LA Times Crossword Puzzle for March 22, 2024

Have you got your answer for today’s Crossword Puzzle? No worries, we are here to assist you with the best answer.

by Sangeetha M

Updated Mar 22, 2024

LA Times Crossword Puzzle for March 22, 2024

LA Times Crossword

LA times Crossword Puzzle makes you engaged with an interesting entertainment which each person can enjoy. Crossword Puzzles are an interesting way to solve the answers by thinking in several ways.It improves your concentration and helps to develop your skills.  If you are a quick solver , then you would not have to miss any crossword puzzles.Visit our page to solve the puzzles and check out the latest LA Times Crossword Puzzles. 

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Trailhead posting

Answer: MAP

"Trailhead posting": This suggests something that is posted or displayed at the trailhead, which is the starting point of a trail.
"MAP": This is the answer to the crossword clue. A map is a visual representation of an area, typically showing geographic features, landmarks, and routes, which is often used at trailheads to help hikers navigate and plan their journey.

Courtroom drama on NBC from 1986 to 1994

Answer: LALAW

"Courtroom drama on NBC from 1986 to 1994" likely refers to a television show that aired on the NBC network during the specified time frame. The show in question is "L.A. Law." "L.A. Law" was a popular legal drama series that aired on NBC from 1986 to 1994. Created by Steven Bochco and Terry Louise Fisher, the show depicted the lives of attorneys at a fictional Los Angeles law firm. It gained critical acclaim for its portrayal of complex legal cases, ethical dilemmas, and interpersonal relationships among the lawyers


Answer: ROPE

"Lariat": This word describes a specific type of rope that cowboys often use for various tasks such as lassoing or roping cattle. "ROPE": This is the answer to the crossword clue. A rope is a length of strong, thick cord made by twisting or braiding fibers together, commonly used for tying, pulling, lifting, or securing objects

Spring mo.

Answer: APR

"Spring mo." is a clue indicating a month in the spring season. "APR" is an abbreviation commonly used to represent the month of April. In crossword puzzles, abbreviations are frequently used to fit the limited space available in the grid. "Spring mo." specifically directs attention to the season of spring, narrowing down the possible months to choose from. April is a spring month in many regions, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Vague afternoon time

Answer: ONEISH

The term "ONEISH" is a colloquial way of saying "around one o'clock." It indicates a time that is somewhat vague and not precisely one o'clock but close to it. clues often utilize wordplay or informal language to convey an idea. In this case, "Vague afternoon time" hints at a time in the afternoon without specifying an exact hour, and "ONEISH" neatly fits this description, implying a time around one o'clock without being precise.

Multicolored gem

Answer: OPAL

The gemstone "OPAL" is well-known for its characteristic feature of displaying a variety of colors, often referred to as "play of colors." This phenomenon occurs due to the internal structure of opal, which diffracts light, resulting in a display of various colors. In crossword puzzles, clues often utilize descriptive terms to hint at the answer. In this case, "Multicolored gem" points to a gemstone that exhibits multiple colors, making "OPAL" a suitable answer.

“Gotta __!”

Answer: JET

The phrase "Gotta __!" typically indicates a sense of urgency or the need for swift action. The word "JET" fits perfectly in this context, as it commonly refers to a type of aircraft known for its speed and ability to travel long distances quickly. In crossword puzzles, clues often rely on common phrases or expressions to lead to the answer. In this case, "Gotta __!" hints at a situation where someone needs to leave quickly, making "JET" an appropriate answer.

Shirts for a coders vs. physicists softball game?


The term "STEMJERSEYS" is a combination of "STEM," which stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and "JERSEYS," which refers to the shirts or uniforms worn during sports games like softball. In this context, "Shirts for a coders vs. physicists softball game?" implies that the game involves players from STEM fields, specifically coders and physicists, suggesting that the jerseys would likely be customized to reflect their expertise or interests in these areas. In crossword puzzles, clues often play with words or phrases to lead to a creative answer, and "STEMJERSEYS" fits this description by combining the idea of STEM with the clothing worn during a sports event.

