March 27, 2024: Solution To The Times Concise Crossword

The Times Concise Crossword Answer delivers big excitement in a compact yet engaging puzzle that packs a punch. Unlock your inner word master and beat every grid with speed and accuracy with our guide.

by J Nandhini

Updated Mar 27, 2024

March 27, 2024: Solution To The Times Concise Crossword

The Times Concise crossword is your brain’s best friend every day. Get your brain sharpened and your vocabulary sharpened with this expertly designed crossword that’s perfect for a quick coffee break or a quick lunch.


Answer: KIDNAP

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The term "Abduct" suggests the act of unlawfully taking someone away against their will. The word typically implies kidnapping or forcibly removing someone from their environment. "Kidnap" is the appropriate term for this action. It involves the unlawful seizure and carrying away of a person by force or fraud, often for ransom or other illicit purposes. The word "Kidnap" aligns with the clue.

Allot, attribute

Answer: ASSIGN

  • The words "Allot" and "Attribute" both imply assigning or designating something to someone or something else. To "Allot" means to distribute or allocate something, while to "Attribute" means to credit or assign something as a cause or source.
  • "Assign" is a word that encompasses both meanings, as it can mean to allocate or designate something to someone or something, as well as to credit or attribute something to a specific source. Therefore, "Assign" is the appropriate term for both actions described in the clue

Anxious, tense

Answer: NERVY

The terms "Anxious" and "Tense" both describe states of nervousness or apprehension. "Nervy" is an adjective that can mean bold, daring, or exhibiting courage, but it can also mean excessively nervous or agitated. In the context of the clue, "Nervy" aligns with the meaning of being anxious or tense, as it can denote a state of heightened nervousness or tension.

Art of public speaking


The phrase "Art of public speaking" suggests a skill or practice related to delivering speeches or addresses to an audience. "Oratory" specifically refers to the skill or practice of public speaking, particularly in a persuasive or eloquent manner. It involves the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively to an audience, often in formal settings such as public debates, lectures, or political speeches. The word "Oratory" corresponds directly to the clue.

Book of church songs

Answer: HYMNAL

The phrase "Book of church songs" suggests a collection of hymns or religious songs used in worship services. A "Hymnal" is precisely such a book. It contains a selection of hymns, typically organized according to themes or liturgical seasons, and is commonly used in churches for congregational singing during religious ceremonies or services. The word "Hymnal" aligns perfectly with the clue.

Calculate; cut poem (anagram)


"Calculate" and "cut poem (anagram)." "Compute" is a word that can mean both to calculate or perform mathematical operations and, when rearranged, forms an anagram of "cut poem." An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. In this case, "Compute" satisfies both interpretations provided in the clue.

Civil discontent

Answer: UNREST

The term "Civil discontent" suggests dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction within a society or community. "Unrest" refers to a state of agitation, disturbance, or turmoil within a population, often characterized by protests, demonstrations, or social upheaval. It indicates a lack of peace or stability within a civil society. The word "Unrest" corresponds directly to the clue.

Crude model of a public figure

Answer: EFFIGY

The phrase "Crude model of a public figure" suggests a representation or likeness of a prominent individual, typically created to express public sentiment or opinion. An "Effigy" is precisely such a representation. It is a crude or rough likeness of a person, often made from materials such as straw, wax, or wood, and used for symbolic or protest purposes

Double-size wine bottle

Answer: MAGNUM

The clue "Double-size wine bottle" suggests a container for holding wine that is larger than the standard size. A "Magnum" is precisely such a bottle. It is a wine bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters, equivalent to two standard bottles of wine. Magnums are commonly used for storing and serving wine, particularly in celebratory or special occasions. The word "Magnum" corresponds directly to the clue.

Enrico ---, operatic tenor

Answer: CARUSO

"Enrico ---, operatic tenor" suggests the name of a famous operatic tenor named Enrico. The answer is "Caruso," referring to Enrico Caruso, an Italian opera singer known for his powerful voice and dramatic performances. Caruso is widely regarded as one of the greatest tenors in the history of opera. The word "Caruso" corresponds directly to the clue.

European principality

Answer: MONACO

The term "European principality" suggests a small independent state ruled by a prince or princess, typically located in Europe. "Monaco" specifically refers to a sovereign city-state located on the French Riviera, known for its luxurious lifestyle, casinos, and the prestigious Monaco Grand Prix. The word "Monaco" aligns with the clue.

