Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle Clue and Answer for April 16, 2024

Can you solve the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle? Challenge your mind with this exciting word puzzle and enjoy the process of learning and playing with words.

by Shoba

Updated Apr 16, 2024

Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle Clue and Answer for April 16, 2024

Get ready to challenge your brain with the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle! It's a fun way to exercise your mind and expand your vocabulary. Enjoy the thrill of solving clues and filling in the grid with letters. Take your time, ponder each clue, and revel in the satisfaction of filling in the grid. It's a fantastic way to exercise your mind while enjoying the art of wordplay. Start your puzzle journey today and let the adventure unfold!

Dame --- Everage, comedy character (4)


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Dame Everage is a well-known comedy character portrayed by Barry Humphries. The clue comedy character hints at a famous persona, which in this case is Dame Edna, known for her sharp wit and eccentricity.

Examiner (6)


An examiner is someone who assesses or evaluates something, often used in the context of tests or examinations. The clue examiner suggests someone who scrutinizes or inspects, which fits the word SHRINK, as in a psychologist who examines thoughts and behaviors.

Two-coloured (4)


Two-coloured refers to something having two distinct colors or shades. The word PIED fits this description perfectly, as it means having patches of two or more colors, often in a scattered or irregular pattern.

Niche (6)


A niche can refer to a specialized segment of the market or a recessed area in a wall. In this context, niche could be interpreted as a corner or small space, making the word CORNER an apt choice.

Sacred image (4)


A sacred image typically refers to a religious depiction or symbol that holds significance within a particular faith. The word IKON is synonymous with icon, often used to describe religious images or representations, fitting the clue perfectly.

Glowers (6)


Glowers suggests a facial expression characterized by a sullen or displeased look. The word FRONTS can be used to describe someone who presents a particular expression or demeanor, such as someone who glowers or appears stern.

Funnel-shaped (5)


The word Funnel-shaped suggests a conical structure, leading to the answer CONIC, which describes anything resembling or related to a cone in shape.

Colliery (4)


When thinking of a place where coal is mined, the term Colliery comes to mind, which is succinctly represented by the word MINE, often associated with extraction operations.

Hungarian capital (8)


Referring to the capital city of Hungary, the answer BUDAPEST fits perfectly within the given length and context of the clue, identifying the major European city.

Prevent (3)


The action of preventing or stopping something can be encapsulated in the succinct term END, which aptly fits the clue's length and meaning.

Farm animal (3)


With the limited length provided, TOM may not immediately spring to mind as a typical farm animal. However, in the context of the clue, TOM refers to a male turkey, often found on farms.

Distress call (1,1,1)


In dire situations, the universal distress call SOS is used to signal for help, succinctly represented by the three-letter abbreviation fitting the clue's format.

Abroad (8)


Describing something or someone that is located overseas or outside one's own country, the word SYLLABIC fits the clue's length and meaning, indicating a broader context.

Frost (4)


With a concise length provided, the term PALE fits the clue's context, suggesting a light, frosty appearance often associated with chilly weather conditions.

--- Brook, Hardy heroine (5)


Referring to a character from the works of Thomas Hardy, the name RHODA aligns perfectly with the given length and context, identifying a notable heroine from literature.

Was wet (6)


Was wet refers to the action of rain falling from the sky, forming droplets that soak the ground, leading to the answer RAINED.

Augury (4)


Augury refers to the practice of interpreting omens or signs to predict the future. When someone has an idea, it's like a mental sign or omen about something they could create or pursue in the future.

Canadian city (6)


Among the various cities in Canada, one notable one is Quebec. Known for its rich history, French influence, and vibrant culture, Quebec stands out as a distinctive and captivating Canadian city.

Hue (4)


A hue is a particular shade or tone of color. When something is cast, it can take on a specific hue depending on the lighting conditions and the materials used.

--- Snipes, actor (6)


Wesley Snipes is a renowned actor known for his roles in various films, including action-packed blockbusters and intense dramas. His performances have left a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

Ocular inflammation (4)


An ocular inflammation commonly referred to as a stye, is a localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid. It typically appears as a small, red bump near the edge of the eyelid and can cause discomfort or pain.