Miner concern

Answer: ORES

For a miner, the primary concern or focus would be the ores they extract from the earth. "ORES" refers to naturally occurring minerals or aggregates of minerals that can be mined for valuable substances, such as metals or gemstones. In this context, "Miner concern" hints at what miners are primarily interested in or what they spend their time extracting. In crossword puzzles, clues often play with words or concepts to lead to the answer, and "ORES" fits perfectly as it represents the essential material mined by miners.

Water coolers

Answer: ICE

In various settings, including offices, homes, or outdoor events, water coolers are often used to provide cold water for drinking. One of the primary methods for cooling water in these coolers is by adding ice. Therefore, "ICE" serves as an appropriate answer to the clue "Water coolers," as it is a key component used to keep water cold and refreshing. In crossword puzzles, clues often lead to answers that are associated with common knowledge or everyday items, and "ICE" fits this description perfectly in the context of cooling water.

Water movers

Answer: MAINS

In the context of water supply systems, "MAINS" typically refers to the primary pipes or conduits that carry water from its source, such as reservoirs or treatment plants, to different destinations, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas. These mains serve as the primary means of moving water through a distribution network. Therefore, "Water movers" hints at the pipes or conduits responsible for transporting water, making "MAINS" a fitting answer. In crossword puzzles, clues often play with words or concepts to lead to the answer, and "MAINS" accurately represents the key component of a water distribution system responsible for moving water to its intended destinations.

Break-even transactions involving vintage TVs and turntables?


The term "RCA" refers to the Radio Corporation of America, a company known for manufacturing various electronic products, including vintage TVs and turntables. In this context, "Break-even transactions" implies financial transactions involving the buying and selling of these RCA products, where the costs and revenues balance out, resulting in neither a profit nor a loss. "RCAWASHES" suggests transactions involving RCA products, particularly vintage TVs and turntables, where the financial outcomes balance out, possibly through buying, selling, or maintaining these items. In crossword puzzles, clues often play with words or concepts to lead to the answer, and "RCAWASHES" creatively combines the idea of RCA products and break-even transactions involving vintage electronics.

Dead set on

Answer: WEDTO

"Dead set on" likely refers to being determined or resolved to do something. The phrase "dead set on" implies a strong determination or commitment towards a particular course of action or goal.

Tangy red spice

Answer: SUMAC

"Tangy red spice" suggests a spice that is both tangy in flavor and red in color. "Sumac" fits this description perfectly. Sumac is a spice made from the dried and ground berries of the sumac bush, typically with a tart, tangy flavor profile. Additionally, sumac powder is often reddish in color, further aligning with the clue.

Jingle Bells” contraction

Answer: OER

"Jingle Bells" contraction likely refers to a shortened form of a word or phrase commonly found in the lyrics of the popular Christmas song "Jingle Bells." In the song, the phrase "over the" is often contracted to "o'er" for the sake of rhythm and rhyme.

CSNY’s “__ House”

Answer: OUR

"CSNY’s '__ House'" suggests that we need to fill in the blank with a word that fits the context of a song by the music group CSNY (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young). The most fitting word to complete the phrase "CSNY’s '__ House'" would be "OUR," as it completes the title "Our House," which is a well-known song by CSNY.

Making one’s hair stand on end?


"TEASING." When someone is teasing another person, they are often saying or doing something in a playful or provocative manner that could elicit a reaction of surprise or excitement. This reaction might metaphorically be described as making one's hair stand on end.

Doesn’t take well?

Answer: ROBS

"ROBS." When something "doesn't take well," it implies that it doesn't respond favorably or acceptably to a certain treatment or action. In this case, "ROBS" could refer to a situation where someone's attempt to take or steal something is unsuccessful or doesn't go as planned, indicating that the intended target does not accept being taken easily.

One issuing tickets to the over-50 crowd?


