman

68. “There is something bleak and barren about a world that is missing the person who knows you best.” — Jodi Piccoult, The Book of Two Ways

69. “Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.” — Emily Dickinson, 809

70. “Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.” — Miss Piggy

71. “I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.” — Julia Roberts

72. “My heart no longer felt as if it belonged to me. It now felt as if it had been stolen, torn from my chest by someone who wanted no part of it.” — Meredith Taylor, Churning Water

73. “To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful.” — Bess Myerson

Prayers For Healing Quotes

"Oh God, we humbly come before you. Please come beside us and heal us from inside and outside."

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

74. Lord! You know the pain I’m carrying. Please deliver and heal me as you are the only one who can.

75. I pray to God that may He heal you and make way for you where everything seems impossible.

76. Oh God, we humbly come before you. Please come beside us and heal us from inside and outside.

77. Dear God, I pray that you will alleviate my pain and bless me with your grace; even when I am afraid, my trust in you helps me overcome my fears.

78. Oh, my Lord! Today I need your healing hand. Please restore my health and protect me from every harm, disease, and sickness. Amen.

79. Dear Lord, I pray to you for hope, patience, strength, and encouragement. Please be with me in my vulnerable times and heal me with your grace so that I can find comfort and peace to get through it.

80. God, here I am again asking for healing from all kinds of illness as you are the one who heals.

81. God! Please put your healing hands rest upon those who are fighting disease, whether it’s bodily or mentally. When they are on the edge of giving up, please give them courage and patience. Amen.

82. Dear God, Today we need your healing power, mercy, and grace. We have come to you with pain, burdens, and lots of wounds. Cause You know us better than anyone in the world. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

83. God, heal those who come to you with their pain. Whether it’s their hurting heart or sickness, please heal their wounds and relieve them.

84. I pray that may the love of Almighty embrace us, soothe our sorrow, and lessen our sufferings. You are our savior, comforter, and healer.

85. Dear Almighty, You are the one who does miracles. Please heal us through and through. Deliver us from every sickness, anxiety, and worry. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Are you or is someone you know down with any sickness and looking for a short prayer for healing and recovery? We often get overwhelmed by what ails us, but the best we can do is pray and rest everything else up to God, knowing that He will heal and restore health. So here are some prayers for the sick you can use for your speedy recovery or the recovery of others.

86. God, please take away my pain, wounds, weakness, and desperation in exchange for your love, mercy, and comfort. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

87. You have created us. You know everything, even every single thought that just has conceived in our heart before we enunciate. And You can make every impossible possible. So today, I’ve come to You to receive Your healing.

88. My God and my Lord, I reach out to You for your mercy today and forever. Please heal (name of the person) from this disease and all kinds of illness with your compassion.

89. My Lord, please hold me with your gentle embrace, touch me with your healing power. Please give me the strength to go through my rough times as you are the giver of everything.

90. God, I have always put my absolute trust in you. Therefore, today I ask You to free (name of the person who needs healing) from the grip of his sickness and restore his health. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

91. God, I need your grace and kindness over those people who badly need your healing power. Please, my Lord, heal them according to your will.

92. Dear God, I pray for the speedy recovery of (name of the sick person). Please restore his/her health with your healing power and renew his/her strength. Amen.

93. Loving God, I lay before you with my burdened soul. Please comfort me with your grace and end this agony with your healing.

94. You are the healer, Lord! I am asking you to be my refuge. Heal me and restore my health.

95. Dear Lord, please grant (The name of the person) a speedy recovery from his/her illness and pain.

96. Dear God, pour Your mercy on me and heal me from this sickness.

97. Lord, I need Your miraculous healing from my illness as everything is possible through you.

Self Healing Quotes

"Self-forgiveness can heal you.- Andrew Zaffina"

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

98. "You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and consciously use your power." Louise Hay

99. "In the mere observation of yourself, you begin the process of healing and transformation." Deepak Chopra

100. "If you want to heal your heart's wounds, start healing your thoughts." Alexandra Vasiliu

101. "Everything happens on a mental level before it manifests on the physical level. This is why it's so important to get your mindset right. You have to believe in yourself no matter what the external circumstances are. Strengthen your vision and have hope that things can get better." Averstu

102. "The only disease you have is your inability to see you have the power to heal yourself." Ralph Smart

103. "If you just allow your body and mind to rest, the healing will come by itself." Thich Nhat Hanh

104. "Let me give up the need to know why things happen as they do. I will never know and constant wondering is constant suffering." Caroline Myss 

105. "When you say 'yes' to others, make sure you are not saying 'no' to yourself." Paulo Coelho

106. "Self-forgiveness can heal you." Andrew Zaffina

107. "The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." Caroline Myss

108. "Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself." Rhonda Byrne

109. "Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work." Thich Nhat Hanh

110. "To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear." Stephen Levine

111. "Let me give up the need to know why things happen as they do. I will never know and constant wondering is constant suffering." Caroline Myss 

112. "The only way to heal the pain which will not heal itself is to forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiveness heals the memory's vision. You set a prisoner free, but you discover the real prisoner was yourself." Lewis B. Smedes

103. "Every time you are triggered, that is a sign that you must go deep and heal yourself with love." Unknown

104. "Disease is an invention of man." Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

105. "Healing is embracing what is most feared, opening what has been closed, softening what has hardened into obstruction. Healing is learning to trust life." Jeanne Achterberg

106. "The placebo effect offers dramatic proof that all healing is essentially self-healing." Dr. Rick Ingrasci 

107. "The healing power is your subconscious mind." Joseph Murphy

Life Healing Quotes

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. — Aristotle"

100+ Inspiring Healing Quotes for Recovery, Strength, and Inner Wellness

108. “People tell you the world looks a certain way. Parents tell you how to think. Schools tell you how to think. TV. Religion. And then at a certain point, if you’re lucky, you realize you can make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life.”— Carrie Ann Moss

109. “Some women choose to follow men, and some choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.” — Lady Gaga

110. “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.”― Allen Saunders

111. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”― George Bernard Shaw

112. “You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot ― it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” ― Maya Angelou

113. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem

114. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

115. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

116. “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” —Lou Holtz

117. “The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius

118. “You are who you are meant to be. Dance as if no one’s watching. Love as if it’s all you know. Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” James Dean

119. “You do not find the happy life. You make it.”— Camilla Eyring Kimball

120. “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.”― William W. Purkey

121. “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.”-Dalai Lama

122. “Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln

123. “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle

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Healing Quotes - FAQs

1. What is Healing?

Healing is the process of restoring balance and wholeness to the body, mind, and spirit.

2. How to develop patience?

To develop patience, practice mindfulness, set realistic expectations, practice gratitude, and use positive self-talk.