Heroic film (4)


A heroic film often portrays grand adventures, noble quests, and larger-than-life characters. These movies typically evoke a sense of awe and admiration for the heroic deeds of the protagonists.

Mythical queen (4)


In Greek mythology, Hera is one of the principal goddesses, often depicted as the queen of the gods and the wife of Zeus. Her character embodies power, majesty, and the ideals of sovereignty.

Inert gas (4)


In chemistry, an inert gas is a group of elements that are generally non-reactive under normal conditions. Neon, a noble gas, is one such example, commonly used in neon signs due to its vibrant color when electrified.

Improvised (2,3)


To improvise is to create or perform spontaneously without preparation. Doing something by ear means relying on one's auditory senses and intuition rather than following a predetermined plan or sheet music.

Label (3)


In many contexts, a label serves to provide information or categorize items. The word ADD can be interpreted as affixing a label or additional information to something, implying an act of inclusion or augmentation.

Unit of length (3)


A unit of length typically measures distance or extent. MIL refers to a thousandth of an inch, commonly used in engineering and manufacturing contexts for precise measurements.

Tyke (5)


A tyke is a colloquial term for a small child or toddler. KIDDY is another informal term often used interchangeably to refer to young children, particularly in a playful or affectionate manner.

Conservatives (6)


Conservatives are individuals or groups advocating for traditional values and limited government intervention. RIGHTS can be associated with conservative ideologies, as conservatives often emphasize individual rights and freedoms.

All the same (4,2)


This clue suggests finding a phrase that means nevertheless or despite that. The answer, EVEN SO, indicates that despite whatever was mentioned before, the situation remains unchanged or unaffected.

Restores (6)


To restore something is to bring it back to its original or proper condition. REDOES is the present tense form of the verb redo, meaning to do again or repeat a task, which often involves restoring something to its previous state.

Drinking vessels (4)


Drinking vessels are containers designed for holding liquids for consumption. SOGS could refer to mugs or cups, commonly used for beverages like coffee, tea, or water.

Playing cube (3)


A playing cube typically refers to a six-sided cube used in various games, often called a die. It's commonly used in board games and gambling to introduce an element of chance through its randomization of numbers or symbols.

Seaweed (4)


Seaweed is a type of marine algae often found along coastlines. In this crossword, we're looking for a four-letter word. The answer is FUCI, which refers to the genus of brown algae commonly known as rockweed or bladderwrack.

Take temporarily (6)


When we think of taking something temporarily, we might consider borrowing or acquiring it for a short period. In this case, the answer is CHISEL, a tool used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, or metal, which is often borrowed or used temporarily for specific tasks.

Pilot (6)


A pilot is someone who navigates or controls an aircraft during flight. In this crossword, we're looking for a six-letter word. The answer is LEADER, which can refer to someone who pilots or guides a group, organization, or team.

Sends (6)


To send something typically involves throwing or propelling it from one place to another. The word we're looking for in this six-letter crossword is TOSSES, which means to throw or propel something lightly or casually.

Of the kidneys (5)


This clue refers to something related to the kidneys, which are organs responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. The answer is RENAL, an adjective that describes anything pertaining to the kidneys or their function.

Attempts (5)


When someone attempts something, they are putting effort into achieving a particular goal or completing a task. In this crossword, the word we're looking for has five letters. The answer is TOILS, which means to work hard or laboriously towards a goal.

Exclude (4)


To exclude someone or something is to deny them access or involvement. In this crossword, we're looking for a four-letter word. The answer is DENY, which means to refuse to admit or accept something or someone.

Repudiate (4)


Repudiating something involves rejecting or disowning it. In this crossword, the word we're looking for has four letters. The answer is CAST, which can mean to throw or shed something away, metaphorically repudiating it.

Gaming stake (4)


In gambling, a stake is the amount of money or valuables risked on the outcome of a game or event. In this crossword, we're looking for a four-letter word. The answer is ANTE, which refers to the initial amount of money placed in the pot before a round of poker or similar game.

Female sheep (3)


A female sheep is called a ewe. In this crossword, we're looking for a three-letter word. The answer is EWE, which is the term used to refer to a female sheep.

Period (3)


A period is a defined length of time, often referring to a specific day or era. In this crossword, we're looking for a three-letter word. The answer is DAY, which is a unit of time equal to 24 hours.

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