I Expect You to Die 2 Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay and Trailer

Follow this I Expect You to Die 2 Walkthrough guide to complete the virtual reality puzzle game 'I Expect You to Die 2: The Spy and the Liar' effortlessly.

by Rajesh

Updated Jul 06, 2023

I Expect You to Die 2 Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay and Trailer

I Expect You To Die 2 Game

"I Expect You To Die 2" immerses players in an exhilarating VR experience, casting them as a daring super spy embarking on a thrilling adventure. The game demands cunning intellect and resourcefulness to conquer puzzles, fulfill missions, and unveil the sinister secrets concealed by the nefarious organization called Zoraxis. With a variety of captivating settings and obstacles, players traverse multiple levels that present unique challenges.

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These include navigating treacherous storms while piloting a plane, infiltrating glamorous soirées, and orchestrating daring escapes from perilous submarines. Utilizing the environment and available objects, players must unravel puzzles and advance through each level. Boasting stunning visuals and captivating gameplay mechanics, "I Expect You To Die 2" has garnered acclaim from critics and players alike. 

I Expect You To Die 2 Walkthrough

Level 1: Stage Fright

Key Components

In front of you:

  • Headphones for receiving stage setup instructions
  • A control panel for lights and stage effects
  • A lever to raise the clock

To your left:

  • Drawers with useful items, including a key beneath the clipboard
  • A combination-locked panel
  • A crossbow and shield
  • Mysterious messages on the underside of the shelf
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To your right:

  • Ropes with a lever-locking mechanism for banners, lights, and curtains
  • Souvenirs

Souvenir – Location / Condition

  • Hidden Trophy – On top of the cabinet containing the fuel can
  • Master of Disguise – Wear all wearable items (hat, fake mustache, watch, and glasses)
  • Curtain Call – Properly set up the stage, follow cues on the clipboard for stage effects on time (avoid crossed-out cues)
  • Patience is a Virtue – Wait for the mask to release poison before sabotaging it
  • Lights Camera Assassins – Use lights to eliminate two thugs
  • Return Fire – Neutralize all thugs using poison darts
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Speedrun Tricks

  • Immediately raise the curtain to skip ahead to the gas attack
  • Unlocked banner rope will slowly lower the banners automatically
  • The detached lever from the curtain rope can be used as a lethal projectile
  • Lights instantly incapacitate vulnerable targets

Speedrun Walkthrough

  • Upon loading in, face left
  • Lift the shelf with donuts, open the first drawer, retrieve the key under the clipboard
  • Insert the key into the keyhole on the right, quickly raise and lock the curtain in place
  • Face left, enter "2112" on the panel to obtain the fuel can
  • While waiting for dialogue to finish: Unlock the banner rope, load the detached lever from the curtain rope into the crossbow, then lower the banners
  • As the mask descends: Open the hatch, replace its gas with the fuel can
  • Set the lights to the appropriate slot to blind the thug entering from the right
  • Once blinded, adjust the lights downward to blind the other thug
  • Wait for the thug at the bottom to enter, press the top right sound switch to close the door on her
  • Shoot the crossbow thug on the left with the crossbow

Level 2: Jet Set

Basic Components:

On your left:

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  • A window with a view of the wing.

In front of you:

  • An in-flight service button.
  • A menu.
  • A reclining chair.
  • A portrait.
  • An ice pick.
  • A compartment.
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On your right:

  • Books placed on a shelf.
  • A capacitor.
  • Below the secret security console revealed by the book:
  • A compartment containing an oxygen mask and a needle-like object.


  • Hidden Trophy - Located in the area where the cart emerges from.
  • Bombs Away - Throw the grenade (obtained by entering 1324 on the cart) out of the window.
  • Laser Go Boom - Destroy a laser emitter using an exploding cigar.
  • Laser Defense Grid - Redirect a laser to destroy the missile. Use the emitter on the chair opposite you. The missile becomes visible after unjamming the flare launcher.
  • Art Appreciation - Ignite the portrait of Juniper before it gets burned by the laser behind it.
  • No Mask No Problem - Do not use the mask from the cart.
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Speedrun Trick

  • Regardless of the combination you enter into the cart, it will trigger the laser sequence and require reentry.
  • You can enter the code into the cart (and press the button) during the laser sequence, and it will instantly unlock once you have finished dealing with the lasers.
  • Any laser can disable any laser emitter.
  • You can immediately reveal the capacitor panel to avoid stockpiling capacitors before reaching that point.
  • Although you can rush through the steps of resetting the defense system, the green needle puzzle will not register as complete until a specific voice line plays. When the handler says "Oh no," you can change the needles to black.