One issuing tickets to the over-50 crowd?" is a play on words that combines the idea of issuing tickets with a group associated with individuals over 50 years old. The answer to this clue is "AARPTROOPER." This is a humorous combination of "AARP," which is a well-known organization dedicated to people aged 50 and older, and "TROOPER," which typically refers to someone who enforces rules or issues tickets, especially in the context of law enforcement.

Mark left by a bumper

Answer: DENT

"Mark left by a bumper" suggests that we are looking for a word that describes the result of an impact on a bumper, typically seen on cars." When a bumper collides with something, it can leave a dent, which is a depression or hollow in the surface caused by the force of the impact.

Afternoon rests


Afternoon rests" indicates that we're searching for a word that describes a period of relaxation or sleep typically taken in the afternoon, especially in cultures where siestas are common practice. The answer to this clue is "SIESTAS." A siesta is a short nap or rest taken in the early afternoon, particularly in countries with warm climates where it's common to take a break from the heat of the day.


Answer: RUN

"RUN" in all caps might suggest that it's an answer to the crossword clue. In the context of a crossword puzzle, "RUN" could be interpreted as a synonym for "sprint." Both words involve rapid movement, especially on foot.


Answer: MEN

"Dudes" is a colloquial term often used to refer to men, especially young men or those with a relaxed and casual attitude. It's commonly used in informal contexts. "MEN" in all caps might suggest that it's the answer to the crossword clue. In the context of a crossword puzzle, "MEN" fits the clue "Dudes" because it's a synonym for males, which is what "dudes" typically refers to.

Romance novelist Dare

Answer: TESSA

"Romance novelist Dare" refers to Tessa Dare, who is a well-known author in the romance genre. She has written numerous bestselling romance novels known for their compelling characters and engaging storylines. "TESSA" in all caps is likely the answer to the crossword clue. In this context, "TESSA" refers to Tessa Dare, as she fits the description of a romance novelist.

Make space on the whiteboard

Answer: ERASE

"Make space on the whiteboard" suggests the action of erasing something from the whiteboard to create free space for new content or writing. "ERASE" in all caps is likely the answer to the crossword clue. In the context of a whiteboard, "ERASE" is the action one takes to remove marks or writing from the surface, thereby making space for new information.

Animated image of an apple falling on Sir Isaac?


"Animated image of an apple falling on Sir Isaac?" is a clever play on words that combines the concept of an animated image (often referred to as a GIF) with the name of the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, who is known for his discovery of the law of universal gravitation, famously illustrated by the story of an apple falling from a tree. The answer to this clue is "GIFNEWTON." This is a humorous combination of "GIF," which refers to a type of animated image, and "NEWTON," referencing Sir Isaac Newton.

“__ you a barrel of laughs”

Answer: ARENT

"__ you a barrel of laughs" suggests that we need to fill in the blank with a word that fits the context of the phrase "you a barrel of laughs," indicating someone or something that is amusing or entertaining. The answer to this clue is "ARENT." When we complete the phrase, it becomes "ARENT you a barrel of laughs," which is a rhetorical expression used to humorously remark on someone's lack of humor or entertainment value.

Nintendo character option

Answer: MII

"MII." In Nintendo games such as the Wii series, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch, players have the option to create and customize their own avatars, referred to as "Mii" characters. These characters can be personalized in various ways, including appearance, clothing, and even personality traits, and can be used in various games and applications on Nintendo platforms.

Artemis org.

Answer: NASA

NASA." NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the United States government agency responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. The Artemis program is NASA's current lunar exploration program, with the goal of landing "the first woman and the next man" on the Moon by the mid-2020s and establishing a sustainable human presence on the lunar surface.

Lab work focused on data storage devices?


"Lab work focused on data storage devices?" is a playful combination of words that combines the concept of laboratory work with a term related to data storage devices. This is a humorous combination of "USB," which stands for Universal Serial Bus and is a common interface used for connecting peripherals to computers and other devices, and "CULTURES," which typically refers to the cultivation or growth of microorganisms in a laboratory setting.

