Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Answers and Explanations for April 16, 2024 is Updated Here

Improve your problem solving skills by solving today's crossword puzzle. Use the clues provided to find the answers and sharpen your mind.

by Sangeetha M

Updated Apr 16, 2024

Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Answers and Explanations for April 16, 2024 is Updated Here

The clue for today's crossword puzzle is easy to solve, but it can still be a bit tricky. Check our website daily to get new clues for the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword. We have got a list of clues, answers, and explanations below. Just scroll down to find what you are looking for.

Applauds (5)


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"Applauds" the action of expressing approval or admiration for someone or something, typically by clapping hands.

Avian creatures (5)


"Avian creatures" animals of the class Aves, commonly known as birds, which are characterized by feathers, beaks, and the ability to fly (in most species).

Acclaim (6)


"Acclaim" the action of publicly praising or applauding someone or something, often to show enthusiastic approval or appreciation.

Cherishes (6)


"Cherishes" describes the action of holding something dear or treating it with affection and care, indicating a deep emotional attachment or value.

Cheese type (7)


"Cheese type (7)" provides a clue that the answer is a seven-letter word referring to a type of cheese. In this case, "STILTON" fits the description.

Set of baby items (7)


"Set of baby items " that the answer is a seven-letter word describing a collection of baby-related objects. "LAYETTE" is a term commonly used to refer to such a set.

Decree (3)


"Decree" indicates that the is a three-letter word meaning an official order or proclamation. "ACT" is a word that fits this description.

--- Ephron, filmmaker (4)


"--- Ephron, filmmaker" follows a pattern where the dashes represent the first letters of a person's name, and the number in parentheses indicates the length of the . In this case, "--- Ephron" refers to Nora Ephron, making "NORA" the answer.

Urgently (1,1,1,1)


"Urgently" is a clue for an acronym or abbreviation where each letter corresponds to a word. In this case, "ASAP" stands for "As Soon As Possible."

Curved shape (3)


"Curved shape" provides a clue indicating that the answer is a three-letter word describing a shape that is curved. The word "ESS" fits this description, as it is a term often used to describe the letter 'S', which is a curved shape.

Goodbye (2,4)


"Goodbye" that the consists of two words, with the first word being two letters long and the second word being four letters long. In this case, "SO LONG" is a common phrase used to bid farewell.

Equine female (4)


"Equine female" hints at a four-letter word that refers to a female horse. The term "MARE" fits this description.

Stimulate (5)


"Stimulate" provides a clue indicating that the answer is a five-letter word meaning to evoke or bring about a response. "EVOKE" is a word that fits this definition.

Profitable (9)


"Profitable" that the is a nine-letter word describing something that generates financial gain. "FINANCIAL" is a term that fits this description.

Capers (6)


"Capers" hints at a six-letter word that refers to playful or mischievous activities. "STUNTS" is a word often used to describe such actions.

Close by (4)


"Close by" that the is a four-letter word meaning near or nearby. "WARM" is a word that fits this description.

--- Paul, guitar model (3)


"--- Paul, guitar model" provides a clue indicating that the answer is a three-letter word that refers to a guitar model associated with the name "Paul." "LES" is a common abbreviation for the Gibson Les Paul guitar model.

Upper lip shape (6,3)


"Upper lip shape" hints at a nine-letter phrase describing the shape of the upper lip. "CUPIDS BOW" is a term often used to describe the shape of the upper lip resembling the curve of Cupid's bow.

Cashpoint (1,1,1)


"Cashpoint" that the consists of three letters and refers to a machine that dispenses cash. "A T M" is the common abbreviation for an automated teller machine.

Male sheep (4)


"Male sheep" provides a clue indicating that the answer is a four-letter word referring to a male sheep. "TUPS" is a term used to describe such animals.

Stings (6)


"Stings" hints at a six-letter word that refers to deceptive or misleading actions. "HOAXES" is a word often used to describe such stings or scams.

Peak viewing slot (5,4)


"Peak viewing slot" a two-part phrase where the first part refers to a period of high television viewership and the second part indicates the duration. "PRIME TIME" is a term commonly used to describe the peak hours of television programming when viewership is highest.

Around a line of symmetry (5)


"Around a line of symmetry" hints at a five-letter word describing a position or location relative to a line that divides an object into two equal halves. "AXIAL" is a word often associated with symmetry, referring to something situated around an axis or central line.