Speedrun Walkthrough:

  • Press the service button.
  • Press the button on the cart as it rolls in.
  • Enter 1313 on the cart and press the button.
  • Face right, pull down the middle book on the top shelf, and retrieve the capacitor.
  • Plug in the capacitors as you obtain them (the one with 4 goes in the top left, the 2 in the middle go in the bottom left, and the 2 identical ones with a gap in the middle go on the right side).
  • Pull the lever to recline the seat in front of you.
  • Use the plate to redirect the laser at the laser emitter on your right, and then back at its source.
  • Retrieve the capacitor from behind the seat, the capacitor from the compartment under the portrait, and the capacitor from the cart.
  • Quickly remove the comm jammer.
  • Put on the air mask and retrieve the needle-like object.
  • Set the destination to Lisbon (bottom left node).
  • Obtain the ice pick and break the window.
  • Continuously press the change route button as the dialogue nears its end.
  • Continuously press the defense mechanism button as Juniper's dialogue nears its end.
  • Face forward and adjust the dials as they appear.
  • Press the left and right buttons on the left panel.
  • Remove both cards, place the top one in the top left, and place the bottom one in the bottom left.
  • Set the slider to 6.
  • Insert the needle-like object and set the needles to green (middle dial, then right dial, then left).
  • Set the slider to 2.
  • Open the panel on the left and press the middle and right buttons.
  • Wait until your handler begins saying "Oh no," then set the needles to black.
  • Look at the wing and wait for the opportunity to unjam the flare launcher.
  • Unjam the flare launcher.

Level 3: Eaves Drop

Basic Components:

Below you

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  • A large lantern resembling the other pedestals.

In front of you

  • A series of pedestals, one of which is incomplete.
  • A tape player.
  • The leftmost compartment of the desk.
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To your right

The rightmost drawers of the desk, marked with peculiar red squares.

(After opening the desk)

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  • Two small shelves on the left, one with a disarmable trap.
  • A middle panel displaying a scrambled symbol.
  • Two locked compartments on either side of the middle panel.
  • A panel beneath the blueprint concealing some gears.
  • A small blade with a red handle.

(In the locked compartment on the far left)

  • Apart from the other items, there are two smaller compartments that can be slid out from the top.
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  • Hidden Trophy - Located on top of a box to your left.
  • Audiophile - Listen to all six audio tapes.
  • The Bear Did It - Equip the bear's crossbow with a poison dart and have it shoot the guard.
  • A Vintage to Die For - Eliminate the guard using the poison bottle.
  • Hard Hat Area - Place the metal hat on the bear.
  • Not That Kind of Bug - Attach the tracking device to the plant.

Speedrun Tricks:

  • Immediately after placing the lantern on its pedestal, you can lower yourself through the laser field without risk of death.
  • The drawer puzzle with the red buttons will be solved once all the red parts are in place, so you can forcefully remove the last drawer, and it will still function.
  • The guard can be dispatched much more swiftly using the poison bottle or poison darts.
  • The poison bottle will neutralize the guard when he walks into it, even if it's set to hover.
  • The guard will approach you more rapidly if you wear the Mimic Mask.

Speedrun Walkthrough:

1. Upon loading, face left, retrieve the red ball lantern, lift it, and place it on the pedestal.

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2. Lower yourself down, grabbing the small wheel along the way.

3. Adjust the drawers on the right to their correct positions.

4. Open the desk, remove the blueprint.

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5. Open the panel to reveal the gears, and insert the wheel.

6. While turning the wheel, collect the red-bladed tool to the right.

7. After completion, pull the lower shelf on the left, and sever the wire.

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8. Insert the red blade into the designated slot in the bottom left drawer, retrieve the white chisel screwdriver.

9. Place the chisel screwdriver in its slot on the front right, open the compartment, retrieve the chisel again, unscrew the back panel, and turn the dial clockwise to rotate the symbol once.

10. Lift the poison bottle out of the way, open the cabinet behind it, move the document aside, and obtain the screwdriver.

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11. Unlock the front left compartment, and open it.

12. Turn the dial on the far left clockwise to rotate the symbol once, and rotate the front-left dial counterclockwise to complete the puzzle.

13. As the mask emerges, acquire the wire cutters from the top shelf of the bottom left drawer.

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14. Remove the chip on the left, cut the wires on the right, and extract the right chip.