Gov. or sen.

Answer: POL

"Gov. or sen." indicates that we are looking for a term that can represent either a governor (Gov.) or a senator (Sen.), typically found in political contexts "Pol" is a shortened form of "politician," which can refer to individuals serving in various political positions, including governors and senators.

Barrel of laughs

Answer: RIOT

"Barrel of laughs" a term or phrase that describes something or someone that is very amusing or entertaining." When something is described as a "riot," it means it is uproariously funny or entertaining, often causing uncontrollable laughter or amusement.

Big-box shop

Answer: COSTCO

Big-box shop" for the name of a large retail store that typically operates in a warehouse-style building and offers a wide range of products in bulk quantities." Costco is a well-known big-box retailer that is famous for its membership-based warehouse clubs. It offers a variety of products, including groceries, electronics, furniture, and household items, often in larger quantities and at discounted prices.

68-Across restroom

Answer: LOO

"68-Across restroom" that we to find a word that refers to a restroom and relates to the clue given for 68-Across. However, since we don't have the specific clue for 68-Across, we can't determine the exact word.

However, "LOO" is a commonly used term in British English to refer to a restroom or toilet. It's a casual and colloquial term that has been in use for many years, particularly in British English-speaking regions.

Drummer Ulrich

Answer: LARS

"Drummer Ulrich" we are looking for the first name of a drummer named Ulrich. The answer to this clue is "LARS." Lars Ulrich is a well-known Danish musician and drummer, best known as one of the founding members of the heavy metal band Metallica. He is widely recognized for his influential drumming style and his role in Metallica's success.

“Anything Goes” star Merman

Answer: ETHEL

"‘Anything Goes’ star Merman" indicates that we are looking for the first name of a star associated with the musical "Anything Goes." The answer to this clue is "ETHEL." Ethel Merman was a highly acclaimed American actress and singer known for her powerful voice and iconic performances in Broadway musicals, including the role of Reno Sweeney in the original 1934 production of "Anything Goes." Merman's rendition of the title song "Anything Goes" became particularly famous.

U.K. part

Answer: ENG

"U.K. part" that looking for a three-letter abbreviation that represents a part or component of the United Kingdom."ENG" is a commonly used abbreviation for England, which is one of the four constituent countries that make up the United Kingdom, along with Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 

Focuses in college

Answer: MAJORS

"Focuses in college" oking for a term that describes the primary areas of study or specialization that students pursue during their college education." In the context of college education, a major refers to the specific field of study that a student chooses to focus on and specialize in. For example, a student might major in subjects such as biology, history, engineering, psychology, etc.

Brief sketch

Answer: APERCU

"Brief sketch" describes a concise or summary representation of something. "Aperçu" is a French word that has been adopted into English, meaning a brief insight, summary, or sketch. In English, it is often used to describe a quick and insightful observation or summary of a situation, idea, or concept.

Comms experts

Answer: PRTEAM

"Comms experts" term that refers to a group of professionals who specialize in communication strategies and public relations. This term combines "PR," an abbreviation for public relations, with "TEAM," indicating a group of individuals working together. Therefore, "PRTEAM" refers to a team of professionals skilled in public relations and communication.

Rock’s __ Lonely Boys

Answer: LOS

"Rock’s __ Lonely Boys" suggests that we for a word to fill in the blank that completes the name of a rock band. "Los Lonely Boys" is a Grammy Award-winning American Chicano rock power trio from Texas. They gained fame with their hit song "Heaven" and have released several albums featuring their unique blend of rock, blues, and Tejano music.

Opposition parties

Answer: ANTIS

"Opposition parties" that we are looking for a term that refers to groups or individuals who oppose or are against something. "Antis" is a colloquial term that is often used to describe individuals or groups who are opposed to a particular idea, policy, or group. For example, in politics, "antis" may refer to opposition parties or individuals who oppose the policies or actions of the ruling party.


