Jewish Matchmaking Who Is Still Together in 2023?

Curious about Jewish Matchmaking who is still together? Our article has all the details you need including the latest news, see which Jewish matchmaking couples have stood the test of time.

by Alaguvelan M

Updated May 09, 2023

Jewish Matchmaking Who Is Still Together in 2023?

Jewish Matchmaking

Jewish Matchmaking is a practice of finding a romantic partner for Jewish singles that is firmly rooted in Jewish culture and tradition. It typically involves using the services of a matchmaker or shadchan, who works to identify potential matches based on criteria such as shared values, religious observance, lifestyle, interests, and personality.

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The matchmaking process may involve personal consultations, introductions between individuals, and sometimes even involvement from the families of prospective partners. While traditional Jewish matchmaking has been around for centuries, the concept has received renewed attention recently with the Netflix show "Jewish Matchmaking," which follows the experiences of Jewish singles looking for love with the help of a matchmaker.

Jewish culture through the continuation of Jewish traditions and values. Matchmakers, or shadchans, typically have a deep knowledge of Jewish law, customs, and culture, and are able to provide guidance and advice to singles seeking a Jewish match. The practice of Jewish matchmaking has evolved over time and can now be found in both traditional and modern forms, ranging from face-to-face meetings to online matchmaking services. While the concept of Jewish matchmaking may be specific to Jewish communities, it is not limited to any one denomination or level of religious observance and is practiced by Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations.

Jewish Matchmaking Who is Still Together?

It is important to keep in mind that the show "Jewish Matchmaking" just premiered on Netflix on May 3, 2023, and it may be too early to determine which couples are still together from the show. However, according to the spoilers and articles circulating on the internet, it appears that some couples are still dating and hopeful for a future together.

Dani and Shaun

The show begins with Dani Bergman, a single based in Miami, going on a date with David Behar. However, their cultural differences become apparent as David is of Sephardic Jewish descent while Dani is Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi Jews hail from France, Germany, and Eastern Europe, while Sephardic Jews originate from Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and the Middle East. However, Dani realizes that David seems more interested in hooking up than building a genuine relationship, prompting her to end things. Later on, Dani goes on a date with Shaun, a South African man residing in Hawaii. They have several enjoyable dates, but it is unclear if they are still together.

Ori and Karin

Matchmaker Ben Shalom sets up Ori with two dates, Adi and Karin, at the beginning of the show. While Adi doesn't seem to be a good match for him, Ori clicks with Karin on their first date. The implication is that they continue to see each other after the date, but their current relationship status remains unknown.

Noah and Tav

Noah has specific family goals he wants to achieve before turning 30, including getting married and having children, and he desires to raise his family in a traditional setting. Noah shares with the cameras that he wants his children to grow up with the same Jewish traditions and culture that he did. However, his initial matches, both named Alyssa, present major red flags for him: one is a vegan, and the other has two cats. He quickly dismisses them and moves on.

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Next, Noah is matched with Gabriela, but he realizes that her alternative views on health do not align with his family's background in medicine and science. He doesn't believe that he can take someone like her home to meet his parents.

Finally, Noah meets Tav, and after their first date, he expresses a desire to see her again. However, they face the challenge of living long-distance as Noah is based in Israel while Tav is from Arizona. Despite this obstacle, they still follow each other on Instagram, suggesting that things may be going well between them.

Nakysha and Evan

Nakysha Osadchey is clear about what she wants, and in a preview clip for the show, she confidently states that she believes in having sex before marriage. She reasons that one needs to "try it before you buy it." Despite Ryan's physical appearance and age is different from what she initially expected, Nakysha is excited about him after their first date. She notes that his baldness and age don't bother her, and she finds him quite cute. However, it appears that Ryan doesn't share the same romantic interest, as pointed out by matchmaker Ben Shalom.

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Then, Nakysha meets Evan, who she thinks is everything she's been looking for. She is thrilled about how well their date went and feels that they match up perfectly like a puzzle, adding that he has hair, which excites her. While it's unclear whether they are still together, there is a sense of optimism that they might be a good match.

Jewish Matchmaking Season 1 Cast

The inaugural season of Jewish Matchmaking spans across the globe, taking us to Israel and the United States, and showcasing singles from various parts of each country. Aleeza, the matchmaker, is constantly on the lookout for potential matches, whether it's in Los Angeles or New York City, or in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Aleeza Ben Shalom

Aleeza Ben Shalom is an accomplished matchmaker and author, known for her expertise in relationship coaching. She has written several self-help books on the subject, including "Get Real Get Married: Get Over your Hurdles, and Under the Chuppah," and regularly provides dating advice through various platforms such as online courses, events, and her popular podcast, Matchmaker, Matchmaker.