Games tile

Answer: DOMINO

"Domino" refers to a small, rectangular tile with two square ends, each containing a number of dots (pips) from zero to six. Dominos are commonly used in a variety of games, including the traditional dominoes game where players match tiles with matching numbers of pips. The word "Domino" corresponds directly to the clue.

Garden invertebrate

Answer: WORM

The phrase "Garden invertebrate" suggests a type of small animal commonly found in gardens and lacking a backbone. "Worm" specifically refers to a long, slender invertebrate animal with a soft body, often found burrowing in soil or decomposing organic matter. Worms play a crucial role in soil health and ecosystem functioning. The word "Worm" aligns with the clue.

Gesture of approval


The phrase "Gesture of approval" suggests a physical signal or motion indicating agreement, satisfaction, or approval. "Thumbs up" is a common gesture where the thumb is raised upward, typically to express agreement, approval, or positivity. It is widely recognized as a symbol of affirmation or endorsement. The phrase "Thumbs up" corresponds directly to the clue.

Hard-working person

Answer: TROJAN

The term "Hard-working person" suggests an individual characterized by diligence, perseverance, and industriousness. "Trojan" refers to someone who works tirelessly and relentlessly to achieve their goals, often overcoming obstacles and challenges. The term "Trojan" is derived from the legendary Trojans, known for their resilience and determination during the Trojan War in Greek mythology

Luncheon meat brand

Answer: SPAM

The phrase "Luncheon meat brand" suggests a specific brand of processed meat commonly consumed during meals, particularly lunchtime. "SPAM" is a brand of canned precooked meat product made by Hormel Foods Corporation. It is made primarily from pork shoulder and ham and is widely known and consumed worldwide. The word "SPAM" corresponds directly to the clue.

Nape of the neck

Answer: SCRUFF

"Nape of the neck" refers to the back part of the neck, where the hairline meets the neck. "Scruff" specifically denotes the loose skin or hair at the back of a person's neck, often used informally to refer to this area. The word "Scruff" aligns with the clue

One undertaking progressive changes


The phrase "Undertaking progressive changes" suggests an individual who seeks to implement reforms or improvements, particularly in social, political, or organizational contexts. A "Reformer" is someone who advocates for and initiates changes aimed at improving systems or institutions. The word "Reformer" corresponds directly to the clue.

Part of the small intestine


"Part of the small intestine" refers to a specific section of the digestive tract. The "Duodenum" is the first part of the small intestine, located immediately beyond the stomach. It plays a crucial role in the digestion process, where bile and pancreatic enzymes are mixed with partially digested food. The word "Duodenum" aligns with the clue.

Pitifully miserable


The phrase "Pitifully miserable" suggests a state of extreme unhappiness or distress. "Wretched" describes someone or something in a deplorable or despicable condition, often characterized by extreme poverty, suffering, or despair. It conveys a sense of deep sorrow or misery. The word "Wretched" corresponds directly to the clue.

Post-Roman period


The term "Post-Roman period" refers to the historical era following the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire. The "Dark Ages" is a term used to describe this period, characterized by a lack of written records, economic instability, and cultural decline in Europe. It is often associated with the loss of classical knowledge and the rise of feudalism. The phrase "Dark Ages" aligns with the clue.

Romped, capered


The words "Romped" and "Capered" both suggest playful and energetic movement or activity. "Cavorted" is a verb that means to leap or dance about in a lively and playful manner, often with joy or exuberance. It encompasses the sense of both "romped" and "capered," making it the appropriate word choice for the clue. "Cavorted" aligns with the clue.

Submicroscopic pathogens


Submicroscopic pathogens" suggests tiny infectious agents that cause disease. "Viruses" are submicroscopic infectious agents that can infect living organisms and replicate within their cells. They are not considered living organisms themselves but can cause a wide range of diseases in animals, plants, and even bacteria. The word "Viruses" corresponds directly to the clue.

Undead monster

Answer: ZOMBIE

"Undead monster" suggests a creature that is deceased yet animated or reanimated, often associated with horror fiction. A "Zombie" is a fictional undead creature typically depicted as a reanimated corpse, often craving human flesh or brains. Zombies are a common trope in horror literature, films, and popular culture. The word "Zombie" aligns with the clue.

US-Canada border river


The phrase "US-Canada border river" suggests a river that forms part of the boundary between the United States and Canada. "Niagara" refers to the Niagara River, which serves as a natural border between the two countries. It flows northward from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario and is famous for the Niagara Falls, one of the most well-known natural landmarks in the world. The word "Niagara" corresponds directly to the clue.

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