Answer: LEECH

Hanger-on" for a term that describes someone who attaches themselves to another person or group, typically for personal gain without contributing much in return. A leech is a bloodsucking worm-like creature that attaches itself to the skin of animals to feed. Metaphorically, "leech" is used to describe a person who similarly attaches themselves to others, often for financial or social advantage, without offering anything in return.

Teegarden of “Friday Night Lights”

Answer: AIMEE

"Teegarden of 'Friday Night Lights'" suggests that we are looking for the name of an actress who appeared in the television series "Friday Night Lights." Aimee Teegarden is an American actress who portrayed the character Julie Taylor in the popular television series "Friday Night Lights." Her performance in the show gained critical acclaim and contributed to the series' success.

Financial paper, for short

Answer: WSJ

Financial paper, for short" that we are looking for an abbreviation commonly used to refer to a well-known financial newspaper. This abbreviation stands for "The Wall Street Journal," which is a highly respected and widely read financial newspaper in the United States. The Wall Street Journal covers business, finance, and economic news, and it is renowned for its in-depth analysis and reporting on financial markets, economic trends, and corporate developments.

“The Jetsons” maid

Answer: ROSIE

"‘The Jetsons’ maid" indicates that we are looking for the name of a character who appears as a maid in the animated television series "The Jetsons." Rosie is the name of the robotic maid who serves the Jetson family in the futuristic world depicted in "The Jetsons." She is known for her friendly demeanor, efficient work ethic, and occasional humorous interactions with the Jetson family members.

What love is, per a “Frozen” song


"What love is, per a 'Frozen' song" that we are looking for a phrase or concept that describes love, as referenced in a song from the animated movie "Frozen." In the song "Love Is an Open Door" from the movie "Frozen," characters Anna and Hans sing about finding love and experiencing the joy of an open door to new possibilities and opportunities. The phrase "open door" symbolizes the idea of love bringing openness, trust, and a sense of welcoming into one's life.

Earnings report


"Earnings report" that we are looking for a term related to a document that details an individual's earnings or salary information. A paystub is a document typically issued by an employer to an employee along with their paycheck. It provides a breakdown of the employee's earnings for a specific pay period, including details such as wages earned, deductions for taxes and benefits, and net pay

Lapel edges?

Answer: ELS

"Lapel edges?" that we are for a term that describes the edges of a lapel, which is the folded flap of fabric on the front of a jacket or coat. "ELS" is a short form of "edges" and in the context of the clue, it refers to the edges of the lapel on a garment.

Take up, in a way

Answer: HEM

"Take up, in a way" that we are for a term that describes a method of adjusting the length of a garment." When you hem a garment, you fold and sew the edge of the fabric to create a neat and finished appearance while also adjusting the length of the garment as needed. Hemming is a common technique used in sewing to shorten pants, skirts, dresses, or sleeves.

Playful “grr” alternative

Answer: RAWR

"Playful 'grr' alternative" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents a playful or exaggerated expression of a growl. "RAWR" is an onomatopoeic term often used to represent the sound of a growl or roar, particularly in a playful or humorous context, such as when mimicking the sound of a wild animal or expressing excitement or enthusiasm.

Try to hit

Answer: SWATAT

"Try to hit" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes an attempt to strike or hit something. "SWAT" typically refers to the action of striking or hitting something, often with a quick and forceful motion, as if trying to swat away a fly or insect. In this case, "SWATAT" combines "SWAT" with "AT," suggesting an attempt to hit or strike at something.

Lenovo rival

Answer: ACER

"Lenovo rival" suggests that we are looking for a company that competes with Lenovo in the market for computers, laptops, and other electronic devices. Acer is a well-known multinational electronics corporation based in Taiwan. It is one of the world's largest computer and electronics manufacturers, producing a wide range of products including laptops, desktops, tablets, monitors, and smartphones. Acer is a direct competitor to Lenovo in the global market for personal computers and electronic devices.