15. Place the poison bottle where the guard will walk in (it will eliminate him automatically).

16. Retrieve the soldering gun.

17. Acquire the tracking chip and place it in the designated location.

18. Replace the right chip, solder it, and replace the left chip.

19. Put on the Mim

Level 4: Party Crasher

Essential Elements

In front of you:

  • Barrels of wine at the back, adorned with symbols
  • Instructions on proper wine glass usage
  • A top hat containing a concealed object

To your left:

  • Wine bottles
  • A large cask filled with swords and additional swords above i

To your right

  • A dumbwaiter
  • Wine glasses


  • Hidden Trophy – Resting atop the dumbwaiter.
  • Smoke Alarm – Startle the guests by dispatching a smoke grenade into the ballroom.
  • Face Off – Don either the mimic mask or the ultraviolet mask when confronted by Juniper.
  • Meat Cleaver – Slice the sausage using the swinging blade.
  • Notes Of Leather – Instead of wine, send the shoe up to the ballroom.
  • Explosive Studies – Dispatch an explosive grenade to the study room.

Speedrun Tricks

  • Sending Juniper the Mimic Mask is unnecessary.
  • The guards will enter rooms even when exposed to gas.
  • Using the smoke grenade will deter Juniper's thug from attempting to shoot you.

Speedrun Walkthrough

  • Face left, take the bottle with the red top from the front, and place it on the dumbwaiter.
  • Retrieve the second and last glasses from the stack on the left and position them on the dumbwaiter.
  • Send the dumbwaiter to the ballroom and press the call button.
  • Extract the swords from the large cask, and insert the 2nd and last swords to unlock it before opening.
  • Shift the ladder out of the way, obtain the key, and place it inside the cask.
  • Turn off the 1st, 3rd, and key-cask spigots.
  • Unveil the hidden button, press it, and trigger the mines' detonation.
  • Activate the map and gas the guards in the following order: Billiards, Gymnasium, and Upstairs Bar. (Utilize the dumbwaiter and call button to entice the guard on the balcony.)
  • Expend all the gas while you wait.
  • Retrieve the nuke briefcase.
  • Acquire a smoke grenade and pull the pin as Juniper commences instructing his henchman to shoot you.
  • Collect the grenade, place it inside the large cask, and close the door.

Level 5: Safe & Sound

Basic Components

In front of you:

  • Plates and a knife
  • An emblem representing the agency

To your right:

  • Locked drawers containing a lighter, drill, and drill bit


  • Hidden Trophy – Found near the left-side mirror after the simulated room collapses.
  • Director’s Cut – Abruptly end Juniper's monologue with the clapperboard.
  • Grilled Cheese – Set the sandwich on fire.
  • Childproofing – Insert the fork into an electrical outlet.
  • Minty Fresh – Utilize the toothbrush as a drill bit and brush your teeth with it.
  • Property Damage – Employ the death ray to obliterate every item in the level, excluding the explosives.

Speedrun Tricks

  • You can skip Juniper's monologue using the clapper.
  • During certain brief waiting periods, prepare the light puzzle in advance.

Speedrun Walkthrough

  • Retrieve the knife and insert it into the bottom drawer on your right.
  • Unlock and open the drawer, take the lighter, and send it forward while lowering the agency emblem. Tilt it slightly to ignite the wall upon impact.
  • Take out the drill and attach the drill bit.
  • Obtain the clapperboard and use it to skip Juniper's speech.
  • Adjust the right-side mirror to face mostly left.
  • Press the left arrow button twice to change the backdrop to the Zoraxis scene.
  • Swiftly disable the missile launcher by causing it to fire at itself.
  • Retrieve the battery, place it in the drill, and use it on the death ray.
  • Grab the death ray and replace your drill bit with it. Aim the death ray at the left mirror.
  • If your previous angle was incorrect, readjust it accordingly.
  • Once the laser field is deactivated, utilize the death ray on the water tower.

Level 6: Phoenix Rising

Essential Elements

Lobby floor:

  • A tray of fruits
  • Scattered access cards
  • A clipboard with a list of access card functions

Next floor:

  • A fire extinguisher
  • A tool cart containing a small key, big key, screwdriver, and wire cutters

Next floor:

  • Levers for controlling the doors
  • A cattle prod
  • A locked cabinet
  • A battery that falls from the left-most room


  • A hatch
  • A mechanism with sawblades that descend to cut the elevator cables

Top Floor:

  • A screwdriver on the left
  • An unlocked cabinet on the right with a lever
  • The nuke briefcase


  • Hidden Trophy – Unlock the cabinet on the 32nd floor using the small key found beneath the fruit tray in the lobby.
  • Bzztnana – Charge the battery with the banana from the lobby.
  • The Final Mask – Wear the Mimic Mask after Juniper loses it.
  • Prods To Plowshares – Charge the battery with the cattle prod.
  • Batteries Not Included – Disable the saws using the elevator's faulty battery.
  • Don't Try This At Home – Utilize the oil from the 32nd floor with the lighter to create a flamethrower.