Dani Bergman

Dani hails from Miami but spent her formative years in the agricultural countryside of California. She takes great pride in her well-groomed eyebrows and hopes to find a partner with similarly impressive brows (but not better!). In addition to this, Dani desires a spouse who observes the High Holidays, values family, and treats her with the utmost respect and adoration.

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Ori Basly

Ori resides in Los Angeles and is employed at his mother's event planning business, which specializes in weddings. He acknowledges that he has high standards, as demonstrated by his search for an Israeli woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, lives in Los Angeles, and is fluent in Hebrew. Additionally, she must prioritize family values.

Harmonie Krieger

At 44 years old, Harmonie sees herself as a unique and fun-loving person, often referred to as a "magical unicorn." She is in search of a partner who cherishes Jewish traditions, is open to spontaneity, desires to have a child, and can be either younger or older than her.

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Cindy Seni

Cindy, who resides in Israel, is a content creator who recently ended a significant relationship. She is now eager to re-enter the dating world and desires a partner who practices Shabbat and maintains a kosher lifestyle.

Noah Dreyfus

Noah resides in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and works as an investment advisor. He enjoys outdoor activities and desires a partner who shares this interest. Noah keeps a kosher home and seeks a wife who values the observance of Shabbat. It would be a bonus if she also shared his love for the band Phish.

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Fay Brezel

Fay is an entrepreneur in her late twenties who created OKclarity, a mental health app specifically designed for the Orthodox Jewish community. She is searching for a highly religious man with good moral values who will pray with other men three times a day.


Nakysha, a 25-year-old Jewish person of color, is seeking a partner who shares her faith and is accepting of her non-orthodox beliefs. She has enlisted the help of Aleeza to find a match who enjoys Shabbat meals, is physically fit, and has a full head of hair. In addition, the man should be comfortable with her hobbies of riding a motorcycle and owning a gun.

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Stuart Chaseman

Stuart is a 51-year-old music enthusiast from Chicago who also owns an advertising company. He desires a partner who shares his Jewish cultural background and sense of humor, particularly appreciating the show "Curb Your Enthusiasm". He prefers someone who is not particularly religious but shares his liberal values.

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Noah Del Monte

Noah, a 24-year-old based in Tel Aviv, aims to tie the knot before he hits 30, and he hopes to find a daring woman who shares his love for dogs (and maybe even tigers!). He's specifically looking for someone who is physically fit and has a "European" appearance.

Jewish Matchmaking Season 1 Full Cast

Cast Name




Aleeza Ben Shalom




Dani Bergman


CEO and managing director


Ori Basly


Event Producer and Designer


Harmonie Krieger


Entrepreneur and marketing consultant


Cindy Seni

Not Known

Independent content creator


Noah Dreyfus


Senior Financial Advisor


Fay Brezel


Entrepreneur and therapist



Not Known

Digital creator


Stuart Chaseman


Advertising company


Noah Del Monte


Account executive

Jewish Matchmaking Overview




Jewish Matchmaking


Reality TV / Documentary

Release Date

July 16, 2020



Number of Seasons



The show follows a group of Jewish singles and their search for a romantic partner with the help of matchmakers. The show focuses on the challenges of dating within the Jewish community, including balancing tradition with modern dating practices.

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Jewish Matchmaking Who Is Still Together - FAQs

1. What is Jewish Matchmaking?

Jewish Matchmaking is the practice of finding a romantic partner for Jewish singles that are rooted in Jewish culture and tradition. It typically involves using the services of a matchmaker or shadchan, who works to identify potential matches based on criteria such as shared values, religious observance, lifestyle, interests, and personality.

2. How does Jewish Matchmaking work?

Jewish Matchmaking can take many different forms, ranging from traditional face-to-face meetings with a matchmaker to online matchmaking services. The matchmaker or shadchan will typically work to identify potential matches based on the preferences and requirements of the singles involved, and may also provide personalized guidance and advice throughout the dating process.

3. What are the benefits of Jewish Matchmaking?

Jewish Matchmaking can offer a number of benefits to Jewish singles, including the opportunity to meet other singles who share similar values and goals, access to personalized guidance and support, and a connection to Jewish culture and tradition.

4. Are there success stories from Jewish Matchmaking? 

Yes, there are many success stories from Jewish Matchmaking, with couples finding lasting love and happiness through the process. However, dating is always unpredictable and there is no guarantee of success, so working with an experienced matchmaker and being open to different possibilities can improve the chances of a positive outcome.

5. What role do families play in Jewish Matchmaking? 

In some cases, families may be involved in the Jewish Matchmaking process, particularly in more traditional communities where family involvement is seen as an important way to ensure compatibility and shared values.