Wireless speaker brand

Answer: SONOS

"Wireless speaker brand" suggests that we are looking for the name of a company that manufactures wireless speakers. Sonos is a well-known brand that specializes in the production of high-quality wireless speakers and audio systems. Sonos offers a range of products including smart speakers, soundbars, and subwoofers that can be connected wirelessly to create a multi-room audio experience. Sonos speakers are known for their excellent sound quality, ease of use, and compatibility with various streaming services and voice assistants.

RN workplaces

Answer: ORS

"RN workplaces" suggests that we are looking for the abbreviation that represents the workplaces where Registered Nurses (RNs) typically work."ORS" is a shortened form of "hospitals" (HOSpiTalS), which is one of the primary workplaces for Registered Nurses. Nurses often work in hospitals alongside doctors and other healthcare professionals, providing direct patient care, administering medications, and assisting with various medical procedures.

Elton John accomplishment, briefly

Answer: EGOT

"Elton John accomplishment, briefly" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents a significant achievement or accolade associated with the musician Elton John, using a brief abbreviation."EGOT" stands for winning all four major American entertainment awards: the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony awards. While Elton John has not achieved an EGOT himself, the abbreviation "EGOT" is commonly used in the entertainment industry to refer to individuals who have won all four awards, marking a remarkable accomplishment in their careers.

Basilica alcove

Answer: APSE

Basilica alcove" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a semi-circular or polygonal recess typically found at the end of a basilica or church. An apse is a architectural feature commonly found in churches, basilicas, and cathedrals. It is a large semi-circular or polygonal recess in the building's structure, often housing the altar or serving as a space for ceremonial purposes. The apse is typically located at the eastern end of the building and is often adorned with decorative elements such as stained glass windows, mosaics, or sculptures.

Result of angering a wasp, probably

Answer: STING

"Result of angering a wasp, probably" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a consequence that may occur after provoking or irritating a wasp. The answer to this clue is "STING." When a wasp is angered or feels threatened, it may sting as a defensive mechanism. Therefore, the result of angering a wasp is likely to be a painful sting, which can cause discomfort and sometimes allergic reactions in humans.


Answer: IRE

"Fury" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents intense anger or rage. "IRE" is a word that specifically denotes anger or wrath. It describes a strong emotion characterized by intense displeasure or resentment.

Taken up, in a way

Answer: RESEWN

"Taken up, in a way" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a method of adjusting or repairing something by sewing it again."RESEWN" is a word that means to sew something again, typically to repair or adjust it. When something is taken up or altered in length, such as clothing or fabric, it may need to be resewn to achieve the desired fit or appearance.

University of Michigan city


"University of Michigan city" suggests that we are looking for the name of a city where the University of Michigan is located. Ann Arbor is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan and is home to the University of Michigan's main campus. The University of Michigan is a prestigious public research university, and Ann Arbor is known for its vibrant college town atmosphere, cultural events, and diverse community.

Spread out at a cocktail party

Answer: PATE

"Spread out at a cocktail party" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a food item commonly served and spread out at cocktail parties. Pâté is a rich and savory spread made from finely ground meat, often liver, along with various herbs, spices, and other flavorings. It is typically served chilled and spread onto crackers, bread, or toast as an appetizer at cocktail parties or other social gatherings.

Rap’s Dr. __

Answer: DRE

"Rap’s Dr. __" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents a prominent figure in the rap music genre. "DRE" refers to Dr. Dre, who is a highly influential and successful rapper, record producer, and entrepreneur in the hip-hop industry. Dr. Dre is renowned for his groundbreaking work as a producer and artist, as well as his significant contributions to the development of West Coast hip-hop.

“1984” superstate


"1984 superstate" suggests that we are looking for a term that refers to one of the fictional superstates depicted in George Orwell's novel "1984." The answer to this clue is "EURASIA." In "1984," Eurasia is one of the three totalitarian superstates that dominate the world in the dystopian future depicted in the novel. Eurasia encompasses the area of Europe and Asia, as the name suggests, and is in a perpetual state of war with the other superstates, Oceania and Eastasia.