Nevada city (4)


"Nevada city" provides a clue indicating that the answer is a four-letter word referring to a city in the state of Nevada. "ELKO" is a city in northeastern Nevada.

Vessels' hind parts (6)


"Vessels' hind parts" a six-letter word describing the rear or back portions of vessels or boats. "STERNS" are the rear parts of boats or ships.

Through (3)


"Through " hints at a three-letter word meaning across or from one side to the other. "DIA" is a common abbreviation for the word diameter, which represents a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a circle or sphere.

Egg cell (4)


"Egg cell " provides a clue indicating that the answer is a four-letter word referring to a female reproductive cell. "OVUM" is the scientific term for an unfertilized egg cell.

--- Sewell, Black Beauty author (4)


"--- Sewell, Black Beauty author" a four-letter name of an author known for writing "Black Beauty." "ANNA" is the name of the author, Anna Sewell.

Cambridgeshire diocese (3)


"Cambridgeshire diocese " hints at a three-letter word referring to a diocese located in Cambridgeshire. "ELY" is a city in Cambridgeshire, England, and also the name of a diocese there.

Short letter (7)


"Short letter " provides a clue indicating that the answer is a seven-letter word describing a brief written message. "NOTELET" is a short letter or note, often used for informal correspondence.

Areas of property (7)


"Areas of property " a seven-letter word referring to pieces of land or territories. "ESTATES" are large areas of land or property, often comprising buildings and other amenities.

Repudiate (6)


"Repudiate" hints at a six-letter word meaning to reject or disown. "DESERT" can mean to abandon or forsake, which aligns with the concept of repudiating something.

Set aside (6)


"Set aside" a six-letter word describing the action of reserving or allocating something for a specific purpose. "INTEND" can mean to have a specific purpose or plan in mind, which fits the idea of setting something aside for future use.

Got up (5)


"Got up" a five-letter word describing the action of waking up or rising from bed. "WOKEN" is the past participle form of the verb "wake," indicating the action of getting up from sleep.

Wrote on a computer (5)


"Wrote on a computer" hints at a five-letter word describing the action of typing or composing text using a computer keyboard. "TYPED" is the past tense form of the verb "type," which refers to writing on a computer or typewriter.

Short hairstyle (4,3)


"Short hairstyle" provides a clue indicating a hairstyle with a specific length. "CREW CUT" is a hairstyle characterized by short hair all around the head, typically around four to seven millimeters in length.

Was in front (3)


"Was in front "a three-letter word describing the action of leading or being ahead of others. "LED" is the past tense form of the verb "lead," indicating the action of being in front or guiding others.

Combine with others (3)


"Combine with others " hints at a three-letter word describing the action of adding something to another. "ADD" is a verb meaning to join or unite with something else, often used in the context of combining numbers or quantities.

Keyboard instrument (5)


"Keyboard instrument" a five-letter word describing a musical instrument played by keys. "ORGAN" is a keyboard instrument that produces sound by means of pipes or reeds, often used in churches or concert halls.

Amble (6)


"Amble" a six-letter word describing a leisurely walk or gentle pace often associated with horses. "GALLOP" is a word describing a fast, bounding gait of a horse, typically faster than an amble.

Is poised (8)


"Is poised" hints at an eight-letter word describing a state of equilibrium or stability. "BALANCES" is a word indicating the action or state of being poised or stable, often used in the context of physical or emotional equilibrium.

Operatic princess (3)


"Operatic princess" provides a clue indicating a three-letter word referring to a female character in opera. "IDA" is a common female name that may be associated with operatic roles or characters.

--- Keane, former footballer (3)


"--- Keane, former footballer" a three-letter word representing the surname of a former footballer named Keane. "ROY" is a possible answer, which could refer to Roy Keane, a retired Irish footballer known for his successful career.

Fantasised (6)


"Fantasised" hints at a six-letter word describing the action of indulging in imaginary or unrealistic thoughts. "DREAMT" is the past tense form of the verb "dream," indicating the act of fantasizing or having dreams while asleep.

Begin a voyage (3,4)


"Begin a voyage" a phrase consisting of three and four letters describing the action of starting a journey by boat. "SET SAIL" is a common expression used to describe the beginning of a voyage or journey by ship

Mythical ferryman (6)


"Mythical ferryman" provides a clue indicating a six-letter word referring to a figure from mythology associated with transporting souls across a river. "CHARON" is a mythological figure from Greek mythology who ferries souls across the River Styx to the underworld.