Speedrun Tricks

  • It is unnecessary to individually free each VIP. Simply pull the left lever, and they will all escape simultaneously.
  • The battery can be charged using the cattle prod, which is quicker than waiting for the saws.
  • The saws can be neutralized by using the elevator's original faulty battery, allowing uninterrupted progress.

Speedrun Walkthrough

  • Retrieve the card located furthest to the right at the back, insert it, and press button 32.
  • Obtain the screwdriver and begin unscrewing the panel.
  • While doing so, acquire the big key and unlock the hatch at the top.
  • Retrieve the wire cutters and the small key.
  • Cut the wires and extinguish the flames.
  • Use the small key to unlock the cabinet, open the panel, and pull the lever.
  • Collect the battery and the cattle prod.
  • Place the battery on the shelf near the elevator panel, activate the prod, and hold it.
  • Connect the cables to the prod to charge the battery, and then connect the battery to the elevator.
  • Look upwards, open the hatch with the sawblades, and place the broken battery from the elevator panel next to it to trigger an explosion.
  • As you reach the top floor, open the electrical panel on the right and pull the lever, Kronk.
  • Retrieve the screwdriver on your left, grab the briefcase, and open it.

I Expect You To Die 2 Guide

"I Expect You To Die 2" is a highly anticipated sequel to the immensely popular original game. This new installment brings an array of exciting features, including fresh missions, challenging scenarios, and a variety of cutting-edge gadgets. Each mission in the game revolves around survival and the successful completion of your objectives, requiring you to evade capture or death.

To excel in the game, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the controls and mechanics, especially if you are new to virtual reality. Spend some time practicing movement and object interaction within the game environment. Understanding the controls will greatly enhance your overall experience.

Paying attention to details is paramount in "I Expect You To Die 2." The game is brimming with clever clues and hints that are instrumental in solving puzzles and advancing through each mission. Thoroughly explore your surroundings, meticulously examine objects, and be on the lookout for hidden messages or items that might hold the key to your success.

Embrace experimentation and think creatively while tackling the game's puzzles. Solutions often require thinking outside the box. Don't hesitate to try out different objects or combine them in unconventional ways. Sometimes, the most unexpected methods yield the desired outcome.

Utilizing your gadgets wisely is crucial as they can greatly assist you in your secret agent missions. Each gadget serves a specific purpose, be it manipulating objects, puzzle-solving, or self-defense. Take the time to understand each gadget's functionality and employ them effectively when the situation calls for it.

Maintaining a calm and observant mindset is vital in the face of time-sensitive situations and unforeseen events. Stay composed, carefully survey your surroundings, and react promptly to any threats or challenges that arise. Rushing through the game often leads to mistakes, so it's essential to take your time and think through your actions.

Inevitably, you may encounter failures or obstacles during your missions. Rather than becoming discouraged, use these setbacks as valuable learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong, adapt your strategies, and approach the task with renewed vigor.

I Expect You To Die 2 Gameplay

The gameplay in this game shares similarities with escape room games, where players must solve puzzles within a confined environment to advance further. However, instead of escaping, the main objective usually revolves around achieving various goals, such as destroying a laser, defeating an adversary, or disarming a bomb.

The game primarily relies on motion control to simulate the player's arm movements, and a button press to activate telekinesis, enabling the direct transportation of items to the player.

Each level follows a predetermined sequence of events, but there are slight variations in how some levels can be completed. For instance, players may choose to let a performance unfold or utilize a dumbwaiter to send a smoke grenade. Throughout the levels, players have the option to fulfill optional objectives in order to obtain "Souvenirs."

Additionally, a hidden trophy is concealed within every level, providing an extra challenge for players to discover. Furthermore, the game encourages players to attempt speedruns, aiming to complete each level within a specific time limit based on the chosen level.

I Expect You To Die 2 Trailer

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I Expect You to Die 2 - FAQs

1. What is the objective in Stage Fright?

The objective is to properly set up the stage and follow the cues on the clipboard for stage effects.

2. How do I raise the curtain?

Insert the key into the keyhole on the right, then quickly raise and lock the curtain in place.

3. How can I eliminate two thugs using lights?

Set the lights to the appropriate slot to blind the thug entering from the right. Once blinded, adjust the lights downward to blind the other thug.

4. How do I neutralize all thugs using poison darts?

Wait for the mask to release poison before sabotaging it. This will neutralize all thugs in the room.

5. Are there any speedrun tricks for this level?

Yes, there are a few speedrun tricks. You can immediately raise the curtain to skip ahead to the gas attack. The detached lever from the curtain rope can be used as a lethal projectile. Lights instantly incapacitate vulnerable targets.