Maitre d’ offering

Answer: MENU

"Maitre d’ offering" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents something typically provided by a maitre d' or head waiter.  A menu is a list of food and drink items available for purchase at a restaurant or dining establishment. The maitre d' often presents the menu to patrons upon seating them at their table, providing them with options for their meal.

Paper clip alternative

Answer: STAPLE

"Paper clip alternative" suggests that we are looking for a different office supply item that can be used in place of a paper clip." A staple is a small metal fastener that is used to hold multiple sheets of paper together by piercing through them and bending its ends. Like a paper clip, a staple serves the purpose of keeping papers organized and secure, but it does so by binding the papers together rather than clipping them.

“Time to go already?”

Answer: : SOSOON

"Time to go already?" suggests that we are looking for a phrase that expresses surprise or disbelief at the thought of leaving or departing soon." The phrase "so soon" is commonly used to express surprise or disbelief that something is happening or ending earlier than expected. In the context of the clue, "Time to go already?" suggests that the speaker is surprised or disappointed that it is time to leave sooner than anticipated.

Like a watch with hands

Answer: ANALOG

"Like a watch with hands" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a specific type of watch. An analog watch is a type of timepiece that displays the time using traditional hour and minute hands on a dial, as opposed to digital watches, which display the time numerically on a digital screen.


Answer: SECTS

"Factions" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes groups or divisions within a larger organization or community. The answer to this clue is "SECTS." A sect is a subgroup or faction that holds particular beliefs, practices, or ideologies that distinguish them from the larger group they are associated with. Sects can be religious, political, or cultural in nature, and they often have their own distinct rituals, teachings, or leadership structures.

“You can’t stop me”

Answer: IMUST

"‘You can’t stop me’" suggests that we are looking for a phrase that emphasizes determination or insistence. "IMUST" is a statement indicating a strong determination or resolve to do something despite any obstacles or opposition. It conveys a sense of unwavering commitment or insistence on pursuing a course of action.

Colin of “1917”

Answer: FIRTH

"Colin of '1917'" suggests that we are looking for the name of an actor who appeared in the film "1917." Colin Firth is a British actor who is known for his versatile performances in various films, including his role as General Erinmore in the war film "1917." In the movie, Firth portrays a high-ranking British officer who plays a crucial role in the storyline.

Extended family member

Answer: NIECE

"Extended family member" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes a familial relationship beyond immediate family." A niece is a female relative who is the daughter of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. Nieces are considered part of one's extended family, as they are not directly part of one's nuclear family but still share a close familial bond.

“No Scrubs” group

Answer: TLC

"‘No Scrubs’ group" suggests that we are looking for the name of a musical group known for the song "No Scrubs." TLC is an American R&B and hip-hop girl group that rose to fame in the 1990s. "No Scrubs" is one of their most popular and iconic songs, released in 1999. The song addresses the theme of self-respect and encourages women to avoid relationships with men who lack ambition or motivation, referred to as "scrubs."

Clickable link

Answer: URL

"Clickable link" suggests that we are looking for a term that represents a type of internet address that can be clicked on to access a web page. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which is the address of a web page or other resource on the internet. URLs are typically displayed as clickable links in web browsers, allowing users to easily navigate to different web pages or online resources.

Little piggy

Answer: TOE

"Little piggy" suggests that we are looking for a term that refers to a part of the human body, often used in a nursery rhyme. In the nursery rhyme "This Little Piggy," one of the lines refers to each of the toes on the foot, with each toe being playfully referred to as a "little piggy."

Mexican lager

Answer: SOL

"Mexican lager" suggests that we are looking for the name of a type of beer that is commonly associated with Mexico. Sol is a well-known Mexican lager beer that is brewed by the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery. It is a popular beer both in Mexico and internationally, known for its light and refreshing taste, often enjoyed with a wedge of lime.

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