Suffer hunger (6)


"Suffer hunger" a six-letter word describing the action of experiencing extreme hunger or deprivation of food. "STARVE" is a verb indicating the act of suffering from hunger or starvation.

Woman's name (5)


"Woman's name " a five-letter word representing a common female given name. "ETHEL" is a name commonly given to women, and it fits the criteria provided.

Duelling swords (5)


"Duelling swords" provides a clue indicating a five-letter word referring to the type of swords commonly used in fencing or duelling. "EPEES" are lightweight fencing swords used in the sport of fencing.

Delivery people (9)


"Delivery people" hints at a nine-letter term describing individuals who deliver items or goods. "ROUNDSMEN" is a word that fits this description, suggesting people who make rounds for deliveries.

Make safe (6)


"Make safe" a six-letter word describing the action of securing or ensuring safety. "SECURE" is a word that means to make something safe or protected from harm or danger.

Snatches (5)


"Snatches" provides a clue indicating a five-letter word describing the action of quickly grabbing or seizing something. "GRABS" is a word that fits this description, suggesting sudden, forceful actions to take hold of something.

Like this (3)


"Like this" hints at a three-letter word indicating that something is in the same manner or style as mentioned. "SIC" is a word used to indicate that quoted material appears exactly as it does in the original source, including any errors or unconventional spelling.

Scents (6)


"Scents" hints at a six-letter word referring to pleasant smells or fragrances. "AROMAS" fits this description as it refers to pleasant scents or odors.

Gaiters (5)


"Gaiters" a five-letter term describing protective coverings worn over shoes and lower pants legs. "SPATS" is the term used for such coverings.

Copied (8)


"Copied" indicates an eight-letter word meaning imitated or reproduced. "IMITATED" fits the description, suggesting something replicated or mimicked.

Candle substance (3)


"Candle substance" points to a three-letter term referring to the material candles are made from. "WAX" is the substance commonly used to make candles.

Kitchen overall (5)


"Kitchen overall" provides a clue for a five-letter word describing a garment typically worn while cooking to protect clothing. "APRON" fits this description as it is commonly worn in the kitchen.

Sir --- McDonald, newscaster (6)


"Sir --- McDonald, newscaster (6)" hints at a six-letter term indicating a title given to a male British broadcaster named McDonald. "TREVOR" is a common name that fits the pattern.

Meeting notes (7)


"Meeting notes " a seven-letter term referring to written records of a gathering or session. "MINUTES" fits this description as it commonly refers to the recorded proceedings of a meeting.

Spellbound (7)


"Spellbound" hints at a seven-letter term describing a state of being captivated or deeply engrossed in something. "RIVETED" fits this description, suggesting complete attention or fascination.

Followed closely (6)


"Followed closely " a six-letter term indicating someone or something closely pursuing another. "TAILED" fits this description as it refers to following someone closely.

Kills (5)


"Kills" hints at a five-letter term describing the action of causing death. "SLAYS" is a word that fits this description, suggesting the act of killing.

Brief duration (6)


"Brief duration" provides a clue for a six-letter term indicating a short period of time. "MOMENT" fits this description as it refers to a brief, fleeting period.

--- Hemingway, U.S. writer (6)


"--- Hemingway, U.S. writer" indicates a six-letter term referring to a renowned American author with the surname Hemingway. "ERNEST" is the name of the author Ernest Hemingway.

Spiteful (5)


"Spiteful" a five-letter term describing someone who is malicious or maliciously intended. "NASTY" fits this description, indicating ill-will or malice.

Zodiac sign (3)


"Zodiac sign" hints at a three-letter term indicating one of the signs of the zodiac. "LEO" is one such sign, representing the astrological sign for the constellation Leo.

Conceitedness (3)


"Conceitedness" a three-letter term indicating excessive pride or self-importance. "EGO" fits this description, referring to one's sense of self or self-importance.

Peak (3)


"Peak" hints at a three-letter term indicating the highest point or summit. "TOP" is the word that fits this description, suggesting the highest part of something.

100 square metres (3)


"100 square metres" a three-letter term indicating a unit of measurement equal to 100 square meters. "ARE" is the term used for this measurement unit.

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